Battle Royale, THOT version

From the writer of Tomodachi Game and Dead Tube comes a new freaky manga.

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Ah, it looks like Japnese authors have finally elevated their story telling abilities to that of early 2000's daytime TV programs.

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>writer of Tomodachi Game and Dead Tube
instant drop before started

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>the bachelor except the competition has to hunt each other to death on a deserted island down to the last woman.
Why can't this be a real thing?

What's the name?

>From the writer of Tomodachi Game and Dead Tube
Sure let's see where this goes

>Dead Tube
I thought that's still going

Come on, Tomodachi Game is good.

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Currently he has five (5) ongoing series. Not having to do the art helps.

promissory notes

>literal who BL artist
I'll pass. Part of what makes Dead Tube great is Kitakawa Touta's art.

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>BL artist
That explains the huge chin. And why does this writer keep collaborating with hentai artists?

>why does this writer keep collaborating with hentai artists
She hasn't drawn porn for a while now if memory serves correctly.

Instant pick up before reading a single panel

Damn, and we've only got three of them being translated?

Fuck off and take your twitter lingo with you teen.

the future is now old man

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Fucking damn right

In related news, that shinigami manga about the guy who kills his family has been revived.
Yup, it's that manga with the notorious ending that told you to figure out the culprit yourself. I swear it's the first time I've seen an axed series brought back to life.
All 5 are being translated, though not up to date. The last one is a family isekai manga

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I hope it flops again, fuck that stupid ass ending

Yuuichi is this manga’s only true saving grace and even sometimes he feels annoyingly characterized and obnoxiously cliched. In my opinion

So you want to be his friend or nah?

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>Divorce is impossible
Is this hell?


Fuck this Hack Writer.

If it weren't for the fact this Writer somehow pairs up with Hentai Artists, nobody would even bother reading this writer's trash.

>>writer of Tomodachi Game and Dead Tube
I'm sure it will be entertaining.

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Dumping chapter 1

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That's not even the worst part.
Who the fuck has hot women kill each other instead of just fucking all of them?
Obviously there is no romantic connection between the guy and the woman so why the fuck doesn't he just fuck them all? He'd have the same level of emotion.
Plus what's even the point of having a wife that won some stupid battle royal shit? She's just going to end up barefoot and pregnant, so it's not like he needs some warrior woman.
This is just pure stupid edgeshit that only the most mentally ill Yea Forums poster will follow.

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Page 3 is OP

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do they kill each other?

>women with special circumstances
What, are they retarded?


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fuck all of you shitters, enjoy the tits and ass

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>$300k/yr is celebrity money

I haven't read this, but are you certain they kill each other other? And it's not as if it's impossible to build a connection after they marry, though I suppose it depends on what their 'circumstances' are, like if they have an affliction of some kind.

Actually, its $281,000 a year.

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Based writer gaming the system.

>Battle Royal
>Written by Dead Tube Author
Writing is on the wall more times than 'All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy'

Evaluate these woman, Yea Forums.

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She really is femanon holyshit

>this art
Is this Aiue Oka?

Ara ara type?

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Maybe he turned over a new leaf.

Shy literature girl huh

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old hag

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genki girl?

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Bets on her snapping first

playing hard to get?

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i want to fuck her ass

femanon cleans up nicely.

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love that dude in the top panel trying desperately not to stare at her titties

made for breeding

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You can say that twice! Bro.

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damn, so ripe she's close to rotting

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I'm concerned that our heroine might be incredibly stupid.

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Desire for motherhood is good but the "my hobbies are cooking and cleaning" is obvious bullshitting. 7/10

Mash clone, 4/10

Attractive but destined for cat-ladyhood, 3/10

Tomboy therefore 9/10 by default

why'd you bother showing up / 10

Filthy NEET 0/10

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>filthy neet is horrible, don't want to see her succeed in life
>also don't want to see her get fucked by the inevitable twist at the end
The only way to win is for the ara ara to be completely sincere and get a fairy tale romance happy ending.

>"Feel free to kill your rivals."

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Six contestants seems kind of low, is this designed to be a one volume and done thing?

Maybe, considering that the writer has other long term projects.

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Based capitalist pig.

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Are we sure this isn't actually just porn with a really long setup?

>filthy neet who thinks she's better than everyone despite being borderline retarded
Yep, she's /ourgirl/

What is the special brand of magic that makes flat girls boobs grow when they get naked?

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Why is she here then

Didn't find anything on Google. Sauce please

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tomboy best boi with ara ara being best girl

i want to see them all chained and fucked

Don't tell me she's gonna lose because of this shit


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This bitch really is a typical Yea Forumsnon.
>"This dude will clearly think the same exact way as the last person because all men are the same."

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Can we just get to the post where it's revealed they can kill each other so I can get my 'told you so'?

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Is this somehow supposed to be justification for murder?
>Oh they slept with multiple people, therefore they must DIE

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great taste there, user.

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Don't tell me this brat is Maria of this manga.

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Truly /ourgirl/

I don't feel special for saying this is all very predictable and terrible just like his other works. If this had the Dead Tube artist maybe.

Thanks for the dump though.

Forgot pic

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The overarching plot is always predictable, you really just read them for the individual games and stupid drama

those are some big vagina bones

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Injury in quotations, "unrecoverable".
I feel pretty safe in saying this is yet another snuff fest

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Chapter 2

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They should have made the shounen the bachelor, i don't want this creepy yaoi dude

>inb4 tomodachi game

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Sounds like she took the fall for some guy who got in too deep with loan sharks.

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She started playing Fate GO

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>debt-ridden goods
Would you Yea Forums? Are you strong(financially) enough to carry her as your bride?

I'm sold

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I live in the country with the best bankruptcy laws in the world, so I think I could chance it. As long as it's not student-loan debt, anyway

In real life fuck no.

I'm not rich enough but I can help her pay her debt in another way

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Nah, I'll take the lightly used tomboy onegaishimasu

JFC I'd impregnate the fuck out of UniNeet

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Holy shit, I didn't even notice Mario is the artist. Dude draws exclusively trap doujins and hairy milf eroge for some reason. Pretty weird dichotomy, but his doujins are gold.

Is she now pretending to go all woke

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This is so dumb

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What do you expect from an edge writer?

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Come on dude just groom a daighterwife if you want that.

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Page 18 here

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Any bets on who dies first, Yea Forums?

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My interest in reading this after today.

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The childcare worker.

Definitely the ceo

Chapter 3

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>Kiryu suddenly busts in and stops this shit before giving the girls life altering sperches


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The tomboy. It doesn't matter much to me though as the cake and femanon are the only ones worth keeping

His fortune is 100% related to who I assume is MC isn't it

Why do people keep giving Yamaguchi a chance? This will follow the exact same course of every other series he does: start out interesting for a volume or two before diving off of a cliff because he's a hack who doesn't actually plan anything out beyond the initial idea. At least he actually finishes his series now even if the endings are retarded.

Remember Mayonaka no X Giten's ending where the solution to the mystery was something that wasn't even remotely hinted at in the series?

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Its always the fucking yakuza.

>he has a tattoo

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The Yamaguchi Cycle

>have a neat idea
>find hentai artist
>starts off well
>"fuck it's been 5 chapters and I ran through all my ideas"
>trudges along for another couple of volumes carried entirely by the cute girls his porn artist is able to draw
>write a wet fart of an ending

>Literally evil

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I changed my mind, the genki is dying first. She has all the retardation of the mc with none of the plot armor

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based top left panel

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>After all, women are their own worst enemies

>neat idea
It's just The Bachelor with edge dialed up to overdrive. Just like how Dead Tube is just edgy Youtube. I can already call this guy's future endeavors. Edge Twitter. Edge Human Tetris with naked female competitors and the moving walls being made up of naked men. Edge Olympics.

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Reminds me of that one screencap of the article about a woman who opened up a company that only employed women and things didn't go so well.

Edgy battle royale for kids ala Purge!
A school shooter, a lolibitch and a psycopath nerd teams up to kill the competition!

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When first girl is best girl.

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She dead

>No lying
That's the most retarded rule in the history of retarded rules.

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have sex

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Everyone voted no on this one, right?

Like, who would be stupid enough to encourage a situation where they could get themselves kicked out of the competition by accidentally doing such an easy, no-thought-required thing, and get absolutely no benefit out of it.

>Edgy battle royale for kids
What the fuck did you think the battle royale manga was?


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I fucking hate "I'm such a cool, emotionless and quiet character" shit. You can bet this dyke is a secret police trying to bust this show due to the reports of missing girls or something.

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Battle Royale and death games as a concept are inherently edge. At most it'll be some VR brain hook up notFortnite except IF YOU DIE IN THE GAME YOU DIE IN REAL LIFE WOOOOAAAHHHH.

>Edgy Shipping Wars
>Edgy Iron Chef
>Edgy Most Extreme Elimination Challenge
>Edgy Yea Forums

>Three of them are criminals
>including a murderer who's gotten rid of 2-3 husbands
I hope the insanity picks up hard.

>rich yakuza gets a bunch of trashy bitches to fight over his cock
>the entertainment is in watching the competitors fuck each other over, not in giving a fuck who wins
based producer

>Edgy Iron Chef
So, Souma?
>Edgy Yea Forums
Just Yea Forums then.

>the entertainment is in watching the competitors fuck each other over, not in giving a fuck who wins
isn't that normal TV rules?

And you get a super devoted wife as a result, truly a kodoku of whores.

>Edgy Iron Chef
>have to cook wait for it... EACH OTHER


Thanks for the dump OP.

Not enough, the characters are too normal. We need something that has no good person in it. Scummy kids who will fight to death and are more open to doing so because REASONS.

Edgy Idol. Literally whos compete in who does most edgy thing on live tv.

Reverse Edge

>kids shipped off and told they're going to participate in a Battle Royal style game
>actually they're all depressed and traumatized or otherwise messed up and going to connect with others and it's all iyashikei

>after all that last chapter forces them to kill each other anyway

No, edgier. Everyone is tied via science mumbo jumbo to the imageboard. You live and die based on post quality, OC, and the whims of tens of thousands of dumbshit autists and jannies.

Pretty sure these already exist. Whether doujins or published manga. There's one kusomanga I read that I think I blotted the name out od my mind. That's also why I didn't mention Edge Survivor or anything to do with islands. By then it's just Lord of the Flies. Or epic watch all the females be raped by the natives. It's all so fucking tiresome.

>post quality, OC, and the whims of tens of thousands of dumbshit autists and jannies.
>not just the number of (you)s

>take engineering degree
>start a fashion company
>3.5 billion yen

Who writes this shit?

It already exists: it's a Vita game called Idol Death Game TV where girls compete to join a generic AKB style idol group and the losers get killed.

>fashion company
Fashion shopping website, pretty different, creating a site from the ground and it exploding in popularity nets yo a shitton of money.
Case in point, he knows how to take advantage of retarded women.

So do they start murdering each other or what?

I need a SoL with this premise.

>Hmm, very interesting... Well then ladies, what's your favorite anime?
>I hope it's not something recent... That might send you back home.

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A hack.
>everyone thought it was the end
>author goes full retard and makes a spinoff
>same characters except Fate/Zero - Heaven's Feel remix with a dash of Highschool of the Elite and Assassin Classroom

More accurately who reads this shit? I say as I just finished 3 fucking chapters. Where did I go wrong.

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Of fucking course. Quick money is related to illegal shit 99% of the time.

I thought they would instantly target the virgin neet. I mean how does one know they didn't lie about how many people they have fucked

would waifus

Secret cops/10

Glasses strikes me exactly like the kind of girl who would touch herself while reading 50 shades of grey.

Uh uh Nausica?

Edgy genre is the best entertainment.

I understand that they get the kicks from humiliating the girls, but I seriously hope they end up revealing he a cunny harem or something

>Edge Twitter
There's already a manga like that, a bunch of fucks get thrown into a battle royale where their survival is dependant on their followers. When they die, their followers also die. It's trash.

But that's against women's nature. It's not fair.

So does this mean we will finally get the Flava' of Luv manga adaptation we've all been patiently waiting for?

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Ida is the best wife

Real Account?

Bro they are all extreme whores

>Why do people keep giving Yamaguchi a chance
Hentai art

Inb4 she's actually a man.

All of you are rooting for /ourgirl/ right?

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>2 dudes
>extreme whore

I wanna see them raped before they inevitably drop dead one by one like flies.

I think so. It's the one with the twist where MC is actually committing identity theft because he accidentally killed his childhood friend or something right?


Artist draws some really pillowy soft tits though.

It's not about how many. They are willing to be whores and abused just for big cash that shamelessly. One despite having a company allegedly. Goes to show that the writer is actually based on women. Though of course protagonist has virgin plot armour (allegedly) and potentially heartbreaking reasons for being in debt

>potentially heartbreaking

She probably didn't want to fuck the CEO and thus got fucked over

Also it's pretty much a guarantee that the yakuza boss knows they are whores and ex criminals. Possibly even convicts

No, he accidentally killed his own twin brother
who is the MC of the sequel

She will end up being the most disgusting one, won't she?

that twist the guy's peak of bullshit writing

Their bodies do look great

isn't anyone worried that she'll fuck with people with her doing all the cooking?



Scat incoming

Can't get into it. Too many characters are already coming off as cartoonishly evil, and if it's anything like Deadtube, I'll be bored after while since the writer is just bland.

I mean poison is the obvious choice, but I was think more along the lines of, "fuck you guys, I'm not cooking shit anymore." Then again that changes when she gets booted out, or they can just eat food that doesn't require cooking.

It's probably even more heroic than that imo but we will see. Personally I don't really like this kind of manga because they tend to be formulaic in their edginess

>author's past works
>dead tube
>tomadachi game
All I'm expecting out of this is a shit show to point and laugh at. Also Tiddies, which I already got from the first chapters.

This is the most dangerous rule, no?
She can control who eat what.

>bookish girl is actually a megaslut
>genki girl is actually pure evil
Bitchy CEO cake might actually turn out to be the only decent person there in a TWEEEEEST.


>no violence
>poisoning people doesn't count as bbeing violent
Oh no.

She's pretty much poisoning them next chapter, with CEO being best girl AGAIN.

Ida is best girl

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She's a desperate workalcoholic who realized she is about to hit the menopause and hasn't married yet.
"No lies" will be the one who get somebody killed first. Never underestimate female ex-convicts.

She's in her 30s, but is like the typical japanese woman who refuses to marry under her level.

The one with the best shitpost wins!
That's what killing baits is!

Order of deaths imo
Company hag> literature slut > genki convict> undercover slut cop
The ara Ara daycare worker is arrested along with Yakuza boss

>at age 34

glad he didn't go for the slut who will reveal her body on TV. Smart man

Everything is downhill after 35 for women.

>undercover slut cop

She can still pop out kids and he's rich enough to just get someone else to have them.


The 5th girl who has no special traits. Antisocial

Edge twitter was already done I think. I forgot what it was called but it had some insane clone subplot

Oh my god

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She reminds me of tawawa Chan

so what is her dark past?

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Well that already ousted her as a plant
what a way to ruin your undercover character

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>>Edgy Most Extreme Elimination Challenge
I would watch this so fucking hard. I already have a 24h stream of the non-edgy show running in the background every day, so more would be wonderful.

Criminal that peddled minors. Calling it now.

They tell you their crimes, just not who is who
>black widow
>a girl so deranged she believes her own fake bullshit
>one who gets really violent during sex

femanons trying to cope. NO ONE WANTS YOU AFTER 35

>the undercover cop is an actual virgin
>gets discovered early
>gets gangraped by yakuza and posted on all porn sites

>Realize the ara ara is obviously going to be the violent abusive mom type the bookish shy girl is the black widow and the tomboy is some undercover cop/
>On the other hand, potentially the tomboy could ethier be the full blown yandere or chunni of the group, the daycarer is secretly the cop all along and the CEO is actually a delusional poorfag.

Dont go for the obvious route, give us that short haired psycho

If there's one thing I've learned in life, girls who looks normally cute and just appropriately display the subtleness of her cuteness are most cunning ones.

I really never liked cute girls.

Cute reaction

>Divorce is impossible

Well I guess that's true considering the fact that it seems like they are all black widows.

That's immoral no matter how you look at it.

he's fucking yakuza i doubt he gives a shit.

Sounds fucking based.

I don't know why guys. Just feel like this one is going to job.


More for me

Next chapter when?

I think it's impossible because they might get killed before they have a chance to bring up the topic.

Can't wait until the genki slut beats the shit out of someone, you know she wants to

I'll bet my left ass cheek there is some undercover cop out there.

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Couldn't you put a ring on it and promise to marry without signing the legal documents to get around her debt problem?

>they all kill each other
>the guy gets sold off to be the "wife" of some gay fat old man

Reading edgefest (atleast in the beginning) with Yea Forums is truly the patrician experience ; see You Loved Me So Much It Hurts and the earlier parts of Dead Tube

>actually thinks that's what he does
>doesn't doubt it being a lie
Ayyyy check out this pleb

It would be a hilarious tweest if the guy is actually not that rich and the whole thing is just a escort operation.


no stupid
dude's yakuza

He doesn't have a tattoo that covers most of his back. He's not super high ranking. It's likely that he was put up to this by his boss to test him, or something.

Tomodachi Game and Dead Tube have the same writer? Jeez. Tomodachi Game is almost decent, I'm shocked he turned out something as bad as Dead Tube.


>grills are conned into doing everything for a low energy yakuza grunt

I'm in.

If you guys think any of these thots are good then you are naive. More than half need money and more than half are criminal scum. All twofaced bitches with nothing real about any of them.
Araara a faker and probably a pedo or abuser. Wiley vixen who's good at lying and manipulating.
Bookie probably a yandere and a liar.
CEO probably not as successful as she lets on. Also a criminal. As with all merchants, a liar.
Genki is violent and clearly a pathological liar. And a snitch.
WHO is cop or extremely shady bitch. Either way, she's not truthful with who she is.
MC a literal NEET with massive debt. Ironically the best of the lot (not because she's an autist virgin but) because at least you get to see from her POV and know her baggage. A liar.

Worst part is that none of them could even meet the dude's simple requirement of loving him.

>CEO probably not as successful as she lets on. Also a criminal. As with all merchants, a liar.

She's just a cake who wants to get married

Thank you for dumping user. Anyways, what kind of qualities do anons prefer future their future bride to have? And what are the common things that normalfags prefer but you don't?
>What I want?
Undying loyalty, honesty and love with common sense. Also has to be mentally stable.
>What I really don't care about?
Looks. I don't care if she's the ugliest women I met as long as she's healthy (not being her fault, i.e, Obese). Don't care about money either.

Realistically, this is the part where most self-respecting women call him a chauvinist pig. But alas, this is a Nips' characterization of wahmen.

You also forgot the part where all 5 of them are the lowest of the low, going so far as to prostitute themselves for the money (which is like the fucking premise)

>If I don't get married I can't keep that 3.5 billion

I'll marry CEO girl

If he wanted love he wouldn't be on the bachelor.
And even then he gets the most out of the ordeal
>can't divorce hom so he gets a wife
>doesn't really mention loving them back so he doesn't have to do so
>if tattoos are correct he's just a low level anyway, so he'd be getting a smoking hot and cunning wife for free pretty much
The love requirement is a load of bull.

Unless the japanese text is more specific, "no asking question about me" is dangerously vague. She didn't specify asking questions about her past, therefore asking about things in the present is off limit. She also doesn't specify asking questions TO her, only asking questions about her. If she murders someone with a knife, someone can't ask "where is she". Any information request about her should be denied as per the rule.

Women amirite

>Not having full tatoo on his back
What a fucking shitter.

Attached: yakuza6-kiryu-tatoo.jpg (700x394, 144K)

god I already love this dude. Shady older glasses guy are my favorite character trope.

Bros all women are like that. Remember she's not yours, it's just your turn

That 10 hanayome shit more interesting than this shit.

Because he is.

big boy tats are for higher ranked guys

typical woman*

Reminds me of that japanese dating show called REA(L) LOVE. That shit was a waste of time.

Attached: 1563684185192.gif (500x500, 113K)

Series would be 10x better if it was just humiliation and fetishes instead of just 'Oh boy look at the time' with each hour hand reading 'snuff'
It would be far more interesting to see these girls do demeaning shit like wear diapers or get high off weed than more of the same, and honestly it would be more shocking

Even the lowest yakuza shitter has a lot of tattoos

What is this from and does it continue in the same vein?

If they were already willing to enter a contest like that then I doubt it would be realistic for them to suddenly go all woke feminist


Just realized I forgot to read the original comment because I'm retarded. Anyways, does it have more ENF/blushing/peeing sort of stuff, or is it just a bunch of gore and drama other than this part?

I don't remember anything outside of the gore money shots so maybe

Ol' Jeff the biography

I don't see how this is edgy. This is just how women typically act.

The girl in that pic is a psychopath who can tear people apart with her bare hands, while the MC gets boners from her extreme brutality.

Well, that wasn't what I was expecting. Okay, I can handle that, but does she keep peeing on camera or do they film any other girls naked or anything?

There are lots of nudity but they all turn bloody after a few page, and the female MC doesn't have any more peeing scenes if that's what you're into.

I'm just waiting for the bachelor to jump the fence