Soon, episode 20 will air.
YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of this World
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I want to fuck Mio.
Reminder to be a VNchad and play with original graphics.
dumb suicidal elf
Subs fucked again, shift them back 1 hour and something.
They turned the one night stand girl into a traitor
I don't understand why they keep changing things. They should have cut her out entirely.
This shit gets worse with each ep
I heard Funimation has working subs.
How come they just left him there after he killed one of their comrades?
Because they had to issue an arrest warrant for him first. They aren't barbarians.
>subs fucked up
Idiots, should've drunk the animal's blood.
The right subs timing is forward to 01:00:04.10
Then it works fine
You can set up subs delay in your media player.
Next you'll say they should have taken Kunkun along to eat her in case of emergency.
Emergency onahole.
Heard this guys childhood friend is a prostitute, is that true?
>fucked up subs AGAIN
This anime can't catch a break.
I thought Takuya was smarter, he just trusted that thief elf girl right off the bat.
yea, that fucking stupid he was betrayed so many times and still doesn't recognize the whores
>she wasn't raped
I knew you fucks were lying.
What the fuck am I watching? The changes are so poorly written it's like fanfiction. Nothing makes any sense.
>both hs and erai are fucked
What's even going on recently? This is shit
Still better than the confusing VN with the confusing walkthroughs. If you can't figure it out even with walkthroughs, it is shit
Makes more sense than the VN and walkthroughs. The fuck is that shit? Can't figure out what to do
I would if that shit wasn't so convoluted, even the walkthroughs confuse and scare me
Can you gather all your low iq shitposting into one post next time?
They making money. This is how business works. The people are always stupid, thanks for that funsub will become dead
What the fuck happened to this anime? Ever since he went into what's it called I'm completely lost. One episode he's in a new world, the next he has a grown ass child, the next the mom is getting raped and he's trekking the desert. He hasn't used the time rewind shit in forever. All the characters and relationships introduced throughout the first 20 whatever episodes are basically useless. And he still hasn't fucked his daughter.
Can someone give me a summary of this episode? I can't watch it right now.
>He hasn't used the time rewind shit in forever.
He's apparently keeping it to rewind to Kanna. He didn't have it here in the first place in the vn.
The rest is shit pacing and excessive rewriting.
Are you the same guy posting this every week?
Starts off with his wife about to get raped. Then we find out she ran away from the capital and mc is viewed as a bandit. The daughter and dragon are still in the forest. The wife breaks free and kills herself. The soldiers find the device and take it back because apparently it's some treasure that was stolen. The wife/mom enters the heart of the daughter where now she can talk to her in her heart. The mc and the daughter leave the dragon behind and go through the desert trying to reach the capital. They almost die until they find an oasis where they meet a thot. They recover, the thot leads them through the desert only back to the soldiers because mc is now a wanted man and he has a bounty on his head.
I thought each individual marble thing was a separate save slot? I'm all sorts of confused. This went from guilty pleasure of shit anime to shit anime.
The anime gave him just 1 save slot to simplify things, apparently
Yes, You got a problem? Take it to the convoluted VN that made me think like this. Or make a simple easy to understand walkthrough
I respond to posts as I see them and sometimes I miss some before clicking reply. Maybe if Yea Forums had an edit button
Don't even try the VN, then. One look at the walkthroughs, and you see how, even if the anime is rushed and not completely right as an adaptation, it's at least easier to understand
If you're lost on the anime, you won't complete the VN even with walkthroughs
I mean, if my brainlet ass can understand the anime but not walkthroughs, that means you need to be even more brainlet than me to be lost on the anime
I've been using this one.
He should have at least fucked her. Can't rape the willing.
it made sense in the game why she hated him
you know, cause of the rape.
>cause of the rape.
He sure forgot his wife fast.
You play it through until the end once, and make a shit-ton of mistakes and end up in some shitty situation, but it's a roleplaying game and that's how it works.
after that, you just use a walkthrough to get the other nine endings because you've already found out how it would go if it was you and now you want the real ending
Yuno had to watch that and get jealous.
He raped her? When?
When she invited him to.
He actually rapes her in the VN? Funny they turned it into a gag for the anime.
Sounds like kusoge if I have to do that shit and waste my time. I prefer my time wisely spent doing stuff that will progress the game to where I want
>having to rely on google translate
Why don't you just read it in Japanese?
Because Japanese is a dead language. I only taught myself important languages like English, Spanish, Korean, Chinese, Russian, Hindustani, and Arabic. Why waste my time on something so useless?
>Guy kills a guard, the previous guard on border control and fucks a holy miko dooming the world
>Throw a spinning rope and a rock at him and let him free
>Actually talks, only Lifeless
Oh, and steals THE holy treasure (time device) too. I'm gonna say even Aselia had a better adaptation without playing this VN to not think badly of some people
Are these guys incompetent or just not give a fuck about their lives? How could they let some guy who killed one of them go?
He doesn't actually rape her (as in penetration), at most he ties her up and slaps her ass as he (thinking she is a possible enemy) interrogates her.
The rewriting in the adaptation is completely brainless.
>he fell for the "useful" language meme
>not putting in the extra effort to enjoy ones hobbies
And after all that they put posters of the guy on the city and set a trap on the middle of the desert for him. Questioning this police methodology.
RIP Sayless
This is an anime/vn for intellectuals. If you can't understand it then it's not created for you demographic. It's geared more towards educated and outward thinkers. Perhaps go to school more, read some more books, gain more life experience and return to this. Then maybe you might start to understand what's going on.
that's a really roundabout way to say shit
This but unironically
>He doesn't actually rape her (as in penetration)
Not rape, but he does fuck her that night.
except for the anime part
The desert part was favorite part of the VN
Oh I finally have a reason to post this
So, let me get this straight.
>They find a guy that apparently stole a treasure from the royal palace
>they beat the shit out of him
>they leave him where they found him, instead of taking him to the capital to question him
>they make wanted posters about him
>they find him again
>instead of taking him away to question him, they send him to the quarry
What the fuck am I watching?
but they are rapists!
anime original ending written by idiots
What happens in the vn?
he lost the reflector device when he came to this place
isnt thinking about kanna at all
he wouldnt be able to kill a guard if he tried and sayless kills herself before he can
sara tries to talk him out of what hes doing and doesnt go with him
sara mentions theres a resistance
guards find him on their own and send him to the quarry because they have no reason to care about anyone but the daughter
Sara didn't sell him out in the VN? I'm guessing she isn't an important character, but still, why would they do that to her?
The anime creative process was to cuck the mc as much as possible
>Trusting an elf
Serves him right.
He didn't kill anyone in the game, he's completely rekt by the guards
my memory on sara is rough but she tells takuya hed get along well with the leader of the resistance so its quite a character change
probably this it seemed like it was intended to be humorous
So are we going to see her again? Because the only hot chick on this new world was the dragon one and she's already kill.
Quite literally a daughterwife.
wtf moot, I didn't post that.
Nice t&a tho
Could Sayless talk this entire time?
Poor Kunkun
>his daughter became his wife
I know time travel and paths and shit, but I'd pay for an edit of this arc with a "days since Kanna died" counter
The suffering never ends.
D-does Yu-No watch?
Kunkun will be missed.
she stumbles into takuya spanking a tied up sara
she also wakes up while takuya is fucking sara next to her at night
What a fucking class act!
So Sayless' soul is inside YU-NO and she had to watch her husband fuck some random elf thief slut in the VN? Well at least Takuya wasn't being NTR'd for once.
yummy kunkun
Don't forget how recently she died.
This show is taking the meaning of "daugherwife" to a whole new level.
I miss Kanna and Mio. Heck, even Yuuki.
I'm still upset they skipped pic related.
I miss Eriko.
God I love Kanna's thighs.
Please spoil me VNfags: does he ever fuck his own daughter?
At least she's in this arc along with Ayumi
He fucked both his daughters
I mean Yu-no, not Kanna.
Also, when do we get to the part where he fucks Amanda? And does Yu-no die?
Should be next episode.
What about my second question? And does Kunkun come back?
yuno asks to be fucked and they have a very special horizontal naked embrace with a fade out before penetration
takuya isnt fucking anyone in this adaptation theyll probably write kanna to be toyotomis daughter or something
stay on the edge of your seat for that last one
What the fuck, why would he fuck his own daughter?
because she asked for it and hes a good father
he fucks almost everyone so a better question is how he held out for so long
>because she asked for it and hes a good father
That sounds messed up
Why doesn't he fuck Kunkun?
because literally "why not"
he tries to argue that it's against the law and socially taboo but then gets rebutted with the fact that there are no laws and there basically is no society so with no real arguments left he just gives in
why not?
Forget Kanna, Taku should have just taken his family home. Then problem with that is no one on Earth has elf ears.
>Taku should have just taken his family home
and it's impossible anyway
theres some additional context surrounding it but its a bigger spoiler than who fucks who
but she did say earlier shes not gonna lose to sayless lol
i was wonderin the same thing but it probably turned out for the best
This threads have become deader and deader by the week. Threads rarely even reach 200 posts now, let alone bump limit.
i'll be honest i haven't watched since like episode 8, i just come to see reactions and talk about the vn and even then, only sometimes
At least the threads actually last a decent amount of time, watching truly dead shows is sad because if don't watch them within a few hours of airing the thread is already archived when you look for it. This is up for 12+ hours which is enough time to anyone watching to join in.
>watching truly dead shows is sad because if don't watch them within a few hours of airing the thread is already archived when you look for it
Examples from this season?
I don't think a YU-NO thread ever hit bump limit. Maybe very early ones but I don't remember. Just deader and deader each time.
Considering how well regarded the original VN is, kinda strange to see the anime threads being so dead.
For some reason I'm really enjoying the VN adaptations feel has been putting out lately. First Island and now this. Good times.
Most people who played the VN think the adaption is shit and bailed after the first arc confirmed that. People who haven't played left because they didn't want to be spoiled.
we didnt even get yuuno being fucking adorable while takuya tries to leave her behind
I know the VN is an eroge and all, but come on, it's because of shit like this I don't play VNs. MCs have a dick brain.
At least he didn't fuck her in the anime, that's a small improvement.
Reading the thread, I feel I should have dropped it ages ago.
Better late than never.
I've gone too far to turn back now, I'm going to stay on this train until it completely runs off the tracks, crashes and burns.
Elf ass
quality ass
They can't even be bothered with some decent fanservice.
>trusting a slutty elf
top ten biggest mistakes
So the fucking emperor is actually ayumi?
he does in the game
No he doesn't.
Yuuki was actually a really fun character in the vn. Mio, takuya and yuuki interactions were the best.
No one likes seeing dead waifus
Probably, same hairs. Seems like a really dumb twist.
Yuuki is best girl
Actually the slut was coming onto him after she learned his wife just died recently
Also the fan translation edits two versions (PC-98 and Sega Saturn) of the sequence together. I'm not sure what exactly happens in the SS version but it's possible he rejects her (there's a CG of them just kissing).
That's a horrible way to treat her granddaughter and daughter in-law.
No, they HAVE to fuck.
don't we all?