Dragon Ball Super

Will the next movie be about Moro? If not then what do you think it will be about

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It's already confirmed to be Broly 2. Also, nice thread. Let's discuss some actual quality content and not Toyo's writing.

didn't know it was confirmed, well at least its going to be better than the fan-fiction that toyo is writing right now

No it wasn't you idiot. They never said what its about.


Brolly ended with Freeza talking something about how "he can beat Goku/Vegeta if he's alone".
He making contact with Cooler in the next movie would make sense. Just reboot him as someone so dangerous that king cold took his freedom or something like this.

he CAN'T beat*

Broly is too poular, Cooler is a huge downgrade. Not to say he won't appear, but even if he does, Broly will too.

Read the article numbskull. Iyoku only said another movie is in the works, nothing about who its about. And lets say its about broly, are you guys unironically excited for broly 2? Toriyama reskinning every koyama movie is somehow creative or cool?

Just burn the franchise if its broly again

Oh, definitely. Currently Brolly is a really cool character since he's "neutral" as you can get. They're definitely using him in the next movie/series.
If they actually use Cooler you can expect them to change his personality to make him more interesting/different from Freeza. Maybe even making him a decent guy.

>making Cooler another socially isolated virgin
That won't happen

Why don't you want them to follow up on the developments of his character? He is interesting enough for another movie.

>its another cool classic villain turned into dindu nuffin faggot


I don't think they need to change his personality. Two Frieza with just slight differences in methods is just fine. Also DIMES

so it would be broly, vegeta and goku versus cooler and frieza. I don't think that they could make a compelling movie about it

I mean, it's not like this series is above repeating itself. Just look at Moro arc - Old Piccolo acting like Freeza except he's Babidi edition.

a fellow Yea Forumschad?

Could the second one be as kino as the first?

Attached: 9B439560-3153-4DCB-BBD2-BE334F7E976F.gif (375x250, 2.23M)

I just go there sometimes

No he's fucking not. Him not yelling kakarot anymore doesn't make him good character or interesting. I swear if toriyama didn't write the nu broly and some toei slave did, everyone would shit on him more than they did with jiren

Yeah but not so consecutively. They only repeat the old stuff

>only limiting the character to the rage mode
Fuck off retard.

I never said old broly was good retard, this one is bad just differently. Toriyama could have taken him in any direction but turned him into some "dindu nuffin " bitch who can't even talk while fighting.

Its amazing how animation can cover up a shitty script plus dbs fans have 0 standards for storytelling/characters and only care about explosions and atatatata

Freeza learned about the fusion during Brolly. If he fused himself with other being just as strong as him he would be Gogeta tier. I know this smells like deviant art shit, but what is Black arc?
Also, Brolly is not #Gokuteam by default. By the point the first movie ends Freeza is unironically still consdering bring him to his side eventually. If i remember correctly Brolly don't know Freeza is the one who killed his father. He can fight both sides at first.

You didn't mean to reply to my post.

so you want more fanfiction? Holy fuck half the shit in dbs was on deviantart 10 years ago

Hopefully broly and cooler will be on #TeamFrieza and goku and bejita would have to call Jiren to help just so we could have a decisive Jiren vs Broly fight. Maybe then /DBS/ would change once we get a clear victor

It’s more likely jiren would team up with frieza while broly sides with the sayans, a jiren vs broly canon fight would be monumental though

>so you want more fanfiction?
I'm not a big fan. I was also against bringing Freeza back. Then again i have to admit they did some fun shit with it. I throughly enjoyed Brolly, so i think they can make Cooler work. If fusing him with Freeza is the way to make him a threat, i'm ready to accept it as long it's well done.

i dont know man, i dont think there would be a scenarion where jiren would join frieza except if it was to have a rematch with goku. The other way around seems more plausible

Cooler and Frieza Fusion Dance.

Dragon Ball doesn't need a really thought out plot, holy shit, how braindead you can get.

This is the only interesting choice. Broly SS2 Ikari soon.