
Gah! She is so cute!

New chapter when?!

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Is any of this in english?


I didn't know she had her own manga, I only knew about her through /d/. Nice.

Nope, hopefully someone can TL it.

Isn’t there a way to scan japanese text and translate it into english?

Not that I know of.

What a shame.

What the fuck did you do to Tewi?

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Made her more whole some and not shit.

Is it true that Puu cries when she remembers that she wasn't always fat?

They made her better.

No she cries that she isnt fatter

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Is this what you mean?

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Those are tears of joy

Imagine drawing a cute obese 2D girl and creating a manga about her, and then getting so attached to her and invested in her life that you start to care about her health and wellbeing and want her to lose weight.

Just make her immune to obesity, problem solved.

The bigger and more needy she gets, the more I want to cuddle and pamper her.

They're just small comics and a couple doujins, but I'd be down for an actual manga.

Which one, Yea Forums?

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Whichever one is most willing to force herself upon me

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Tall one on the left.

Improved her.

Kill yourselves


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There are Puu-chan threads now? Let's fucking GO

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Mods never delete them, so they're fair game, apparently.

Hopefully we can get the original two doujins someday.

We might get that sooner than you think. Turns out Muni deleted his old account ages ago so he can repost all of his old stuff on Fanbox. So that that might mean there's a chance he'll upload those as well. It'll probably take a while though.

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There actually is an online OCR translator by Google

Is it any good? How accurate is it?

Post more fat lolis already.

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Also Puu is not a loli

I was wrong, their OCR isn't a translator but you can just put the scanned text into your translator of choice
It works pretty well (the OCR part at least)

Such a cute best girl. I’d be willing to die to protect that smile.

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Only way to protect her from heart disease and diabetes is to help her lose weight. But then she wouldn't be your sick fetish object anymore

She can’t get heart disease or beetus.

Puu-chan needs to worry about having the latest gaming system, watching the best tv shows, having enough food, getting her Orange Juice, and being able to be wheeled around in public.

We must protect that smile!

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Where can you read the rest of these? Image search just brings up Yea Forums archives, not mangadex or madokami or anything.


Misc archives. Muni has seasonally deleted his old works time and time again. So the best way to find them are from someone’s private archive.

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>fat lolis


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No u.

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>Only way to protect her from heart disease and diabetes is to help her lose weight.
>2D problems

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Here just take two of these.

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She ate all those cakes she frosted with her butt

Good! It's essential for a growing girl to take in a few trillion calories per day. That's how a girl grows up to be nice and vital and healthy!

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Exactly. 1 calorie is like a chemical work of art to a girl. Add in trillions of Kilo calories and you got a very pretty girl.

Indeed, my friend. The ability to stand up straight and walk around is a sign of severe starvation.

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Well for a woman it is.
But as long as they are sitting down they need belly rubs, foot massages, sponge baths, hair combing, and lots and lots of cuddling.

Because of this it is also important that puu has things like a soft bed, a media center, an endless supply of food. And most importantly a lover who wants her to be as happy as can be.

Thankfully, her partner seems to have her covered. Although several whole pizzas a day seems rather light compared to what she should be eating...

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Of course. Puu should be eating much more, but she is in training and will get used to eating more.

Of course we could feed her via a needle and a bag of sugary water to be allowed to enter her blood stream.

I suppose, if there isn't enough solid food available. Anything to maintain her feminine curvature and fertility.

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Well you could give her breakfast in bed.
Keep the home at about 65F (to encourage adipose building)
Get things for her.
Make her have a large soda with each meal.
Stress her out about being fat, which causes fat producing hormones to develop.
Reward her good behavior with verbal gratification and food, this will help make her feel the need to be rewarded with food for being a good wife.

Sounds like a plan

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Well you could help her by cooling down her underbelly and fat pad.

Munimuni needs to go the Meth route and make a manga already.

Agreed. He kind of has tried, by releasing a few hundred manga at comiek every now and then, but nothing to the scale Meth has.

Part of the problem is that Muni is paranoid of people pirating and sharing his work, which ironically encourages it since there is no way to get it legit.

Can this () be the cast?

I don’t see why not. More cute fatties to love.

It is all fun and games until you have to wash the crust under her fat rolls.

Well thats just a small cost for her beauty. Besides cleaning the rolls also means manhandling them.

>3D problems

My eyes are drawn to her little feet that poke out from her leg fat.

How is fat roll sweat different than underboob sweat really?
It’s really not that big of an issue if you think about it. Other non-fat girls experience similar issues.

Also you only get boobsweat if you have big tits, so if you get it all over your body. That must mean your a really big sexy girl.

This guy gets it

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>not caring for your waifu with constant maintenance


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This is actually fucking disgusting to me on a visceral level.
This is like "shitting in a diaper" tier fetish to me, what the fuck?

Diapers aren't anywhere near as bad. They can just clean up, take a shower, and move on with their lives. This is more like body horror

This is far better than “diaper tier”.
1. There is no scat in this, just sweat and maybe messy eating.
2. Puu has huge breasts, thighs, and butt. She is more well-endowed than your waifu.
3. Puu chan is soft and warm to the touch, you can basically sink your face into her bicep as if it where a MyPillow.
4. Her vag is extra puffy and deep from inches of fat added to it, it really takes a real man to fuck it.
5. If you clean your blob girl reguarly she will be clean.

>1. There is no scat in this, just sweat and maybe messy eating.
Do you honestly think that thing can fit on a toilet and wipe?


She probably can fit on a toilet though. Wiping is a different question though, but eh, that's just part of the maintenance if she can't.

Imagine pushing Puu over. She can't get up by herself. There's nothing she can do.

Have sex, faggot

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Whats this for faggot?

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Sex with Puuchan

Spongebath with Puuchan!


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I am fucking dying. How did you get Peterson to say that.


Pls no bulli.

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She'd be like a turtle desperately trying to flip herself over, but she'd be exhausted so quickly that she'd have to give up and catch her breath and maybe start crying.

There is good fat and this ain't it. This is smells like boiled cabbage fat.

Envision the bacteria.

Thats why she needs me to help her back up on her feet.
She smells good, I swear. Puu-chan gets washed in an salt bath, where she gets her rolls rinsed, scrubbed, and lathered in soap. Upon getting dried and given baby powder to absorb moisture.
Puu also gets dressed in warm pajamas and blankets where she gets snug before going to bed with Kotaru.
Man I wish I was Kotaru.

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They're cute!

Certainly, but no sexualizing the lolis.

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I really wanna fall asleep cuddled up to Puu's jiggly warm tummy.

You're a monster.

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Imagine her being stuck like that for a while, unable to get up or do anything about you staring at her. Imagine her getting hungry and begging you to bring her food because she can't get it herself while she's on her back. Would you do it?


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>3D problems
>2D girl

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Fat maids!

whichever one can crush my skull the quickest to release me from this shitty 3d existence

Pampering her for the rest of my life doesn’t sound so bad.
I’d give Puu-chan total devotion. I’d make all of her meals, wash her, cloth her, pay for her entertainment, take her out somewhere nice (with reasonable accommodations). All she needs to do is be a good maid, cook good food, and have sex three to five times a day with me.

So Puu-chan then. She is the heaviest and has the smallest feet, meaning she will deliver the highest pressure per square inch when stepping on your head.

the chain on the right is me.

I'm an ass man and want a fitting death. Puu-chan can't even stand up. I'm gonna go with far left. I'm sure if she does a little hop she can truly give me the death I deserve.

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>I really wanna fall asleep cuddled up to Puu's jiggly warm tummy.
Who doesn't?

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What exactly does she smell like then?

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Eat the isu you fucking pig

An adorable fat blob is a treasure that must be cherished, pampered, and stuffed full of as much greasy, sugary, and fattening delicacies as her beautiful apron of a tummy can hold.

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How would Puu-chan feel if you called her a fat fucking pig right to her doughy face?

I wanna squish up her face

you all need to die

You need to have sex, faggot

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I mean shit im a fatfag and all that, but how in the hell is this still up???

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Because it's a legit manga, my dude. /Ourfatty/ is here to stay!

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Wait WTF?!?! Like a for real for real manga, and not like Ayano's Weight Gain Diary but like a real manga like Elf Can't Die???

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That user may have been exaggerating. I don't know if it's serialized or not, but Munimuni's working on SOMETHING

She'd probably feel sad about it for like 5 minutes before going right back to stuffing her face.

>She'd probably feel sad about it for like 5 minutes before going right back to stuffing her face.
Look every good little piggy should! Why feel sad when there's comfort food to cheer you up?

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Oh well i feel mislead now, bit by bit thiccness will enter into serialized manga, and maybe just maybe one them will get a short web animation or OVA

Might as well dump the rest of the doujin.

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Poop-chan is 12 years old you digusting pedophiles

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And that's all of it.

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Damn it all, why couldn't that be ME, massaging her fat like that?

[Citation Needed]

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Do you faggots fap to this?

Why wouldn't I fap to it?

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You'd have to be a fucking faggot NOT to, user. Are you trying to say that you don't?

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>this thread

Oh hell yeah

This would be fucking horrifying in real life.

cute butterball

Well actually the stomach doesn’t really move or expand very much. It stays in the upper portion of the belly apron. The girl just gets used to eating more.

>getting seduced by puu and having her crawl up on to you.
>puu is a useless blob and needs help getting up.
>Carrying Puu like a princess
>Belly Rubbing Puu

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To Puu, yes.
It would be cheating to fap to another waifu.

What the fuck


Imagine selling your bed and using Puu instead.

You chubby chasers are the single worst group if humans in existence. The only thing that would make me happier than all of you choking to death on thousands of rotting dicks is if every single country on this planet announced a polgrom on anyone not off a medically healthy bmi.