Jump axe seasons coming through
WSJ Axe Thread
I want kamio, gay shogi, gay rugby and ninja sci-fi to dissapear.
S8 has to be getting close to its limit, its never gotten popular despite lasting longer than any other manga in that position.
The Kishimoto name can only keep it alive for so long.
TSS should just barely miss the cut, its the most popular of that new batch.
The two B/W manga in you image will be safe for 4-5 weeks.
The rest of that list are all fodder at this point.
Bokuben will survive if there's no better romcom harem shit same as Yuna, no better ecchi. Everything else can go.
Bokuben seems like it just might be close to a natural ending, rather than being axed. Yuragi is very hard to get a read on, people have said like twice that they were on their last arc.
But what if one of those bottom two new ones end up being good?
Shityuun and Bokuben will end soon by a natural ending,the rest can't say that...
If one of them turn out to be gag, it gonna survive.
>both new series have guns
I don't expect realistic gun fights in WSJ so they better be some dumb Matrix level shooting
Only time can tell.
>Poro's author
I'll keep my expectation low.
Pretty sure S8 will stay alive even if it bombs, because it is Kishi's pet project.
If anything it will be the new president of the 30k club.
They're all guaranteed to go away in a few weeks or months. Kamio has a veteran and it makes it somewhat decent, but the other ones are straight up abominations.
S8 is dead in Japan. No one cares about it. The manga is a mess so I don't blame the readers if they don't give a shit. TSS can't even be called popular, at best it's in the second axe round.
Both the romcoms are past their expiration dates. Neither of them close to being as popular as Nisekoi. Jump romcoms are easily replaceable. I expect them to bring in Tosh and call it a day.
Maybe it won't be axed then.
No. Only if it sells. We've all seen how well that's been going for Jump lately.
No. Plenty of big authors came back with new series that immediately got axed because they were failures. The same will happen here. You're generously assuming it will sell 30k. At best it will stick around for 6-7 volumes like Robo.
I like his artstyle desu, hopefully his writing has gotten better.
Pretty much this, it will be carried by Kishi's name for a long time. Worst case scenario (for the series) is it doesn't sell that well so Jump won't force Kishi to prolong it.
Those are perfectly safe. Yuuna will outlive a lot of series. It feeds on the axe fodder.
>it will be carried by Kishi's name for a long time
Haha nope. 6-7 volumes at best, like Robo. People care about Naruto's name, not about Kishimoto.
Same here. But if the authors of Our Hero Studies and Super Dog Rilienthal could make a comeback then so can he.
>Haha nope. 6-7 volumes at best
If i remember correctly he said he wants Sam8 to be around 10 volumes' length so i think, unless it has outright abysmall sales, they'll let it run its course.
>Plenty of big authors came back with new series that immediately got axed because they were failures
Got any examples? Off the top of my head I know that the Beelzebub and Bobobo authors' next works bombed really badly
I can't imagine Kishi's series getting axed even if it is doing poorly. WSJ would rile up a lot of people by axing someone as well known as Kishi. Maybe they're more ruthless than I give them credit for.
How did Kamio outlast ne0lation? It's so goddamn awful.
Tokyo Shinobi Squad is the only one I care about
Did that ever get good?
The intro made it seem like it was going to get very generic quick.
No fucking way, i dont believe thats its almost a year since a manga got axed U19, didnt they axe a lot of series at the beginning of the year?
They escaped the club by the skin of their teeth.
why does japanese rugby manga always have to be gay? this is like the 5th series I know of
Because rugby's a gay sport
Isnt neolation and higuma U19? When did they got axed?
Poor Kishimoto, he really joined the one hit wonder club alongside Watsuki.
>Isnt neolation and higuma U19?
>When did they got axed?
Exactly 19, not under 19
Why are you trying so hard to push it as a failure when we don't even have first volume sales numbers
>Plenty of big authors came back with new series that immediately got axed because they were failures
>Comparing those to kishi
You can count on one hand the authors that are bigger than kishi.