
Only a few hours remain until the next chapter.

Attached: 1564778262829.jpg (1106x681, 233K)

Other urls found in this thread:


~ 48 hours.

Dumb Pineapple.

Attached: 1536668747427.jpg (428x600, 42K)

bros.....is.... it..... wednesday...... yet...................................................................................

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It is in Japan.

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Attached: _uchi_emiri_watashi_ga_motenai_no_wa_dou_kangaetemo_omaera_ga_warui_drawn_by_meis_terameisu_c1ce626e (752x1012, 569K)

New chapter when



Is Akane the most stylish Watamote?

Ok wtf is going on?
Why is my peepee so hard?
Are women in men cloth always that sexy or is her creep charm?
Tomoko needs some good tenderly love sex desu.

She is virgin chad that has her own harem of girls. Of course you would be attracted to her.

Tomoko pulls it off well since she's not particularly feminine but still cute.

Marry Akane

i just want more itouxkotomi adventures, or literally anything that isn't a asuka chapter

Attached: itou stare.jpg (650x650, 244K)

Thought it got delayed a week

stfu ucchi


Attached: Ucchi gross.png (710x364, 240K)

along with Komi-cute, yes

Attached: 1564580246012.png (768x1024, 475K)

Do I get any fucking manga this week?

>sock and sandals

it has already been three weeks
there will be one this week

This is how you get a yuri harem.

Nico just told me it's an Asuka chapter, sorry

Attached: 1536056503776.jpg (1032x1457, 212K)

It is actually an Asuka chapter, but Yuri-chan steals all the attention in just one panel like usual

Attached: 1550723206619.jpg (800x751, 159K)

I wonder how warm could my head get if she put her legs around my head haha.

Attached: 1550717213959.png (287x343, 128K)

When did that happen? Shizuku stole all the spotlight last time.

Nice. Finally a chapter focused on tomoko rejecting asuka!

Attached: Ucchi_Emiri.jpg (471x668, 136K)

Will she at least let her down easy?

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I don't understand Itou's hair clips. Why would anyone want a huge central hair bang like that?

It's to keep her third eye hidden.

Shut up Fang. Go back to your cuckdesk.

Poor Pineapple, she keeps losing her friends to the mojyo menace.

chapter literally when?

its controlling her pervert side so she doesn't become ucchi2.0

Attached: itou horny.jpg (850x754, 73K)

>school librarian not so tough


Attached: School bully.png (1400x1400, 1.15M)

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Koto is really lucky to have a cute stalker like Itou.

Attached: they_cute.jpg (850x638, 129K)

Itou is really lucky to have such a cute Girlfriend like kotomi

Attached: 1565033166101.jpg (675x1125, 453K)

>Someone wished for (you)s

Attached: ECQZ_moUcAA_f3l.jpg (1536x2048, 532K)

>Only a few hours remain until the next chapter.
Fuck you!
For a moment I believed.
Ruined my night user, what I do now?

I hope they start using her. I want to see her and her friend hang out with Tomoko.

Reminder to ignore the KomiItou shipperfag. He's a certified retard that doesn't even know the correct usage of a priori.

Short hair Tomoko, Yay or Nay?

Attached: short hair tomoko.jpg (1020x1447, 176K)

rude, please apologize

What did Asuka say?

One of the best things about Tomoko visually is how disheveled looking her hair is, she barely looks Tomoko there.

Delete your post and then delete yourself.

Attached: 1557167638511.png (578x488, 81K)

At least there's some (flimsy) evidence based on how they changed Itou from tard wrangler to obsessed autist. More than YoshiMako.

What if it was short and messy?

There isn't evidence for either. Itou has an encyclopedic knowledge of her friend Komi but there's nothing romantic about their interactions. /u/ fags are just reaching because they can't accept the idea of girls just being friends so they impulsively ship girls together even if it seems ridiculous to ordinary readers

Don't get me wrong, I hate KomItou as much as I hate YoshiMako. I'm saying there's "evidence" in that there's something there to twist around while there's really nothing for YoshiMako shippers to go off of.

Honestly I'm just annoyed at the changes done to Itou and it's one of the few parts of the series (along with Fuuka in general) that I'm pretty critical of. I liked her as the plain, normal, low key girl who had to put up with a disgusting retard like Komi-something. Suddenly changing it to autistic obsession with her was just lame.

kotomi finally has a chance of getting to fuck someone and you are sad about that ?

Attached: itou's pet.jpg (675x900, 90K)

Go post about your fanon yuri ship on /u/ and stop shitting up these threads with meaningless shipperfag delusions. Can't you talk about and enjoy this like a normal person?

What is with the sudden trend of short hair Tomoko? The maid thing was based on merch at least, this is out of nowhere.

Attached: ECYz7pLUIAE00h4.jpg (700x1130, 169K)

dude you are the one that posted about komitou first, are you serious ?

Get lost faggot. Someone with your kind of idiotic ship obsessed mentality doesn't belong here.

if you hate komiitoufag so much, why dont you marry him?

New chapter in 21 hours.

I don't like her so yes.

Attached: ECZlcBjU8AA4d0O.jpg (1464x2048, 401K)

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Attached: full_metal_jacket.png (700x600, 225K)

You should've known no one in this manga is really normal.

Short hair associates more with dykes. Also her mom has short hair so it is inevitable.

New chapter in 17.5 hours.

She asked Tomoko to sit on ber face.

New chapter in 16 hours. Hopefully it's an incest chapter.

Attached: INCEST_VERY_NOT_OKAY.jpg (1000x800, 189K)

Hopefully they've been practising in the interim.

Attached: 51638153_2159837737680113_2366860348845379913_n.jpg (480x480, 37K)

Post more Watamote incest while the other anons are away.

Attached: incest_pairing.jpg (1000x1200, 382K)

Attached: best_watamote_couple.jpg (848x1200, 200K)

I can't believe that Kurocest hasn't been dethroned as most patrician ship in almost a decade, even though there are far more characters now.

Attached: still the best watamote ship.jpg (595x738, 163K)

Kurocest makes my heart all warm and nice.

Attached: best.jpg (750x682, 292K)

Oh god post more. Keep going lads.

Attached: tomoko_tomoki.jpg (1000x1000, 318K)

What do you think they squabble about when they're fucking?

Attached: bd058e7a02b6e3afd4d2e3c3aaa72a8f.png (735x817, 377K)

Probably about their everyday struggles, stuff like studies. And maybe bicker about doing housework.

Attached: tomoko_x_tomoki.jpg (800x1000, 241K)

Might as well embrace the role of generic male protagonist!

Fuck no

Look at this cute couple.

Attached: tomoko_x_tomoki_stand.jpg (1000x1300, 296K)

Attached: tomoko_tomoki_colour.jpg (1638x2048, 405K)

The cutest!

Attached: 114035474-352-k489550.jpg (352x550, 26K)

Disgusting. If Tomoko ever touched her brother in that way Tomoki's future wife would never forgive her.

Attached: Ch92_yoshida3.png (444x474, 138K)

Minami is correct, as usual. People hate her because she tells them the truth.

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Attached: IMG_20190821_074453.jpg (1425x2048, 470K)

What the hell you did, Fuuka?

Attached: IMG_20190821_074457.jpg (1425x2048, 474K)

Is going to be a long day.

Can't wait for another casual YoshiMako chapter

Attached: 67750005_p2.jpg (768x768, 173K)

12 hours boys.

12 hours for the fang arc to get started I can feel it.

Attached: 1561398819918.jpg (900x1126, 332K)

So we've got the Ucchi gang, what should these three be called?

Attached: 1547107616212.png (711x382, 78K)

Finally! I genuinely wonder what character developments would happen to her before the end of Watamote. Surely there will be one.

I can't wait till this manga is over and I can laugh at you for being such a pathetic shipperfag.
A Minami/Mako chapter would be good. Anything would be good actually, aside from another fucking chapter with worst girl Fuuka.

Asuka Squad

11 hours left.

based, fuck asukamoko chapters we need more yoshimako

We need more Tomoki x Yoshida.

Attached: tomoki_yoshida.jpg (800x740, 172K)

Cute gopnik couple.


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Attached: ECgLKk3UwAYYXer.jpg (1100x700, 108K)

>tomoki finally gets a girlfriend
>which means kotomi has 0% chances of fucking him now
>itou finally has a chance to fuck kotomi
could it be, the most blessed timeline ?

Attached: itou is wet.jpg (1093x1901, 430K)

Attached: ECf_0QTUYAAl8xO.jpg (567x862, 87K)

Can you please shut the fuck up already? You say the same dumb shit every thread despite the fact you only started this retarded KotoItou thing very recently. Stop trying to pair up every girl because you're addicted to yuri shipping and just read the fucking manga

Will it not be yuri this time?

It's not incest if they're family.

Attached: tomoki just a prank bro.jpg (778x778, 389K)

It will be a wholesome Nemo chapter where her and Tomoko make a lewd deepfake of Akane

Attached: PineappleMindbreakCollage.jpg (2048x2048, 534K)

shit pairing

>said the increasingly nervous YoshiMako shitter

the more you get mad at me the happier i become

Attached: komitou icecream.jpg (780x900, 113K)

Wrong. Yurifags can't understand the beauty of such a pure, natural attraction.

What was the prank?

>imagine being a nigger who can not accept that Itou could fall in love with Koto.

Attached: 1526657112549.jpg (191x285, 24K)

Dressed up as a ghost and spooked her into wetting herself, just like Kii-chan did.

Attached: 1431050513588.jpg (814x354, 110K)

>s-she's going to date Itou, it's not like I only have a superficial interest in this manga because of my obsession with yuri shipping.
Keep being the reason these threads are turning to shit, along with the YoshiMako fag. Komi is straight and she's going to win Tomoki's heart hopefully

Attached: KomiSkipsDownTheHall.png (540x349, 165K)

she already is, the hard thing is making kotomi fall in love with Itou

Attached: pervert itou.png (1024x768, 349K)

So is Asuka the corrupt Police Officer that does Yuri in?

Attached: 76382671_p0.jpg (697x960, 150K)

>she's going to win tomoki's heart
user... you can't keep lying to yourself, tomoki is going to fuck dicky-chan

Attached: dyke.png (466x354, 134K)

why would anyone still read watamote after it got tainted by yurishit?

why would anyone re-read watamote before it got tainted by yurichads ?

Attached: nemo.jpg (1387x1172, 149K)

He *didn't* wear a condom! What a joker!

Attached: a2a82b1df2a0b1356a96662175fb5469.jpg (500x500, 48K)

You really have to ignore the demented shipperfags in these threads since they don't actually pay attention to the other parts of the manga. The manga is pretty good and the character development is really well done. It's just that these faggots vastly overstate the yuri content in Watamote. In fact there's only one confirmed lesbian (and one ambiguous yuribai one) in the cast and she's constantly used as a gag, albeit somewhat sympathically but still as a gag. Also they don't know the difference between girls loving each other and just being friends since their brains have been fried by yuri.

>The manga is pretty good and the character development is really well done.
>Tomoko gets a harem
>character development is really well done
let me guess, your first manga?

i kinda feel bad for you not gonna lie, they should make a spin-off that isn't a yuri manga so you could be happy

Attached: yoshida.png (318x471, 83K)

Don't insult her.
She dindu nuffin.

Attached: 1555050164586.jpg (575x854, 67K)

A harem is not one gag lesbian character who the MC is barely even aware of.

I've been reading manga for far longer than you, condescending cunt. As for 'harem', go fuck yourself you uninformed faggot. She's made friends (maybe slightly too many since the cast feels a bit bloat) but her group of friends does not resemble a yuri harem.
Watamote is not a yuri manga no more than Horimiya is one for the female mc having a girl with a crush on her.
Why would I insult second best girl? She's such a cute autist.

Attached: YuriLikesFries.png (296x416, 70K)

I really wish you could stop lying to yourself.

Attached: 75880457_p11.jpg (437x768, 139K)

How am I wrong?

Don't engage with him. He just sees this manga for what he wants it to be and that's about it. I doubt he even enjoys the manga when he isn't reading a chapter without anything in it to fuel his yuri fetish.

yeah, thats why she has way more filthy lesbians wanting to fuck her

also ucchi isn't a gag character anymore

Attached: nemoko2.jpg (680x588, 73K)

>Watamote is not a yuri manga

So K-on must be a yuri manga because Mugi is ambiguously gay? Face it, as of right now all the so-called evidence of Watamote being yuri is merely conjecture. Only Ucchi has been confirmed as a lesbian. Unless that changes in the near future Watamote is not a yuri manga. If you think otherwise you're better off on /u/

it issssssssssssssssssssssss

Attached: 1543982171403.jpg (549x767, 66K)

I seriously hope no one here genuinely believes this is a harem series, because you're all gonna be pretty disappointed when this series ends and Tomoko did not fuck her friends.

As if lots of harem series don’t end with the MC not fucking any of the girls.

Attached: ECgrw-rUIAAltx9.jpg (3295x2308, 830K)

/u/ is used to that kind of disappointment. They'll latch on to any series they think could turn into yuri then complain as if they've been mislead when it doesn't. They really should stick to manga that is explicitly labelled as yuri or at least the subtext ones published in yuri magazines.

>Tomoko did not fuck her friends.
tomoko's friends are going to fuck themselves tho

Attached: 1564607386813.png (2000x2000, 2.69M)

With this broken duo, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore their friendship to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created.

Attached: 75873318_p0.jpg (1200x1662, 487K)

Tomoko's friends are going to fuck her, not the other way around.

Attached: __katou_asuka_kuroki_tomoko_nemoto_hina_and_tamura_yuri_watashi_ga_motenai_no_wa_dou_kangaetemo_omae (915x665, 289K)

Yuri doesn't need to be friends with a loser like Fang. She needs to be humbled, make her reflect on what a shitty bitch she has been.
>thinking Yuri or Nemo will be gay
All that yuri rotted your brain /u/ user.

Attached: MinamiGetsHerUglyFangTakenOut.jpg (999x1029, 120K)

its tomoko's fault for being a pussy magnet

Attached: raging lesbians.jpg (750x1090, 259K)

lol, the more you guys complain about YoshiMako, the more Nico includes YoshiMako. Never stop complaining.

Attached: D5pMAZfU8AEjwJK.jpg (1430x1000, 184K)

>thinking Nemo ISN'T gay

Attached: imagine the SMELL.png (840x1140, 614K)

>thats why she has way more filthy lesbians wanting to fuck her
Such as? The only other character I can think of that has shown any sign at all of being sexually interested in her is Asuka, and that can just be explained by her wanting to let Tomoko know she's fine with her perverted behavior.

>thinking Nemo IS gay
Oh dear oh dear

Attached: Nemo.png (715x1000, 723K)

There really need to be a "I woke up covered in bitches" edit with Tomoko.

Attached: __katou_asuka_kuroki_tomoko_nemoto_hina_tamura_yuri_and_uchi_emiri_watashi_ga_motenai_no_wa_dou_kang (1000x599, 422K)

>includes YoshiMako
>Yoshida and Mako are in the same chapter together
>Oh my god they talked to each other that basically confirms my ridiculous headcanon
Nico isn't going to make YoshiMako happen, you could spam 1000 pieces of yuri fanart and it would change nothing.

Attached: 1562663414021.jpg (900x1480, 245K)

I'm confused. People always call this a yuri manga, but there's not a single gay character female or male in the entire thing.

Attached: 1522429884068.jpg (270x400, 104K)

its just a joke haha that went too far

You know what Nico will do? Your dad works as their assistant I bet.

Attached: DxxG_rSUwAEug36.jpg (1759x2048, 393K)

Well how bout that.

Attached: Blank+_4e709607536bb4a383c6be4e5ebe21e2[2].jpg (720x408, 28K)

Ucchi is the gay

Attached: __kuroki_tomoko_and_uchi_emiri_watashi_ga_motenai_no_wa_dou_kangaetemo_omaera_ga_warui_drawn_by_zato (850x1155, 165K)

Imagine marrying A-chan

She is, she's gay for me

Ucchi is very obviously gay for Tomoko, but other than that it's just female characters being affectionate enough with each other to attract yurifags.

Fuuka is LEWD

Attached: ECekml_U8AABAl8.jpg (1448x2048, 239K)

someone NEEDS to redraw this with tomoko

Attached: RAGING LESBIANS.jpg (640x924, 201K)

Fuuka, Mako, Ucchi, Itou, Nemo and MAAAYBE tomoko are all gay

is there any character more based then mako the pussy slayer ?

Attached: big titty mako wife.png (900x1271, 742K)

Yoshida won't take this laying down

Attached: D9ee-A1U4AAfKZM.jpg (900x1271, 230K)

Fuuka committed the sin of falling for her mistress

Attached: 75657230_p2.png (844x1194, 351K)

Yoshida is too pure to be a top

Attached: yoshimako3.png (1150x1600, 916K)

Huh, I had no idea there was a follow up

Attached: __hirasawa_shizuku_igarashi_yuusuke_nanashima_nozomu_shinomiya_hayato_kuroki_tomoko_and_etc_watashi_ (933x1318, 231K)

Ucchi is too cute

Attached: Ucchi kissu.png (580x1031, 268K)

Go fuck yourself, a priori retard

I hope a boy answers her request for boyfriend applications soon.

It would be funny just to see Ucchi reaction to it. She'd probably assume Tomoko is a sex crazed maniac that doesn't care how she wets her beak.

One already has

Attached: 74970078_p0.jpg (1075x1518, 316K)

Don't worry, she'll get a cute girl boyfriend.

Attached: __kuroki_tomoko_and_yoshida_masaki_watashi_ga_motenai_no_wa_dou_kangaetemo_omaera_ga_warui_drawn_by_ (985x1688, 512K)

Itou and Nemo? Are you high or just stupid?

Attached: 74643933_p3.jpg (600x1200, 376K)

that dude is made for tomoki's big hard cock

Attached: 74643933_p4.jpg (600x1200, 310K)

Ucchi would have to erase every man in existence, its the only way

Attached: Ucchi in a mask.png (302x481, 93K)

Tomoki might have gotten the wrong impression, but Wada considers their relationship strictly professional

Attached: 76077278_p0.png (1000x1200, 183K)

Boys have no chance

Attached: ECf0qJUUEAMSps3.jpg (1092x1500, 169K)

How many times have the boys destroyed his boypussy ?
it ain't gay if its just bros being bros

Attached: gay shota.jpg (659x754, 65K)

You ever wonder why the boys are always late after going to the lockers?

Attached: D82SPS9UYAAty7i.jpg (284x537, 19K)

i sure do wonder what is happening in there

Attached: Wada.jpg (575x800, 68K)

that dude is literally begging for Kiyota's cock

Attached: Shota.png (178x185, 63K)

Zero times. Wada only fucks old Japanese businessmen

incorrect, wada is in fact MY onahole

Glasses please calm down, Wada belongs to every man

Attached: 74797089_p6.jpg (2312x1599, 746K)

i guess it can't be helped, wada is a big cockslut afterall

Attached: Cockslut wada.png (362x370, 68K)

>Glasses being gay
>not just pathetic /u/ fags trying to make the boy that previously had a girlfriend out to be gay because they're afraid he might actually get with Tomoko
The dark horse is coming.

EVERY watamote boy is gay for wada, that is canon

Attached: Gay.jpg (1000x1000, 505K)

also you have to be pretty braindead to think glasses would actually get tomoko, tomoko is either fucking asuka/ucchi or is going to stay single

Attached: wada the eternal onahole.jpg (2388x1668, 1.02M)

>previously had a girlfriend
>makes character not gay
/y/ would like to have a word with you privately in the locker room.

Attached: 72816455_p24.jpg (1199x1056, 230K)

It’s not gay if the boy is cute, and that’s from the Bible.

Tomoko isn't going to date Ucchi or Asuka. Ucchi the reason being obvious and Asuka because it would be a disservice to the majority of the readers (yes Nico aren't trying to pander to them but they understand how jarring a shift in tone required for Tomoko to date Asuka would be). A no romance ending is likely their preferred ending since they presumably don't want the series to be seen only as a romance manga by the end

user im going to die, my dick has been hard for 1 whole hour after i looked at this image

He swore off girls after she broke his heart on New Year's.

Attached: 1549048354230.png (870x1236, 227K)

tomoko is going to marry nemo and create the best visual novel ever, that is a fact

Attached: horny.jpg (900x1117, 161K)

If Glasses was straight and Akane wasn't mindbroken he could of had a slice of that pineapple.

Attached: 72321427_p0.png (1048x1388, 516K)

Wada literally needs to become my sissy boyfriend RIGHT NOW

Attached: Shota time.jpg (1125x1200, 142K)

literally made to be mindbroken by BBC

Attached: wadawadawadawada.png (350x330, 54K)

>ourboi glasses getting the makocchi
Make it happens Nico.

that's wada you braindead retard

To be honest, I wouldn't put it past Tomoko to adopt a short haircut simply because it's easier to take care of.

Yoshida would break glasses in half if he did that

YoshiMako fag please. Yoshida has never once thought of Mako in that way. Keep your delusions on /u/ before you ruin these threads anymore by parading around your mental disorder as fact.

>manga is filled with yuri couples
>not a single yaoi couple
its not fair

Well, This is actually a pairing that can happen if there's somewhat development between the two. Plus, she has Tomoko's blessing (although that doesn't count for much).

the only person ruining the thread is you, literally the only person complaining

yoshida wont fuck you user

Attached: yoshimako cooking.jpg (1336x2048, 418K)

True, she had been assigned by Imae to protect her chastity until Imae could take it herself in college. What Imae didn't account for was Yoshida being the one to steal her.

Attached: p-03.jpg (424x900, 219K)

fucking TOMOKI x yoshida can happen, but yoshida x mako can't ? you are either so delusional that you think that could happen, or you just started baiting

The manga isn't filled with any couples. The fanbase doesn't decide who dates who. And they're shit at it because they can't be objective about it. All they do is draw their favourite ships and pretend they have support in the manga then hope for the best. There are no canon yuri couples in this manga.

How can YoshiChad be so based

Give Nico time to write Wada's spinoff manga

Attached: 72816455_p23.jpg (1056x1199, 143K)

Is there any reason to believe she is? I can't tink of anything that she did that can be considered even remotedly gay.


Attached: bait.jpg (680x510, 59K)

>a whole manga about wada fucking every single boy on his class

Attached: HNNNNG.gif (450x250, 1.97M)

christ, semi-normiefag here, wtf is wrong with this fanbase?


Well you see yurishitter Yoshida is a girl and Tomoki is a boy so it's normal and within reason to think it was more likely to happen than your dumb yuri ship you spam in these threads. What would be more surprising is YoshiMako since both of them would have to be gay and outside your fantasy yuri obsessed mind it's not a realistic outcome for a manga to have multiple gay romance subplots. Not many people are gay after all.

You want some innocent guy killed?

I'm just thinking that the jokes about a yuri harem kind of puts me off, seems like a deviation to me

Not an argument /u/ fag. You haven't proven me wrong by posting that.

i said leave, newfag

Attached: UCCHI LOSES HER FUCKING MIND.png (185x173, 48K)

I'd prefer a real response before I leave, maybe a please too

Just don't listen to the mental ill /u/ tards. They can't tell the difference between friendship and being gay so they conflate the two and think Watamote is a yuri harem. An actual yuri harem would be something like Oddman 11

The only reason why some people think he's going to end up with Tomoko is because he's the most recurring male classmate. But is there any reason to believe there's even a chance for that to happen?

>Well you see yurishitter Yoshida is a girl and Tomoki is a boy so it's normal and within reason to think it was more likely to happen than your dumb yuri ship
>both of them would have to be gay and outside your fantasy yuri obsessed mind it's not a realistic outcome for a manga to have multiple gay romance subplots.

Attached: HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHA.gif (220x266, 203K)

thank you

fuck off faggot
as if straightniggers weren't bad enough

hetfags are braindead

Attached: Ucchi disgusting.png (1040x1848, 773K)

I wonder if you even read my comment, you fag. Damn, no wonder /u/ has such a bad rep here.

kek wtf is your problem

that is literally the only reason people think tomoko is going to end up with a boy

>lesbians are impossible because most people are straight IRL
How many times are you going to resort to this paper-thin argument, het-kun? It's making me embarrassed for you.

Not really. If he was interested in Tomoko you think he would have said something by now, he doesn't seem very shy in nature.

If dubs tomoko learns about ucchi's feelings in the upcoming chapter

Some people are just massive faggots, literally and figuratively speaking.

meant for

go fucking kill yourself, spoonfeeding retard

this is why Yea Forums is a shithole

>most recurring male classmate
He's not even that. Wada has had more interactions with her than Glasses who's a glorified background character at this point.

Attached: 76128154_p0.jpg (768x1024, 99K)

Best pairing.

Attached: __kuroki_tomoko_and_yoshida_masaki_watashi_ga_motenai_no_wa_dou_kangaetemo_omaera_ga_warui_drawn_by_ (737x737, 427K)


What are you talking about, how is that spoonfeeding?

>oh nice a Watamote thread
>another NO U argument

You argue like children, I wish that was banworthy for underage.

Attached: 1525376605085.jpg (398x356, 29K)

Unfortunately the first time they were interacting with each other, Tomoko literally was thinking how she isn't into chibis and that he would be for some reason a better fit for Katou.

She already knows more about them than Ucchi herself.

I never said impossible you brainless retard. I said it was unlikely. Big fucking difference. Considering the existence of Asuka and Ucchi do you really think Nico is going to develop Yoshida and Mako friendship into yuri without feeling like they're just pandering to shippers? What if they like normal people prefer the idea of Yoshida and Mako being friends instead of having to cook up half-baked support for your idiocy in future chapters? You just can't stand the fact that people are calling you out for wholeheartedly believing something so absurd. You are a cancer on these threads. You don't come looking for discussion. All you do is inject shipperfag bullshit into these threads and pretending that is all Watamote is about.

If being rejected once stopped someone from reconsidering a lot of couples wouldn't exist. Wada and Ucchi still has a chance.

Attached: 76128154_p1.jpg (768x1024, 136K)

every yoshida pairing is good, yoshida blushing is a gift from the gods

i wish people would stop arguing, yuri is a part of watamote and people complaining isn't going to remove it
good, more wada for the boys then

Attached: Sneaky lesbian.png (515x401, 143K)

>helping newfag admitted normalfag because of your stupid headcanon isn't spoonfeeding
fuck off

wada x me is the only couple that should exist

>do you really think Nico is going to develop Yoshida and Mako friendship into yuri without feeling like they're just pandering to shippers?
she already did you dumbass

>You don't come looking for discussion. All you do is inject shipperfag bullshit into these threads and pretending that is all Watamote is about.
no, YOU are the cancer of these threads, do you realize you are the only one complaining about yuri ?

>do you really think Nico is going to develop Yoshida and Mako friendship into yuri without feeling like they're just pandering to shippers?
You sure are assuming a lot about Nico's motivations and feelings of their characters. Your dad work as their assistant?
>You don't come looking for discussion
Says the one always mad and yelling in every watamote thread. Everyone was having fun shooting the shit before you jumped in and caused drama. Be more self-aware next time.

>wada x me is the only couple that should exist
Are you tomoko?

degenerates like you belong on a cross

no, im ugly bastard

I dont remember you being me.

based i am your fan

*getting fucked by

There were a few of us there during Wada's last private show. We might have even spitroasted him together at some point.

I'm not complaining about yuri you asinine moron. I'm complaining about your shipperfag bullshit you bring up every single thread. There's a massive difference between actual fucking yuri like with Ucchi and maybe Asuka and your delusional fantasies about two girls who have shown no interest in each other beyond friendship. Stop trying so fucking hard to deflect any genuine criticism of your obsession with your favourite headcanon by making vain assumptions about me and just let the rest of us enjoy this fucking manga without having to deal with you flooding the threads with YoshiMako fanart. Yea Forums is for discussing what actually happens in the manga not yuri fanart, /u/ is better for that. It's no wonder just about everyone hates the kind of obnoxious arrogant and downright stubbornly ignorant person you are. If there is actually yuri between those two I'll admit to being wrong. But I'm not going to sit here and listen to some idiotic faggot insist that YoshiMako has support in this manga and belittle others for telling him that there is no clear evidence and he is just unconsciously bias towards seeing subtext as genuine yuri.


>I'm complaining about your shipperfag bullshit you bring up every single thread.
you are the only one annoyed by it retard, go back to your shithole containment board

Attached: Kaguya lewds.png (691x599, 472K)

Do you think Mr. Kuroki has ever used Wada's services after a long day's work?

Attached: 75568565_p7.jpg (800x1131, 242K)

And this is your paper thin argument. I read yuri manga so nice try using the "you're a bigot from /pol/ so your opinion is invalid" strowman. Truthfully I can't stand and despise shipperfags like yourself who are far too absorbed in their retarded shipping that they don't pay attention to the manga and are constantly trying to tell everyone how great their nonsensical ships are and in what ways the mangaka is showing hints that their ship will come true. It's nothing short of delusional wish fulfillment and it distracts from discussion of this manga and causes people that haven't actually read the manga to get the wrong impression and come into this series expecting something that hasn't been set up. I'm not going to reply to your idiotic baiting or your rage boner for people that insult your retarded ship anymore faggot.

>after a long day's work?
he does literally every day

Does Wada swallow? Asking for a friend.

he drinks cum for breakfast

I could only imagine that Wada is trying to be conquered by the entire Kuroki family. I'm sure Mrs. Kuroki has used him for some femdom pegging sessions before, and Tomoki is already a given. Tomoko is the only one left then orgy chapter
It's his favorite meal, he never spills a drop.

Attached: 71833801_p2.jpg (1100x1471, 126K)

If he's had a long day's work, he's probably staying in a closet hotel, not commuting all the way back to Chiba, even if it was to fuck Wada.

He needs to something to sustain him. He's got a long work schedule and very few breaks

You mean Mrs. Kuroki. Even Tomoko agrees that the best pairing for Wada is an /ss/ one

>tomoko pegging wada

post more wada im saving all of these images

threesome when

Attached: fags.png (335x217, 54K)

Yes, a threesome would be great. Yoshinori and those two girls in your image. Oka a qt.

>those two girls

Are you blind?

It's mystery girl's chapter tonight. I just know it.

Attached: watamote_c157_004.png (868x1236, 216K)

Consider me fully put off

what did Wada mean by this?

Attached: wada.png (372x210, 13K)

Halloween chapter when

Attached: itougay.png (4961x7016, 1.66M)

here is his pair

Attached: uglybastard.png (412x517, 210K)

If dubs, is a Fuuka chapter

Attached: D9-xI_OU0AIeJTb.jpg (1500x2000, 191K)

honestly i just want fuuka to fuck asuka already, so ucchi could atleast have a chance at fucking tomoko

>that filename
Can't you go 5 minutes without droning on and on about a character that hasn't shown any signs of being gay is gay?
Oh thank God!

kiss me on the lips fag

Attached: Koto-something-or-the-other x the one person on Earth who can stand being around her.jpg (2327x1591, 948K)

No way user, I don't want cock-flavoured kisses.

i do, so let me kiss your ass

Attached: Futaki shiki.png (185x182, 56K)

If I do it, will I be popular?

Attached: MinamiButt.jpg (768x768, 52K)

chapter please come fast

its a yurimoko chapter btw, my dad works at watamote inc.

Attached: cucks.jpg (1451x2048, 347K)

>Implying Asuka couldn't have both of them if she wanted

Attached: 1565043486535.jpg (1032x1457, 250K)

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no its a tomoki chapter i just got the call

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm no they actually completelly erased tomoki from the series, its a kii-chan chapter

what is wada doing ?

The vixen is coming

Attached: ECfKXGfUcAEOVEo.jpg (1400x2050, 366K)

4 hours until new chapter.

>general is 90% yuriniggerposting
watamote should have gotten axed as soon as tomoko has shown the first signs of turning into a normalfag

>They should axe a manga because of some threads on Yea Forums

Now see if it was more of these characters actually interacting with each other (throw the other girl from the last chapter in there too) then I could deal with Fuuka. On her own she's terrible because she doesn't really have anyone to bounce off of.

Oh that? It's just the mandatory cock inspection he does in class every day. Doesn't get featured much since Tomo doesn't have a pair.

Attached: 75189428_p17.jpg (1000x1332, 678K)

>manga about an unpopular girl, it's even in the fucking title
>as of now she is not longer unpopular
>yurinigger is physically unable to understand why it should get axed
go read porn instead

>manga is bad because i said so
hetfags on suicide watch

Attached: happy ending.jpg (421x697, 60K)

Snarkhunt having less than 400 twitter followers is kind of criminal considering what a ridiculous good artist they are.

the manga is at its peak, its selling more then it ever did, no one wanted 3 years of tomoko not being able to lick some pussy

Attached: YuriMoko.jpg (714x1008, 111K)

>the original premise doesn't sell
>I know, let's appease yuriniggers!
>they gobble it up and ask for seconds

The word they use for popular is usually used in terms of popular with the other sex so it actually is still accurate, but regardless, why the fuck would they decide a manga that's now doing well should get axed because there are some more characters than there were 8 years ago?
>go read porn instead
Why would I do that in place of reading a comedy slice of life?

>literally everyone except a loud minority on Yea Forums likes how the manga turned out to be
please never change Yea Forums

the original ""premise"" wouldn't work, no one wanted to see tomoko spend 3 years being a loner, the kyoto trip and disneyland trip were literally the best arcs because she was having fun with her girlfriends
and appealing to /u/fags isn't that bad, romance is a fun side-plot to have in manga series

Attached: kek.gif (220x236, 110K)

>literally everyone except a loud minority on Yea Forums likes how the manga turned out to be
lmao keep believing that
no one but yuriniggers read this garbage so how exactly is them liking it a feat?

The original premise was getting tired, there's only so many times Tomoko can embarrass herself with some dumb idea of becoming popular by eating like an anime character or something. The novelty would get old (Which was proven as the sales were at their lowest pre-Kyoto trip) and you'd expect her to eventually learn that this kind of shit isn't working, even before she made friends on the Kyoto trip she was showing signs of gradual development, the author clearly didn't intend it to be never ending cringe that never actually went anywhere.

imagine being this much of a newfag

Attached: yuri time.jpg (1137x1119, 91K)

I don't drink but I would certainly patronize her izakaya.

>manga is literally at peak sales
>"lmao keep believing that, the manga is dead because its now a genre i dislike"
are you actually autistic or somethin ? maybe you have brain damage or are you just really sexually frustated ?

Attached: 1450595165526.png (670x270, 34K)

Reminder that Wada is for older men while Glasses is for Ogino.

>manga went from /r9k/ to /soc/ with a yuri harem without any character development from Tomoko, she is the same sperg but now with friends
>WhY dO yOu DiSlIkE iT???
and don't even bring up popularity when shit like otome games and one piece sells like hot cakes

I'd like a Pineapple or Asuka chapter. Or both.

>/r9k/ good
>slice of life yuri bad
i want Yea Forums to leave

Wada is both for older men and for older women, /ss/ is based

>/u/ memed the minor yuri aspects of Watamote so hard idiots that don't read the manga are convinced that it has turned into a yuri harem.
It's fucking insanity. Can't we have normal threads without all the yuri shitflinging and the self-insert fags whining their asses off? Second year Watamote threads were comfy af but this is just cringe-inducing and not the hilarious kind.

What did you expect? Play dumb games, win dumb prizes

>idiots that don't read the manga are convinced that it has turned into a yuri harem.
its a plebfilter

Attached: 74513682_p0.png (2000x1400, 1.18M)

maybe we were the watamote all along

>manga went from /r9k/
And here we see the actual issue, the manga was never meant to present the /r9k/ view as correct. You weren't actually meant to agree with Tomoko's inner tirades against all her classmates you know, it was a pretty obvious coping mechanism and it was made clear that she was the cause of her problems, not Chad and Stacy. Also she definitely has developed, look at pic related for a clear example where she realizes her hatred was irrational and she's starting to let go of her bitterness.

Attached: 1554762028174.png (416x431, 29K)

I like that Nico chosen not to go down the more predictable route and make Yuri a romantic interest for Tomoko after the Kyoto trip. I feel that Yuri and Nemo competing for Tomoko's friendship serves as a nice foil to Asuka and Ucchi competing for her pussy. Also I like the hot and cold dynamic Yuri and Nemo are starting to develop with each other since it works well with Watamote's style of comedy (I feel like a lot of people forget that comedy is a key part of Watamote, even in light of all the ongoing character development like Tomoko's moments of introspection)
The true Watamote is the losers we lost along the way.

Attached: NemoTeasesYuri.jpg (1700x2000, 429K)

why is it still running if MC got rid of her autism? it's officially over

Boyfriend route or better yet no romance route BTFO'ing all the shipperfags

She didn't, you can be a self-aware autist you know.

Minami chapter in 3 hours

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Attached: ucchi_plushie.jpg (460x651, 47K)

I'm 100% neutral on the yuri-antiyuri debate and I'm already tired of you people bickering all the time. You guys are just so hostile all the time. Chill out.

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Yuri and Nemo are now partners in crime, much to Yuri's chagrin.

Attached: 76375786_p0.jpg (2000x2700, 2.03M)

Yuri still hasn't accepted Nemo's friendship. Even though Nemo is trying her best to work around Yuri's autism.

Attached: NemoForcesYuriToWearTheFlowerCrown.png (1199x848, 418K)

didn't you hear what i said ? i said LEAVE

>or better yet no romance route BTFO'ing all the shipperfags
This would be the ideal outcome. Why even bother arguing about romance in a manga that so far hasn't had any? At least wait until something happens, if it ever does.

>I like that Nico chosen not to go down the more predictable route and make Yuri a romantic interest for Tomoko after the Kyoto trip. I feel that Yuri and Nemo competing for Tomoko's friendship serves as a nice foil to Asuka and Ucchi competing for her pussy. Also I like the hot and cold dynamic Yuri and Nemo are starting to develop with each other since it works well with Watamote's style of comedy (I feel like a lot of people forget that comedy is a key part of Watamote, even in light of all the ongoing character development like Tomoko's moments of introspection)
absolute fucking chad posters

Attached: really annoying.png (842x971, 526K)

It's a small handful of shitposters who sit in their stink and complain about yuri all day. It's the same crowd as the unironic MANIME posters from a few years ago, and the people who would post the "anime then-anime now" shit unironically and complain.

Likely some swarthy subhumans from South America with indigenous admixture, their brains are hyperstimulated by Shonen and Haremtrash.

>in a manga that so far hasn't had any?
there is no way we are reading the same manga

Attached: 1564376511063.gif (600x652, 977K)

I wouldn't call it romance when it's (so far) entirely one-sided. Takes two to tango and all.

Pick your Tomoko

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No it's a small handful of shipperfags that can't stand the idea that girls can be portrayed as just friends so they spam their retarded ships and making ridiculous assertions about character's being gay because of whatever bullshit reasons they think justifies their insanity. Ucchi and Asuka, that's about the only concrete ships that exist in this manga.

>Ucchi and Asuka
I don't see that ship much but alright.

ucchi has a crush on tomoko
tomoko has a crush on asuka
itou has a crush on kotomi
dicky-chan and kotomi have a crush on tomoki
and MAYBE mako and yoshida are dating

thats alot

"its him"
"NO!! ITS HIM!!"
both of you are retards, just post cute couples

Attached: yoshimako hand on booty.jpg (757x1105, 212K)

Gotta go with the smug armpits.

>itou has a crush on kotomi
>no evidence confirming in the manga that Itou has feelings for Komi
This is why people don't tend to believe what you say, a priori retard.

sure user whatever

There's also Mike and her boyfriend, Shizuku and hers (although that relationship seems doomed), and Fuuka is starting to seem pretty suspect.

I'm not sure why, but artists have taken to depicting YoshiMako sleeping upright together.

Attached: 76353979_p0.jpg (2480x3508, 628K)

Forgot to mention Sayaka is blatantly tsundere for some guy.

Attached: 76353979_p1.jpg (2480x3508, 596K)

hahaha i forgot about shizuku's boyfriend, poor guy i wish he could be friends with tomoki or somethin

and yeah fuuka really looks like she has a crush on asuka

Attached: 76325144_p45.jpg (595x842, 242K)

Attached: D8jZVLTUcAEvLXb.jpg (1000x1369, 242K)

>ucchi has a crush on tomoko
>tomoko has a crush on asuka
>itou has a crush on kotomi
>dicky-chan and kotomi have a crush on tomoki
Easily the biggest yes
>and MAYBE mako and yoshida are dating
You've never had friends before have you? Because Mako and Yoshida dating based on everything seen up to this point is very much your own unsubstantiated speculation. It could happen but there's nothing up so far hinting at dating, much less having romantic feelings for the other. A good friendship, yes. Dating, in your wildest dreams.

its not gay if you are """""sleeping"""""

Attached: yoshimako2.png (423x503, 192K)

good friends can date user, thats literally what a girlfriend/boyfriend means

a good friend that you date

Very true

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Attached: KING EMOJI.jpg (768x768, 188K)

2 hours 20 minutes lads.

>cuck crimson

>Likely some swarthy subhumans from South America
As a fellow spic I confirm this 100%, the "average anime fan" just know shonenshit and looks with disgust any SoL and with repulsion any Yuri serie, that's why hidding your powerlever is a must. You should hear them
>Mate, did you saw the new episode of Fire Force/Black Clover/Boruro/Arifureta?


you know, the manga is just alright, but a lot of you stupid, retarded fuckfaces ASK for character development and then completely reject it. what the fuck is it going to be?

Seeing these threads be consumed by retards posting nonsensical yuri ships instead of talking about what is actually occurring in the manga has nothing to do with character development since the character development is good and leads to interesting discussions. Some retard wanting Komi to be gay isn't that.

>Likely some swarthy subhumans from South America with indigenous admixture, their brains are hyperstimulated by Shonen and Haremtrash.
Hey that's rude dude, I have enough problems down here, don't put me in the same bag with subhuman shounenfags

>Some retard wanting Komi to be gay isn't that.
wanting tomoki to start liking her out of nowhere isn't either

Attached: 75972886_p0.png (900x900, 70K)

2 hours until futaki and itou chapter, trust me i work at mcdonalds

Of all the characters, are there any whose parents you would like to see? We already saw Yoshida's mom, now I kinda wanna see Yuri's parents/siblings (if any). Also Kuroki dad face reveal when?


Definitely Yuri and maybe Komi-mom and ghost komi-dad

itou mom that thinks kotomi is a bad influence

Attached: 1564176131439.gif (421x450, 392K)

Who said anything about that you delusional fag? Tomoko can't get on with Komi and nothing is going to change that. It's like the lesser version of Yuri and Minami.


Attached: 4h1479hyltu11.jpg (846x1200, 484K)

This would be nice, actually.

Attached: penisinvagina.jpg (780x1098, 494K)

This thread is fucking garbage. Make a new one when the chapter hits.

Can't you stop being buttblasted for even a single thread?
>bawwww people are shipping that's so horrible I hate it sooooo much ;__;

Attached: 1329226378618.jpg (360x267, 73K)

Why do ucchads have such an excellent taste in women?
Is grossness a way of loving?

Attached: 02919ea9e6c4dcf3050ffdc2e7f1607e.jpg (345x366, 25K)

>Make a new one when the chapter hits.
How new are you? Dumb faggot. And these threads don't need to be dominated by cancerous shipperfags.

1 hour 30 minutes left.

>Make a new one when the chapter hits.
We always do, mate. I'm the one who's been making the raw threads.


>I'm the one who's been making the raw threads
Only since the other raws user got a job and entered normalfag wage life.

Yeah, that. But before he got a job there were a couple times when he said he couldn't make it, and I stepped in.

*unzips her pants and gets on my knees*
You didn't expect this reward, did you?

Attached: anelog_trap.png (828x826, 381K)

An hour and 20 minutes, boys.

This is my favourite Asuka pic. Got it from Futaba Channel.

Attached: asuka.gif (450x375, 329K)

>*unzips her pants and gets on my knees*
This is already getting too lewd for Akane

Attached: 1520452437117.jpg (800x800, 338K)

I have to be fast to insult that faggot translating these threads to Japanese.
Give me ideas.
. I already mentioned nankin.

That is a good Asuka pic, I must admit.

Attached: 76231690_p0.png (874x1515, 3M)

Isn't she just a character from every Fuetakishi manga ever?

Do you have the link to the last translations?

She just needs a good mojyo dicking.

Live footage of Asuka running rampant in Fuuka's brain.

That is a very nice Akane.

Fuck off, I wouldn't expect somebody ACTUALLY new who only shitposts in these threads to not notice "new chapter" threads tend to only pop up after the threat anticipating one has reached bump limit. Check the archives, or just keep feigning superiority while you complain, foaming at the mouth, about people discussing the manga.

Stop being a faggot


L-let's not.

1 hour 10 minutes until Tomoko and Komi rekindle their friendship at the UFO

Attached: DxfnUdtVYAAqxGA.jpg (2508x1764, 484K)

>tfw the irl Hotel UFO twitter keeps tweeting about watamote
It's so funny.

>Live footage of Asuka running rampant in Fuuka's brain.

Why's Fuuka so obsessed with Asuka anyways?

Attached: 1564634874429.jpg (1191x1684, 283K)

I do wish Nico would just move on from that gag already. Introduce something new about Fuuka.

When's Izumi Kitta gonna come back to Japan? She's been in the UK for a while now.

she wants to fuck her but thats literally all of her personallity
i dont think nico should remove the gag entirelly, but she should give her more personallity traits

Who are they shipping?

She went there for a year.

It's pretty great. I wonder how they felt when random fans of a non-ecchi manga started showing up randomly. I also wonder how many watamote fans have actually used their facilities.

Attached: 71944185_p83.png (640x480, 262K)

It's a Fuuka and Ucchi team-up chapter.

fuuka did it, she gave ucchi the mojyo from the asuka's filthy hands

Attached: 71944185_p86.png (640x480, 226K)

I hope Itou doesn't take Tomoko stealing Komisomething from her too badly

Attached: DxfwUCNUYAEB-kt.jpg (2508x1764, 508K)

me and my wife Yuri


The second worst crackship after YoshiMako.

At first I wanted more of this, then I realized that this is essentially Number Girls. Then I realized that I wanted more Number Girls. Piss, shit, fuck!

Koto is for mokocchi only

Attached: e14c4ae471acc6552b568ff5c88e3a23.jpg (591x585, 47K)

>That Minami

50 minutes!

>Itou is gay
What are you, stupid? Go to /u/ if you think that way.

That's way too long.

No dice. You forget that japanese men have no taste.


Attached: ITOU LASER.jpg (1059x717, 392K)

No she didn't. Itou isn't gay and gay marriage is illegal in Japan.


Reiwa era has only just begun. Watamote can potentially become one of those works of fiction that trigger a societal change.

>itou isn't gay
maybe, but maybe she is
>gay marriage is illegal in japan
ok let me fix it



Attached: ITOU THIRD EYE.jpg (1000x1411, 165K)

30 minutes


Watamote is cancelled guys, go home. Nico messaged me just now.

However, same-sex common-law marriage is legal in Chiba where Watamote is set.

You're right, Itou isn't gay
She's super gay

Attached: 74537524.jpg (1003x4964, 775K)

mako needs to fucking dropkick fang already and just focus on yoshida

Attached: mako babysitter.jpg (720x960, 133K)

it ain't gay if she is drunk

Attached: itou x kotomi.jpg (720x960, 115K)

yup this is it
the boyfriend chapter and season 2 announcement

It's hard to let go of your pets, even if they are rowdy and out of control

Attached: 68924571_p0.jpg (1505x2125, 1.16M)

what did she do

I can't believe she went to jail for attempted murder.

how many of tomoko's girlfriends are stand users ?

Attached: senpai stand.jpg (900x1200, 550K)


Attached: itou....jpg (1165x1200, 287K)

Attached: 022.jpg (1492x2160, 664K)

Take a fucking break you spamming faggot, the chapter is almost here.

I can't believe Mako framed Minami for the crime.

Chapter out.
Ucchi Chapter.

Attached: index(2).jpg (1988x3000, 1.43M)


It's up

>vignette chapter

That crazy YoshiMako fag is going to spin that friend shit as gay like usual, I just know it.

Uhhhh I need someone else to make the thread now hahaha:

So much for me making the raws thread.

Attached: wtf.png (2366x702, 95K)


Attached: Akira dance.gif (308x258, 108K)

This displeases the Fang!

Attached: YouFailedHer.png (293x290, 80K)

So its time for lesbian adventures!

She's going in the slammer for a long time for that one. Hard labor at a pineapple plantation.

Attached: 74870787_p10.png (1000x1000, 461K)



Attached: tan.jpg (586x571, 118K)

>Ucchi so fucking gay Tomoki doesn't interest her
Poor girl. Also what did you do idiot?

>guy appears
>tomoko blushes
And the /u/fags seethe.

Nemo highhandedly set up /u/'s hopes getting demolished

Someone please make the new thread, I literally can't make one because Hiro is a nincompoop.

Attached: 163.png (816x1190, 759K)


Well, it was very bold move to just publish EMILY doujin as an official chapter.

it was always clear that tomoko likes both men and women, this isn't anything new

This is the single worst Watamote raw thread I've ever seen. Raws user fucked us over by becoming a wage slave. At least he was pretty consistent.

>yuri hater doesn't realize who the character is or why Tomoko is blushing

Also nobody on /u/ denies that Tomoko has an interest in penises

Make another thread and let that one archive.

>nobody on /u/ denies that Tomoko has an interest in penises
Oh you sweet innocent user. There are some on /u/ that do. They genuinely think she was always closeted and only liked boys to fit in. That's what happens when /u/ latches onto a series without proper yuri. They're nuts.

nicee seems like a good one

>Oh you sweet innocent user. There are some on /u/ that do
no there aren't, stop making stuff up retard

You misunderstand even them. Even the ardent "Tomoko is a lesbian" believers acknowledge and try to rationalize her interest in dicks, they don't deny it outright.

You can't deny the text, not like yuri haters love to do.

Good thread here.

I post in those threads you fucking spoon.
The way I say it they were trying to reason away any like of cocks she had. It was like clearing the field so there was no possible chances that yuri could be subverted. Guaranted they are a overzealous minority and most of the others aren't as pigheaded

Please don't shit up the raw thread with your yuri/anti-yuri bickering. Get it out of your systems in here if you have to.

I'm not the one bickering and bringing up bullshit. I'd rather people shitposting just fuck off entirely