ITT: the most adorable and hilarious anime/manga characters

ITT: the most adorable and hilarious anime/manga characters

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I'm not laughing.

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Both shogi ais

misaki is just a smaller sakurako

all adorable and hilarious

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Not quite my tempo

Kill yourself

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The cute and funny Colors

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Kill yourself


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Fuck off samefag

i would post but i cant change my IP right now and ive already been banned several times by our fun and good-natured mods/jannies

how can Nishikata be so gay? shes literally spelling it out for him

Attached: [NeSubs-Areki] Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 2 - 07 (English Softsub).mkv_snapshot_16.20_[2019.08.18_2 (1920x1080, 728K)

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Fuck the Colors

nice thread

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I want Yea Forums to leave

Like I give a fuck if you spam titcows, I like females of every age under 40

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itt: seething pedofags

Based straight user

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good taste

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Nice thread

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Colors are shit. Ichigo girls are supreme.

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I really want to

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You have to go back

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devilish thread

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That’s cool but this is a thread for adorable and hilarious characters, like Char age six (6) for example

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Fuck the Mashimaros

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could you even fit a penny in her bald little coin slot?

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Marui sisters > Mashimaros > Colors

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ah, finally a gentleman of refinement appears

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You can fit a penis in a six year old.

Attached: Mizore-san (3).jpg (1644x1200, 687K)

I don't like fatty lovers, but since they are bullying incel lolicons now I will not say anything.

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A very small penis, probably.

Hi Juju. Ban evading again?

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Yea Forums is a titcow board now

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No? I was banned like a week ago only for a day. Stop being stupid.

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Based titcow poster. Unironically post moar tits

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Dumb Color poster

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i like this kind of baka

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this kind of autistic big tiddy baka

Attached: [Erai-raws] Tejina-senpai - 05 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_09.24_[2019.08.01_21.55.29].jp (1280x720, 321K)


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Just look at that mound.

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this is some very interesting anime/manga discussion