Anime has a trap character

>anime has a trap character
>their entire personality revolves around the fact that they're a trap
Can't they just be a regular person who just happens to look like a grill?

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If it's a trap, it's not a regular person by definition.

Sure they can. There are many such characters in anime.

But if you give somebody such a big character trait, you better do something with it.

just like irl these people have no personality outside of "haha I'm mentally ill"

90% of anime characters consist of 1 or 2 traits

>anime has mentally ill character
>why don't they act normal

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>looking feminine is a mental illness
Are you retarded?

No. Have you ever even heard of a tranny that doesn't constantly shove their tranniness in your face?
True to life.

It is if you're a make, faggot

Traps are not trannies. They're just guys who happen to look like a girl.

Wasn't the trap from Princess Jellyfish kind of normal? Y'know, apart from the whole trap thing.

mentally ill guys

Objectively wrong, stop being anti-science


>looking feminine by virtue of nothing other than genetics is a mental illness
Autism is a mental illness too, user.

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Gachaman Crowds.

Lurk moar and watch more fucking anime.

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True, but traps often dress like girls for one reason or another.

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>anime has a trap character
>their entire personality revolves around the fact that they're a trap
your strawman into
>looking feminine by virtue of nothing other than genetics is a mental illness
Why are you trannies so mentally ill? Inhibitors fried your neocortex?

>60% suicide rate
>guys w-w-we're not mentally ill

Peoples personalities tend to be driven by their desires. It kinda makes sense unless they are unintentional traps.

Kirito (GGO) is the best counter-example. I laughed hard when he pretended to be a girl. He was a trap for the whole arc, but being a trap wasn't at the center of attention.

It's mostly this.
To be sure, the nature of the medium doesn't allow for much in the way of DEEPly nuanced individualized characters.

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Gatchaman Crowds

>>their entire personality revolves around the fact that they're a trap

I don't think Astolfo's personality revolved around that. It was just sort of what the audience really latched onto.

You're Under Arrest!

Anime is a visual medium.
Their appeal is visual, what else makes them unique in a crowd of women with clothes on?

Are you illiterate? The OP asked why they can't just be a normal person who happens to look like a girl. A normal person who happens to look like a girl wouldn't be mentally ill you fucking idiot. Are you a DBSpic? Do you struggle with the English language?

I'm pretty sure that being a massive attention whore is a requirement to become a trap

What would have changed if he was a boyish boy, or a girl?

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Most anime boys are kinda girly anyway.

Rui is not exactly a regular person

if you have to bitch every 5 seconds about how girly you look like then indeed is a problem

nothing really