Red - Living on the edge

This manga has been getting daily releases for the last few months, it's currently at volume 16 out of 19. Anyone else following it?

It's about a Native American, a Japanese sniper and a cowgirl travelling through nineteenth-century USA in search of the ex-members of a disbanded military platoon.

If the premise sounds a bit familiar I'm positive Golden Kamui took some inspiration from the early volumes.

Attached: Red.jpg (840x1200, 349K)

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I do. It was licensed here in Indonesia, read it till finished around 10 years ago, and even back then it was already old. I'm glad based Italian scanlator releases chapter almost daily to share this gem to wider audience.

It was licensed in Italy too but sadly it was dropped around volume ten. Yeah shoutout to the guy for working at the speed of light.

Even in a 19th century america setting they need to throw a proud samurai type of character in there, not saying it's impossible but they always have to do that for some reason.

It's so the japs can self insert. Also why characters like Giorno in Jojo are half jap instead for some god forsaken reason.

Ieroh is a suicidal diserter whose character arc is finding the will to either live or kill himself. And he's a chump with a katana and very outgoing. I wouldn't cry for that trope here.

I LOVE the fact that the Japanese character is a gunmen. Still that matchlock Ozutsu is so out of place. At least use minie ball if he won't swap a heirloom piece lockplate for a caplock.

The rifle being so old to set up the whole "how can he be so good with that antiquery" is cheesy at times but after his flashback arc I can buy he just loves that rifle because of spoilers.
I still greatly enjoy having a japanese gunman rather than the usual teleports behind you.

Giorno was especially weird because it had no relevance to the story and they never mention it again.
He still feels out of place, especially when Japan used to shut itself off from the rest of the world.

Not really. The Japanese diaspora went everywhere after the Sakoku was lifted. Nisei population to be interned in concentration camps in WW2 USA didn't come out of thin air. Murasaki's swordsman shtick on the other hand, yes.

WW2 won't happen for at least another 50 years. And like I said it's not impossible for him to exist, I just remember when I started reading it I thought "of course there's a japanese character".

I was surprised they had the sense to give Red a big gun rather than letting him try to tomahawk his way to Blue.

I'm surprised someone else knew about this. It also amazes me that someone is scanning something so old and at such a fast pace.

Just speculating but I think it's because of , tl-kun felt cockblocked and decided to put it out there for everyone.


A Giant Tomahawk won't carry him through all the battles, he need that Big Iron.
>But Murasaki still permitted to go ham using his daisho set

Yes, I meant it was a good thing. Honestly Murasaki really feels out of place compared to the rest of the cast.

Can I see some art from it?

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I'm loving it, and wish I can buy an English version.

I wasn't expecting it to be so emotionally powerful, it made me tear up a few times.

Going to comic rental after school was part of highschool life, introduced me to manga other than the childhood classics and big shounens. Lucky that the place has a respectable collection of older manga.

I remember the art being really good and possessing a distinct 90s vibe, I used to borrow it from a buyfag friend who was incredibly mad when this happened.

>It's about a Native American, a Japanese sniper
Sounds like SJW garbage to me

>I remember the art being really good and possessing a distinct 90s vibe
Definitely, it took me a while to stop seeing Red as Native American Dark Schnaider.

>Saying this about a manga from the 90s
This is your mind on identity politics

>SJW's didn't exist in the 90's
You must be 18+ to use this site

Japan was opened up by the 19th century and they were traveling and immigrating to western countries. It was mostly academics and members of the government going to study and document which parts of western society to appropriate.

They weren't huge numbers but they built and sailed back their first steam ship to US shores just 7 years after the first steam ships arrived in Japan.

There's quite a lot of "japanese warrior in the American West" manga works though, if only for the pottery of the "cowboy samurai" aesthetic since samurai and cowboy movie genres kept influencing one another. Jiro Taniguchi also made one.

Go back.

yeah i saw it in the recently updated list once and ended up getting way onto it. it's fun and the relatively underused setting dor a manga adds a lot. you can tell the author cared about the aesthetic and the look, despite it being pretty schlocky too (but in a good knowing way)

the guy tling it works like a machine too so hats off

Red has become one of my favourite series, can't wait to see how it ends.

The art is one of the best things about it.

Attached: m11.jpg (969x1400, 552K)

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Probably my favourite title page from it so far.

Attached: y2.jpg (1690x1200, 993K)

There's also Samurai Western which was a spinoff of the Way of the Samurai games. Interesting but not quite Yea Forums fact, the cover of the game was the first professional work for Kenneth Rocafort who's now a pretty big deal artist for American comics.

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kinda retro, I like it

Because it's 20 years old. It started publication in 1998. Same author did Kamen Rider Spirits which is also great if you like this series and have any interest in Showa Kamen Rider. That said it has the absolute shittiest history with scanlations. Over a fucking decade the series has been dropped and picked up by 5 different scanlators and still has like 4 volumes left to be translated. And that's ignoring Shin Kamen Rider Spirits which I don't think has ever been translated and is a continuation since the original magazine was ended.

Then there's the entire deal where Vertical dicked people around on getting it published. It was a title they brought up and polled fans on, then decided the numbers weren't good enough. Then told another fan he'd need to get a 30,000 signature petition for them to consider it (he couldn't of course) then said they were never going to really consider it because they don't want to publish long running ongoing series... yet are publishing Vinland Saga.

Real shame it'll almost certainly never be finished. It's pretty much the hypest thing that's ever been created.

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RED is a god damn masterpiece and I can’t believe I never knew of it before this year.
Big props to the guy cranking out scanlations at an insane speed.

His arc was better than most of the manga. I was expecting to have a super great native american story but while good it could have been handled in a more interesting way. Even the white bitch and the indian loli are more interesting. The villian is kind of meh and it could benefit from more comedy. Nevertheless, its still a fine old west story much better than you average manga and better than sheriff evans and et cetera atrocities.

You sound like a negro fucked your crush

Read through to volume 7 a few months ago, picked it back up last night and its still as good as it ever was.