Houseki no kuni | 宝石の国

soon [\spoiler[

Attached: afternoon_201909_announcement.jpg (1080x776, 739K)

What does it say? Is the manga ending soon? I don't speak moonie.

Attached: Phosser.png (1024x972, 391K)

If anything happens to adamant I will kill myself and everyone on this board

Attached: last thing my webcam sees.png (503x337, 168K)

translator kun pls.

Just that it releases on Friday the 23rd, as well as mentioning that the volume is available and there is something included with it (stickers?) my moon is slacking.

Big if true

So this is this end.

always wanted to find out wtf that program was called, is like a facial emotion reader?

so did the other thread got nuked?
or did it just die like the series?

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It got enlightened

Attached: 1549523345099.png (700x779, 796K)


I'm tired of just pray.

Attached: ghost v05p35.jpg (507x566, 159K)

For the user who wanted Alex gemdick. I also did the Phos spanking request but it sucks even more.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-19 [#アレキサンドライト] Alex - Malest's illustrations - pixiv.png (575x446, 204K)


spoiler] I LOVE PHOS

Attached: 1564004286554.jpg (688x612, 199K)

I think it's the microsoft emotion reader

>spoiler] I LOVE PHOS
Master scholar moment right here

Attached: 1549378719961.png (1920x1080, 2.96M)

This will be useful one day. post the other one user!

Attached: phos exclamation.png (209x333, 58K)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-20 [#フォスフォフィライト] Phos spanked - Malest's illustrations - (549x517, 346K)

Accurately captures the gem butt. I like it. Not too sure about those breast-like protrusions on Bortz's chest though, they might be come off as a little gay.

It's shit
Just like your art

It was a very gay request.

Oh I strongly agree.

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I've seen some people complain that the moonies are too human. Wouldn't that be kind of the point, though? The Buddhist symbolism/iconography is always backhanded as hell in this manga, like how it's currently taking the idea of Nirvana to absurd extremes by having Adamant poof everyone out of existence. Having the inscrutable beings who drop out of the sky in the shape of Buddhist deities actually be a bunch of banal cosplaying assholes whose entire MO hinges on petty revenge at Adamant seems fitting if nothing else

It's fitting from a thematic point of view but purely as a plot point I can see where those people are coming from.

Make sure you get me first

Attached: Sad Phos.jpg (1920x1080, 206K)


I don't really see him surviving to the end of the story

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