This looked cool at first, but now out of 5 girls we have:
-A dyke
-Two girls involved with pedos
-A retard who'll lose her man for ignoring him
-A literal retard
-A love triangle
What's next, a tranny?
This looked cool at first, but now out of 5 girls we have:
-A dyke
-Two girls involved with pedos
-A retard who'll lose her man for ignoring him
-A literal retard
-A love triangle
What's next, a tranny?
Rapidly losing interest in this shit. Only interesting character now in my opinion is the dyke.
Why does blondie now love basic bitch's train crush? it makes absolutely no sense. Annoying brat's storyline could become interesting, to see if teach gets in trouble.
Strongly hoping dyke makes a play for blondie, only thing that could bring this shit round.
Probably because she's fucked up due to the pedo's influence
I mean maybe but that still doesn't really explain it. She:
1. Doesn't even like him that much.
2. Isn't doing it to spite her friend. (anymore)
3. Has other options.
If she showed an interest in him or resented her friend it might make sense but at the moment it doesn't.
I think 2 is wrong. She's a major bitch, she only wants him because Kazusa does too
She was originally doing that, to quote "spur them on", I don't know if you've seen the latest episode but since basic bitch passed out in the tub she revealed to her that she was just trying to get them together and she told dyke that was what she was doing earlier.
Okada is a hack, you should have seen this coming from the beginning.
That's what she says. Deep in her heart she knows it's bullshit
Yeah, but she also says she resents people always assuming she's out to steal their boyfriends, so why would she do EXACTLY THAT and feed into it? Doesn't make any sense.
Can't wait for dyke to corner her.
She resents them knowing the truth about her