I miss her bros, only the good mangas die young

I miss her bros, only the good mangas die young

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But the manga is still ongoing?

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would you?

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Yeah, Ueno is a good person. I too would happily spend another season in her company.

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To put it another way - she's in my all-time Twin-Tail 3x3, and there are a lot of great girls I had to leave out.

Exceptional taste.

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The manga is still alive you mong.

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>They skipped this
How. Why.

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Die in a fire

I mean, I can't be angry with Aniki, but I feel cockblocked not seeing the original scene.

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We all do user, the girls in this show were all a legit 10/10 for me.

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new translation a couple of days ago, anyone still reading?

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They were literally the monogatari girls distilled into their purest and most arousing forms, kudos to the author.

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Ueno is a smelly, sweaty, hairy, foul-mouthed, frown-faced, barrel-bodied midget. Tanaka is actually feigning ignorance and is just playing along until she graduates because he's a nice guy. The reason why he doesn't hesistate touching her or looking under her skirt is because he sees her as a female domestic animal rather than a human. He's surrounded by sexy beauties with better personalities. Previous chapters even proves he knows who is cute and who is kind.

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I'm still reading it. I wish translations were faster tho.

It was shit, humor was vulgar and not funny, dude couldn't even come up with enough of cute girls so he ripped off monogatari's ones.

Hi. I'm one of the people who got filtered out in the first episode.

Did it get any better?

would I what?

for me it's yamashita

For me it's Ueno

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turn her into this

>Why yes, I find myself attracted to androgynous white hair anime girls, how did you know?

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I already have

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If you like ecchi humor with good girls go for it.

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ueno looks cute pregnant.

i miss the superior version

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I want to make ueno pregnant with 15 babies then fuck her while she is pregnant.

She's best girl for sure, but she's not androgynous.

>I miss her bros
So do I.

Those are going to be some smart Mexican half-breeds she pops out

imagine the smell