does /a like dominant anime girls?
Does /a like dominant anime girls?
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No because I'm not a betacuck
Fenales can't be dominant. That would require leadership and decision making. Something women can't do.
Yes because I’m a man with an exquisite taste.
No dude the faggots of a/ only like Loli Characters.
Loli...uargs worst
yes dominant girls are god tier
Subhuman roastie can't handle the facts.
Neither can you
Man, you can really tell how much Yea Forums has ruined this board by this one thread.
As my dick is longer than 4 inches, yes I do.
Only when they're having that fragile act completely blown away by a man.
I can go on without having breakdowns over stupid bullshit every 2 hours or being too stupid to know how to do more than one thing at once. Men are the ultimate beings.
I like otherwise dominant girls acting cute and submissive for the boy they like.
my dick is literally 4 inches long which anime girl is for me?
A dominant daddy. You're clearly not a man but a girl.
No one except for me can be dominant. That would require leadership and decision making. Something everyone except for me can't do. I am the ultimate being.
Always have, always will.
Females should rule everything.
Based Kars, and he's a man too.
You don't fuck Esdeath, Esdeath fucks you
>sadistic general who loves torturing her enemies and complains when captives aren't tortured enough before getting killed, but at the same time is a pure maiden who just wants someone to love and falls inexplicably in love with the bland shonen MC
>a general who orders her men to rape the women of cities she conquers, but who at the same time has no idea how sex works so that she can act embarrassed about it when alone with the retarded MC
Esdeath was as awful a character as the rest of her terrible series.
Femdom is the only thing I can fap to anymore.
When you barely have a 4 inch dick, is there any other type of girl you can like?
bonus points if they are into feminization/crossdressing
Esudesu is only interested in tender love!
>missing the point this hard
all women despise men weaker than them, and fall for men stronger than them; so freakishly strong women rarely have experience even though they'll go M at the flip of a switch.
somehow i like how she is fond of tatsumi. protective, taller than him and dominant.
No woman will ever be this kind to you. Let that sink in.
Fuck need to read the fanfiction again
Yes, so I can over-dominate them.
This looks possibly... based.
A dick is a dick, user. Just imagine if you were born without a dick. Imagine being that guy and thinking, "man if I could just have 1 inch, 1 inch I would be so grateful, but god fuck this world". But you have 4 inches, so be grateful for your penis, love your penis, you only get one. It's not inherently masculine or feminine just because guys are insecure fags and need to feel superior to each other. Like 99% of female stimulation occurs in and around the entrance of the vagina anyway.
Which one?
she can peg me any day of the week
>this same thread again
At this point, I wouldn't like it any other way.
Pegging sucks though
Femdom is great, deal with it!
Guess your ass just isn't built for it.
Pegi 18
Which one though?
Only if I can dominate such dominating females. It would be a more rewarding conquest.
Always go for the tomboy.
Give me the ara ara.
What about tomboy ara ara?
Can such a thing even exist?
I have no clue how that would even
bent but not broken
Thank you very much friend, have a good day or night.
>female body and male's mind
Is this the ultimate combo?
what am I supposed to feel? anal penetration has no sexual feeling to me, it kind of resembles putting something in your mouth. I thought the point of pegging was it was not supposed to be pleasurable, no?
I Want to Save My Village But a Sadist General Turned Me Into Her Pet
holy fucking based, please give me a waifu like that.
I love dominant women, which is a shame because they don't actually exist in 3D.
>Ara Ara
Actually yes, which is why traps are the best doms.
>what am I supposed to feel?
>I thought the point of pegging was it was not supposed to be pleasurable, no?
No that is not why people have anal sex. Getting stuff in your butt can make you cum without your dick getting touched.
Great taste.
I'm thinking like a motherly Amazonian woman
only when they are tiny
Lolidom is the most humiliating of all.
I like feet
Okay I'll take one.
Now that's an isekai that would be worth watching or reading.
Let's explore this idea. Why does she pick him?
That's what makes it so hot. Not necessarily a loli, but being dominated by a short, waif-ish girl who nonetheless overpowers you with sheer force of personality and knowing how to push your buttons.
Plus, there's something inherently arousing about a tiny girl leading a tall or muscular guy around on a leash, be it figurative or literal.
Because she's used to resistance coming in the form of arrogant, blowhard adventures who she crushes under her heel, but the protagonist is a genuinely good-natured, strong-willed kid who wants to help people by stopping her, which triggers some sort of ultra-sadistic instinct inside her and makes her want to crush his spirit forever.
Because he's fiesty/fights back.
No fun in dominating somone if they roll over and take it like a dead fish.
So what does she do to him? Make him walk around naked all day? Asking for research.
That's could be the gimmick. It could be like a funducational manga/anime about sadism and BDSM relationships, with the general constantly introducing new techniques to break the MC and make him her slave, only for the MC to bounce back defiantly and refuse to bow down, which only makes her more attracted to him.
Oh my, this pathetic beta sure is talking big.
>walk around naked all day
Depends on if this is in public or not, it wouldn't be in public first as that's too much too soon.
It's gotta be gradual. It's more fun that way.
I wish Nonon got to beat the shit out of someone while mocking them
Me too. Everyone talks about how they want Satsuki to step on them, but Nonon was clearly the prime femdom candidate in that show. Disco Mama notwithstanding.
So Nana to Kaoru but in a fantasy setting and with femdom instead of maledom?
Fund it.
Imagine not being an M
It would be nice. Being a male M is a sad, lonely existence lacking in fulfillment and acceptance.
>Getting stuff in your butt can make you cum without your dick getting touched.
How? I don't understand how this is physically possible.
Reverse S&M relationships exist though.
They're extremely rare and most women are repulsed by submissiveness in men.
If you confine it to the bedroom under the guise of role-play, it shouldn't be that of-putting.
Some people have a more accessible or sensitive prostate which, if stimulated, can give men female-tier orgasms (AKA the kind strong enough to make you almost black out).
At least that's the theory, I haven't tried it so I can't say.
Nah, most women just want to be pinned down and choked, in my experience. They have zero tolerance for anything else unless they're literal prostitutes you've hired.
They're far from rare, it's just that 99.9% will keep it behind closed doors, and the ones that don't are the old fat men and dried up old hags in leather gear you see on fetish sites.
>They're far from rare
prove it
What an idiotic statement.
>how this is physically possible
I don't know how or why it works but it just does. You haven't experienced an orgasm until you've had one from your prostate and if you can't get one I feel sorry for you.
In my experience, and from what I've seen in any interaction with women on the subject and based on biological imperative, women vastly prefer to be submissive and think submissive men are a joke in and out of the bedroom. Not only is this present in human behaviour and dating dynamics, but also in media both western and eastern. There's been no indication that femdom has ever been liked or accepted by women in all but the most selected circumstances. IIRC, there was even a study that showed femdom and feet were the most popular fetishes among men, whereas women showed a clear preference towards being raped.
Considering who my waifu is I don't really have much of a choice.
I've massaged my prostate before out of curiosity (Internet wouldn't shut up about it and my curiosity far outweighs the shame). I'll describe my experience best I can.
I can usually feel my entire male reproductive system, as in I feel some things behind my dick and whatnot, and when you massage your prostate you feel like your touching that part of your system. Since you never touch it, it has that shiver inducing sensitive sensation, much like how head pats can feel good because you never touch that part of your head. When you massage it though, it just....literally feels like your massaging the backside of your male organs (Specifically the prostate). Physically, it feels like a regular massage on any part of your body, but there's also a discreet sensation that connects to the back of your dick, but despite that it's not an inherently sexual feeling. It feels good, but not sexual, and it doesn't feel nearly as good as penis stimulation nor lead to ejaculation; it just feels nice, briefly, and then it feels like nothing you get bored. Though, the following week my sex drive was kicked up a notch, maybe due to the stimulation. Lastly, the prostate is sensitive and can actually hurt (Kind of feels like ass pain, a throbbing sensation). It only really responds well to light stroking so I can safely say pegging is going to hurt and isn't going to do a great job of stimulating it.
I would say it's not worth it to do it all the time. It takes too much prep, shit and shit smell is disgusting, takes too long, anal penetration as a male and the positions you must use to do it are awkward, effeminate, and embarrassing, and honestly, penis stimulation is just much better. I would maybe recommend doing it every 2-4 months if it had some health benefits, but all I could find was that it helps drain excess/old fluids from the prostate, effectively cleansing it.
Your waifu is Kurapika?
>I massaged my prostate
>Out of curiosity
Imagine Nonon's small fists pummeling your belly and her godly feet stepping on your head while you lie down bruised and defeated
>the positions you must use to do it are awkward, effeminate, and embarrassing,
I imagine that's half of it for a lot of people.
If I can be a full time house husband, yeah.
>does /a like dominant anime girls?
Sure do! The smugger, the better. Also, add pantyhose for best results.
As long as they are equipped with abs, brown skin, originate from some unknown tribe , and can princess carry me, yes.
Literally for gays
Yeah, I'm sure you're an expert on women. Your own argument is contradicted by the fact that was Esdeath chasing the retarded shonen MC who kept running away from her and thus showing that he was weaker.
Esdeath is just a blatant and self-contradictory wish-fulfillment fantasy; a strong beautiful and aggressive woman who at the same time is a pure virgin and utterly obsessed with the bland MC.
Time to fuck off back to your hole, irrelevant loser.
I thought all fujos were exiled to /trash/. Go back, whore.
I like femdom especially when it's gentle reverse rape done by a tanned childhood friend tomboy or a gyaru / thirsty virgin slut
I'm not into femdom.
But I think I'd enjoy Bernkastel tearing my soul into a million pieces, putting every piece in a different bad ending world, and telling me to piece myself together over a millennia, only to make it back to her to kiss her cute hand.
Nah. I think femdom is gay af.
Not really. I like Esdeath for being an actually all-around competent person.
Lolidom you say?
Imagine if she does it so many times you start to demonstrate submission by recoiling and looking down when she's around.
Mien neeger
But we're not talking about IRL
Tomoko domming cockroach, actually.
Excellent taste.
lolidom without shit like pegging in the only good one
Women are women here and in the 2D universe. I've seen a lot of cheating whores both in 3D abd 2D
Assertive girls are a miracle of the universe, and gentle femdom is truly the best fetish there is.
Only if they cut off dicks.
>Women are women here and in the 2D universe
Objectively incorrect. Teresa exists.
Imagine if she notices and starts playing with it, getting close to you at unexpected times, wiggling her toes in your direction to make you remember the time you were under them, making inuendos, and so on.
>Assertive girls
Hmm... how would it be like to have a pushy, confident girl breaking your defences as you meekly give way to her advances, not know what to do against such assertive behavior?
Imagine how intense the humiliation would be when hearing that smug voice insulting and emasculating you.
I've shamefully fapped to doskoinpo doujins, so I would say yes.
I imagine it'd be enough to anger you and make you try to fight back only to get horribly humiliated again
Fees like something to good to ever happen in real life.
Haha, what if, once your body was wasted, she'd get on top of you, start licking and biting an ear, and then proceed to say demeaning things about how much of a bitch you are, her voice punishing your eardrum with its loud volume, all concentrated on one ear to make it even more agonizing.
>feels like
Imagine how embarrassed one would feel when she kept confidently breaking your intimacy barrier in public, popping your fragile little bubble.
Best part is that you wouldn't even have the strength to try and make her stop.
Literally doesn't exist. I know, I've searched for it.
You'd be so weak after being beaten savagely by her that your pathetic attempts at pushing her aside would feel like caressing her, sending her into a laughing fit as her high-pitched cackling punishes your hearing even more.
Do 3d girls really hate being dominant THAT much? I've always thought they at least liked to be a little assertive every once in a while. Are they that insecure?
I can't into trapdom simply because facesitting is an essential part of femdom, but it doesn't feel right if there's dick and balls there. It won't work unless you can fully cover one's face in ass and pussy.
That's why you need magic so they can freely switch genitals.
>trap facesitting with balls
There's no defending this. This is just gay unless the trap takes ludicrous measures to keep the dick and balls away from face.
>Are they that insecure?
Isn't that obvious? Try to look what women post on social media, it's 30% self-help messages to make them feel more confident and 70% attempts at attention whoring so she can get her daily dose of comments of people saying she's alright and there's nothing wrong with her.
>Do 3d girls really hate being dominant THAT much?
God, yes. Any show of dominance is usually just their attempt to get the man to dominate them even harder. 3D girls live to be choked and raped while screaming for their daddies.
It just doesn't seem comfortable at all. Neither for you nor for the trap.
I just want to hear Nonon cackling at me while sitting on my face and barely feeling my attempts to move her ass away from me.
she's ruined by being a lesbo.
Yuri Femdom is boring since women are supposed to be submissive and pampered/abused anyway. It just detracts from any of the domination the S female would be dishing out.
I may be stretching a little here, but does that mean no means yes?
Haha do you think she's kinda lazy and wouldn't have switched her panties in a while when she sat on your face?
If you're hot or rich, sure.
Have another chad-Teresa.
This name might be blessed.
Yeah. So I can break them
>Women are women here and in the 2D universe.
but the entire reason we all love 2D is because they're the opposite of 3D
Josou seme is the Japanese phrase and it's an actual tag.
Femdomfags are really pathetic. There is nothing wrong with wanting an assertive woman, but the level you take justifies having your balls crushed under a heel.
so you're the fucker who's been ruining my doujins
Yes, crush my balls under your high heels and don't stop talking about how pathetic I am!
this is like saying all maledom fags want to rape and murder women.
Absolutely this. I could understand and actually like esdaeth if she was a prostitute with some innate magical potential that liked fighting and killing or she just slept her way too the tengu and then really showed her depravity
Instead we got generic waifu bait fetish pandering and thank god mine won. At least Mine had personality
Yes you are lol
It's only natural for men to dominate women. We just pretend to be retarded every now and then so to speak to make things more spicy
no way. can't you tell from his posting on a chinese imageboard about kawaii japanese girls in his free-time that he's alpha as fuck?
I'll kill you, you son of a bitch
I never really knew about the CBT fetish until I someone showed me Stigma.
Yuridom is better because the girl is dominated by another girl who should be her equal yet is her superior.
There is something incredibly alluring about high heels punishing male genitals, it's like the ultimate expression of the triumph of sexy femininity.
Is it worth reading the manga/watching the anime for her? She looks evilly fun.
Not really, it's shit and she's not much of a dom.
No, the series is garbage and she never does anything with him because he's an absolute faggot.
Both of this posts are correct and they are not contradictions
She gets introduced later and is a fun character with a broken world view that can be picked apart easily. You should read best girl's story (pic related) later on.
Yes but only up to a point, None of that penis insertion and shit like that.
You mean sounding?
Sounding is actually not anywhere near as bad as you think it might be. Be open-minded.
t. someone who never had sex and hates women because of his shortcomings
>Yuridom is better
>penis insertion
there's literally no faster way to kill my boner
Dom or not, I was simply wondering if she is worth getting into series.
This thread game me a few more for my bully folder so ill post a few.
You make it sound like I have a choice
Nope, but I'd like to be killed by a cute one eventually
You can't share something like that without giving sauce user. Common courtesy.
I want a situation where it starts as gentle femdom, but then the girl betrays the guy's trust and utterly humiliates him.
You've got my attention, go on...
Oh hai.
I hope the author keeps the original story.
Only if after completely breaking and humiliating him she adopts her comforting and gentle personality again and nurses him back to mental stability/comfort. So she can do it all over again
I love a girl in uniform
By asian standard is fine user, you'll find sameone
>I've seen a lot of cheating whores both in 3D abd 2D
who hurt you?
Sauce please? Reverse gives me shit
>crypto-vanillafags jerking each other off over their favorite mommy gf
Disgusting. There is only one type of femdom and it's where the female utterly dominates the male, like in this doujin
Seriously, what's with young people and their mommy/daddy kinks? Those have got to be the two least sexual terms I can hear.
I don't even like femdom per se, I just like sweet vanilla love with older/mature-looking women, especially oneesans. It just so happens they frequently have flavors of gentle femdom.
user, if you're straight, I have REALLY bad news for you.
No, I'm not gay.
You disgust me, but at least you posted Gentsuki, so you get a pass, for now.
Not nearly enough pictures being posted ITT
I heavily doubt there will ever be a female who takes as much interest in me to show any kind of emotion towards me, so no I guess.
I apologize. Allow me to post a manga people should read.
My favorite porn artist is Anmo Night but he only did a few things and most of it will never be picked up for an English translation by any perverts, so I either should learn Japanese or Italian.
This pain is the worst.
Why isn't there a manga about a cute dominatrix and her quirky clients? Ghost Talker's Daydream just focused on the exorcisms instead of the stuff I was interested in.
how much dominant are we talking about?
sad but mostly true
In whatever way pleases her, of course.
>mind of a femboy
>body of a femboy
no thanks
>.t low test f@ggot
>he doesn't want to experience the boundless humiliation of getting dommed by a girl (male)
I don't want to be dominated by women, but dominant assertive women get me so hard. I just want to fuck them
Ara Ara tomboy
fuck you I want a muscle mommy wheyfu
nice to see fellow men of culture
No, that's fucking beta. Esdeath is a yes though.
God I wish I were just a maledomfag. I'd pick up random whores on Tinder who would lay there like a dead fish screaming "rape me daddy" and I'd love it because my 25IQ brain's thought patterns end at "penis in vagina me happy" and I can't long for anything more than that.
then you'll be missing out
god i wish that was me
I think I've exhausted the supply of femdom material Japan has produced. Do I have to go looking for it elsewhere now?
I shudder.
>Sundome is actually available in English and I can buy it
Huh. Funny old world innit
No. BDSM is a shit fetish
What's wrong with friendo?
Imagine losing a boxing match to a smug cute girl.
Terrible teste. Sleepy is the best.
sleepy isn't even femdom, fuck off
Ignorance truly is bliss. Maledom fags are proof of that.
I like dominant girls, but I feel that I'm too big and intimidating to be attractive to them. Only small petite girls ever ask me out. How to signal to the dominant women that I wouldn't mind being tamed?
Small girls can be doms. There's no reason your size would be a problem. Do you think pajeets have trouble taming elephants just because elephants are huge?
Just for Esdeath? No. I think it's fun for what it is, but you don't really get a lot of Esdeath being a qt.
If you want to read it purely for Esdeath, read Mato Seihei no Slave. It's the same author and it has Discount Esdeath as the main love interest.
I know, and I wouldn't mind if she was a pajeet to my elephant (honestly girl over 6'6 and 240lbs would make me feel a bit scared). It's just that I have never been approached by a dominant girl and I seem to be "the type" of small cutesy girls.
I bet it would be cute to see a petite girl lording it over you.
I myself am a manlet and even my niece who just started 7th grade is taller than me.
Me on the left.
Love them amazons.
Tiny dommes are the best anyway, they can be extra smug about it.
>ywn be wrestled into submission by a muscular tanned qt
Foiled by the basedboy wojak again.
brb hanging myself
/thread and weeb fanatsyes btfo
D-does she put even more pressure into the submissions after you tap out just because she can?
Imagine the humiliation when you can't break free and she chokes you out with her thighs while calling you pathetic.
Do you think she would lighten up on the bullying if you offered to lick her sweat clean? Or would she do it even harder, prompting you to be even more of a beta for her to walk all over, in a positive feedback loop?
It hurts bros... but not as bad as if she was doing it!
Stigma is probably one of the best femdom works I've ever had an opportunity to fap to. I wish something like that could happen to me in real life.
You should be kidnapped by a cute girl who ties you up sixty-nining each other and leaves you like that for a day.
Aren't you having one right now?
Or are you going to pretend that what you are saying right now is logical and not dominated by your emotional and mental weakness?
Jesus Christ how horrifying.
Of fucking course I do. Do I look like a retard that wouldn't?
I want to self-insert as a girl and get destroyed by this goddess in a fair fight.
Please user, Chun-Li ryouna is one of my weaknesses.
>not wanting to get sexually and mentally abused by three girls at once
>not wanting to get your balls crushed and your last orgasm forever denied to you
>ass slap
>I am trash
Tsumi to Kai Is already like that from what I heard.
Haven't read it myself.
Thank you user, I never knew of this. May your days be blessed.
Hahaha imagine wrestling your neck free just enough to turn your head around and suck her clit, furthering her grip even further. But then she tightens and tells you "if you ever want to draw breath again, you'd better hurry up!" HAHAHAHAHA wouldn't that be ridiculous?
>lick her sweat clean
The world needs more of this.
Imagine orally cleaning her panties after a really hot and sweaty day in which they dug particularly deep into her asscrack as she exercised.
Overally don't. But there is few exceptions.
Does it count as femdom? At least I'm sure it's humiliating.
A woman is physically dominating someone else, so yes.
My favorite scenario is to have Sakura completely destroy her.
not sure about ass spanking but trampling is the thinking man's choice
Good taste. Old hag getting brutally destroyed and dominated by a hot teenager has its appeal.
I love high ranked women and their suggestive clothes, but I would be more than fine with a simple hug from them.
Imagine Sakura's intimidating, youthful hormones causing Chun-Li's legs to tremble when she feels her smell up close.
trampling and thigh choke
Bonus points if they have petite feet
High ranked women?
That chart literally came from Reddit. It was a poll on one of their subreddits that someone made into a chart.
The issue with femdom for both submissive males and dominant females is that it is like you said, not really accepted. I can go either way, S or M, but its just not accepted that some men want to be dominated sexually. This is changing in the modern world as part of the whole 'men are allowed to be sensitive and emotional' movement and the sexual freedom movement that is still stumbling around today.
>Anmo Night
Love his stuff.
Goddammit dom girls just be yourselves so I can be myself!
I bet Sakura would make fun of her as she cowers and put her into a danki anma to show everyone how wet she gets.
I know right? His style is unique too, kinda like what Ikegami would draw for a hard-boiled thriller.
>'men are allowed to be sensitive and emotional' movement
that's just lip service. if you actually show sensitivity and emotion around women their vaginas dry up in milliseconds.
Haha imagine if Sakura bullied her daily and then inspected her panties, only stopping the bullying when they were sufficiently wet, until Chun-Li associated her presence with fear and arousal.
No scat is a shit fetish.
Dominant evil military women are the best.
Write user here, I remember that thread. Good shit.
Only if they are lolis
Prison staff is fine too, right pig?
I kinda want to write about Sakura kicking Chun's ass and taking Ryu from her when I have time in /trash/ntr.
What's a fenale?
Please do, I'll contribute when I can.
Is this how your wrestling career should end?
This scene really made me feel uneasy and almost disgusted because they hyped him like a great hero and commander just so you can see him lick her boot like a good dog and then die like a bitch. It gave me a weird feeling.
Its kinda silly when the female dominating a male scenario happens at the request of a guy wishing to be dominated.
Wait, was the kick supposed to be fatal?
What if she made him want it?
>he still cares about sex
The personalities people have are pretty much set.
Subs are agreeable, and non-aggressive their entire lives.
>he copes by saying that he doesn't care about sex
Want to lick Takamine's thighs.
I do but I hate how so much of it involves feet
well it is the most humiliating part
What about the butthole or the pits?
Thanks a lot, will look into it.
disguisting =/= humiliating
Clean ones, of course. But still, isn't it humiliating for being the "lowest" or "worst" body part?
what is this
I unironically would love to be Louis' slave
>What about the butthole or the pits?
They're more "intimate" body parts compared to feet.
Feet can feel pretty intimate given their sensitivity, ticklishness etc.
only if it was a tomboy bullying me.
this will never be you.
You got lucky saucenao found this one. Only assholes post crops.
gfd > bdsm gabage
pegging is for faggots
>not liking both
degens like you need to be purged
Cool and Smug Tomboy Bully hybrid, please.
gm rimix is literally perfect
I prefer the red bear doujins where Cammy dominated Sakura and Karin.
What should I watch if I want to see a female treat everyone around her like shit, and is only nice to the MC or something. I know it sounds kind of cliche but for some reason I can't find anything.
Wanting your anus penetrated is gay
Mirabell is such a wasted potential. Legit definition of sexy and cute at the same time.
>pegging is for faggots
quite literally
A world of pain
imagine having your head squeezed between her loli thighs
Why is Beatrix so good?
Oh look, one of the shitposters who ruined femdom threads on /d/ for everyone.
Cool>Tomboy>Ara Ara>Smug>Sleepy
Rest are trash
It feels like you're being stared at by a wolf.
And predators get excited when their prey runs and fights back.
You have no idea how much I wish that was me
Wolves mate for life so I'm fine with that.
it is gay but it is incredibly fulfilling
Only when their dominance is responsible. They dominate in order to protect.
This bitch doesn't deserve to dominate a bug.
Milk for the pups
Nah, Esdeath a shit.
I don't need the kindness of some psychotic harlot.
Lots and lots of milk.
this is my thing too bros.
Ara ara or Tomboy.
The others are trash
I lost my faith in humanity
Ear teasing is my kyrptonite
Full scans when?
Are you from the deep south where they have very loose definitions of gay? Because it seems like it.
>cute and sexy
Are you blind?
What the fuck? I suddenly feel zero affection for the free market!
Are you gay?
Fuck, the show went to shit but it did have some great scenes.
She'll be much better if she lose the abs and whitewash.
Yukarin is GOD
Okay the Vanilla sounds neat but fuck you for not liking abs
is the anime worth watching for her?
Liking muscular women will always be gay. Don't be a fag.
Imagine being so much of a bitch that a woman with musculature is gross to you.
Its honestly a great thing to look for only because it shows that the woman in question is healthy and responsible - it is not easy for anyone, especially a woman, to maintain a muscular physique.
a blessed thread
Why is Beatrix always bullying Iris?
If liking this is gay then rev up those cocks because I sure am a faggot
Nothing wrong with a fit girl so long as they have little to no abs and not looking like a man.
Some combination of Bully and Bratty is my fucking jam.
Seriously, how's the anime? Beatrix seems just my type.
>Nothing wrong with a fit girl so long as they have little to no abs
christ are you this insecure about your sexuality?
Because it's fun and sexy. After all, wouldn't you want to bully Irisdina with Beatrix. Then bully Beatrix with Irisdina.
If your girl can't powerbomb you is she even a woman?
Anime Beatrix > VN Beatrix
Yes. Women will always be weak.
Other way around.
Aha, I tricked you into telling me whether or not the anime was worth watching. Checkmate, faggot.
(you) right now.
Watch it anyway so you can hear Beatrix anyway.
how do i not remember this... this recent?
/d/ has/d a thread
Godly taste
beautiful face sitting
I need a list of anime that features these kinds of chicks you fucks just undone 40 days of nofap and no porn
A little dominatrix addicted to anal is the paradise.
Worst character in Liar Game. If they wanted us to like him why make him so despicable in the first two arcs?
But he's also a virgin, so there's that.
I'd be interested to see a dom girl that demands you sit on her face so she can soak and savor things between your legs.
Alternatively, powerbottom male/service top woman would be interesting as well, along other unusual combinations.
why yes I love them
Your waifu is dead forever.
I want to be dommed by my onee-san!
when will onee-chans stop tricking innocent young shotas into having sex?
If only she wanted to force more than just a kiss from him. Especially in front of Zero Two, just so she knew who was boss.
That's my waifu you bitch
just reached the chastity belt chapter
holy shit this is good
Great on pper, tho keep that shit insode your head. If you let a woman do that with you you push her into her masculine energy, you force her to go against her nature and she will develop resent and pure hatred for you. Women want a man they can submit to, they dont wanna lead they wanna follow
There was a lot of femdom potential in this series that went wasted, and suffered the huge problem of the aggressive girl going meek as soon as the romance is locked in.
My gf is a mix of bratty/bully/smug/sleepy. She’s always teasing me all the time but she’s always too tired to have sex so I just rub my cock in between her thighs until I cum. When she’s energetic she loves stepping on my cock while we are sitting on the couch or she’ll give me a gentle kick that strokes my whole cock. She’s insecure about herself so she doesn’t let me look at her and she never shows her feet but she’ll give me footjobs with her socks on.
>My gf
>aggressive girl going meek as soon as the romance is locked in
I hate this shit so much and I hate the Japs for being so easily intimidated by strong women.
people who are insecure about their sexuality usually say stuff like that, and sometimes they're also repressed homosexuals
I like the idea of being dominated before turning the tables on her.
Imagining wanting weak children.
soft femdom is thinking mans fetish
Imagine thinking this way. Just try to lower yourself to that level.
The level that posts Frogs. The level that posts about antifa. The level that posts that comment.
Just try.
4 inches is average
No that's 5, 5.5 if you don't include squinteyes.
>only men can have abs
Then why don't you have abs, fatty?
Always funny to me when literal virgins try to dictate what femdom can and can't be. The only femdom 95% of you have ever experienced was being told to clean your room by your mothers. Sad.
Have sex. Get spanked. Get pegged. You'll thank me later.
You are the type of scumbag that ruins my doujins!
No maledom story other than that one Jynx one has the tables flip, but it seems like half the fucking femdom comics have three pages of a smug girl and then 15 pages of the girl getting raped.
I am happy to keep my anal virginity user.
You're keeping all your virginities, user. The only woman who will probably ever touch you is your dentist.
>Notices your taste in Lolis
Fuck the UN. Fuck her right in the pussy.
This sounds fun.
Why doesn't Hiroe just stick to making porn?
If they're cute
His work lacks pegging.
I don't know. His bondage ones are fucking great, especially the Street Fighter ones. Even romper roon was pretty hot.
You do know that as soon as a "dominant" girl meets a Chad who puts her in her place she will dump your ass, right?
Fuck no.
That shit is an abortion.
Venus in Furs was a novel, not a documentary.
Femdom is just a pathetic fantasy of weak beta male virgins.
Anytime you show weakness or submissiveness to women they instantly lose interest and will look for other men.
This statement almost always comes from virgins. Ironic.
This. Masochist pigs are pathetic betas and don't even know how to please a woman properly. Their microdicks are good for nothing and only their whiny tongues can be useful.
based and womanpilled
I think confident and sexually aggressive girls are hot as fuck. I'm not interested in being humiliated at all, but I like when women don't beat around the bush or wait for the guy to make the first move. Makes it way sexier to know the girl wants you.
Source on the sleepy type? I've never seen the sleepy type in any series ever
no because thats not the true nature of women.
they try it sometimes but it always looked stupid and weak
i prefer women who stick to what they are, followers and cocksuckers of men.
Yuugi Miyagishi from Discipline is a great example of a woman like that.
>but I like when women don't beat around the bush or wait for the guy to make the first move. Makes it way sexier to know the girl wants you.
kek we all know you are just too weakminded to be the one who leads so you just want to wait until a girl is the one who makes the first move
you are the definition of beta.
There is no true nature of anything.
This. A man who can't be aggressive or confident is not a man at all and is only good to be treated like an animal or an object.
There is nothing gay about death by snu snu. In fact it is possibly the most heterosexual death any man could ever hope to wish for.
I agree but
>Anytime you show weakness or submissiveness to women they instantly lose interest and will look for other men
This is a pretty pathetic reason to be "dominant". Truly dominant males are dominant by their own merit and accord and not because "g-girls like that....", as spoken like some MGTOW "alphamale". That is just as pathetic as men who are completely submissive.
Heterosexuality is latent homosexuality. In penetrating a woman you are penetrating your father's anus.
I don't take advice from degenerate coke heads with mother issues.
This. Based and redpilled
everything on this world has a true nature
every animal, every sponge...
>amazing art work and sexy females
>scat every time
It's so good but for a non scatfag, it is truly a waste
Eh, I've asked girls out and I've had girls ask me out, and I definitely prefer the latter. I'm not interested in social games or subtle hints. I prefer people who say what's on their mind, and mean it honestly. If I have to try and court a girl and guess her intentions through body language and innuendo, I just don't think it's worth my time. Been burned too many times by misreading the mood. If a girl can't say clearly, "Yes I want to fuck you like an animal, let us please go back to my love cave" then she's not my type.
>my favorite story of his his has no scat in it
Lucky me.
>You will never be gang-raped for your seed by a pack of amazons
disdain and bully. the rest can die
>cute girl
>was at the hospital once and ended up getting a cystoscopy
>I prayed that a female doctor wouldn't be the one to do it
Penis insertion isn't so bad if you're actually a pain masochist. It's definitely dangerous though.
They’re my favorite
Based. Just look at the triggered thots. You will always be inferior to a man, better start accepting it.
Gonna need a source on this
Its also The Velvet Underground's best song
This shit was so cringe.
Artist is Mafuyu and there’s only 1 doujin for Kurumi
What about men who are confident, assertive and dominant in their everyday life as a natural facet of their personalities but who secretly long to be dominated? How do you account for that?
o-outlaw my porn, UN-sama
These threads really bring all the anime watching, Yea Forums browsing, waifufagging, loli-loving Chads out of the woodwork. I wouldn't even know I was surrounded by 10/10 alpha males if it were for their presence in these threads telling everyone how a man should act.
Seen her a few times , but never what is her anime ? Sauce ?
Quite based desu.
But op is about 2d, where it is possible.
The only acceptable form of femdom is giantess vore, everything else is half-assing it
shit didn't notice it was edit
i dont think ive ever seen this many insecure incels outside of r9k
come to the dark side user
As a man of patrician tastes, I have to say that I want a powerful woman, in a dominant way, not submissive. What would be better and more satisfying than putting all the power she has at your whim such that you overcome it all with your dick? A weak woman is like a possum and a strong one is like a dragon. Surely it is more satisfying to tame a dragon?
Have you accepted Leona Morimoto into your heart as your personal goddess yet?
She'd probably tease the shit out of him the moments she hears about his small dick.
no, i prefer submissive lolis
Cringe and insecurepilled
My van is very secure, thank you very much.
i stand corrected, now it's based
join the submissive loli intellectuals, you'll have no regrets Yea Forumsnon
It's not fine by asian standard. I grew up as a poorfag with shit nutrition in the Philippines and i'm 6.5"
How about dominant dolls?
Didn't the new Girls for M have one? Guy hotglues a figurine and ends up getting dommed by it?
that's roxie not poison
>Man, you can really tell how much Yea Forums has ruined this board by this one thread.
Yep. They're always so desperate for (You)s and some anons just love giving it to them.
I want them both to spitroast me, whip me and stomp on me with their heels!
What am I looking at here?
You mean the one where he hotglues a figurine, she comes to life, and sticks her arm down his dick before swapping sizes and shoving him in her vagina?
Yes it does.
Yeah that's the one. And then she dresses him up in a dress and puts him in a cage.
God I wish that was me.
>What am I looking at here?
They see your hard M.
But sauce?
>being her ball-less toilet
>called the worst end
>thinking girls fall into one of several predefined cliched stereotypes
Have sex.
Only Suigintou