>One Piss
>and many others new shounen normalfag pandering
We should banned shounen from Yea Forums, they are destroying this board.

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>stop liking what I don't like
HXH should be banned when there's no chapters coming out though.

Who the fuck cares. Go to desuarchives and stop being a bitch.

Link to the fireden discussion thread?
This is like saying that anything that isn't running isn't allowed to be discussed

HXHfags can't control themselves when the series is on hiatus and have proven this.

Shounenfags are retards that shit on every thread they can. They constantly shitpost in threads unrelated to their anime and fill the catalog with generals and low effort posts. No doubt they will show up here and post shit like cringe, cope, seething, etc.

I mean he's right. It's all trash, there is nothing worth saving or archiving.

I hate shounenshitters as much as the next guy but pretending for any of your parasites for be any better won't improve the quality of the board. Your template posting existed before all the shonen generals were around, and the quality of content was a abysmal as a result of it. The Fireden admin throwing a tantrum because of this merely shows that he's a retard himself. One of those people who believes for your shit tier Haruhi, Lucky Star, FMP, Azumanga and Hidamari Sketch threads to be worth saving. A butthurt clown who, despite flocking to nothing but literal garbage, thinks he's above the current posters. Comedy gold, if I may say so.

The way to help this is to moderate shit more/better, not ban anime from the anime board. And like said, there's a lot of threads on Yea Forums that are just as bad as shonenshit threads that people defend as being "Yea Forums culture" or they dismiss that they're shit/off-topic threads.

Right, because threads like 5Toubun threads or Oregairu threads are the epitome of quality discussion.

hold the fuck up, fireden has a blog?

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No, the way to help this is to ban shouneniggers to a separate shounen board and let Yea Forums return to its former self.

Seriously. The threads for shounen manga are shit, but those aren't any better.

Splitting up boards doesn't do shit. Look at all the Yea Forums boards and the current state of Yea Forums.

Splitting up boards does a fuckton. Do you see any Touhou or mecha on Yea Forums right now?

The shitposting in shounen threads and in those threads you listed are on different levels. A Hidamari thread will last for days and are usually only one at time. At any given moment there will be multiple DBS threads all with the same posts. You can argue that even without shounen the board will be shit but it will be significantly less shit than what it is now.
There are no threads as bad as shounen threads. Besides, the people in those threads are different users or at least have a different culture than the rest of the board. They don't fit in and should at least be separated into their own battle shounen board.

Brb making gundam thread.

>let Yea Forums return to its former self
So you want to trade current Yea Forums for a different shade of shit. Nah, thanks. I'll take the shonenniggers. They trigger you people so hard.

Not brave enough to make a touhou thread, user?

Why the hell is DBZ getting two threads again? Why can't my show get that?

Yes? There are occasional Gundam, Macross, etc threads on Yea Forums. There's an E7 thread up right now. I don't give a shit about Touhou so probably wouldn't recognize a thread about it even if there were ones.

Shut the fuck up, nobody asked you, shounenigger.
Because of dumb DBSpics

Touhou is a Yea Forums tho?

If any split is going to be done it might as well be the manga/anime split. Animeonlys are annoying as fuck and the board has what's basically generals for ongoing shows already anyway.

>Do you see any Touhou or mecha on Yea Forums right now?
Might wanna check the catalogue. Besides, you can't seriously be suggesting for NGE threads to not be way more common on Yea Forums than on /m/.

shoneshitters are underage spics so they should already be banned anyways

It had 2 ongoing official manga recently

Giving another board only for shonen, would make mods work 1000x more than they do on Yea Forums, you think these niggers would do that? They can't even do their work here.

how pathetic

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>Replace the captcha with a quick quiz that measures the poster's mastery of English
There, I fixed the entire site.

No, we must cut the cancer. And the cancer is no doubt the battle shounen generals. Fuck, even the only good shounen threads have gone to absolute shit in the last week because some twitter e-celeb had to flaunt his weeb-creds to his underage retard fanbase.
Yuragi-sou no Yuuna can stay.

the only people that should be banned are fatemonkeys and madokapedros

You will NEVER be rid of us
I've been kind enough to stick to our own threads as of late because I've been enjoying some good discussions with my fellow dragon ball chads.
Don't fucking provoke me, dog.
Back to your kennel.
Your master commands so you shall obey.
I tire of seeing your pathetic attempts at removing your chains.

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No need to moderate, let them stew in their own shit.

>implying that the mods wouldn't let it become an exact copy of Yea Forums full of frogs and wojaks

>iToddler thinking his opinion matters

I'm not really into Touhou. I forgot it even got animated.

I hope moepedos never stop seething about shounens. Like moetrash as SoL are for losers and they are irrelevant niche markets.
Even Isekai is less loser NEET wish fulfillment trash than the series the child lovers on this board wish were discussed.

No, that's retarded. Even if it were done, you'd complain about the next worst thing and so on.

Fate is shonen

It didn't get "animated". It got one OVA crossover with anime tenchou that no one has seen and it got one non-voiced fanmade animation.

Almost all of TM has been serialized in seinen mags

Fan animation or not, still got an anime.

Fatebronies are worse than cancer.

Just make another one retard

Check this 4


Shounentards are the cancer killing Yea Forums

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shit tier posters on Yea Forums:

Nice, check this 7

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>break up Yea Forums and turn it even more into reddit!!!
Sounds like a great idea.

Check these dubs

Where are the OPfags and Jojofags? Both are infinitely worse than any on your list

That's nice, but check this 6

i for one am of the mind that the mangaonlyfags are the ones that are really deading Yea Forums. i mean really. how do those retards spend their day reading plain old words with images next to them? fucking fagtards.

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but these are good posters

>explained on this blog
>insert shounen manga fanbase criticism

Mystery to me why yuri posters aren't being instabanned for raiding. If I could choose between banning shounenshitters and them, I'd pick them. Obnoxious bunch of subhumans.

We didn't start the fire
It was always burning

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Never seen a jojofag outside of his circlejerk
Granteed they make a lot of thread though but they dont start shit up with others fanbase and don't falseflag as hunterfags like OPfags and BNHA do

Pretty much this. Boku no Hero have their own brands of shit but those never usually escape the generals.
Just be glad you don't have Zorofags in your threads. One Piece threads are saving you from some serious shitpost by containing them.

Evafags discuss their shit.
Fatefags somehow got worse by becoming gachadrones.
Yuricucks have their containment board, report them.
Hunterfags will be moved to /sho/ - Auschwitz
Madokafags are okay.
Kyoaniggers are annoying, but okay.
DBSfags are spics
lolibros are relics of better times and should be preserved.

You somehow forgot to mention SNKfaggots

>Never seen a jojofag outside of his circlejerk
HUGE lie

I don't waste 24 minutes of my day at a time watching a shitty adaptation that needlessly stretches out content just because you're so braindead that you need constant movement and sound to not have your attention stray.


There's no such thing as quality posters on Yea Forums

Kill yourself jojonigger

>Evafags discuss their shit.
If by discuss you mean "rehash the same waifu argument for the millionth time and spam their threads with images".

OPfags only shitpost in sales threads which is their right as top selling manga. I don't see OPfags coming into the other threads telling them their manga is shit and they should read OP like the Huntercucks do for HxH

Caring about Fireden when we have Desuarchive?

DBSpics are former Tokyo Ghoul clowns

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The owner of desuarchive gives negative fucks about Yea Forums. Keep blocking his ads and he will drop us.

But what about meee???

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I'm so happy Yea Forums is shit, that means I actually get to watch and read new stuff.

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Madokafags are spics too

He's dead right about Yea Forums and /vg/. He is pretty wrong about Yea Forums. And even ignoring that, let me repeat something I've said before: "Complaining about 'generals' for currently airing shows on Yea Forums is retarded."

Who cares?

we did it reddit

So where is this Fireden blog?

OPtards shitpost everywhere and they completely flood the board with their shit generals. OPtards also come to Yea Forums exclusively to talk about OP and nothing else and the threads are literally the lowest quality of any on the board.

And salesfags

>madokafags are okay
No, they're shit. Only fatemonkeys are worse.

>no trigger
>specifying only hunterfags and dbspics for shonen
Fuck off Yea Forumseddit

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I haven't been in a Madoka thread since the final movie came out

>One Piss
lol dat butthurt, One Piece is the best manga of all time

hello kyoanigger redditor

>Evafags discuss their shit.
More like
>they are disgusting newfags who have seen 10 mecha anime tops yet act like all high and might and pretend for their pseudo intellectual piece of rancid shit to not be littered with references to weekly super robot shows

Oh you mean to say that they haven't changed at all in the last 12 years? Isn't that a good thing?

I'm fucking suprised that they're allowed here, I've thought they'd get sent to /biz/ with that kind of shit
t.former /biz/nessman

By me.

>n-no u
Sasuga Yea Forumsedditor

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What a hero. Fuck shonenfags.

>implying they know about numbers and shit
/biz/ anons would shit them in seconds.

People who should get banned instantly (sorted)
-exclusivity posters (old = good, new = bad or vise versa)
-bnha, one piece, hxh, dbs, black clover, yaiba posters

what the fuck is fireden

>Having one thread always up is flooding the board
You're gonna have to accept that the most popular manga of all time is gonna have regular threads.

>lolibros are relics of better times and should be preserved.
loli threads should be banned until the posters learn to not take the most obvious bait
t. someone who is tired of seeing how loli threads devolving into people fighting over whether certain girls count as lolis or not or because someone mentioned 3D girls

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and I would love to see that shit, user.

>These posters make me so butthurt by existing I want someone to SHUT IT DOWN
ok (((user)))

He hates it.

Excuse me. I am busy complaining about your single shounen general while there are 50 worthless template threads in the cataloge.

You have an eternal general, but when a chapter drops there's like 4 or 5 threads all equally shit tier. Why don't you go to a dedicated OP forum if you want to tug yourselves off endlessly?

Kill Zoro vs Sanji posters and op threads will improve greatly

the mod killed a lot of other threads but left this one up for some reason

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Cry all you want but we will be here until 4chen shuts down for good
Long live shonen


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/biz/ is get rich quick schemes and crypto rollercoasting general

If you have the time to complain about the current state of 4channel, you have the time to buy it from gookmoot.

The current workarounds to the loli ban are hilarious.
Cute and funny/cunning etc.

Your day will come, shonenfag

other threads like?

Anime fans in general are fucking retards