Fairy Tail thread?

Fairy Tail thread?

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Juvia is best girl.

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No, sorry

Why is no one talking about the current airing season?

Almost like this shit is trash

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holy orgasm magic, best magic.

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Worst girl.

What the fuck was his problem?

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So, did they who Levi pregnant already or what

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Anyone who still cares has moved on to Hundred Year Publication.
It's just really old news when there's a lot of fresher shit and composting jojo to talk about.

Why does erza scarlet have so few doujin.
And no good one

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only 14 year old girls like this dogshit anime

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wendy is so fucking hot

I love underboob so fucking much

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>oh, Acnologia never bothered THOSE dragons because he didn't feel like looking for them
the 100 year quest premise still gives me a dumb laugh at how lazily handwaved it was

Yep. Pretty much confirmed in story.

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Meant for

>You don't think in lewd stuff when you see our anime, right user?

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