two weeks until we finally know if eren actually made hisu cry
Shingeki no kyojin
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this the new cope?
you shipper fags are so pathetic
Enter GODren, breeder of queens, destroyer of cucks, master of Ackerdogs, terror of Liberio, rumbler of worlds, Reinersbane, beater of mongs, revolutionary of Paradis, and king of the New Eldian Empire.
Yeah. That shard was from his perspective.
>2 weeks until the new chapter is out
Wtf it feels like the chapter just came out yesterday this month is going by to fast
Will Ymir Faye Yeager-Reiss be a good big sister figure to Ocean Arlert and Erwin Ackerman-Zoë?
Is this gonna be the new Madara pasta?
What do we know about this memory?
>it is significant
>it takes place during the timeskip (hisu is older here)
>she is talking to Eren, there's nobody else it could be
>she is not wearing her royal headdress, and is wearing a cloak of some kind (this is a personal meeting)
>she is looking straight into Eren's eyes and crying
I see no platonic explanation for this. Love is involved.
As long as I don't get banned and am awake.
As much as I'd like to see EH confirmed, especially on the 10th anniversary of the series, I think unveiling Xaver as Kruger's collaborator is more key to mindbreaking Zeke.
Who knows, maybe we'll get both.
The only thing we know so far is that the memory is smaller than MIKASA and older than 10 months
Isayama has been preparing us for this.
Are you ready?
>older than 10 months
no we don't lol
You just know that Mikasa is more important from the size of the memory frame.
No, because Armong will never get laid
Xaver was a titan researcher, not a doctor
>Your sister that you grew up with unsurprisingly has a slightly bigger memory frame that your pregnant wife
Woah, it's like he actually love her sister or something, retard
Isayama doesn't focus in romance at all so it's gonna be short and concrete
>Historia, we have to leave this island, tonight, soon!
>But I... can't run anymore... (rubs belly, tears)
Just that
She'll do her best despite her dead expression scaring them.
She's his sister user, get on with the old news already
Are you seriously still going with the size thing? When there's even more significance in that that just Mikasa, it's a connection to the very begin of the series and probably that's the reason kid Eren connected to the paths
>Mikasa is most important to Eren
>b-but it had nothing to do with them living in the same house as children!
Who's really coping?
*Adopted sister
Has anyone actually measured all shards to "cuantify" their importance or some shit like that.
It's likely inaccurate, as shown by things like Mehmet
If you know how imagery works you should know that in this case size doesn't really matter, what isayama did is put different size to draw attention off other shards
Take no offense, but I never got this theory and this page is literally the only thing that it has to go on.
So XaverKsaver just attempted to manipulate Zeke by forcing him into believing in the Euthanasia plan? To do what exactly? To "make sure" he betrays Marley and attempts to take the Founding Titan from the royal family, but not for Marley's sake? And then hope... that the "other half" of the Coordinate would just... attempt to restore Eldia? ...What?
Xaver died almost 13 years back. So would he just die hoping Zeke retakes the founding not for Marley's sake?
You might say:
>Well, didn't he do that from what we know, anyway?
Yes, precisely. But that's the difference. He died believing in Zeke because he, himself, believed in the Euthanasia plan. It was goal he shared with Zeke. It gives their relationship a bit of a touching... touch.
If Xaver had a different goal in mind, then him just not even "sowing" the seeds for an Eldian Restorationist Plan would be incredibly stupid.
Unless you're arguing for something different. Then I'm all ears.
That page (in my opinion) is just meant to highlight what Grisha did to get close to the Royal Family.
>Doctors make good spies.
This line tells you all you need to know.
In fact, I don't even think Grisha's crawling from last chapter around was necessary for confirming how he found out the Founding Titan's location. It was necessary for the whole confirmation that Grisha loved his family.
Also, stuff like Carla being smaller than Frieda on the mirror.
user get it already, Kruger is over he is not appearing ever again in the manga, he is a only once event, and that's a good thing
I still can’t believe Isayama put the AU shit in that panel
Mehmet is more important than Eren's mom too, then?
It's supposed to be a 3Dimensional with some of them falling closer to Eren's sight and some further. I doubt the size even matters though
Too depressed to sleep.
Too depressed for conversation posts.
Post snk memes.
Life is suffering.
Was important to one of the minds influencing current Edgren.
Why are you depressed user?
Yeah me too. Can't even carry out an EM war fully right now.
Mindbreaking Zeke is not the point. Even assuming this theory was true, if you make him lose faith in absolutely everything and anyone by making him realize he was just used as a puppet ever since he was a child you're just fueling his beliefs. Actually, I would agree with him if it turned out to be true.
Sure why else pick a small Mikasa from the same moment he had the dream instead of the adult version
Best not talked about. Post things that bring smiles.
That's Eren's own memory. Please stop embarrassing yourself.
You couldn't explain why there is a Kruger memory in there then.
Now I wanna know
Can't believe a soup holds the same importance as his own mother
Armin look gay
Bet you can't explain why his own fucking mom and biggest motivation in life is smaller than Manlet
Because he values that time of peace with Mikasa more.
Easy. A long time's passed.
>that Hanji
>and is wearing a cloak of some kind
That's just her casual outfit.
Are you daft? How does memories from predecessors also being present on the mosaic invalidate the fact that Mehmet is most likely a MEU child Eren met abroad while the war with Marley was still going?
Exactly, breaking Zeke solves nothing
You don't know that for sure.
Reminder manlet has seen and touched Hanji's naked body many times
Historia is pregnant with my child.
Need this is better quality
Jump off something high and do two flips
We know, Eren.
Best there is right now
We know Eren
>a long time passing means a guy Eren was ready to let his men kill on sight became more important than his mom
Do you actually realize how retarded that sounds? And if you're now willing to take time into consideration then by all logic more recent memories should be more important or worthy of note, shouldn't they?
Lance Vance here. Just wanted to let you know that Eren is probably the father.
rivaille rabu
Isayama really knows his fanbase huh?
He did this like this expecting for people to concentrate more on the Mikasa shard than anything else, i mean you just need to see how the nips reacted
their site has the whole image in better quality, but not any of the characters individually unfortunately
Didn't even know there was a site
This have nothing to do with Mikasa, is about the composition of the drawing.
Yeah that means everything needs to be done as blatantly as EZ who by the way are the central focus of this whole arc. The truth is Eren already made a point regarding her and there is no need to dwell into it because it's not really relevant to the story.
>That Hanji
Gotta marry her!
Also it's really contradictory, if time the past is more irrelevant then why are Mikasa and Armin in their childhood?
EM soon
Their bodies look weird.
I was thinking the same thing
Please don't objectify my moma
This ost is underrated
Just stop responding to obvious bait I gave up already, EMfags are some special kind of retardation unlike the other shippers.
need hans gf, lads
Ymir soon. I know that you're alive
>Get's wildly ugly
That was a based post. I still haven’t seen a single refute to it
Soon, bros.
Soon the war will FINALLY be over.
yeah the heads and upper torsos look somewhat disproportionate, armin especially
>Manlet gets to impregnate this
Lucky guy
Who is it then? If you have better ideas, throw them at me. Frieda and any previous FT holder are obviously out of the question since they spent their lives on Paradis. Grisha never went much further than his internment zone while he was on the continent as far as we know, and the sleeves of the person holding Mehmet's shoulders don't match with the uniforms Kruger's worn as a Marleyan officer. They do match with the clothing Eren's been wearing during his whole stay abroad, though.
Unless you want to get wild and assume the memory belongs to Tybur-chan for whatever fucking reason, then your choices are pretty limited.
And that is?
Historia eating everyone? Then rumbling the shit of the world? Hell yeah
>tfw no OL Hanji wife
Why even live, bros?
Yeah, the Undercover Xaver theory is retarded. Like, the whole thing rides on Zeke MAYBE figuring things out on his own without ANY guarantee that he would do so.
I don’t know what to tell you guys, because it’s pretty fucking clear to me that there’s only one character that fits this description
>He’s a titan researcher not a doctor
Hmm, did it never occur to you that that would’ve been a very high up position that only Xavier’s previous experience in a related field and Kruger’s influence?
That whole business of his wife’s murder-suicide should’ve earned him a one way ticket to Paradis as an Eldian exposed posing as a Marleyan, but for some reason he’s able to become someone trusted with Marley’s most precious military assets. Almost as if a certain someone in the military police swept it under the rug.
The only job Kruger gave Xavier would be to make sure Zeke became a warrior, and it didn’t matter how he did it and what it would ultimately lead too.
When Zeke was eating shit in boot camp because Grisha instilled no confidence or competence in him, suddenly
>Hey kiddo, want some parental bonding and a killer pitch!?
When the heat was around the corner of his parents door step
>Hey kiddo, don’t ask me how I know this, but I think your parents are about to get busted!
>Better sell them out quick!
When Zeke threatened to fall to self doubt and aimless despair that would’ve ensured he failed to become a warrior
>Hey kiddo! You did the right thing, now let’s think of a goal you and I can strive for together!
Plus it’d be current Beast Titan and Attack Titan viewing previous Beast Titan and Attack Titan, it’s the sort of pottery Isayama’s all about.
>Yet another child character that is gonna hog the screentime
Sasuga Isayama
Soup his mother made
Mehmed is Annie's brother. Eren went to visit Annie's father and saw this little kid playing in the yard, he talked a bit to him and told him to convince his father to leave the city before it's to late
Reminder that Eren cries during sex
But Lance is a certified liar. Who do I believe?
>some birds and a bowl of soup are roughly as important to Eren as his mom, whose brutal death right before his eyes scarred him for life and sparked his intense desire to completely exterminate his enemies
Oh yeah, the size of the shards is CLEARLY meaningful and significant.
Birds is probably a future image.
>I doubt the size even matters though
Some people and moments are definitely more important than others, though it's pointless to base them all on size when Mehmet and mirror Frieda are so large.
Hisu's hips are kind of wide
The Hans is looking nice
>Colossal hand puppet
t. ereh
Cheer up, user. It'll get better.
And don't do anything you can't take back.
they are delicious
That's what pregnancy does to you
>that Mehmet
Who is the mother?
Is he wearing a fez or does he have a weird head?
I was thinking what if this kid is Bertholdt and Annie's son before Bert was eaten? He resembles both a bit
Annie is jewish, not muslim
>those thunder hips
Shit. Eren's one lucky ass bastard.
He's wearing a fez.
>Bert and Annie's son
>this post
Holy cringola.
Could very well be true, maybe that way we get closure to Bert's character and Annie raising the child with Armong or something
Hope you feel better soon
Look closely. This is our queen, Historia Reiss.
She is the singular most important entity in existence. We must defend her to our last breaths. We must be willing to do anything for her sake. No cost is too great and nothing else matters.
Armin IS gay.
That's why he is for booli.
>tfw Eren will never get to do this with his daughter
>BAspic still trying
fat whore
Yes, Annie had a child when she was eleven
the boypussy meme is just that, a meme.
We can live with the solace that Eren and Hisu's kid will be the single cutest kid in the world.
Jesus Christ I'm retarded. I've looked at that page dozens of times and I never noticed he had a hat on.
>could very well be true
Only in your delusions BAfat
We know, Onyankopon
What? This baby is probably Eren's and it looks like a girl.
You and all the other retards who argued with me about it. No problem user.
It'll be Ymir Carla Frieda Faye Yeager-Reiss.
The lowest IQ moment in the series
Historia voluntarily spent her royal inheritance on an orphanage and spends her free time taking care of the children there.
What if she simply wanted to start a family?
How, retard? That's literally fact. People fear what they don't know. Read a psychology book sometime, dumb fuck.
>Annie is jewish
Eldians are white people, silly.
That's a Roman nose, not a Khazar honker.
You need to include Armong's words too.
I don't understand why he had to make Mikasa an Armin yes woman.
>scenes low iq cuckrenwhales wouldn't understand
because AM is canon
This isn't like you being scared of spics, Eldians are straight up monsters in human skin and people fear them because they know this
Armin and Mikasa are weak, low IQ cucks. There is no logic to the gay, low IQ shit they're saying in that scene.
At least they're useless B-tier characters now anyway.
Eldians are the Jews if they took over the Roman Empire instead of Christianity.
INB4 "Hurr durr, wats da difernce?"
To be fair, the world would also just as quickly stomp them out for their resources anyway. It isn't just boiled down to the people of Paradis being devils. It is just another excuse for Marley to want to take theiir resources to catch up to the world that is working on technology that will make titans obsolete.
Damn, armongcuck is seething.
>"Eldians are the Jews..."
>Eldian Restorationist logo is literally a Christian cross
Slow down and smell the roses from time to time, Mr. Speedreader.
Ymir is a girl after all.
>there's nobody else it could be
Her child.
>so unbelievably assmad that you have to respond to the same post twice
Even if Eren loses in the end, he would be an active character in the final arc who shaped the plot and whose storyline is thematically significant whereas AM were mostly reactive and irrelevant.
Does SEETHING that hard hurt?
I bet it hurts.
>this immense autism
>posts got deleted
Why does Eren look like a lion in this panel? Is it the tiny eye?
What is written above Armin? I thought it was 168, but he really always looks shorter than this
Made for ryona and suffering
Well it could be neat
>the story of the titans starts with girl named Ymir
>the girl that is born after the end of the titans is also named Ymir
gabi next Attack Titan
based pistolfingers gab
Like Annie would ever even consider touching a worthless beta like Armin.
I hope he ends up with Yelena and she psychologically abuses him until he commits suicide by feeding himself to a titanized homeless man.
It looks like 164 to me
>Eren commented on how Ymir had been stuck in paths all alone forever
>the final panel is the “you are free” line
Oh god the Ymir reincarnation shit is real isn't it
why would jean try to eat her head?
what an asshole
That’s Shadis’ horse back from when he met Grisha.
All of the memories here are POV.
Would he get along with Eren?
Get ready.
It's 168
the gabpedos arrived, i thought we had banned them all
It's neat but naming your daughter Ymir is dangerous. Unless those people who hate Ymir are gone.
Yep. Timeloop theory still ain't dead either.
Mrs. Grice is so cute
or maybe Falco?
Post the second part, pussy
its hilarious how just one month ago people hated Gabi because they thought Ereh was truly dead
erenfags confirmed for brainlets
>Mankasa redemption arc
But people still hate her, Gabicontrarian.
Zekechads in the house tonite
we're just gonna have a really good time
Literally zero people thought Eren was dead. If they did they had room temperature iq
I like Eren and Gabi. I was fine with her blowing Eren's head off because I'm not a brainlet who thought he died.
>Cropped out the rest
>gives up life goal because his dad said sorry
Basado and freedompilled
>tfw he still gets away with everything
how else do you explain fanart like or picture relevant (there's even guro), then?
for a month people wanted to shit on gabi's corpse
somebody else posted it in another thread, i didn't know it had a second part
The pic you posted is from months ago from when Niku punched her, brainlet
People have wanted Gabi dead since Sasha. Also gabi is usually getting beaten or is crying so she’s good ryona bait
I can't wait until Eren uncucks Zeke's shit and the newly formed team of YeagerChads steamroll all of Eldia's enemies. I'll even consider forgiving him for Mike and Nanaba and Pixis and Nile.
>implying Gabi wouldn't just grow a new head
just like Thanos... she's inevitable
>"one month ago people hated Gabi because they thought Ereh was truly dead"
>people hate Gabi because of that
>and not the OTHER thing
Brainlet, please.
The only ones who believed Eren died were the retarded dykes
>caring for redshirts
>famous last words: meat
It's kind of hilarious people are still mad that Gabi tried to defend her home
If he stops being a self-hating cuck and helps secure the existence of his people and a future for Eldian children, I could probably live with that.
we don't hate gabi, its just the fact that she's isayama's wife's self-insert character what makes her annoying that's all
It is a dangerous name, not only for the enemies also for the sympathizers of it, but the simbolism and significance is too great to ignore
Nanaba is the only one of the 4 that I listed that could potentially be classified as such.
But manlet would still try and kill him.
lmao, you wish
>t. speedreader
Disgusting slaves
People have always disliked Gabi for being the main part of a garbage and predictable subplot
i hope the anime doesn't cut this scene
That's between him and manlet.
But Ereh has got a better body than them now
Don't forget the plot armor.
It would be kind of hilarious to see a crippled manlet constantly try and kill Zeke.
>jean gets two shards
EJ confirmed
nigger, one thing is disliking gabi but the marley arc is the closest a manga has come to kino
Most prominent characters have got that. Gabi's was just more annoying because she got spared by her enemies like six times for being a little kid.
He should just have as many kids with Hanji as possible to spite him
They'll definitely cut a lot between 91 and 100 to bring back the Paradis characters as soon as possible.
Uncle Zeke would be a pro-natalism.
>she got spared by her enemies like six times for being a little kid.
This is my only problem with Gabi and Falco desu.
I was talking about Gabi's whacky misadventures in Paradis.
You just know Manlet will get the Hyakimaru special on combat prosthetics.
gabi is both cute and a terrifying force of nature at the same time
Be honest, could you beat the shit out of Gabi? I probably could
I unironically miss the Madara poster, this felt like the least retarded post among the shipperfags and fujos
I know, but the mental image of manlet chasing after Zeke in a wheelchair is funny.
Zeke's thesis: eldians don't deserve to reproduce
Eren's antithesis: the holocaust never happened but the non-eldians deserve it
Ymir's synthesis: women of all races should reproduce asexually
Could I physically overpower a 12 year old girl? Yes. Do I want to beat up a child for no reason? No.
She's like 70 pounds, unless she has got some sort of Ackerautism most people could.
The waifufag cook nearly killed her.
The shards are the same size, it's just a different perspective.
Probably tasted Hanji's big fat dick
Yeah that's based
Duh, that's the entire point of her character, when she's introduced she's already manipulating Magath by implying he's an eldian sympathizer and then she exploits the enemies with the im just a lil girl act
its not like they spare her, its that SHE makes them spare her by using clever jewish tricks
Probably. But she's a trained solider so I'll have some trouble
Yeah, I expect the GR2 to happen no later than the third episode of the season, maybe even the end of the second episode. I can't really see them devoting half of the first half of the season to characters and places that basically no one will recognize, especially when they have so much material to cover in roughly 20-25 episodes.
Dear god if they spend only 2 episodes in Marley it would be blunder of the century
The power of Gab compels you.
gabi is universally hated
i wouldn't be surprised if her entire character arc is reduced to just 3 or 4 scenes and they focus on Reiner, Zeke and the other titans mostly
>for no reason
That would make people hate Gabi even more because she would have even less characterization before she shoots Sasha.
But user-san, we can't sell as many posters of Levi-heichou in his new black tactical outfit if we spend 6 episodes on characters who aren't Levi-heichou
Absolutely, but the anime has to factor in normies and their miniscule attention spans much more so than the manga.
>implying anime watchers read or even speedread the manga
>implying most of them won't like Gabi's anti-edgerenlord antics
>no later than the third episode of the season
That's crazy. At best chapter 100 will be adapted in episode six.
I could care less about Sasha and I understand why she shot Eren and wasn't a brainlet that believed he was dead.
Maybe African warlords have got the right idea, if you use child soldiers then your enemies are less likely to shoot at them
>a brainlet that believed he was dead
That, we can agree on at least. Anyone who thought Eren would die without resolving basically anything is prrrretty low IQ.
Can someone post that picture of Gabi making a weird face? Thank you.
I'll take that bet in a heartbeat.
End of episode 3 at the latest.
Gabi is literally pleb filter: the character. The people that hate her (mostly due to Sasha's death) are braindead NPCs that whine she isn't some omniscient being that knows who the main characters are and how long we've known them for; that she shouldn't want to kill them because we've followed their point of view the whole series. They don't stop to think for a second that what she's doing is completely understandable for an emotional child
>cold open on the reminder with the rest of the arc told in flashback
What she does is perfectly understandable, it's just boring and pointless to see when we already got that before with Reiner.
Gabi has more character, development and motivations than most of the "main" cast.
no but here's an Erwin
Wew, that's a lot more plausible than I am comfortable with. God damn that would be a mistake.
Naaah, I doubt they’ll cut it down THAT much, they’ll give Marley and Final the 12 episodes they need.
I think the flashback explaining what happened on Paradis in the interim with the volunteers and what not will take up the last two episodes of cour 1.
She’s definitely better than Connie
The only people that still dislike Gabi are brainlets who haven't let go of muh potato girl
That's not what I wanted.
Gabi is a superpredator user, she carefully plans her kills
And Sasha, and Jean, and Mikasa, and Armin, and Bert, and Levi, and Floch, and Frieda etc etc etc
>"I am a brainwashed, self-hating retard that blissfully charges into the same mistakes my cousin Rainer made"
>"also, let's throw some young Eren in there too why not"
>this is a good character
Kek, coping Gabipedos are hilarious.
That prison guard she killed is the ugliest son of a bitch in the entire manga
fanaticism runs in the family, stop bullying the Brauns
Fucking (((autocorrect)))
>That prison guard she killed is the ugliest son of a bitch in the entire manga
False, that would be that Hanji guy with the eyepatch.
>The ELfujo is this stupid
honestly, the ugliest sonofagun in the entire show was Historia's dad
big eyes look awful in men
>stop bullying the Brauns
>everyone who hates shitty characters is an ELfujo
the parts with willy and magath are what's really going to be cut down and butchered i'd bet. it's a bunch of boring discussion of history, national mythmaking, ethics, ect done by two new characters with no connection to the paradis cast people want to see. plus magath is a grizzled old soldier so the fujos won't be into it either
i like how mikasafags comitted sodoku after learning Hisu was pregnant
>Gabi's a young brainwashed soldier
>Fully believes her own race is evil
>Gladly trains to shorten her own life so that she can kill her own people so that he fellow mainland Eldian's can be redeemed
>Puts her life at stake to destroy an enemy emplacement, saving hundres of Eldian's from running into machine gun fire
>Kills an armoured train
>She's the top rated cadet
>Despite being Eldian, she has made friends with Marleyan soldiers
>Understands that her own life would be, and cousins life are shortened by the Armoured Titan, but is willing to not ask him questions that pain him because she will inherit them
>Treats a foreign delegates party like a mission to ensure Eldian's don't get a bad name
>Is the first Eldian (that isn't a shifter) to rally against the enemy invasion
>Kills an enemy (who's airborne) with a dropshot
>Boards an enemy ship and kills an enemy veteran
>Gets taken to paradis, kills her captor and escapes
>Gets taken in, threatens to kill someone who threatens her safety, but is stopped by a bleeding heart
>Goes on to meet up with a Marleyan and express pride in her killing of "Devils"
>Goes on to discover that the "Devils" are just other people, something it took Eren years to do.
>Throws herself into battle to try and save her friend
>Picks up an anti-material rifle and exacts the revenge she swore against Eren
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙗𝙨𝙤𝙡𝙪𝙩𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙞-𝙂𝙖𝙗𝙞 𝙜𝙖𝙣𝙜.
he was also the smallest manlet in the cast
How much is Mikasa getting paid for her services?
Absolutely based
How was Yea Forums reaction? I was distracted with other things that time.
She gets to take home the leftovers from the reception.
>typing all those words just to prove my point
Thanks, I guess.
Anti-Gabi drones btfo
she gets to lick eren's post-sex semen from historia's pussy
She got a free boat ticket to Hizuru where she belongs.
>Tries to quip back.
>Defeats own point.
>T-thanks I guess.
she's bumping her heart into sawdust for a hotdog and a handshake
>Has no argument
>Reddit spacing
Keep coping fujoshit
>No U: The Post
>double return
I've always hated her
I like to think it's Gabi shouting "Thank you." Owning her moment.
Kek. Seethe harder, cuckoldboi.
I don't get it, what does Eren see in Historia?
>I'll say seethe and call him a cuck! That totally makes sense!
Historia is female
Eren is a personality guy
>he doesn't know
>Gabipedo finally got people talking about the goblino
Embarrassing display from /snk/amigos...
She cute, unlike Muttkasa.
Historia has a personality
>Fujo is so assblasted it has completely resorted to ad hominems
This is great
>he does
>and he gives no fucks
>because Chads give no fucks about gay shit like that
Now what?
>This is great
And predictable too.
They look good.
Mikasa is VERY cute!
>responds to ad hominems with ad hominems
>"haha, you used ad hominems"
Oh no, it's retarded.
>Unironically calling itself a "chad"
let them have their phyrric victory bro, no matter how much they troll the yaegers will have the last laugh
>Mikasa is VERY cute!
For a dude, sure.
This fanart makes me feel really uncomfortable, because it actually fits and that scares me a little
I like slut Mikasa more than cute Mikasa
i hope that's mayo user
Yup, great innit?
Tommy deserved it.
Hey man, facts are facts.
Is it possible for both Zeke and Eren to survive to the end of the story?
If Eren does what he's going to do, turn all Eldian's into genetic humans who have no connection to titans or paths, then yes.
Based and redpilled
yes and they'll have sex with hisu at the same time
no homo tho
Zeke will use up his body to resurrect Eren
>breeder of queens
>king of the New Eldian Empire
I doubt both will survive, only one
Anything is possible but I don't see either surviving, even if the curse is somehow broken.
Retard. Historia would never allow monkey shitty cock anywhere near her royal body
yes and Mikasa will have to stand there and listen to every moan
Why would Zeke need to use his body to heal Eren with paths?
Eren doesn't share.
cuz that will be the cost
I just want to ruffle her hair and bite her cheeks
people still believe the pregnancy fiasco is real?
Eren ain't getting out of this alive, user.
But he will secure the existence of his people and a future for Eldian children before he goes.
O my false pregnancy
I Eren is the father I can see him telling JC first. He probably don't know how even break the news to AM.
Why does everyone always seem to forget that Zeke and Historia are relatives?
But why is that the cost? It hasn't been shown to need a cost to use the coordinate.
incest doesn't matter if you're royalty, i mean literally they could just titan magic so that their child isn't born retarded
>killed offpanel
Poor Ymir.
>cyka blyat
Are there seriously people who like Gabi?, I don't care that she killed Sasha but I can't stand her for all the spent chapters in showing how she learns that the paradisiacs are not evil, it is literally the same subplot of Reiner but lengthening it unnecessarily at the worst possible time, it doesn't help that the only reason she is still alive is because Falco prevents her from doing something stupid or because everyone forgives her for anything she does because she is a kid even when they know she is a soldier
rage some more fag
What if instead of insulting me you just give me an argument, I have nothing against people who like Gabi's character, but I just don't understand why you like it
>just imagine cumming all over that face in a secluded horse stable with your friends working just a few dozen meters away
I'm jealous of Ereh
no, they're just being contrarians
at best, people don't MIND gabi but no one srsly likes her
Based and redpilled.
Cringe and bluepilled.
That Hange makes me want to become a better person.
>before returning to the physical realm
>I just don't understand why you like it
eren is a huge slut
>wtf Eren
>exacts the revenge
>That bossji
Damn i would kill Erwin too
Eren never died though.
Who said he did?
gabipedos are as jewy as the jewiest of all jews, i swear
People die when they are killed, user.
How can hobo Eren be so hot? I want to manhandle him.
>jew jew jew jew jew jew
holy mother of cope
Eren + Helen = Gebren
>what does Eren see in Historia?
Nothing but cattle to bred by farmer
And you think Gabi didn't think he's dead? His head came off. From her perspective, she killed him.
Historia pls
What's with the sudden influx of LE and EM lately? Last thread was creepy
Not even the person who said that follows that rule
We don't know if he'll be reborn like Zeke was though. He's alive but that's just inside paths for now, he might as well just keep living inside Zeke path.
they're separated by at least a few generations, that's more than good enough for royal purposes
>subjective reality trumps objective reality
>Gabifags are solipsist
Meh, she was only really spared once. The other times she just got saved.
As for her subplot, it really depends on where Isayama's going with it.
>subjective reality trumps objective reality
I literally didn't say that, but whatever, keep trying.
>Ignoring Hunterfags arguments
Time to sleep burger
Solipsism is actually white and based, and this is coming from an Arminpedo, not a Gabipedo.
>from her perspective homosexuality is totally fine
My goddess (F)
You reek of desperation
will manlet ever get over his cock addiction?
t. doggo
Marley arc is Falco and Reiners.
>t. someone who doesn't exist
yikers, at least you're there when I need to talk to someone at this hour.
It must be hard being a Ymircuck. They spent 40 months theorizing that Ymir is a royalty, that she will comeback because she will be important for the plot only to find out that she was just a nobody who had been given a grand name. On top of that, she got killed offscreen.
I pity them desu.
Hans has a cock?
>Manlet will impregnate this
I'm a Ymirfag and personally i liked her conclusion, is fitting with her character
EHspics get triggered more easily than anyone
>you just got rescued by one person after the next
>ends up also rescuing him
Damn, Reiner really can't get a break can he?
Does he even have a dick anymore
He’ll spend eternity in the paths dimension with Frieda
>that thread
>LEpedo literally writing about rape and abuse ans replying to her own posts an EHfag did it
I hope that schizo goes to sleep soon
>so triggered he can't give any arguments
As expected.
>tfw you'll never have a cute rebellious otouto like Eren
Yes he does.
Those cucks deserve no sympathy. I'm glad they got BTFO after years of shitting on the threads with their /u/shits.
>top left panel
"If only you knew how bad things really are."
YH, EM (also in last thread) and LEfujo are losing it. Gotta enjoy the new meltdown
here you can have the final reply I know you need it to cope with being so triggered that farmer fucked historia
Zeke is a lucky man.
she was a lesbian bro, nothing was lost
based EHsayama
>Didn't care about manlet dying
>Eren came inside Hisu over and over
Oh no no no
Imagine how seething Ymir was in the afterlife watching them procreate
>No AU where Zeke is raised by his stepmother with unconditional love
Do you still believe that? Like you don't have to ship EH or even like EH to see where this is going. You can't seriously be this retarded.
So the hope of all Reddit was for Porco to incounciously inherit ymir feelings for krista and go to her rescue / overwrite her pregnancy with his Ymir genes somehow.
Looks like Isayama didn't give a fuck because Falco won't even have time to share memories with Galliard much less with older shifters.
Plus giving the pregnancy to EH.
Why is he so cruel with minorities?
She is happy user
>Didn't care about manlet dying
I mean he probably cares but Eren and manlet didn't even interact that much, manlet also bonded with the others because even Isayama call him oyisan but protective. It was obviously never going to happen, it was obvious Eren feels closer to people his age, it was obvious this is about the future of different generations.
Like you enjoy yaoi I can understand but don't mix that with the canon.
all the seething EHcucks thinking Historia went straight for a tryharder edgelord
Reiner is still Eren's final rival, r-right REbros?
>Porco to incounciously inherit ymir feelings for krista and go to her rescue / overwrite her pregnancy with his Ymir genes somehow.
>W-why is my dick so hard?
>did i just figure out to harden
Why not? She's an edge lord herself.
I actually preferred her getting an off screen death over what Bert got, which would just have been used by people like you to shitpost against her. The letter was also nice, even though there was no need story wise for Isayama to include it.
Exactly, if you are with the manga you can see he applies the same shit with everyone. I would even say he had a deeper arc with Mikasa and Historia so I don't really get the whole LE thing
reiner is his bottom bitch
>tfw you will never be interviewing for a job with office hange and make her laugh with a little joke
I just want Reiner to be happy by the end or at least finally manage to kill himself at this point.
It seems pretty obvious to me that psychologically, Hisu would probably be drawn to starting a family more than most women due to her absence of any during childhood. We may need therapist-user to confirm
Historia is a raging womanlet user
o>The letter was also nice, even though there was no need story wise for Isayama to include it
Uh? It was the conclusion for their relationship.
He's a tripfag
Jean is
It was needed to give closure to Ymir and specially Hisu
>We'll never get clean high-res versions of any of the merch illustrations
it hurts
I bet Reiner hallucinates about Eren's rifle up him.
Are you as triggered as the LEfag about the possibility of Eren being the dad?
Bert was a bitch, he deserved to suffer
>t. 65 IQ speedreader
Even Mikautistica saw it coming, bro.
Xer an ErwLfujowhale
>people still doubting after the wine
You can't really be this braindead
Yeah, but a closure wasn't important to the plot, but rather for their characters.
No. His suffering must never end.
Feels bad man. That's Hansi's best outfit.
And? She is dead, bisexuality exists
Character arcs are important as the plot. Also he had already planned for Porco and maybe even Falco to get the Jaw Titan and if Eren us the father that conclusion was necessary.
Fuck you Isayama.
Grim reminder
lesbianism is irrelevant thats why
ymir was meant to be discarded
We get that you love dicks, now shut up faggot.
Irrelevant, user
It's like you are a newfag
She gets to eat out and clean up Hisu after the honeymoon while Ereh watches. I hope we get a shit ton of NTR doujins and fanart of this once Eren is confirmed as the father
Historia is an important character for the plot, it was needed for her to close the finished plot with ymir since it would never be addressed again
If Ymir gives Eren a female body and EH gets confirmed, wil dykes still complain?
ymir was never important user deal with it
>wil dykes still complain?
Transbians aren't lesbians.
i don't even care about ymir, all im saying is that historia is most definitely a dyke
EH's baby second name will be Ymir.
fujos would be satisfied with that at least?
Yeah, but if you removed it then plot wise not much would change. So it was solely for their characters and relationship. Isayama isn't really known to flesh out all his characters and just forgets some plot points.
Not him but she definitely isn't. It's on plenty of side materials.
No no no, you told me to accept ALL sexualities, now you have to accept bisexuality too
her first child will be Ymir, referencing both the original aryan ymir and the beach-tanned ymir
a dyke who had loving consensual sex with Eren?
Ymir was Historia's sister. Mikasa is Eren's sister.
What YM felt is not relevant because they will be always treated like family(sisters) by EH
How is this hard to understand?
Why do you think YHfags never post the smartpass? When asked about liking someone she thinks of boys. She also thinks Ymir is her dear friend.
Isayama should just close this shit by making Historia say Ymir was her friend or sister just like he did with Connie and Sasha
I love YH, but at best I would say it was heavily implied.
Why do you think History is a Dyke? She never showed romantic or sexual attraction to Ymir, the reason she valued her so much was because she was the first person she cares about in her whole life
You know this was Krista talking, right?
reminder that their last encounter ended with Eren running in fear
Isayama is a fucking hack
he moved Annie attempted love plot to give romance for ErenHisu
he killed off ymir to give way for shitty forced Eh
wont allow Galliard and Historia to meet . coward
disrecpecting Mikasa so hisu is "free" to take Eren
*you are free*, i hope last panel is eren talking to a stillbirth
It's YHwhale delusions, just ignore it
he did not, she was crying for her childhood love farmer who impregnated her, she also told eren she hates him because he's a murderer and the worst human being on earth, also she misses her yumiru
When did this chapter come out? I wanna see the asshurt for myself in the archives
Nice excuse. For her Ymir was always just a friend
Not that user, but some of her actions during Utgard and kidnapping could be interpreted as romantic.
I must be stupid or something but look at the op
>She chose them over me
Unless she is saying Ymir chose them for an orgy Historia clearly saw Ymir as a friend, her first friend
Now this is what yaaaas slaying looks like.
It's true though. The interview makes it pretty clear and how annoyed Ymir is with her fake good girl answers
>could be interpreted as romantic.
So you sperg about muh EH delusions and now you do the same?
>Historia clearly saw Ymir as a friend, her first friend
She was not even her first friend though - chronologically, her first friend was Frieda and the farmer.
Around April 28, 2017.
So your victory is for farmer to be the father? Why can't she be bisexual and choose Eren?
It could, if you just ignore the character, we know who Historia is as a person and why she acted that way
>the farmer
Come on, man.
Sometimes people pick friends or duty before lovers.
>farmer was a friend
You're shitting me.
>Frieda who wiped her memories of their time together
Man you have a rapist mentality
user... you're trying too hard
If anything it's the other way around. EHfags call YH delusional but call everything Eren does romantic
this is what coping looks like
spoilers [spoilers]eren is a bitter virgin[/spoilers]
Isayama was a prequel chad all along
Not sure where this braindead conclusion is coming from.
>muh BFFs Reinigger and Borthole who I haven't had a real conversation with until today
>muh duty to give Marley a shifter back
What the fuck was Ymir's problem?
No, some even said YHE could be canon. You are rejecting the idea that bisexuality exists
Ymircucks can fuck off and die, their obnoxious spamming of /u/ shits in these threads are just as bad as fujoshits.
Even if YH was canon (it wasn't) wouldn't it be good for Historia to get over her death? I mean she was fucking 15 when she died.
If only Bert was this cool in canon, he could've been the proto-Kenny
>gay shit
Checks out.
Ignore the creatura
I know you are baiting but holy kek you really need to have a good stomach
>are just as bad as fujoshits.
Or shipperwhales in general, including you
Bert was sort of a badass in his last appereance, he was even able to parry MarySuekasa's OP attacks despite not having retard ackerman strength , too bad it was too late
wake up
based and dulcolaxed
you could remove the conclusion of a lot of characters arc with others and come to that strange conclusion, it was necessary for her that arc to finish just the same as mikasa putting away her scarf
He should have gone out like this
This is true. It's stated that Bertholdt's potential was off the charts but that was the closest he ever came to fully tapping into it. Had he survived and made it back, Paradis would have stood ZERO chance.
According to YHfag aka you, it is true.
>implying i'm a shipper
Stay butthurt dyke
Nope, Historia's current fate is worse than death. You can literally see on her face that she wishes to be killed so that she can be hella lesbian in hell with Yumiru.
>some fucker made a new thread even though this isn't on page 10 yet
you got to be FUCKING KIDDING ME
I just want them to be daijobu
Actually it was created later than usual. Last threads were created during 450 posts or something
Faggots who use bisexual are the literal worst copers of all. Its the most pussy move you could pull because you literally put yourself in a position where proving you wrong becomes useless.
>Durr she could like both!
You people are fucking morons, and even worse sore losers who cant acceot the fact a character is straight.
Sure, butthurt shipper
>this is what YHfag ACTUALLY believes
And Reiner in tears.