Fairy Tail thread?
Fairy Tail thread?
Juvia is best girl.
No, sorry
Why is no one talking about the current airing season?
Almost like this shit is trash
holy orgasm magic, best magic.
Worst girl.
What the fuck was his problem?
So, did they who Levi pregnant already or what
Anyone who still cares has moved on to Hundred Year Publication.
It's just really old news when there's a lot of fresher shit and composting jojo to talk about.
Why does erza scarlet have so few doujin.
And no good one
only 14 year old girls like this dogshit anime
wendy is so fucking hot
I love underboob so fucking much
>oh, Acnologia never bothered THOSE dragons because he didn't feel like looking for them
the 100 year quest premise still gives me a dumb laugh at how lazily handwaved it was
Yep. Pretty much confirmed in story.
Meant for
>You don't think in lewd stuff when you see our anime, right user?