Your new alien wife turned to prostitution. What do?
Cop Craft
Do they accept human males?
Because that place would have ALL my money
Why is prostitution so hot.
get a new wife
Ask h-how much??
How can I hate a man of such impeccable taste?
>socks on
I wanted to post this damn
I hope this gets doujins.
Is it rape though? She was stripping of her own accord.
He's running for office. He's got my vote.
Damn she only just learned about porn too
This is one part of this future I find highly believable
someone post a screenshot of the steering wheel being over Kei's hand
>*smells like poop*
From her reaction I guess they don't have politicians in Semania.
Did you somehow miss that they're feudal?
just wow
Courtiers are a thing even in a feudal society. Given she's a noble she should be very familiar with this kind of bullshit, the fact she isn't means they must not have a political class.
cute and funny
Courtiers are a quite different kind of bullshit from politicians
this pic genuinely frustrated me, no damn fantasy world alien should run for US president
we berserk now?
He's not, he's running for mayor, and as far as I know the only qualification for running for mayor is being able to sign your name on a piece of paper.
so this plot line gonna be completely forgotten about next week? seems like the show has shifted gear to villain of the week
It's really not that different, just the goals are different. Still lying through your teeth, telling people what they wanna hear, working behind the scenes to discredit your rivals and kill inconvenient people.
mayor? oh, that doesnt matter then...
either way the mayor of LA just spends his day slapping his dick on the keyboard
If you can't see the difference between lying to a limited amount of people to increase your standing and lying to the populus I don't know what to tell you
trying to make it reach from A to Z
Lying is lying, it's the exact same type of performance, just different audiences. Both types are utterly shameless and twofaced.
This is your prostitute for tonight.
>reddit craft
I'll take 5
I humbly accept this offering
gonna kuroinu that bitch
Zoe is an elf too right?
She looks like she can hold a conversation
What's Hillary's endmage, bros?
someone edit it with the "c-word" instead
I think you mean for the rest of our lives together after we're married.
You're right it's pretty cute.
I think that's Bill's endgame, user
Bill got this
He has the best lawyer in the city
>we lost this scene thanks to Kyoani
7 episodes and we're now officially in buddy cop territory, though still no budget. How does it feel, Yea Forums? The VAs are now warmed up and on character.
>Sherwood uniform fucking never
T-thanks Kyoanus
Hahaha Imagine falling and showing the contents of your skirt to the public, That's a pretty cute and funny situation.
Killing all witnesses and make it look like suicide
>literally her heart blasted by a shooter
If you control MSM, you control everything.
reminds me of current events
"the victim committed suicide via two gunshots to the back of the head" standard story
Hillary finally showing her elf powers
Well, we currently have bulbheads and spics making attempts to do so
Please don't use lolibutt girl for political shitposting. Thanks.
I mean we knew it was coming
Being a whore is the nature of elves
Will he revive the coal industry and create jobs?
He has my vote!
How unfortunate that our girl committed suicide by shooting herself with a sniper rifle. Oh well, investigations into the prostitution/blackmail ring can be put to rest now that the perpetrator is dead. Yup, case closed.
>creating jobs
That'll take some heavy elven magic
He's just a mayor, he can't even validate your parking stub.
hey man im just throwing it out there in a vague way, people who get it, get it. people who dont live under a rock
But Tilarna is the Bolice
so who was phone?
is using a pedobait even legal before court?
Why wouldn't it be? Him even being in a brothel like that is damning enough so it's not like it's entrapment.
around knife ears never relax.
No, because she didn't proposition him. He entered a brothel of his own accord and specifically requested her, it's all on him. That's why his coverup started with spreading disinfo about the guest list so he could credibly deny he was ever there.
I believe prostitution is legal in San Teresa. Sure, it is bad optics for a politician, but he didnt do anything illegal.
As his lawyer, I would advice him to deny to have known her age at all.
>I believe prostitution is legal in San Teresa.
Now that I find hard to believe. There's not a single state in the US where it is legal, only a few counties in Nevada have it legal, and that's flying in the face of both state and national laws. The anti-prostitution lobby would never allow a US State to legalize it because the minute ones state does it it creates a domino effect, just like legalizing marijuana did. You establish legal precedent and the battle is effectively lost, you're just holding off the inevitable.
I could barely get through this episode. I think I'll drop it. not sure why it kinda broke down for me. I don't think I like the setting at all.. feels like San Fran. I wish it was set in Japan instead and not the US. it's just horrible.
Why the fuck would prostitution be illegal?
That's not going to stop your women whoring around, burgers, they already do that
I wish you had killed yourself instead of typing all that out, remember that in the future.
Not a burger here, I actually feel the US setting quite refreshing. In a degenerate way.
So I'm on episode 3 and I don't quite get the setting, I mean, are they in Japan or in this city in the middle of the 2 worlds, i'm kinda lost on the locations here, also, will Kei smash the bolice in the future?
as if all those crime and drug ridden hookers didnt already tell you as much
yea, they are in Neo Tokyo in St. Theresa District.
Can thank women's christian temperance movements of the 19th century, they started it by first lobbying for an age of consent, then raising it in most parts of the country, in order to stamp out child prostitution which was rampant in the US at the time. Once those laws were on the books they simply expanded their scope and increased the punishments until prostitution was illegal in most places, on the grounds that it exploited the prostitutes, and spread immorality and venereal disease. The laws didn't actually stop prostitution from happening of course, but it was a moral victory and one that modern day lobbyists continue to uphold. Nobody is allowed to break ranks and be the first state to legalize, they get dogpiled.
Didn't watch the episode yet. Did they fug?
What a shithole of a country.
Cant even enjoy muh hookers in peace there.
Can still enjoy them, just gotta be sneaky. I find it incredibly funny that when they outlawed whores the nation just went along with it but when they tried to outlaw booze it caused a low level war across the entire nation between smuggling gangs and the police.
If it was legal, I doubt they'd have arrested everyone in the place as well, including both the whores and their clients. The politician dude wasn't even their main target given how Kei couldn't remember him at first.
So Zoey was a one time character, I thought she would've been a a reoccurring News reporter
>child prostitution which was rampant in the US at the time.
So at one point, the US used to be great. That's unfortunate.
>In a degenerate way.
that's putting it mildly. it's just a horrible setting all around.
american cop shows are the worst.
Anyone? Can't watch this while I'm at work. Did they fuck?
Yes. At length, in full graphic detail.
Fucking dropped. Why can't they keep her pure?
Do they stream games on the side
There is literally nothing wrong with prostitution.
Zoey was a real human bean
Fuck the state, fuck the police, and fuck jannies
t. ancap lolicon
Anybody got a lead on the song they played for the bust? Pretty tight yo.
She was a dumb whore who got what was coming to her.
Fuck off cuck, she deserved her fate for being a disgusting whore and slut.
I love that she suffered in pain and mental anguish before dying.
I was smiling throughout that moment.
You need to watch another ongoing anime for this.
camwhoring is their main job, they're doing this for fun
Can humans impregnate Semanians?
>start off the episode with prostitution
What went right?
Bad habit.
Well I'll take what I can get anyhow.
Good stuff otherwise.
If so that city is already full of mutts.
Incredibly based.
This fine gentleman just secured my vote. I wish him luck in the general election.
that was sad
Which of the novels has this story? Gonna guess 3rd.
>bulbheads and spics
why so mad
alright, which one of you friendos posted this in the maou thread before it croaked?
Gosh, can tilly even handle childbirth?
On episode 5 now, I'm quite surprised by the show, I thought it was going to be all about the necromancer lad but each set of episodes are about different cases, I love that, the setting made me remember Kekkai Sensen. I'm still confused about the locations but it have become irrelevant by now, i'm more interested about the characters.
Huge island on the Pacific that was originally located in Tilarna's world but it got isekaied to the earth.
Bolice Chief.
The characters are definitely the best part of the show. Tilarna and Kei with their buddy cop dynamic are amazing.
The police did nothing wrong. The person running for the mayor position of the island had his wife order the hits. When murder is committed by powerful enough people, they get away with it.
What show is this? Araburu...?
>t. ancap
Why do you ask?
This makes sense somehow, alright.
On episode 6 now, yeah, this is the stuff, make some good characters with good dynamics and then throw them into crazy situations, i'm actually invested in the story by now, hell, if something bad happens to the homo lad I'll riot.
tony best girl
I wish there were some doujins of this series. Hopefully we get a few with the next comiket.
if only FGO wasn't so dominant we could get more seasonal doujins
>it's not fateshit
good luck, user.
She gets fucked?
Hard to refuse our overlord
Her hair got touched. Used goods now.
I love America so much I am standing at attention right now.
Kono Yo no Hate de Koi o Utau Shoujo YU-NO
Slow thread is slow.
I liked the bit where Tilly's twintails poked out of the holes in her big dumb hat.
First CopCraft thread?
Tilly going through her rebellious teenage phase is cute. CUTE.
because then it would be incest when i fuck you
Ohh from last season. Isn't that a literal H-VN?
Just waiting warmly for the drawfags to show up and give us some material based on a literal prostitution episode.
>politician gives Tilarna a drink laced with an aprodesiac
>suddenly the bolice raid gets called off for reasons, leaving Tilarna alone to deal with the guy
>she tries to fight back at first but is soon overcome with lust
>ends up getting fucked by the politician
The doujins write themselves.
Sadly the doujins don't actually write themselves.
Yeah. Also the girl getting fucked in MC's daughter from the future. YU-NO was on hell of a ride. Didn't watch the anime though because I know they butchered it.
>tfw TLanon
>can translate them but can't draw them
Tilly is for happy sex only.
With user
Get on the LNs then nigga, please.
Full drawing of teeth. Underrated practice. Should be standard.
I actually have been going through vol2 on my own thinking of doing a proper translation and maybe a better TL of vol1, but those are pretty big projects to take on myself in just my free time
so, maybe
ask chris hansen
You meant to say cunny. Yeah. Cunny.
Bully the elf for her elf-teeth!
>Show's been out for almost 2 months
>Go on pixiv
>not even 100 pictures of Tilarna
Damn, too bad nobody gives a fuck about this show.
What does Kyoani have to do with anything?
>go on Pixiv
>search "cop craft"
>very first result is impossibly lewd, including a "spread the cute & funny" image
and there's a Tilly footjob doujin in the works, I see.
why are elves so physically superior to humans?
Tilarna looks like a JC at her mid 20s.
>this will never be you
Why even live?
you mean tilly or kei?
honesty i can never tell with you people
Cop Craft may not be AOTY, but it's certainly character design OTY.
Also name of the year. Tilarna? Just sounds nice.
>tfw you will never be a loli with yaoi hands
super cute!
This girl is so hot
Has anyone edited this into a yes pillow yet?
Loli of the year
>Tilly in a suit
My dick is the dick that will pierce the heavens.
Some kind of problem with layers
only because the real threat seems to be his wife and she will be the next episode's villain
I'm actually pretty surprised the photographer girl from the OP was introduced and died in the same episode. Seems like she had a big impact on Tilly though, so I doubt this will be the last we hear of her.
How can a man be so based?
Does anyone know the actual lifespan of Tilarna's race?
Why do you have a sketch of me and my wife?
me on the left
he has my vote
i have information that would lead t-
This guy did literally nothing wrong. It was absolute bullshit that the cops set him up.
>Wah! What are we going to do on the bed?
pomf =3
anons believe they are skipping the whole sherwood arc because of Kyoani fire and Gatoh's depression
Every cop show needs a dead hooker in it, it's the law
Goddammit, Kyoani ruining anime even from the grave.
The cops didn't set him up, they didn't even knoe he was there
Is prostitution even illegal in this city?
why did they include the Clintons in this show?
What are Tilly's rates?
Does she swallow? Maybe anal?
Somehow that's unexpected.
Sad Japanese detective in LA lamenting over his tiny Cooper.
Tilly exclusively does anal in her enko work.
What a young and inexperienced dwarf you are
The proper adage is:
Around elves, watch yourselves
I wonder what tillys feet smell like bros...
Lilac and honey, just like the rest of her
Oops. Meant to respond to
B-But what about her.. Dare I say it her Cunny?
I'd settle for either.
Nips love famous comedians.
Apparently they are making anime original episodes because the next arc has a fire.
She's a grown fucking adult, stop misuing our word
I don't think they were trying to get him for going after underages really, it's an american colony and prostitution is illegal in america, I think it's just that
They literately say in the first episode that prostitution is one of the crimes they deal with
It seems like a waste of time to bother with such a thing in such a crime filled city though
San Teresa city is controlled by lizard people.
I am hoping that it gets the OVA treatment
but seeing the budget and how it's performing...
between this and GEMBA's Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai, it seems like everything I like doesn't do well
Take half of the profits.
Based Abe does it again.
No. Why would they?
Are they all speaking english in that world?
Ummmm. Cunny isn't allowed here bro.
not if I can help it
I love this lolicop so much
But why though?
is tilly a lolibaba
The US are fucking hillarious.
Even literal catholic saints argued against outlawing prostitution
Can someone explain why they arrested everyone? They were just having sex, it's pretty normal. Or is this set in the USA?
The US is literally descended from religious scum that Europe didn't want anymore. Are you honestly surprised?
The Island is US territory iirc. Kei's dead partner was buried with an American flag on his coffin.
it was a brothel that also employed underage girls, didn't they fucking say that
Fuck I wish I was a employee there.
what's the point of keeping half your name when using an undercover name
Lorne Malvo?
>semanian shitposting
Hold on is that Kira ?
FUCK the bolice
>Tilly looking up internet pornography
They actually didn't. A reporter suggested that there were rumors of underage prostitution. that's something that is going to happen whenever a poli gets caught up in that sort of thing.
I'm pretty sure the only crime was the prostitution itself.
I guess, but let's be honest, they hired tilarna who clearly looks underage
No she doesn't she looks and is Prime.
but underage IS prime
>when you finally make it past the sad panda and see the crap on the first page
Do you understand that the world isn't at fault that your mom is shit and women don't find you attractive right?
That's bullshit because it happened too recently to impact the production.
Didn't the arc also include a school shooting?
The only school shooting is going to be my semen shooting inside tilly's womb.
>t. ancap lolicon
They accept money.
Unfortunately the way they pronounce her name is Albanian as fuck.
I'm sad about Zoey dying, not because of her as a person or whatever but because Tilly lost a friend and considering she doesn't have many friends, it's a hard hit for her.
>that argument after he arrives
Cute couple.
there is a reason for traveling to Mexico \ Asia for "Vacation".
because youre an incel
I thought that incels were entirely against all females.
>touches him
>"don't touch me"
was it autism?
She's just asserting her dominance. He's not allowed to initiate contact.
Are you genuinely too stupid to understand that exchange?
BEM also had like 2 or 3 weeks of delay and SOMETHING changed due to the fire. And CC and Gatoh's twitter are the source for the "we're skipping this arc because Kyoani" stuff
open borders for israel
Which threads does Tilly shitpost on?
try applying kantian logic to it: do you want your mother, wife, sister, daughter, son, etc. to be whores?
if you don't want that for people you care aboutm then how can you want it for anyone?
>because Kyoani
Never happened. That's just your stupid speculation.
Not him but the twitter thing is real
>do you want your mother, wife, sister, daughter, son, etc. to be whores?
If they like the job. Why should I care?
[citation needed]
See the archives from last week episode.
So no source, ok. The only tweets I've seen didn't mention Kyoani at all.
I don't want them to drive 18-wheel trucks either, but it doesn't mean nobody should be able to.
Are you genuinely too stupid to understand a joke?
They only said they're skipping it due to "circumstances", to which Gatoh replied that the content of vol 3 would probably not be doable on TV (I saw replies of people saying "make a movie out of it then").
Considering Zoey only shows up this episode but is in the OP probably means that it doesn't have anything to do with kyoani. Unless Zoey exists in the LN as well.
finished my drawing!
Cutest wife.
looks good
Hmm could a fellow connoisseur ask for a change in angle? maybe something lower to the floor?
nigga what are you doing
Bolice please arrest low-angle ojisan.
thanks anons!
maybe when I'm good enough at emulating Murata artstyle.
but she does have cleavage!
that's a chest hair!
I need this for reasons
The "Categorical Imperative" is such garbage. it takes the abhorrence of contradiction and reverence of logic to excess, to the point of making logic itself a fallacy.
It operates by generalizing from particulars, and from universalizing minor things all out of proportion from their natural occurrence.
One could argue against slavery on Kantian grounds:
Supposing that slavery were permitted (like libertarians such as Mises literally do argue)
After voluntarily selling themselves, they may well be "happy".
But apply the Categorical Imperative, and we should ask ourselves: "What if ALL people were slaves?"
If we consider slavery to be wrong in the condition that it is universal, "logically" we should consider that it is also wrong in the particular.
In most cases, this "logic" is completely wrong, for quantity is a quality of its own, and necessarily it forces a false comparison between things that can not be compared.
And yet, it cannot be entirely ignored, because economic cycles can have an uncanny way of making these uncommon things common. (and laws unsurprisingly do serve as checks and balances against the "logic" of the markets)
That's not how the categorical imperative works.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Who's the artist of that background image?
The art style looks similar to Haguhagu.
That's just a pushup bra with stuffing
It's from the ln
It's from the light novel
>>try applying kantian logic to it: do you want your mother, wife, sister, daughter, son, etc. to be whores?
How the fuck does that have anything to do with the categorical imperative.
>Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law.
"I want to fuck a prostitute" becomes "Everyone should be allowed to fuck prostitutes".
That doesn't looks like Range Murata art style.
>"I want to fuck a prostitute"
>"Everyone should be allowed to fuck prostitutes".
>"I want to kill somebody"
>"Everyone should be allowed to kill".
its a slippery slope argument. always has been.
>the woman is the intriguing mastermind and the guy is the idiotic politician
what did they mean by this?
sounds familiar
Except that not murdering is a perfect duty according to the Kantian categorical imperative framework.
Meanwhile not fucking prostitutes is at the very most an imperfect duty and even that you'd have to push the boundaries.
like pottery
why is she always looks so pissed?
Because she can't get what she wants and because people don't think like she does.
Because her husband is fucking loli elven prostitutes
his husband is a clapping seal
Where can i get my own alien loli bolice officer?
In your own personal isekai
Cock Craft
Guys, we couldn't protect that smile.
I tried but ended in a world with worst girls and hags.
That's because you weren't a good christian! If you were one, you'd get to your heaven where you can choose to have either cunny, milfs or any other shit you might come up with.
bigthink is spreading
Can Yea Forums turn (((suicide))) into a cute girl?
>Police ruled it a suicide
How convenient for pedoelite.
It's funny because she die cursing Tilarna.
You know what else is spreading?
That's right, Tilarna's butt cheeks.
Because I don't care about just anyone faggot.
>Wife knows she gets cucked
>Defends him anyway
She's not in it for the love or the sex, she wants power and money.
Kei warned her
I was hoping she would make a bigger deal out of that instead of just still calling her a friend
It's fine, crying Tilly is also cute.
Even if she's cute, she souldn't be crying.
What a very realistic female character.
It's not cunny?
>Can humans impregnate Semanians?
Yes. But your child would suffer.
god I love loli forehead
Who doesn't suffer?
The OST is already out
"It's not cute! It's not funny!"
There wasn't any panties shot this week?
justice for zoey
Sorry, but
Just like the real Hillary
I don't think our half breed would suffer in the modern world
Whores deserve nothing except a bullet.
Stupid small brain. Prostitution per-se is (almost) never the issue.
Prostitution rings involved in human trafficking, slavery and child prostitution are.
I just wanted to talk about how cute Tilarna is, not this philosopical bullshit.
Go try to touch your wife
What do you mean? It was clearly a suicide.
Puritans will never understand. They just want to force their morals on everyone and will stop at nothing.
No, they're only speaking English in English speaking countries. Except for when they don't.
>Certainly, if they aired the original work it'd raise a lot of controversy.
Now I'm interested what it's about.
If that was the case, the short-haired elf whore wouldn't be in the OP.
Please do not compare the dork gardener with based Tilly.
Tilarna pleases old men for money!
At least they're both cute and soft.
Yeah no shit feudal monarchies don't have elections or politicians.
>feudal monarchies don't have elections
I personally consider the war of the roses an election of a sort.
>socks ON
>not wanting to see her bare soles and smell her stinky toes
fucking absolute plebian. i was so pissed when he said that. i could not remove myself further from this scene
SoL scene with Tilly and a Youmu look-alike, eagerly discussing swords, when?
No, it was just the fullfilment of an ancient prophecy.
NYPD officer just "committed suicide" by shooting himself in the back of the head this week
Literally blonde Ram
He's kind of scared of her too
last* week
Definitely picking this show up now.
Animation looks awkward.
Brought to you by the director and studio of Teekyuu, now with more funding than ever (two cups of ramen instead of one)
Why aren't there dark Semanians?
>Even literal catholic saints argued against outlawing prostitution
Interesting, source?
They were wiped out long ago
>Even literal catholic saints argued against outlawing prostitution
They also sexually abused and trafficked children all over the world. What is your point?
What country is that?
What were you expecting user?
that would be racist
Not him, but something more "knightly", like a black lace thong
Dark Semanians are probably skulking around in San Teresa's sewers and subway systems RIGHT NOW, under our very feet.
Only rural and suburban retards vote for Mozeleemay
I really like how this one looks in general. Many frames are wallpaper grade. But the action scenes are animated so badly or just skipped over. It's so sad. I hope they just save some manpower for some late sakuga scenes.
they didn't do it with Berserk and they'll never do it with this show
That's such a shame. I know action is not the pure focus of the show.
But a few of those scenes are necessary in a setting like this.
They are so bad that it's immediately noticeable which really disrupts the viewing experience.
>long neck
This director can do drama and comedy pretty well, but every action scene in this show has been absolute garbage
>tfw already an oji-san
>no tilly for me
You're good.
>tfw he never asked me to keep my socks on
She's the one wearing pants, notBill is keeping the socks on.
Not enough budget for it
she looks like she pegs him whilst he is tied up and ballgagged
>'pick up' button is red
>'hang up' button is green
very cool
>the floor is a literal void
>Unsure elf
He's getting pegged with socks on.
drawfags lost interest on the show as i can see
Hot pockets actually banned that one drawfag again. You can see from the deleted posts.
And I think that other drawfag is working on a doujin.
>Tilly will never call you an idiot, a dummy, a rakabye
>while wearing a prostitute's attire
Can't be an incel if you're banging whores.
Wait, is photo hoe really kill? Then why she appears in the OP, that's just cruel.
Here is the prequel.
I forgot the context of this.
Vampire makes clothes from magic but is completely naked underneath, Kei asks Tilarna if she can do that and she says yes then screencap.
Oh yeah I remember now.
Will she ever become his girlfriend?
gay sex with socks on
I started this show yesterday and fell in love with the loli alien.
Why there's no translations for the LN? I need more Tilarna.
Would he have cared if the dude had put the tip in already?
I hate Tiilly now.
Tilarena is right
She's not cute and funny because she's not a fucking loli, stop misusing our word to refer to grown adults
close enough for me
>tilly almost got raped
>kei and his coworkers laughing their asses off over the socks bit
It's almost admirable how insensitive they are.
Well some of us are into loli for age reasons and don't want to dilute the terms we use
>crashes two of Kei's cars
>throws Tilly into a prostitution ring
fair's fair
based arisu cunnyseur.
LN translations when?
With a body like that, Tilarna should have just been a prostitute rather than a cop. That's only my opinion though. Don't shoot me, boliceman.
With a body like that, (you) should have just been a compost rather than a person. That's only my opinion though. Don't shoot me, user.
>almost got raped
Yeah, I don't think that was even a remote possibility.
Augustine in De Ordine and Aquinas in the Summa Theologica
>tilly almost got raped
She would have just arrested him herself if they others didn't come in
I'm pretty sure she would have actually just killed the guy herself if it came that far.
Just pretend you're reading a manga when the action scenes start. It works for me.
Which catholic saint did that?
Can a Semenian get pregged by a human? I need to know.
They are creatures from a different dimension. Obviously, they would not.
No way.
They have Kemono Friends tier budget please understand.
So Kei can creampie Tilly without any worries?
>end call button is green
If he doesn't mind committing sodomy, then sure.
What does Tilarna's spirit smell like?
Salty coins and milk
She did say as much herself. And humor is a good way to get over things.
But she is 18 in human years and 25 in semanian years. Also prostitution is a crime when you are running it as a business (brothel owner), for clients and prostitutes even if it is cillegal it's a minor offence.
I mean it's a crime in place where it is illegal.
Semano sapiens and homo sapiens sapiens are of the same genus so yes
she lose to a fucking clown in 2016
What if their DNA is carbon based?
the only fucking upload of illustrations I found are gone
OUR DNA is carbon based
>What if their DNA is carbon based?
nevermind found some raws
>semano sapiens
They're Homo semanika. And together with all creatures living on Semani world they diverged from Earth tens of thousands years ago.
By me
By me
By Kei. I am not a cuck.
by nuBill Clinton
be careful with what you say, user...
Damn. How much kebab did she eat to get this fat?
It's really hard to tell who's an alien and who isn't when even fucking humans have sharp pointy ears
about 5 inches
they don't though
Those aren't Tilarna's eyebrows and bangs
>he doesnt know
user please...
Me on the left
wow rude
Me on the right
>No sherwood arc
Fucking why?
What's so great about it that people want to see animated?
Angry elf incel shooting up chads and stacys in his school to take revenge for his pure waifu that actually was a cumdump.
is he /ourguy/?
Tilarna is more temperamental but her not being that worldly and her straightforwardness makes her kind of similar.
Do you want your mother, wife, sister, daughter, son, etc to die of starvation? Then stop taking away possibilities to earn a livelihood in a world where 150k people die daily.
"The blues just doing their jobs they good boys" is literal propaganda. Anyone that works for someone else is complicit in all their activities. Cops should be considered government mercenaries because that's literally what they are.
why were they arrested, they were literally just playing video games
why is it so plump?
No wonder they skipped it then. It's way too serious for a show like this.
I want to see that animated, the shitstorm will draw in so many more people to the show
what a fag
Both characters are also HUGE DORKS!
Is this what they're spending their measly budget on?
The choice between death and a given action is not a free choice.
It neither preserves liberty, nor happiness.
More imporantly, you are hugely mistaken on basic economics.
There are industries that are zero sum, as well as industries that generate wealth. Wealthy countries spend resources on industries that generate wealth; poor countries spend resources on poverty industries.
Considered as an industry, postitution is zero sum, resulting in no aggregate productive gain. Its only merit is a small, transient relase of pleasure-chemicals, far inferior to...fucking Heroin.
As in the "prisoners dillema" the gain of the individual results in an aggregate LOSS.
Money spent on cars is money not spent on trains, money spent on whores is money not spent on growing the local economy.
A centrally planned economy is glorious. In it is truly the dream of Confucius realized.