Ecstas Online

Saw anons commenting about the manga being cancelled due to Oniyazu's death or linking the chapter but no actual dump of the last chapter so here we go.

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>manga being cancelled due to Oniyazu's death
details? I was following this manga.

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Oniyazu Kakashi, the mangaka responsible for the manga adaptation passed away back at february, so the manga was cancelled.

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wasn't it just the artist that dropped dead? probably for the best anyway, saved it from becoming a steaming pile of shit like magika kenshi did.

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>mangaka dying before he got around to drawing HELLSHAFT give her the HELLSHAFT
fapped to death

Are you talking about the Magika manga or the light novel? And yes, the artist was the one that passed away.

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And the last one, that's it anons, no more Ecstas manga from now on.

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part of me hopes something similar to the manga, Island of Giant Insects, which had gotten a new illustrations that redid the chapters before following new events with the sequel.

That or an anime, though, with the next volume of the light novel being the last one, I doubt an anime adaptation could happen, but it's not like there's not cases of finished series receiving one so we never know right?

Oh, to any user that reads Hybrid x Heart and is also waiting for Maou Gakuen no Hangyakusha, Kuji posted pic related in his twitter.

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