Why did Yea Forums hate it?
Why did Yea Forums hate it?
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I've never seen it so I don't hate it
I tried to watch it. But it was somehow boring and I ended up dropping it. Do not even know if they managed to go to Antarctica or not
We didn't
>Winter 2018
Here we go again
I wish the VEG shitposter would have killed himself aftert the Kyoani fire
According to Yea Forums this anime is "good for no good reason"
because it was good and popular enough
Been sitting on my hdd for half a year. Should I watch it?
No, it is boring
Yes, it's really good.
it's almost been two years and their ass is still pained
It wasn't bad. The girls were alright.
no, girls are not cute enough to watch
Nah. Shows is forgettable and boring. The same autist keeps making this thread. Its real tiresome
I don't know why one person is obsessed with hating this anime. It's obviously mental illness, no question, but why this specific anime? It's a mystery.
because it and yuru camp outsold it, and even though all three were successful they're buttsore because it wasn't first in sales
yes, they're that autistic
2018 was the greatest year in recent anime history and if you don't agree then you're literally retarded
Contrarianism and one autisticfag crusade pushing for a studio wars
The people who hate on this are the same people who hate anything KyoAni
VEGfags kept shitting on it though.
This really doesn't have to be about KyoAni you obsessive pricks.
People can dislike it for much more mundane reasons such as the main characters not standing out on their own, being copies and having very predictable roles and stereotypes, the episodic mood being all over the place with uninvited jokes, overused tropes being used in the ending, the premise being rather absurd, etc.
People with enough reasoning capability can simply dislike it for what it is.
>People with enough reasoning capability
Well I don't browse places with people like that.
VEG and YoriMoi are both good. There I said it.
I said KyoAni because I don't know another studio that does as much moe
forced crying
>Why did VEGfag hate it
I fixed your title user, don't worry.
Also, it's because he's an autistic faggot
One, or two autists hated it. Yea Forums liked it.
You being this new is your fault alone. Fucking hell dude go watch more anime.
This should have been the default stance, but VEGfags are so autistic that they decided to spend the last two years shitting on yorimoi because VEG lost to it in a popularity contest.
I assume some of it might also be that some people only picked it up due to hype. The early threads were all pretty positive but I assume later on we gained people that don't really like this sort of genre just because they heard it was good.
That one guy did account for at least half of the shitposting though.
Reminds me of that one time when the turboautist spammed gore when some user created a new yorimoi thread (previous thread got deleted), hoping it'll get deleted too.
Yea Forums hates everything.
rent free
The irony
I fell asleep on the first episode
Yea Forums isn't one person
and if it were he would be a real jerk
t. haven't watched it, but it will suck.
Yea Forums fucking loved it. No matter how much you attempt to rewrite the past, that wont change.
You will always be seething VEGtard, we all remember how you were humillated back then
I feel fine.
They don't, it's well-regarded as the greatest story ever told.
They go to Antarctica.
Some autist wants it to be /x/
A la Mountains of Madness
Hello Enigma-kun. And here we thought you'd killed yourself after the Kyoani arson.
Watch Yama no Susume instead
2017 was loads better
Because it was better than K-On
Both 2017 and 2015 were better
It sucked
No, you spoiled it to me. I was considering to pick it up again but now you ruined this possibility
That's actually bullshit spoilers user
I don't want to spoil you, but that user left some very important part in that spoiler text.
Keep watching.
you only see one of them. Where did the other 3 go though?
You didn't think they were going to Antarctica? I didn't like the anime because I waited too long and it wasn't even good. They skipped all the travelling part and spent just a couple episodes at Antarctica. 3 episodes of drama, 3 of ship and six of Antarctica wouldn't be so hard to deliver, I just wanted to see cute girls doing cute explorer things.
I thought the show was just meh, but the rentless shitposting from VEGfags caused me to like it a lot more eventually. Good work.
I thought VEG was dull but I don't hate it from a technical standpoint.
There's not all that much in Antarctica. Exploring Shinjuku and Singapore is much more interesting.
It was alright, kinda dumb sometimes but very enjoyable overall
Half the fucking OP shows them in Antarctica dumdum
It's garbage for smooth-brains.
Another thing I hated and forgot. They didn't do nothing at Singapore and etc. It could have been a nice travel anime about the places they went to but the director thought that bitching about money for 12 episodes was nice.
Why should I hate the best anime of 2018 and the most recent cult title?
I absolutely loved it, and it feels good to be a kimarifag
quick summary as far I know
>same season that VEG
>somewhat ignored, then comfy threads
>then memethreads with lots of funposting
>is some point midseason some faggot insist to put VEG in some (and latter every) threads
>reitalation ensues and then shitpost in VEG threads
>they are bitter enemies
that was ever since
It was good
Are the girls alright?
>waaah I’m so famous that absolutely nobody ever wanted to be friends with me
I dropped it after that shit, also the fakeout dream sequence was stupid as fuck
>criticize soya yori
>get called a VEGfag
What is with the obsession of uprifags with VEG?
You are becoming as annoying as VEGfag with these daily threads.
I only like the seiyuu
You forgot to mention how this anime attracted SEA monkeys like yourself. The guy who used to make yorimoi threads when it aired was singaporean. I remember him desperately trying to keep the conversation going because threads were dead and boring. Anyone remember that friend contract thing? That was almost /alita/ levels of cringe.
VEG fag make yori timeflop thread or attack every yori thread. They really hate each other now
No one remembers the happiest girl in the world.
It's great. I'm going to go rewatch it right now.
Yes, it was the best show in the season.
Why does reddit overpraise this garbage and shit like mob so hard? Lack of brain capacity?
Because Yea Forums is mostly shonenfags now.
Kimarin cuts her own bangs like a retard. But yeah かわいいね
Reminder that Yea Forums loved this anime. Any claims otherwise is most likely from the autistic VEG shitposter.
>Yorimoi thread
>VEG derail
>tfw last kimarifag left alive
At least you are not a short stack fan.
It's a reddit anime.
she's all right
Yea Forums didn't hate it.
It's just that that very season was pretty bland as a whole, and Sora Yori was the more successful "underdog" up against Kyoani (VEG) and Yuasa (Crybaby), and thus two of the most aggressively competitive and in large parts hateful fandoms out there. You could even add Triggerfags/Franxx into the mix, but I think it's fair to say that the latter ones had enough problems of their own to deal with, and only rarely competed in the tryhard "AOTS" shitposting.
All things considered, it got away relatively unharmed, and is probably the only thing of the season that people still consider worthwhile, with VEG pretty much only being lauded for its visuals anymore everywhere you look (whether that's justified or not is another issue), with Crybaby being disowned by Devilman fans and even most Yuasa fans considering it one of his weakest works (other than the few shitposters) and Franxx ... well, we all know what happened to Franxx.
Because it's overrated garbage praised by CR and Kadokawa shills.
No, it's a forgotten time flop.
>Yea Forums liked it
Yea Forums here. Yorimoi sucks.
>time flop
How to spot shitposters 101
>girls exploring Antarctica
>actually they are two episodes there, not much exploring
>gute girls and forced drama for the rest
it's been shilled ad nauseum for the last year and a half by Madhousefags and Hanakanafags
CGDCT done right.