New original series "Dhuranki" announced for Young Animal Zero. It will be produced by Kentaro Miura / Studio Gaga. Serialization begins September 9th (Miura Idolmaster edition)
New original series "Dhuranki" announced for Young Animal Zero. It will be produced by Kentaro Miura / Studio Gaga...
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You can tell Miura just wants to abandon berserk and do something different, but he can't.
>It's real
We are never getting a proper Berserk conclusion are we...
Hopefully it's about lolis peeing again.
We'll never get a proper Giganto maxia conclusion
>miura finally imbraces his inner lolicon
>at the cost of berserk
I don't know how to feel about this
Is the a loli or a shota?
he is the producer, the manga is draw from his maganka studio (he took idolmaster too seriously), if he is no longer able to draw, why doesn't he do the same thing with Berserk and just writes the story?
the next chapter is the last of Berserk, Guts marries Casca and Griffith makes the double life between being son and King ... the end
Oh really? I didn't know
I didn't even know it, but the tweet says it was produced by Miura / Studio Gaga
>Nopan Loli
Based miura
We keep winning lolibros
I hate miura so fucking much bros
>tfw Miura has a written out plan for Berserk
>you will still die before it ends
>main character is a loli
So it's basically confirmed Miura is the next Watsuki right?
You have to feel good about him ,he at last is free to make what he wants
I remember the times when I didn't believe people who said Miura just gave up and became obsessed with lolis. How fucking naive I was.
I honestly just want him to abandon Berserk and stop ruining it further. Every fucking page of cutesy chibi faced lolis and fairys being silly just cuts deeper and deeper.
and this is coming from someone who loves loli too. But I love Berserk more
If he wants to have assistants, he needs other manga to keep them busy while he's thinking about how to end Berserk.
Makes sense to me.
This one picture doesn't really impress me though, for now I'm not interested in this new manga
At least lolifucks will abandon the ship. Was tired to read how GA is actually overrated.