*schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop**schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop*

*schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop**schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop*

Attached: 1565873746224.jpg (1339x1894, 269K)

I want to be that girl.

pedo and gay

Attached: Dirty.jpg (900x900, 119K)

I want to be that boy.

I want you to be that kid and me to be that girl while watches


Attached: 5.jpg (1055x1500, 330K)

Attached: 1553510123863.png (622x641, 379K)


i wish that was me so bad being forced to clean her belly button with my tongue, this looks like a ideal femdom situation i would want to be in

Attached: 1562268016171.png (1013x845, 415K)

God I wish I was him

Having my bellybutton licked would also be nice

i want to be the guy making this post

I want to be this user.

>doesn't want to *schlop* an older and caring girl

Attached: 6.jpg (1051x1500, 335K)

I want to be an adorable lovable sweet 2D shota so much it hurts.

Fool, now you're bedridden filled with anxiety posting on Yea Forums instead of going through your backlog.

I want a cute shota licking my fat, hairy and sweaty stomach.

I'm not super into navel, but now I am.

I don't wanna be here.

Attached: mfw.webm (720x404, 199K)

Where do you want to be?

My favorite genre.

Attached: 1559816337888.jpg (1240x1754, 306K)

That's me!


Attached: Chris Hansome.png (256x256, 33K)


was gudao ever actually a child? there seems to be a lot of doujins and standalone pieces about him being one, so i was curious.

now this kinda schlop I can get behind


Attached: 1549560805926.png (1426x2048, 494K)

Nice trex arm.


>you will never be a shota

Attached: 02.png (1337x1920, 578K)

Brown tomboy navel licking

Attached: 1539345048391.jpg (1062x1500, 670K)

But user, I've been one already

i just want to be 5 again,times were good compared to now,family was whole,they were functional,we all were in the table without any worries,i didn't have to give attention to the problems of the world,my father could lift me and run through the whole block while we laughed together,i didn't need to prove that i was strong,before i could see an infinte amount of green,now i mostly see grey,what has happened to me?
It feels like 10 years just passed in a blink of an eye.

Attached: 1566229333179.jpg (235x246, 17K)


Attached: 1563030315130.png (545x194, 113K)


Attached: cheers.png (1081x841, 793K)

this is the new shota thread (´・ω・`)

Attached: D8O60GbU8AAyoBI.jpg (980x1200, 223K)


Attached: 1555056268402.jpg (1062x1500, 696K)

Attached: 1555977586448.jpg (1062x1500, 613K)


Looks like it fell on her belly.
You'll have to lick it off.

>tomboy tummy licking

Attached: ;).png (400x487, 257K)

tummy gang
tummy gang
tummy gang

Attached: 1539097736039.png (850x1200, 200K)

Too bad for you gay fag

Attached: 1537241717984.jpg (1062x1500, 615K)

I wanna be one so bad!

>being aroused by acts of homosexuality

Attached: FNV.jpg (624x474, 24K)

He should be licking her adult cunny. That would be way cuter.

You have to go back.

Is no one gonna mention that fucking hand?

you're not? that's strange w (´・ω・`)

Attached: (1).jpg (670x780, 350K)

hahahha nigga it's the current year
just your admit your a sissy gay goy its made acceptable now

Attached: Elvis Peprly.png (492x475, 23K)

I want to be that boy

Somewhere Not Here

Nice save

Source? Image search doesn't give me anything.

when I was a kid/teens my aunt asked me to do that or suck her toes whenever there was no one around

Fuck off frog poster

Amateur gyarus, you put the shota in the booth side, not the chair. Now he can flee more easily. One of them should also be sitting next to him so she can keep him closeby.

you mean shota bread?

Attached: 2399d26bf92039c6c99558d5af91eaf1.jpg (540x778, 49K)


Attached: hngg.jpg (768x1024, 156K)

You lucky bastard

>Tfw women have looked at photos of when I was little and remarked that I was “a beautiful boy”

It’s not fair anons. Why couldn’t I have been molested when I was a cute shota?

this is now a shota eating bread! (´・ω・`)

Attached: 66815898_p23.jpg (564x800, 280K)

Attached: file.png (400x510, 236K)

that bread looks like ice cream


we will catch yuo stupid frog poster (´・ω・`) (´・ω・`)

Attached: 73563626_p0.png (850x602, 1.01M)

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Attached: 1566324880.jpg (661x941, 155K)

Attached: 1563315392037-min.png (2508x3541, 902K)

is this bread?

Attached: 1542019305464.jpg (580x819, 330K)

Attached: 1565737813083.jpg (540x960, 61K)