what the fuck is her problem
Zombieland Saga
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A short lifetime of convincing people to count on her and letting them down every time. Then maybe her brain was damaged when it spilled out of that big stitched up fissure and had to be scooped back in.
Might be the fact that she's dead. Just guessing.
She's an egg.
Cursed to the unliving hell of the undead.
Too precious for this world and the next one
one Saki needs to be louder, angrier and have access to a time machine, two whenever Saki is off screen the other characters need to be asking wheres Saki
>You're such a fuck up that you can't even die in peace
Truly the unluckiest egg.
Tae's turn to be posted!
She's a zombie. She can't help being dead.
I miss this show so badly
She did, but then Xu Fu swung by to grab her body before it could be cremated because reanimating random Saga-jin as mindless zomblers is how he staves off boredome at two thousand years and change old.
s2 in 6-12 months
She's not legendary like Tae.
Any sexy pictures of her VA?
The stamp rally participants in Saga this year are three times as many as last year.
I am pretty sure season 2 will air in spring season, so they get another tourism boost in summer.
Probably in 36 months
What if Inui had been completely honest about the Sagas being zombies? It's not like anyone thought them being baka zonbis as Death Musume or all that shit with Tae and Sakura yelling and rapping about how they're zombies was weird, he's paranoid and having them be secretive for nothing.
Reminder that there is absolutely nothing lewd about the smelly, rotting, desiccated corpse of a young, formerly fertile girl.
This anonymous is correct!
I've read the papers myself!
Absolutely nothing erotic about this corpse of a young girl!
She is a stupid fucking egg.
She's a good egg.
Non-baka zonbi version of this fucking when?
>It's not like anyone thought them being baka zonbis as Death Musume or all that shit with Tae and Sakura yelling and rapping about how they're zombies was weird, he's paranoid and having them be secretive for nothing.
You remember all the encounters with Policeman?
It is physically impossible to find this gross dead body arousing.
Officer Favaro didn't see Tae fall apart while Sakura went on about how they can't let the old people watching them at that very moment find out they're zombies.
This rotting body is absolutely disgusting!
Because the zombie gimmick is subtext on how idols have a public personality, but can never show their true personal selves for fear shattering the illusion of idols and losing fans.
Egg getting abused was the best part of the show.
Just thinking of this vile cadaver makes me want to throw up.
The frame just before she does the DX face makes her look like she's a step away from ahegao.
Truly nauseating!
I love their sunken eyes so much.
Reminder that eggs are for fertilizing.
This was in the first episode so that you'd have it as context for the rest of the series.
brain damage.
Hold up. How hasn't her makeup been washed away in that picture? Also, shouldn't zombies avoid water? I know it speeds up the rotting process.
Policman and the rappers certainly recognised Junker, Ai and Sakura as zombies, no matter how stupid the old people in Saga are.
Waterproof makeup, they went over this in one of the episodes.
>I would like to buy 12 Rollies please
Surprisingly looks not super awful
No, Ai lost her makeup during the storm in episode 6.
You are correct, they got the waterproof makeup when necroducer sprayed them.
>old people
And the audience in the first episode, and the two metalheads representing the non-idolfags watching the show, and Maria and her friends and the actual sukeban who freaked out at pic but then forgot it ever happened the moment Saki realized her neck was twisted too much for her to possibly pass as alive and fixed that.
Solid take.
That's a shit ton of make up.
No wonder you need Hollywood or whore level cosmetic skills to apply that much without leaking off.
He buys it by the bucket.
Junko is a boomer.
Luckily Ai and Junko don't require a lot
Because they're flat?
yes, because they're flat, thank you reddit
Best pair.
A cute boomer who can fix doors. You don't find that often these days
This is now a mushroom thread.
>can grow mushrooms
>can fix doors
Imagine dating Junko and building a rad garage workshop full of tools and benches for projects.
Think about how expensive that must be. You're talking about a fuck ton of makeup. Unless you want a bunch of rotting, stinking idols shambling about with their limbs falling off. You'll also need some preservatives for their zombie asses and cunnies. They must be at least a thousands dollars each, embalming fluid isn't cheap user.
>can grow mushrooms
Those aren't really positive traits
>can fix doors
This one is fine.
>what the fuck is her problem
No, what the fuck is this show's problem? The first two episodes were 10/10 excellence, but every episode after that was just shit. Too much moping/forced drama and too much bad PlayStation 1-era CGI dances.
I've found Franchouchou's new photographer. I'm sure he will get along great with the girls.
Yea, Ai's face does look like a war zone.
thats true of only the 3rd episode, you did watch it beyond that right?
Who gives a fuck, it's the same tired shitty idol anime from the 3rd episode on. The first 2 teased at something novel and threw it all away.
no its really not, watch episode 4 and 5
6 and 7 are very idol anime-ish but there's still moments like pic related
8 and 9 are good character episodes
10-12 is a wrap on Sakura's story
Episode 3 wasn't bad. Stop that meme.
People are just pissy that they used CGI for the dance routine despite being low budget anyway.
no but it was the most boring episode
It had many funny gags and was pretty essential to the story.
Personally episode 4 was more boring.
>onsen evil is bad
I mean, ep3 was the most like a normal idol episode I guess
I liked episode 4, I still hope they get to go back to the pastry shop they were drooling in the window of in S2
And also that no matter how much you bitch and whine about your feelings being hurt or whatever, CGI idol dances is standard industry practice and has been for a long while.
poor zonbis with no money only eating dried squid for over a month
Wouldn't normal food just rot inside them and bloat them up and make their breath smell?
Not if they puke it up when it rots too much for them to keep it down.
they aren't gabugabu zombies
all their organs are working fine
I never said it was bad. We are going relatively here.
No idea how normal it was for an idol show.
The first part with the official group establishing was hilarious.
We got some good character interaction between the members and it was the beginning if the slappening.
Maybe if you cheaped out reanimating your baka zonbis. Xu Fu doesn't cheap out though.
I'm not sure how I feel about the idea of the girls having dull lifeless zombie eyes instead of just having dimmer eyes. Lifeless eyes look fine on Sakura here, they don't make her look less aware or less emotional.
haha imagine licking Saki clean of her sweat after a performance haha
Fuck off
egg is fun but for me it's tae
still would
bone her you mean?
yes, she's still hot and cute without the moe filter
We were going to give Tae and Yugiri their arcs in season 2. But people just love Ai and Junko so much we decided to focus the entire season around them. It's going to be electrifying.
that would beyond suck, but I have faith that they understand what made S1 work and what would make S2 great
>Saga tourism tripled in one year because of an anime about zombie idols
This shit us so hilarious it's almost bizarre.
they called him mad
After last interview I am positive this will not happen.
You sure?
who is worst girl then?
We all know that Junko and Ai carried the entire show. They could remove every other character and it would be even more successful.
there isnt one, even Kotaro and Lily are best girl
We even have some dedicated JunAi artists.
>wearing a sleeping cap
>with his full suit
god damned, how can one manager be so based
If Tae ever gets to talk in season two, will she sound like a girly girl or 'the straight man' in the anime.
Resurrect and impregnate Egg, Saki, Tae and Yuugiri
>Producer initially didn't like making an idol show
>already planned much ahead
>asked the fans to be prepared to keep their expectations being averted
I am sure this won't happen.
He was also the one who produced Shingeky no Bahamut Genesis so it's likely that he put much thought into the origin story with Xu Fu.
but who would you make your wife?
So I have a frame of reference, could somebody with actual knowledge tell me which U.S. Saga could be compared to in terms of its national relevance?
Egg and Yuu can have a wife contest. Saki is free to go after the birth as she's a free spirit, and Tae might still be brain damaged even after resurrection so she's off the table until further notice
Implying that slut deserves anyone as wife.
this was a fun watch
Saga is the North Dakota of Japan
That bad, huh?
T.non burger
What's so bad about North Dakota?
It's a place that exists but has no reason to exist. It's just there.
Well then I can tell you Saga is not as bad.
It is suppose to be famous for its ceramic art, international wide.
Being run over by a truck sometimes does that.
Well, she’s 29 at the time of her death, so the latter would be more possible.
This show was so meta.
>rival group has a monstergirl gimmick, but is secretly the result of genetic engineering
I really hope season 2 has a tweeeeeest unlike season 1. There better be more egg abuse as well.
The twist was that it was an idol anime all along.
>being shit is industry standard so you aren’t allowed to complain
Fuck off with this mentality, this is exactly the reason why shitty CGI dances are common practices at all. If everyone bitched about it, it would barely be a thing. Too bad nips are spineless pussies that just shovel shit in their mouth
Puchimas is better than Zombieland Saga.
Wish there was more art of these gross zombies in their idol costumes.
Their "normal" forms are fucking boring.
>Too bad nips are spineless pussies that just shovel shit in their mouth
More like they just don't care.
Head plushies when?
Not as cute as the puchidols from Puchimas.
God they're so cute together
Suffering from Aru-level zannen?
i love my wife sakura
cant wait for the inevitable granblue collab
>they canonically hate each other
Did you watch all the episodes? It was clearly Cornflakes and her past that was causing the divide. She warmed up to Fluff by the end.
Baby boomer versus millenial
>I didn't watch the anime
Tamagotchi obviously has a thing for Egg,
All the ships are good
My wife Sakura is the cutest and sexiest egg in the whole world!
Oh great, it starts again.
CGI too amazing for you?
This relationship is not pure, only fluff and cornflakes is pure.
/u/ faggot is back spamming the thread.
Well I get him. Not like this thread was being used for anything else worthwhile.
I can post chaducer if you want, not like anyone else is posting.
From time to time there is still a notable discussion that doesn't resolve into stupid onliner.
Whats his endgame? And what's his revenge going to be?
Will you admit that Puchimas beats Zombieland Saga in every way?
In what?
Cuteness and variety of episodes.
Patrician ship.
If I took a picture with Junko, would she die?
It would be extremely painful...
She's a big girl.
Saki is a genki womanlet!
Just do it without her noticing. Like those people make tourist pics with the Eiffel Tower in the background. You just have to be a bit sneakier.
It looks like she is bending over in the left picture.
>Yuugiri towers over Tae again, despite being canonically 5 cm short.
A good thing we have official numbers.
Otherwise it would be very confusing.
Tae has bad posture
Tae is a baka zonbi and has bad posture.
No need to defend it.
As shown with Saki the set I inconsistent as fuck.
Tae is missing at least 10 cm. That's too much for just posture.
Lets hope the production value is higher in season 2.
>As shown with Saki
No, not shown with Saki. That tweet does point out that when she appears taller than the others, that's most likely because of her eagerness; she's standing on her toes and straighter than anyone else.
>Tae is missing at least 10 cm. That's too much for just posture.
Look at her posture. It's not "too much".
>Lets hope the production value is higher in season 2.
Oh, fuck off.
Sort of geta?
>what's perspective?
Tamagachi is leaning over and further ahead of the group in that picture.
>ywn crawl in bed with your cold smelly rigor mortis wife
What? This has nothing to do with perspective.
Saki is standing right where the others are, there's no difference in perspective. She is standing straight up, whereas no one else is. That's the only reason she appears taller.
As for Tae, same argument: She's not standing far from Yuugiri, but she crouches.
Your perspective argument only applies to Saki this picture: She's further from our viewpoint, but she is shorter anyway. So that's not really an argument you could make.
Don't be so defeatist, Sakura.
This is a perspective thing:
Saki isn't giant, she's just in the foreground.
Saki is canonically the shortest aside from Lily. What are you retards even arguing about.
Saki circle jerk or /c/ dump threads?
Those two are the same thing.
What are they getting revenge on
My wife Ai is so perfect, PERFECT!
>what's high heels
Dumb speedwatcher.
Lou Bega
>What are you retards even arguing about.
You not getting what that tweet was about, retard.
Her name is cornflakes, and she is mine.
>Left dude hasn't sell shit.
Now just add some sugar and cinnamon to finish the roasting of blue chick's ass.
>virgin vs chad
There's a pic, but I can't find it.
If she's hard then I'm hard
this show was released during a sensitive time for me and now im deeply attached to all the characters
I gotta be honest, the marshmallow horse show was the same way for me. That's why it hurt me when it jumped the shark, that's why I'm still kinda sad it's ending soon even though that shark jump was several years ago, and in all likelihood, that's why ZLS clicks so strongly for me. It fills the marshmallow equine-shaped hole in my heart.
She was raped
Marshmellow horse show?
Remember not to overfeed your zombie idols
Ugh. Delete that, please.
How do you think Sakura and Ai feel about knowing they can never become adults in the eyes of the law?
No idea. But I know that Masao-kun likes it.
Raped her entire life by bad luck.
sounds a bit like me
Once again, Tae is the only based one.
La luz estinguido
Does Lily's penis still work?
Not only would those heels never make that much difference, your pic actually shows Tae as the taller one despite the same shoes
Potentially, when she's startled and her heart gets going again, but not while she's keeping it at the back of a drawer in Kotaro's desk.
>not while she's keeping it at the back of a drawer in Kotaro's desk.
Why not? No connection to the rest of the body needed.
this thread is shit
ur nan's shit