It finally happened, Yea Forums. A season so bad there's literally nothing worth watching. Not one goddamned thing.
It finally happened, Yea Forums. A season so bad there's literally nothing worth watching. Not one goddamned thing
What is Vinland Saga? Oh wait, there's no cute girls doing fucking n
funny joke
Tell me what's worth a watch this season
in b4 Cop Craft or Fire Force
>watch the japs get danish history wrong for lulz
No thanks
KyoAni burned down only a month ago, give them a break user
Do you really have to be such a faggot looking for recommendations? Just use the correct board for it.
Nah, there's plenty to watch that are at least decent. Better than last season anyways.
Do you really have to be such a faggot and assume I'm not just lamenting this godawful season?
Hello newfag
What series have you tried?
Name one (1) season where there was actually a watchable anime.
Protip: You can't.
Last season had OPM, RobiHachi, Shield Hero, JoJo, Dororo, and Isekai Quartet for the ultra babbies
This season has dick
>not watching butt slayer
>tfw the best anime of the season is almost entirely western
>tfw the best anime of the season is complete shit either way
feels bad man
David come back
Fruits Basket is really good
I'm watching 4 shows this seasons. Seems decent to me
Admittedly two of them are carrovers from last season
>don't worry about quality my boy
>join the isekai degenerates
>we have a mommy fucking isekai AND a daughter fucking isekai this season!
>OPM, RobiHachi, Shield Hero
All 3 of these were terrible. Dororo's second half was shit
What's wrong for being not 100% historically correct?
>>don't worry about quality my boy
opinion discarded.
grooming show isn't isekai.
What about the edgikai?
Why did the Americans rename "If it's to fuck my daughter I would even defeat a Demon Lord"
There's a bunch of stuff to watch this season, what are you on about.
>Kimetsu no Yaiba
>Accelerator (if you're an index autist)
>El-Melloi (if you're the least bit into fatechuunishit)
>>watch the japs get danish history wrong for lulz
The second half of YU-NO is also a daughter fucking isekai.
>generic slayer
>Dr Middle School Lecture
Like I said, nothing to watch.
>noooo muh viking story with guys carving people and ships in half in one stroke and jumping from ship to ship in its first 3 minutes isn't historically accurate
>Another rec thread
>Tell me what's worth a watch this season
Cop Craft or Fire Force
They literally call it a historical anime
It's like if they did an anime about Jewish history and had the Maccabees doing teleporting iai *nuthin personnel kid* on Seleucids
Although knowing Japan they'd skip right by that and just have the Jews wield literal fucking magic
dont you kys and end your suffering
>generic slayer
It has pretty nice production value, it's entertaining. I like seeing Ufotable trying to push better CGI into a TV show even if it looks bad half the time.
>Dr Middle School Lecture
Bro, gotta admit that changes from the usual shounenshit. I learned some stuff with it too...
wtf if Wit Studio made an anime based on my country I'd be overjoyed, even if its not accurate
No, it'll get you to lift
They can be fun, and the latter looks pretty damn good, I like how its directed and the ton of engrish they crammed into it
I mean if you dont even give these shows a try cause of your meme mentality of course you'll never find anything satisfying
keep the falseflagging on its entertaining
You're 3 months late with this post.
>22 minutes later
>still no reply to
Oh look yet another retarded who doesn't actually watch anime doomposting about shit he doesn't know anything about. How surprising!
>Symphogear and Lord El Melloi Case Files are airing this season
Not our fault you hate fun.
>Moses transmutes a rod into a snake in front of Pharaoh in Exodus
Don't call it historical but I would watch an anime adaptation of the Old Testament. Bonus points for 100 sacks of foreskins.
>It's like if they did an anime about Jewish history and had the Maccabees doing teleporting iai *nuthin personnel kid* on Seleucids
>Although knowing Japan they'd skip right by that and just have the Jews wield literal fucking magic
Actually on second thought that sounds fucking awesome.
This has happened for like ten seasons in a row, with the exceptions of Happy Sugar Life and Ueno-San.
>I'm totally not begging for recs I swear
>but gimme recs please
Give me recs so I can tell you why they're bad and your taste is shit you fag
People like you are why there are no good historical anime.
>Gross out humor about a girl trying to make a boy she likes drink her pee
Yea Forums is the worst.
Since when a became Yea Forums 2.0 where everything has to be ironic and hating on everything is a cool thing to do?
>Sympho-shittyscore and FATEshit
moefags on suicide watch
why this thred is not deleted by now?
Go watch a documentary with real footage or read a book if you want historically accurate shit, without swords or magic it's fucking BOOORING, you're boring!
>*theme song kicks in*
>why is this thread about anime on the anime board not deleted
Imagine thinking real-world history is boring
Literally the greatest story ever told and it's not even close
Needs to be a thing, I can picture the crappy CGI in this scene already
fucking weebs
I'm memeing, in particular I'd like to see Alexander the Great's journey made into an anime. Thing is I like when things are exxagerated a bit, and it's okay to take liberties.
What wrong with Dr Stone? Does Yea Forums hate it? I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
>thinly veiled rec thread
wheres the fucking mods
Historical usually means it plays before the modern age.
>it's ok to take liberties
Enjoy your roman history anime where Ceasar turns Super Greek, teleports out of the knife dogpile, and blasts the conspirators into the future with Pagan Fire Magic
"You too, Brute."
I bet you were told Santa isn't real when you were 3.
It's school in anime form, and the occasional pillar man or waifu doesn't change that
Really, the gimmick wears off incredibly quickly.
I think anons generally like it but it's extremely easy to shitpost this show with the parallels people draw with Rick&Morty or making fun of Boichi's uguu ayylmaos.
Retards, vikings literally recorded they met supernatural monsters and giants/trolls.
Every nation on earth has supernatural creatures recorded in their history.
Since like 2009 dude where the fuck have you been? It went fun > irony > newfags taking irony literally > meta nihilism
But last season was objectively worse. It had only Senko and Bocchi. There are plenty this season.
Symphogear and Granbelm
>still believing in Santa at 3
>not setting up traps to capture your parents when they try to pretend they're Santa or the Tooth Fairy
get on my level
What did you enjoy in the past few seasons that made them worthwhile?
There are multiple great action shows, a fun comedy, a thrilling cop show, an engaging drama and whatever you would describe Dr Stone as.
No thanks. I like to enjoy life.
Picked up
Granbelm isn't about moe, it's about Anna.
>and whatever you would describe Dr Stone as
Bill Nye the Science Guy with an ongoing plot
>Tell me what's worth a watch this season
Check out this faggot.
Promised Neverland, Mob Psycho, Dororo, Boogiepop, Karakuri, JoJo, OPM, shit even the godawful genre that is isekai was leaps and bounds better. I'd take Shield hero and Slime Tensei over FUCK YER MUM and FUCK YER DAUGHTERU any day
You say this every season.
What a snorefest. OPM was okay, though.
wtf Saber looks like THAT???
Wow all of those are shit.
Post your MAL and i will recommend something for you :)
>not worth watching
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day
I haven't watched anime in 6 years. I only read manga now
Fruits basket is still airing faggot
we need manga board
>Isekai yourself to find the dragon balls so you can cure your childhood friend of her stds
>impregnate an elf and fuck your half elf daughter
What a chad mc, I think I’ll pick this up
picked the fuck up
About 2011 or so, though there were those years inbetween where literally everything just had constant generals instead of just shitgeki and jewjew
Slime was just as much of a train wreck as momsekai, user. That aside, if you already tried Vinland, Cop Craft and Fire Force and weren't into them, then I guess you're sitting this season out. Dumbbells is a great comedy and I highly recommend trying it if you haven't
Fuck off to Yea Forums then
I actually really liked what Fire Force did with KyoAni
Fucking retard
>shonen shonen shonen
yikes go back to Yea Forums
I need more "historical" anime ideas
What about the colonization of Africa but it's giant Colonial terraformers vs African Zoids
it happened a long time ago
Last season was worse
I went from watching 12 to 25 shows this season so it's definitely better
>stealth rec thread
>over 100 replies
>He's not on the SYMPHOGEAH Hype Train
Magical girl in crocs
>A season so bad there's literally nothing worth watching. Not one goddamned thing.
Just because there's no decent moeshit airing this season doesn't mean its bad.
anime should just be renamed to shmoe nen at this point
Winter of all years
Why is this thread still up?
Why isn't anyone at least making use of the mod absence and posting loli?
why are you such a fucking moron desu?
desu desu desu desu desu desu
Senko was fucking boring though
actual AOTY
You've lost touch with anime. Time to head to Yea Forums for your yearly moralfag capeshit.
Meanwhile on Yea Forums
>Cop Craft
>Case Files
>seasonal shiteaters literally defending worthless shonentrash like Dr Stone, Fire Force and Kimetsu no Yaba ITT
When will South America finally get rangebanned? This is fucking ridiculous.
NNS fans make the world function
Wasn't that all Q1? What did last season have besides the second cour of a few of those?
>seething moeretard
Why does asking for recommendations trigger some people on Yea Forums so hard?
Yea Forums isn't like that at all
They shit on most games nowadays because most games nowadays are bad.
Notice how you will get laughed out of the room if you shit on the old classics.
the answer is lurk more.
Ah yes, the usual shonenspic who believes that only shonen and moe exist. Like clockwork.
stopped reading here my cringeworthy friend
The answer is moeshitters are scared that if people are given recs they might actually start watching good shit instead of the popular moeshit.
Moeshitters are the only people that crusade this hard against shounen.
Why does saying "this season is shit" somehow morph into "please tell me good shows" for some people
>stop enjoying anime
>forgot my favorite shows this season
Don't let the door hit you on your way out.
>being this new
I’d been through this before and just go back to rewatch my fav ones or catch on the ones I never even got started on.
Also, this seasons isn’t that bad faggot
>implying the jews don't wield literal fucking magic
Dumbbell is unironically the best thing on at the moment.
That's a weird way to spell Maou-sama, Retry!
AOTS two seasons in a row.
Too bad that it can't be discussed in a post-2016 Yea Forums.
Literally the dudes worst anime he's ever made. He killed his career
I liegitimately thought this show was cancelled or something, i never see any threads about it.
? There are threads after every episode, any other time of the week they're just an invitation to shitposters, however.
>rewatched your favorites so many times you can't sit through them anymore
middle age is tough, kid
This shit thread proves Yea Forums needs IDs so we can spot when an OP makes a shit thread and then bails on it
This is probably the best thread on Yea Forums right now
You're exagerating. The anime is fine, if a bit unremarkable.
When people make these bait threads looking for rec I always rec them the shittiest shows. I already did in this thread
The only good thing about this anime is Tuesday's pink butthole.
Please fuck off and die.
What we need are better and more mods.
OP here, I made a mistake.
There is one good anime this season.
Kengan Ashura
fuck off, the manga is ultimately better AND finished
>not watching my cute wife's anime
shame on you
today a reminder
>Notice how you will get laughed out of the room if you shit on the old classics.
I'm a regular lurker and can confirm that won't happen. Yea Forums will relentlessly shit on everything for no reason.
>walmart Satania
expect Shamiko is better in every way.
She's superior in every way.
You mean Demon Chika
haven't seen it yet but is it really that much worse than bebop? I didn't think it was possible to make a more mediocre show
It is third in row for me. I haven't watched anything new this year.
What is your problem with documentarys?
It's not that bad if u watch the 3 shonen.
Nothing to be hyped about though..
Is it worth it if i don't care for yuri?
>not being a SymphoCHAD
>not watching bullyable poorfag goat
I have. Only anime i still get something out of is pre-2000 stuff.
Shit fucking taste
its not a documentary so i dont really get the problem
Anime is not the medium to do historical accuracy.
Did you forget Zankyou no Terror exists?
That shit took the biggest nosedive I've ever seen in my life into becoming a fucking joke
Stop trying to fit in so hard
Yeah, last season was pretty bad.
This is one of those
>only the bad anime are good
Watch Maou-sama and Symphogeah
name ONE (1) good thing about bebop
protip: you can't
It finally happened, Yea Forums, there is not a single good thread on this board.
read the original vn instead (not the remake).
worth it for the baller pc-98 music alone, but it's altogether a few million times superior to the adaptation we got
It finally happened, Yea Forums, there is not a single good poster on this board.
Jokes on you, i’m still posting.
Like you have any right to complain.
Your posting history is just sad. You're neither an oldfag nor a raging autist, just a slightly more retarded than average faggot.
good taste
I'm enjoying granblem because of anna.
But if she dies, I'm dropping.
I need to go back to my backlog anyway
if you really thought Shield Hero was watchable, I might just have to break the news to you that you're retarded.
Astra Lost in Space is my AOTS so far.
I mean, everything with a plot or plot arcs is basically shonen because like 99% of plots are just a rehash of hero's journey.
Shield hero's dialogue and action pacing was just so horrible that even if everything else about it was perfect it would still be among the worst anime ever.
>Self-moderation should be allowed
Demon Slayer
Vinland Saga
Mo Dao Zu Shi 2
Dr Stone
Lord El Melloi
There's plenty of good anime to watch if you're not a braindead moefag
>thinly veiled recc thread
just skim the catalogue dumb fucking gridsposter
OP is always a fag!
>nothing to watch
I may be a fag, but at least I'm not posting the worst show since lucky star
re-watch Naruto
There''s something for everyone this season, even if it's kinda shit.
Now Fall 2017, that was a trash season.
This season is okay-ish. The next one is what you should be worrying about. Fall will have like 7 isekai shows and 3 gacha adaptations. Yea Forums is already in a sorry state, can't fucking wait for the grand /vg/ invasion to ruin this board to the ground. I just hope No Guns Life will be good
Maou-sama, retry is actually very funny.
Janky as fuck, terrible animation, ridiculous story.
It's the studio's second project ever.
Get over your boner for Danish history on Vinland Saga. Nobody ever adapts history correctly into cinema or animation. Ever.
Consider it a thematically norse-inspired story. It's good.
Mazoku is good. Shamiko is a billion times better than Satania ever was.
Granbelm is pretty.
>seasonal anime watcher
fucking kek, whites don't deserve anime
Shamiko is a miracle of the universe.
why do you hate fun OP?