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Kino moments in not-so-popular anime
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Hello summer
>le kino
Shit thread.
Is it popular then?
You werent even here when it aired were you. That hanging scene and fuckin waifu fags were everywhere
Yea I ignored the anime first. Recently give it a try and liked it.
Nobody cares about your fucking opinion. You called a popular anime "not-so-popular". Nobody cares if you liked it or not dumbass. Delete this fucking thread and stop embarrassing yourself.
>armpit loli show
>not so popular
Rude. I am actually euphoric that this was popular maybe I can hope for a second movie.
Yeah for maybe like five episodes but then it fell so hard in the second half that most people instantly forgot about it. Hell there was barely any threads about the recently released movie.
Really? This raging sperg was wrong then? Fuck I really liked the movie and want more.
this hack's sound tracks sound exactly the same in every anime he scores.
Does the movie have decent subs? And by decent I mean, not a machine translation (Edited MTL is still MTL)
>Being a pleb that can't appreciate/identify kino
Jokes on you
Honestly one or two from requiem for a phantom I can think of but you'll never find clips for them.
were you not here for the autoerotic asphyxiation memes
I have an excuse to post this
Movie was proper kino.
Wit Studio passion project
Retard, most normalfags dismissed it as SnK ripoff and on Yea Forums it was only spammed for three eps. As soon as sakuga ran out and shitposting around muh shading died out threads became sparse with the handful watchers. Then Biba killed that interest too.