How will this even work?
How will this even work?
Dubbed by hicks
Nope, just official subs. But even that makes me wonder what they'll write. Good fucking luck.
who the hell even """buys"""" anime? lmao
Stop ask stupid questions.
They should just make things up. Or localize it hard with jelly donuts and all that.
I do. Not gonna delude myself into thinking these English releases do much at all to support creators, though. I just like owning a physical copy and putting it on my shelf.
They should just use the TL from the gg release.
They'll take this joke out of it
Why would they? Most westerners who wanted to watch this for free have done so already.
Well, they do indirectly. It's just that individual sales don't have much direct effect since the license is already paid for by the time the customer has a chance to buy the release. And the given that overseas releases generally don't sell in the same numbers (or at the same price point) as domestically, the license revenue isn't nearly as important as the domestic sales are (in most cases, anyway: a few shows, like Cowboy Bebop, have made far more overseas than they did at home).
That said, buying licensed releases means that shows continue to get licensed, which in turn ensures that whatever additional revenue for the Japanese studios do get thereby will continue.
There will be 13 episodes spanning across 2 discs, you will put the discs into your blu-ray player, and then you will presumably watch the episodes on the disc.
Translate everything faithfully with a note explaining the parts that don't make sense when translated.
American rakugo.
I lost interest and dropped this show after 2 or 3 episodes if I recall correctly. As much as I would like to, I just haven't achieved the necessary literacy in Japanese to really enjoy the show.
Whatever they do, they can't butcher it any worse than [gg] already did.
What was wrong with the gg subs? It carried the original spirit decently, and if you went on their site they had a pdf with all the TL notes in case you were anal enough to care about the original semantics.
You lost me
They wrote out jokes entirely and just made up shit to put in their place. Like one time they decided the audience would be too ignorant to understand a reference to the 4 heavenly kings, so they transformed it into a Pokemon reference, and then continued to make Pokemon jokes that were completely absent in the original script.
He meant to have sex with the blue ray discs.
>see, stuff like this happens when you translate a show you don’t care half-asleep in an environment not fit for translating.
>How dare I translate the sacred kotatsu as warm table
>take disc from package
>put it in device that plays blu-ray discs
>watch anime
it's that easy streamer zoomer
So the quality work we already get from ADV then...