Is Deku an underdog?

Is Deku an underdog?

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>8 quirks
He's the overdog now.

In the short term he is an underdog because he faces conflicts he isn't prepared for yet - this is especially true before he learns full cowling. In the long term he isn't an underdog because we know he possesses the most potential strength of any single character, save for All for One. These ideas aren't mutually exclusive.

not since he discovered the power of LEGS

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Is that apartment in your mind for sale?

diet ass Ippo

>Is Deku an underdog?
He was literally "gifted" the powers of SUPERMAN, how is he an underdog?

he is now that his nemesis is basically becoming unstoppable.


Who cares
He’s relatable

Are you a crybaby?

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>anime is known for overexpressive emotions

I will cry you a river over this


deku is cute!

>He’s relatable
Only if you're a massive faggot.

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Deku is worthless shit

>he isn't a massive faggot

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>he’s never been empathetic
Sorry not a sociopath

>Yes he is better and more worker protag than As...

Hell no , if something it shows the MHA is legit creative bankrupt and already give him the "Messiahs" treatment


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Empathy only stretches so far

He was.
Until the chapter that must not be named.

>crying like a bitch over every little thing is empathetic

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>there's no middle ground between being a faggot and being a sociopath
shut up, you're embarrassing yourself

All great stories give their protagonists some form of messiah treatment.

>not being a little bitch means you're a sociopath


>being happy your childhood idol hold more faith in you than anyone else
Even allmight calls him a cry baby.
He’s shown to be empathetic.

Empathetic? Yes.
Relatable? Depends, do you desperately cling to your bully’s approval/attention?


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Luffy’s ancestry contributes jack shit to his powers.

Sure, if battle shonen is all you've ever read.

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user where do you think we are?

Based retard.

for like 3 episodes, then he got superpowers and stopped being an underdog

Boku no pico academia si fucking shit, I honestly can't comprehend how this garbage show became so popular

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He never was

No. Just think about it real hard. The legendary pre-ordained hero is a timeold story.

Based faggot.

>he still believes on the monomyth
How does it feel to have a single digit iq?

I'm not saying that overpowered legendary heroes saving the day can't make for a great story, just that a great story doesn't necessarily need an overpowered legendary hero.

Faggots self inserting

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He's a mad dog

Aye that's well subjective but it isn't a detriment either.

Deku has a micropenis

More like over dog with 7 quirks


I'm not sure about being a dog, but he's an under, if you know what I mean.

>trying this hard

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Fuck no, but the story and everyone in it will still insist that he is

I see what you did there, you sly dog.

Deku gets violated by Bakumom on a regular basis.

If you go by Deku's 10 most important fights his record is 8 (wins) - 2 (Loses) Compare that to his record of "if" he should have won or not you get a record of 5 (wins) - 3 (losses) - 2 (about equal)

No, not even a type of underdog who's struggling against society like Nardo. People love him really quickly.

He almost always is the underdog on a case-by-case basis. He's constantly facing adversaries/challenges outside the realm of his experience and ability. In the long-term we know he has the strongest power but so long as his use of this power is limited he can be the underdog in individual competitions. Also outside of those circumstances he hasn't been portrayed as an underdog since learning full cowling - he's been portrayed as an even competitor with the top members of his class.

nope. pic related is.

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deku isn't a dog, he's a bitch

That was real clever user, must've taken all your brain power.

I try

>Kaa-chan... please... impregnate my wife Ochako!

cool reaction image. what manga is this from?



So Sero is pretty much useless now that Deku has black whips right? If I was him, I'd totally kill myself.

can you tell me more about the new quirks?

no, and all the people trying to imply that he's ever been one since the end of the first season are retarded

>Gets the best power
>From the best mentor
>At the best school
>in the best class
>with the best teacher

You know, I'd have really liked to have seen OTHER hero schools. Like if this one is the Yale or whatever I'd like to see the local community collage version where all the blue collar heroes train. And since they're all townies nobody high above really expects them but they know the city in and out and they actually use that home team advantage to their benefit.

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Ichigo was never once stated or shown to be an underdog

More of you nigs need to read Flame of Recca.

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>same thread with the same image made right after the last one died
>mods won't delete this shit

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Cry harder

Most aren't. Most heroes ever are exceptional. It's the normalfag-tier characters who are the real underdogs.

Yea Forums's been in terminal decline ever since mods allowed Naruto on the board. The flood of shonenfags was impossible to recover from.

Oh, he's an underdog, alright.

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