Over 100 degrees

>Over 100 degrees

Why isn't their skin peeling off?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sounan desu ka - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.01.507.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

Who the fuck would get hard over bones and muscles?

hot tubs are almost all just over 100 degrees retard

Ah fuck,my mind has been fucked,are we talking in Celsius,Fahrenheit or Kelvin?
I only remember that water at 100 degrees C evaporates.
Fuck i gave myself into physics so much yet i can't think about something so simple,i'm very foolish.

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It's 100 F not 100 C retard.

japan use F?

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No, the burger translators do.

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100C water evaporates, 100 F ethanol evaporates, if your body has more than 42 C you die
100F is like 30 something C

Why are they all so fucking stacked? That's not how highschool girls work

>Why are they all so fucking stacked? That's not how highschool girls work
It is now grandpa. Even elementary kids now already stacked.

>Can see the tits from behind
My fetish

damn kids, at least they aren't skateboarding on the sidewalks anymore

Homare said that the water was over 40 degrees.

Having some basic Japanese hearing skills really help.

At 100 C, the water is in the air.
At 100 K, the island and everything on it is frozen solid.

God, I wish that starfish was me...

At 100 C, people's skin is in puddles on the ground.*

>That's not how highschool girls work
Where do you live? Girls don't grow tits after high school. Most are through puberty by 16.

Are you retarded? Most people hit their max size at 16

JKs are peak sexuality in Japan.

Why shouldnt they get the pornstar bodies?


Kamisama I wish I was that knife

Attached: she will never look at you like this.png (1280x720, 745K)

Why does fahrenheit even exist

Burgers are snowflakes.

More reliable

Same thing is happening with Machikado Mazoku.

i'm saying the probability that all their tits are that big is fucking 0. At my highschool we had 2 girls with big-ish knockers. 1 was a fatty, the other was hot. I'm not saying i don't enjoy it, cause i do, i'm just saying that what are the probabilities that the 4 girls that got stranded on an island just happen to be that fucking stacked. Immersion ruined

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>My personal experience is a good measuring stick
Yours is pretty odd if there were only 2. 3rd world malnourished country? Special ed school with no students?

But this is anime, 2D girls are perfect, and you're retarded regardless.

the ironi in that is that i am a swecuck. And that image sure as hell wasn't my highschool experience regarding big ol tiddies

They'll freeze solid
They'll be boiled alive
They'll be fine, comfy even.

Unlikely things happen sometimes.

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It scales better with temperatures humans actually encounter.

Try learning to communicate like an actual person next time newnigger

for non scientific purposes it's more accurate and easier to specific specifics. This becomes apparent when cooking and even more so with altitude changes.

Would help if you weren't retarded and repeating something said like a million times by people who either were homeschooled, lived in some starving country, or just stupid enough to think people keep growing all the way into their 30s

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what? his comment is worded fine, ESL-kun.

why the fuck do burgers still use all these impractical units

We got it from the bongs. I believe we still used it because of housing. We could of went the Canadian route and switch to metric but it caused too much confusion there.

This is stupid, water boils at this temperature.

Fahrenheit is nice for a human scale. 100 F is really hot for a human, 0 F is really cold for a human. For more scientific stuff we do use celsius.

>Over 100 degrees
>Why isn't their skin peeling off?
its probably in retarded units

correct, the subs have been burgered

What is hoing on with Russia?

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Damn, tomboy has some giant fucking tits