You're now imagining the crossover

You're now imagining the crossover.

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I am

Attached: 928B04A4-30BC-40AA-8F80-57BE72EABC90.png (2500x3882, 3.13M)

It good.

Attached: 0F635828-6900-4B5E-B205-8C8923F91B17.jpg (1717x2828, 871K)

No I'm not.

Why would you post this?

You are now blinking manually.

The superior director of the two shows is dead, so no I cannot imagine the crossover.

Its beautiful

:( I had forgotten until now

You now hear a rinnging noise in your ear known as tinnitus

Lucoa drinking tea with Sora!

Attached: (Hi10)_Kobayashi-san_Chi_no_Maid_Dragon_-_04_(BD_720p)_(RH-Asuka)_(65CA017B).mkv.jpg (1280x720, 497K)

If they MC's swapped maids, what would happen?

You know realize your tongue doesn't have a comfortably place in your mouth.

nah latter is too het for the former

Kuroto would actually eat the Tohru's tail.

senko was forced iyashikei

Don't mind me, just the superior series of the genre passing by.

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I miss the dragons

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I'm gonna finish senko tonight. I really loved Maid Dragon. Whenever I watch it now, all I can think of is the fire.

Not really.
This is hot though.

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No, I'm now imagining the fire. Thanks.

never ever
did Kyoanus ever reveal an update about their situation???

Isn’t senko san from Kadowa?

Is this curly brace?

Comfy af

Fuck the dragons, I miss Kobayashi.

Kobayashi was the first anime that made me want to create and support a family

Now it's fox fire rather than gasoline