>ep 1: gehhh another crappy anime with uderaged girls saving the world
>ep 4: this is actually not quite bad
>ep 12: love it
I want season 2. When will I get season 2?
>ep 1: gehhh another crappy anime with uderaged girls saving the world
>ep 4: this is actually not quite bad
>ep 12: love it
I want season 2. When will I get season 2?
Other urls found in this thread:
Maybe after you have spent 1000$ on gacha.
But I don't have 1000$ !
You better start working your ass off, then!
Thanks user, but I prefer others working instead of me.
Srsly tho, any chances for second season?
What would season 2 even be about? A KanaHiyo rom-com? The dysfunctional adventures of the new elite guard? An ideologically driven spy drama featuring Kaoru and Ellen?
Kanami is a cuck.
That is not the correct communist attitude, comrade!
Still sad
Filthy commies
They brought her back in the game.
Did anything cool happen in the game? Did they befriend Tagitsu-chan?
this doesn't count
speaking of which, was spin off worth watching?
It had some extremely weird suzukas, if you're into that kind of thing.
Tagitsu, Kauru and Elen best girls
Read the prequel LN about the elite guard's Okinawan vacation.
Hag prequel.
Why is Tagitsu so cute?
started watching this, why the two girls look exactly like revue starlight characters?
user, game is the core of this franchise. Anime was just an advert.
Writer said that the latest drama cd is practically a preview for s2 if it happens.
You got your chronology wrong m9.
Post precious Yoyos.
>tfw too busy to read it right now
What was it about?
My favorite Hiyoyon
Post the Kanami one
>>Hiyori trained in various strategies to beat Kanami, and Kanami lost to her
>>but she realizes she only had one pair of chopsticks and one drink, Hiyori refuses to let Kanami feed her or share a drink
Strong, yet bashful. Hiyoyon is what all men should aspire to be.
Is the strongest toji in the LN?
The sexiest toji is.
So Hiyoyon won the tournament. Noice.
Nene died for your sins.
Yes, Suzuka would be pleased that her husband is in it.
I miss Toji threads before the shipperfags and /u/tard started derailing threads with their constant spam, I also miss the ol princess principal thread but oh boy the /u/rifags went balls deep on those after the show finished airing
I beg to differ
The game has only gotten this far.
The dumb homo wouldn't be able to beat the weakest toji in the LN.
You're trying too hard.
The worst part is that those fags believe that they were here from the start and keep pushing good discussion aside
Day 1 threads were all about how Hiyori was NTRing Kanami from Mai. If you want to have an actual discussion, start it.
lo, mai
He doesn't. It's an old, but usually ineffective, shitposting tactic, to claim that yurifags and shippers are preventing discussion. But it's never true and those that claim that never try to start any discussion.
You can ignore /u/fags anytime you want. You just throw an autistic fit the moment you see one and instantly say the discussion is ruined.
This is how things go in every franchise on Yea Forums with yuri subtext.
Enough metaposting.
What is Yea Forums's opinion on
>hfw sticking it in the pooper
Tonight, you.
>expect mai to be the sad neglected childhood friend the entire show
>she almost immediately finds herself a kouhai to molest
>get a rebound
>is still not over Kanami yet
What is her problem?
Kanami's sword is just too big to forget.
Yeah turns out running to back for the first cookie addict you find isn't the best way to move on
Everyone needs to read it so they can realize Maki was actually the coolest toji and not a dumb jobber.
Game PVs are pretty cool
Take me now, Mr. Shidou.
I only just found out about it, but I'll definitely read it. I'm almost starved enough for new content at this point to consider trying the gacha. Almost.
Yuusha collab next month so start saving and never open your wallet because fuck gachatrash.
>coolest toji and not a dumb jobber
>only person she beats in the novel is a jobber obsessed with power like her before the main story of the novel started
>gets blocked from fighting by both Suzuka and Yomi, complete pushover
>lets two exhausted girls be stabbed right in front of her eyes
>can't even finish off Lydia, Yume has to do it for her
S2 will show her become the best toji.
I want a prequel, the Great Aradama incident and the time where toji usually go back home in a body bag are pretty intresting. Hags and moms can be MCs.
Maki dropped Lydia on the spot though. She just wanted to make her suffer for hurting her kouhai instead of finishing the job. I like that the novel starts up with the premise of Hokuto surpassing Maki, and then the two of them get denied every time they try to fight. It really sells the theme that it was a misguided goal. Even if Maki is Hokuto's pinnacle, Maki still sees herself far from the top. And nobody between Maki, Yume, and Yukari are happy despite being the strongest. Better to be weak and enjoy life.
I'd rather see a short OVA about how Yukari and the moms became best friends with a ominous ending
Where the fuck is the doujin?
Have some lesbian hymen eating instead, you manfucker.
>I tell you, kids these days. Always running into the streets for no reason. "LOOK BOTH WAYS!" they teach you that in first grade. It's not my fault! That little nerdy fella just jumped right outta nowhere.
I'm tired of prequels in every form of media.
If I could pick any one show to get a sequel, I genuinely think it would have to be this one. I ended up getting so much more invested in these characters than I ever thought I would.
I like prequels.
I'm afraid of a sequel feeling unnecessary and watering down the experience of the first. The anime was a great self-contained story with closure for its protagonists, even if some side characters and minor plot threads could use more development. If they do go through with Maki being the lead instead of Kanami and Hiyori, that could be neat. But a prequel in the hag days could do a lot for worldbuilding and flesh out the presidents' characters.
The problem with a prequel is that we ultimately know how it'll end. I'd much rather have a sequel, whether it's with the old characters or new ones, than a prequel.
>The problem with a prequel is that we ultimately know how it'll end.
That's not always a problem. Especially if the point isn't the end but rather the start. We're not here to see the ending. We're here to see what Yukari and the moms relationship was. We're exploring character not story.
Not everything needs to be a giant fucking twist.
Prequels are less about whats and more about hows and whys.
What about a prequel in Minato and Kagari's time but starring Mihono's mom so we can finally figure out what the hell happened that caused her to give birth to a baby with a lump of sword for a brain?
no one would want that
Nobody likes whores.
I want more cute Tojis, even the extras were top tier
>Momhono is just some random annoying bit that nobody really likes
I bet she has a nice sword.
I thought Mihono's mom actually fucked her sword.
as expected of the titty monster's school
Anyone has that image of schools with their emblems and buildings?
The only reason I would be slightly against an S2 would be if they were only doing it to have silly shenanigans and not have a new actual plot with expanding the worldbuilding and all that. Basically the stuff that kept me invested in the original show
I wouldn't mind a prequel, sequel or sidequel as long as this qt is in it. The game and anime gave us so many background tojis, it's a shame even in the game events we rarely get to see them.
That fight was so good.
It's amazing what hiring one expert does to sword fighting.
>Not everything needs to be a giant fucking twist.
And not every series needs prequels either. Like says, prequels tend to be about the hows and the whys. They're addendums, essentially. They exist to support what's already there, and in the case of Toji no Miko, it really doesn't need it. There's already a prequel novel about the elite guard, and that is frankly plenty. If they can't find a good way to continue the story, then I'd rather they end the series outright than get bogged down in prequels.
Post the image.
You know the one.
Take this instead.
None of these are the right image.
Our one night stand is over, revue. We're going back to our ex-gfs yuyuyu next month.
I'm not posting the feet image. What's the point, if they're not even Hiyori's?
Are there more Yoshinori Tagitsu pictures?
I wonder when she's going to join the gacha.
>I'm not posting the feet image
If that were possible then think of how many kids Miruya would have by now.
The game will continue past the anime's ending, so there will be some kind of continuation, even if it's considered a different timeline. But I feel differently about prequels, so long as they star new or minor characters and aren't just the series recycling material. The LN features the elite guard heavily, but that's partly because Maki and Yume have strong ties to the two new girls. It's just as easy for a sequel to feel like it's not offering anything new as it is for a prequel. Toji no Miko isn't one character's saga, so there's room to explore even if it goes backwards.
NO! Those feet are a false idol, which obscures the true nature of Hiyorihime.
Hateful feets.
Has there been sloppy tonsil-hockey yet?
What are they doing?
Suzuka is the luckiest girl in the world.
My gaydar detected a tnm thread and I came as fast as I could
You know, I tried flipping this 180 degrees before I posted it. But the laws of nature have spoken.
Giving Yume a little sister.
Training their tongue muscles.
>Giving Yume a little sister.
Girls can't breed girls!
Szkz gave up her special sword so Maki could breed her, like Kanami and Hiyori's mothers.
Thread over, everyone go home.
Szzzz is weird
Geez, they sure are taking their time.
>mfw USA conspiracies and Chinese katana
>more sword autism and lore
Thanks for the translation user
Why is Yume voluntarily touching Yomi?
I want to sexually destroy Yoyo
Give our uniforms back, you slut
They should add the taco squad to the game.
I want to financially destroy Yoyo.
>The game will continue past the anime's ending, so there will be some kind of continuation, even if it's considered a different timeline.
Gacha is a terrible medium for storytelling imo. It's no replacement for a novel, manga or anime.
>It's just as easy for a sequel to feel like it's not offering anything new as it is for a prequel.
And that's precisely why I'd prefer a meaningful sequel or nothing. Because the anime stands so well on its own, there's no real need for a prequel, and a rehashed sequel would be no better.
>Toji no Miko isn't one character's saga, so there's room to explore even if it goes backwards.
At least to me, the main cast (the core six and the elite guard) are the draw of the series, not the extended cast or the setting at large. I'd be very sceptical of any addition that abandons them entirely. I definitely wouldn't want a hag prequel to be a major entry into the series, for instance. Maybe a short novel, but definitely not a two cour anime. It's just too tangential.
To be clear here, I don't mind prequels in themselves - they're neat enough as extra material. I just don't like it becoming the main "output" of a franchise, which is what a full-length animated series would be in my mind.
How did this start?
No idea, I wasn't the first one.
Hiyorihime is worshipped in many strange ways.
Tojis should get new blood.
They have prime unused hags right here
Sana is too busy abusing her students.
Yume loves her clammy cold blooded onee-san.
Probably going to get in before Ayumu. Or Hana.
How can it be abuse if it's Sana doing it?
Kanami pumps. Kanami dumps.
Nigga, you already got 2 cours.
And that ain't enough.
Suzuka's anime will be announced one day. You'll see!
>tfw there will never be such attention to detail in fighting animation ever again seen on TV
Maki's anime is already pseudo-confirmed so there's no need for szk's.
Maki's excercise anime. 24x24 minutes of sweaty Maki and Szk stealing her smelly used workout clothes.
>everyone who watches anime will think it's stupid and gay because it's not overly flashy and full of big beams and yelling
Suzuka's anime featuring Maki.
mini toji bro
Pseudo-confirmed? What have I missed?
I would love this. Maybe it would be like how Ga-Rei Zero prequel was better than the original.
Maki appreciation seems to have increased tenfold well after the anime ended.
I appreciated her and her manly body from the start.
Kanami is such a loser.
If Maki was my mom things would be different around here
Karen-chan, it's time for your nap. Go back to mommy.
Hoody Maki was the coolest though.
Maki can't have an anime or her harem will keep growing bigger.
The anime writer said a recent drama CD could potentially be considered a prologue for a sequel to the anime, and it's supposed to focus on Maki.
Hoody Maki was too powerful so they had to give her back her jobber outfit.
>Maki can't have an anime or her harem will keep growing bigger.
Szk will just have to start culling.
Hokuto belongs to Suu.
She can't sleep now, she's playing Sherlock Holmes in this week's event.
Wow, Hokuto sure is pure autism. I was expecting sword and autism since this is toji novel and she still managed to exceed my expectation
>minato slashed bank robbers, probably took like a few seconds
>Got Tojis banned from non-aradama crimes
I wonder if people suddenly reremember that Tojis can be scary if they want. Still, this might be how those hard to draw sword sheaths positions started.
The author mentioned that, besides seeing Maki as an enemy, Hokuto also worships her. That's not going to go away even if Suu is eating her taco.
Was it a big event?
It's supposed to focus on Maki, specifically from Kanami and Hiyori's perspective. It probably means she and Suzuka (?) will be promoted to proper main characters, at least, but I wonder if they'd really let her usurp Kanami as the protagonist?
If Maki becomes the protagonist, would that make Szk the heroine? That's a weird thought.
I'd like to see Kanami dressed up as Arthur.
>focus on Maki
>specifically from Kanami and Hiyori's perspective
How could this work, even?
Kanami and Hiyori gossiping about Maki over tea and chocolate mints.
i forgot this was a mobage too
wtf I don't remember the CG fights looking this good? Is this interpolated 60 fps? It looks smother than I remembered.
Long story semi-short, they get a sword that can transfer things to and from the netherworld, which is supposed to be used for Tagitsuhime, and use it to bring back Yume's noro soul thing. The sword also accidentally gets lost in the process. Yume wakes up in a big teary reunion with Maki and Szk. They now seriously act like her doting mom and dad, and Yume really wants to save Yomi so they can be a family again. Also Yume's body is struggling to deal with her soul thing coming back and she's coughing up blood again. And the Mokusa girls are still pissed at her.
They're joining some special mission with the elite guard.
>Hiyori has fused with Ichikishimahime and "defeated" Tagitsuhime
>"Kanami, I've become an evil god. Are we equals now?"
>"lol no"
Was this the best moment in the anime?
>Yuzuki said that Yukina was too cruel in forcing her hand
>Yukina didn't know what se was talking about
Best scene right there.
I liked the heartfelt moments between them better.
It's up there but this is still the best
Hiyori won this fight
Hiyoyon a BEST.
Yoyo tops! She really tops!
training in yours dreams > evil god powers
Best two out of three?
Kanami weakness is probably new and unknown techniques.
She also likely haven't gotten rid of her major bad habit
>The flowers that Yukina gave Yomi in ep23 are Christmas Roses, which bloom around Yomi's birthday. Its meanings are "sympathy, healing, please don't forget me". It's a flower given to people who are silent but kindhearted. It's said that, long ago, the smell of this flower would bring crazy people back to their senses.
Yomi had too many good scenes.
It was, until this happened.
Suzuka best girl
Give her a swimsuit to wear
It's sad that the advert is better.
Yomi...Yomi had a hard life.
It's really not unexpected when it's a gacha game. But also because it works the other way around. The game has spent too long giving an abridged version of the anime story. It might as well be an extended advertisement for the anime. I can't wait for it to actually do its own thing again. The game characters need to stop being the B team in their own game.
Please be patient with Mihomo and her gang. They're trying their best.
I thought Mihono was supposed to have the most potential out of all the Toji, it's too bad she hasn't done anything cool yet.
Based and red-pilled post
lesbians love her
She can have her sister's hand-me-downs.
If the trailer's anything to go by, she'll finally get her moment soon.
I wonder how other countries saw this Toji verse Japan in earlier times. That one tiny country where magic swords, super priestesses and demon beasts are real?
Also just realized sharp Katana memes are real in the verse. They might even have more movies about them.
I think it's a crying shame the the cutest character is relegated to a shitty gacha game.
Yeah, it's not even translated. Meanwhile in Revue Starlight I'm having a blast playing PvP and reading stories.
>it's not even translated.
I guess it's nice that both franchises had one success, then.
>having a blast playing PvP
You don't have to lie to our Todjer friends.
Shoot, I've only spent $400.
>I'm having a blast playing PvP
The Tojis are still alive, which is better than some other ads.
Well, I feel like I'm doing decently. I've only spent like twenty dollars on the game.
I hope they save Yomi in the mobage and that becomes the canon continuity for S2.
Yes! This is what I want to see!
Who drew that?
I wish Inori Minase voiced a butai shoujo.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Toji, is in fact, Miko/Toji, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Toji no Miko. Toji is not an an occupation unto itself, but rather another skill set of a fully qualified Miko made useful by the utsushi, jin'i and vital okatana components comprising a full proficiency as defined by the Five Schools.
Many sword users use a modified version of the Miko system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Miko which is widely used today is often called “Toji”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the Miko system, developed by the ancient Miko. There really is a Toji, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the abilities they use.
Toji is the proficiency: the training in the system that hones the abilities of the okatana user. The proficiency is an essential part of the occupation but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a fully qualified shrine maiden. Toji is normally used in combination with the Miko occupation: the whole system is basically Miko with Toji added, or Miko/Toji. All the so-called “Toji” girls are really girls who are Miko/Toji.
At least we have butai gabu
It's rotoscoped/motion capture.
Kanami's ass looks fat as hell in that picture. nice
Ema feeds her girls well.
Imagine how many bentos she gets from beating other Minoseki students on a daily basis
Who choco mint here?
k lol
Toji x YuYuYu is incest.
incest is best
Bow you shits!
When will Maki realize it's her duty to marry into the Konohana family?
It was pretty shit though.
>people use their katanas like pickaxes
>hideous CGI fights
>boring plot that introduces concepts just to throw them away soon after
Shidou Suzuka
Konohana Maki
The best part was that it was all a bluff.
She's so fucking cute.
gonna need you to elaborate on points 1 and 3
Tojis in hoodies.
Suzuka is pretty cool. She disposes of former allies once they're past the point of no return and doesn't afraid of anything.
You mean was allowed to win after her opponent fatally wounded herself and was still giving them trouble 1vs2.
I started it and then someone apparently decided to convert to the one true faith.
>no sword
It's shit.
Shoo, homosexual.
Says the one who is sexual for Homo.
I was worried this franchise will die but looks like it's doing fine.
I'll translate: "I couldn't follow the plot and wanted sword beams." They had experts posting explanations and videos of the sword fighting techniques used week by week, and you can look up demonstrations of each style and see the same moves used throughout the fights. Even the philosophies of the various schools of swordsmanship were worked into the characters. It's almost a shame how esoteric some of this stuff is.
Hiyoyon is my religion.
Scientology-tier shit.
Horizon Alliance!
I remember there being a chart with school names and who went to which + pictures. Anyone can post it?
Hiyoyon is the one true path to enlightenment. Deep down, we all know this to be true.
Hail our new Satan!
The alliance is getting too powerful. They have 3 of the strongest toji now.
Everyone would have loved Ayumu if they just made her look cooler.
Only her orbiter likes her.
Don't talk badly about Ayumu's Friend.
>have god tier legs
>always wear track pants
What a literal waste.
She's wearing pantyhoses that don't look unicolored, user.
They're cool pantyhose.
Weird pantyhose.
Weird is cool.
Who will win in a fight between Hiyoyon, Ogura, Hikari and Ernesta?
Best mangaka has best taste in Toji
Somebody please teach this girl to stop smiling at weird times.
>No matter how many ants you gathered, they could not stop a lion.
I don't think it's true. Just eyeballing, a couple millions of ants would be able to kill and eat a lion.
Sex with Hiyori-chan!
Definitely those delicious side characters were one of the best parts of the show
Twintail-chan was the best.
I really like those nursing or maternity uniforms
Background girls are best.
Read the prequel novel and now I'm wondering if Lydia's returning powers were from tamahagane in the armour? Or from black box with noro? Like, could academy presidents get their powers back if they put lots of tamahagane in contact with their bodies?
And the electric model, it didn't have tamahagane power source, but did it have noro-driver black box?
Goofy Kaoru most adorable
W-what are they doing?
It should have been because of the tamahagane reacting with her. I think all the storm armor has noro incorporated in it though. The anime mentioned it was invented thanks to a breakthrough after Yukari took over and started researching noro. I guess there's now room for them to fix the tamahagane version and bring the hags into the fight.
Oh yes
Finally a character with the same birthday as me
Weirdo and the worst toji.
>Choco mint cookies
Haven't you ever had thin mints?
No. I was just noticing a detail is missed before.
Why does Nene looks so stoned?
I fucked it too hard the night before.
Weirdo and best toji.
Nene is not "it" you piece of shit. Fucking die
It's an aradama.
That's enough Yea Forums for today,
unless its mods for a porn game. then get fucked gaijin
How new
how big is Kaoru sword?
Nene is Nene, not "it". Please be more respectful for perverted little guy.
Out of curiosity, is there any reason (besides kawaii factor) why only girls are beign trained to fight with okatana? Are there any male okatana users?
Same reason Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero - japanese gods like young girls and give them blessings, which fall off the older they get. Guys don't get blessings at all.
Men already have dicks, it'd be weird if they got another one.
Kaoru's 40cm sausage.
Swords are too straight to work for guys. The okatana has to chose its user, and most of them are lolicons.
Nene's gender is onahole.
CGI will always look bad, maybe the show would not have flopped if they invested in hand drawn animation.
Don't delude yourself, it wouldn't have sold either way. Some shows this year with excellent animation don't even reach 5k.
Multimedia franchises don't only rely on anime sales to determine their success anyways.
Wouldn't have mattered. A lot of Japanese dropped it at episode 1 because they wanted a standard ass tournament arc with lots of exposition and downtime instead of constant plot progression. But the show has gotten a cult following after finishing in large part thanks to the attention to detail. If their priorities had been swapped and it was just generic anime swordfights with high budget 2D animation, there's no guarantee it would have been remembered any better or been any more profitable. A 2 cour anime original is always going to be a big risk.
The only good Toji porn.
>have flopped
>invested in hand drawn animation.
How out of touch can you be? To get the fight scenes with the same amount of fluid movement for both characters and the camera they'd have to spend many more manhours. Way too many manhours for something that's not a franchise with 30 years of history. It was a simple choice - use CGI, or not have a series out at all.
I just want another season brothers. also what is the status on the light novel that one user was translating?
How would you read it when you can't even read the thread
I've bought it, but haven't got to it yet since I'm reading Adachi to Shimamura and don't want to stop. Also Three Houses takes a lot of my time.
thanks, I got here late so I speed read the thread I'll punish myself by not starting to read it for 2 hours
I am super surprised the Japanese Imperial Army didn't use Tojis in their wars in China,etc.
They didn't want to sully their noble tojis with filthy chink blood.
Yuyuyu died with spyce
Imagine Yuzuki and Yukina in Tama powered Storm Armour. Both fighting Aradama with a deathwish each using the Okatana that were once used by the 2 they lost. Old hags reunites, with Netherword Minato and Kagura, does a rear guard action to buy main protag team time.
Make it happen! Bonus of the 3 Himes returns as 3 Lolis instead.
Still remember 2chan, Anons asked themselves why they didn't picked the Anime up earlier.
The views skyrocketed during the last 5-6 eps.
Someone about Darling did something that pissed off a number of viewers, which in turn gave TnM a chance.
Wait who drew this? Berserk? Good lord, I can getting images of Kanami being Guts and Hiyori is Griffin. And Kaoru getting the Casca treatment.
The mangaka of Shigurui
Just found out a few mins back. He is damn skilled.
Sidenote: Kaoru is bad influence.
It has a new story announced for the mobage and a new character. A new 4-koma is in the works as well.
They also announced new character songs that will be released later this year and talked about possibly holding an orchestra to play the OST.
And they still have three new projects to be announced. It's far from dead.
Spyce on the other hand...
What happened to Spyce? Theres more hype built around it TnM could only dream off.
Hackahiro happened.
There wasn't really that much hype, it's just that it was a series drawn designed by Namori and written by Takahiro so it already had some following, but outside of those circles it wasn't really known and the trailer didn't grab that much attention.
Is the ln really the NoWaYu of tojis?
Not really, a NoWaYu of Toji would probably be about Yukari and her generation, or even goes further in time to when the very first Tojis appeared.
The LN is like Kanami and Hiyori but gay.