I don't get it, in the novels Araragi explicitly states that he is not a pedophile on multiple occasions.
I don't get it, in the novels Araragi explicitly states that he is not a pedophile on multiple occasions
He isn't a pedophile.
Anyway, snail is over 20. She's older than him.
>He isn't a pedophile
Are you sure?
Shinobu is 400 or something. Definitely legal.
Shinobu can become a titty monster though. She doesn't count.
And you believe him? Sure there are convenient excuses for Shinobu and Hachikuji, but both his sister and loli Hanekawa definitely were underage.
Yes, everyone saying he is a lolicon is just trying to project their delusions onto Araragi who is most assuredly not one.
He even states his taste for older woman on multiple occasions. Not even limited to cakes either but even Kanbaru's grandmother.
Truly his taste is incorrigible.
>Truly his taste is incorrigible
Then why does he grope little girls?
All accidents without fail. He is a very unfortunate man that all these incidents happen to him.
He wanted to fuck Nadeko and almost at least 5 other little girls (including his sister) so yes, Koyomi is a fucking scum and should be incarcerated for the rest of his miserable life.
>your honor she was actually 4000 years ols xDDD
No he was attracted to her cun and not to her age
there is nothing pedo about kissing little girls
Laws don't apply to the Supernatural
So do most pedophiles. Whats your point?
Even shinobu said that shiggydigging an underage girl is a crime (monog. Series 2 season, ep. 13)
I bet you think having sex with a 30 year old midget would make that person a pedo.
are you a pedophile?
>aged 2000000 years
>look like child
Not an argument. He's a pedo, kiddy fiddler, giovanni pedoni, francesco pedone, nonce
Whether its an illegal deed - it's another question to debate
Thats exactly what a pedophile would say
And a non- pedo would say he's a pedo. Literally catch 22, people trapped in a double bluff irony and post-irony.
It's propaganda spread by Hachikuji to discredit his image, don't believe her lies
he actually becomes a cop later on you know
Cops have free tons of CP dvd & vhs from raids
They must watch it and analyse
out of all monogatari lolis, using shinobu as a proof of rararagi being a pedo is the dumbest idea, their relationship started when he met her in adult form
come on speedwatchers, you got loli hanekawa scene, all of the mayoi scenes and many others yet all you talk about is shinobu
most of the thread isn't talking about Shinobu though
Because 99% of time she looks like a little girl to please her "master" ka ka ka
>all those retarded pedos projecting and repressing ITT
Thanks for your valuable feedback, jimmy.
>[Mayoi Snail chapter 4]
>Incidentally, that was when I saw Hachikuji Mayoi’s carefree smile for the first time. It was quite charming and it seemed to open my heart. The usual way of describing that type of smile was to say it was like a blooming sunflower, but it was also the type of smile that most people stopped making after getting much older than her.
>“Sigh. Oh, god.”
>That was a close one. If I was a lolicon, I would fallen for her there. I really am glad I’m not a lolicon.
Case closed guys, he's not into little girls.
I accept your concession
*proceeds to touch her*
#nopedo hehe
Exactly. It's like fucking a guy and saying "no homo" afterwards.
He is still an incestuous pervert even if he doesnt like kids
The Araragis being a bunch of inbreds would explain a lot about them to be fair
No he isn't, he explicitly told Crab that siscon is a fetish for people who don't have sisters, and he has two.
And he is not into them, ergo he is not a siscon.
shinobu can become anything from a loli to a milf basically at will. I don't think it counts.
but he is sexually attracted to his sisters and they are sexually attracted to him.
Every man is a lolicon.
>every pedo has developed a romantic relationship w. his victim
Oh dios mio
>all these angry roasties screeching about lolis again.
Even if he is a lolicon, who gives a fuck? It's entertaining as hell. Im beating my dick to ononoki today and you roasties can keep crying
>at will
She needs to suck blood to gain more of her powerset back to do that, she is actually stuck in that form by default
She's aCtUaLlY 20 YeArS OLD!
I really, really, really, really wish people would come up with a way of lampooning other's opinions and discourse other than pressing the caps lock key randomly like some kind of monkey.
thanks twitter
>How could anyone get off to the idea of removing a little girl's clothes and licking her tiny body all over, nibbling her neck and kissing her adorable little nipples?
That's a spooky ghost and a disgusting old hag
tsukihi arc proves you wrong
I wonder if someone managed to save the draft he made of Hachikuji before his first account got deleted. A shame he ended up cancelling his Monogatari drawings because of that.
I wish you retarded trannies realized that disagreeing with this means that you believe age is just a number and therefoee makes u a pedophile.
>are you an italian?
Your point
>Are you a italian?
Gets me everytime