Is this what you all look like?
Is this what you all look like?
Black anime twiter is on another level of lack of self awareness to the point its fascinating
What compels normalfags to post here?
Yea Forums isnt a secret club, most posters here go on normalfag websites and nothing you could say will prove me otherwise
Was that a bruh moment?
>hey user!!! :) Wanna come over and watch full metal alchemist with me?? ^.^
wat do
Why are all niggers balding? I'm not even kidding, look at them.
Yes. I'm a cute girl. Slightly younger than the ones posted here.
The twitter board is that way dumb frogposter
ayy lmao im in ur dumb board bitch
I died
she cute for a nigger
There was a time where Yea Forums was an elitist otaku board who would shitpost and sage this types of threads, newfag.
Why do niggers and spics love shounenshit so much?
Focuses on fighting which is easier to comprehend on a primitive level.
>anime fans are niggers
>frogposters are QT chinese girls
dios mio
Because it targets people with barely functioning brains.
>average franxxfag