Does Yea Forums like kasumi-chan?

does Yea Forums like kasumi-chan?

Attached: Misty Stun Spore.jpg (900x1160, 248K)

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>It's a Misty feet episode

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Specially the lewd fanarts of her

She's Yea Forums's first fap, no?


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I wish there were more eps with her cute feet, but I'm glad we saw them a few times.

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idk who kasumi is but i do like misty from pokémon

Attached: Misty's Feet.jpg (1191x670, 141K)

I wish

I want those feet on my face.

They must be so soft.

Attached: Misty - Barefoot.jpg (706x1000, 109K)

Big fans of the anime hate her because her western fanbase is the largest and she mogs the other girls by coming back all the time.

Personally, I prefer her thighs.

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I love her from head to toe.

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I prefer her ass.

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I all about Jessie.

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her pants were very short

>same seiyuu as rei
hard no

She was also Girl Ranma.
And Lina Inverse.
And Faye Valentine.
And about half of the prominent female voices from the 90s. And half the female-sung OPs of the 90s.

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No. She's the worst pokegirl.

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Attached: Misty & Lana.jpg (800x800, 69K)

Megumi got around.
And in the 4kids dub, Jessie and Misty shared a VA. As did Brock and James.

Who didn't dream about going on an adventure with Misty when they were a kid

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Holy shit this is the worst tournament ever.

Of course

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I dreamed of a lot more than just adventure

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I remember seeing this when I was 10/11

It was insane.

I remember when Pokemon cards first came out, it was a myth amongst us American players that there was a card that showed Misty naked. Then one of the guys got his hands on one.

I've seen some pictures where her pants were EXTREMELY short.

A man of taste.

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>when I was 10/11
What happened?

She stole that look

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jessie is super nasty and I have always had trouble believing that anybody has ever been legitimately into her

Is Misty even a real name?

Yes. But most who use it use it as a pseudonym for "professional" work.

i wana kiss those feet.

>liking water pokemon trainers unironically

>not getting wet for water types
Look at this pleb.

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>not liking the most prevalent and contestably one of the top tier types in the universe
Kek what a fag

>Kasumi means mist
>Her name is Misty

Anons why is misty so perfect?

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Please dont call the janitors btw I'm frunk

>>Kasumi means mist
Actually it means mist in the sense of ethereal red clouds at sunrise/sunset, and stuff like that, which is already kind of "genius" like that since she's a water type with red hair, so calling her Misty is pretty apt to the spirit of it

plus it's a sexy name and she's immaculately designed wank-bait

>why is misty so perfect?
I actually have an elaborate conspiracy theory about this involving the Japanese deep state, Gainax, the yakuza, Nintendo, and Metal Gear Solid, but user is mean every time I post it do you're just going to have to figure it out yourselves

Are you going to every thread spreading your shit taste?

She just is.

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Do tell

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james english Va was the best.

It's always fun when the actors are clearly having fun.

God I love Jessie's VA too. I miss old anime VAs.

I can't believe they included this in a kid's cartoon show

post the uncropped image so we can see James tits

>not liking Wallace

This has two really great frames.

Attached: EB5E1oMUEAAI7Ay.jpg (640x327, 49K)

The episode where he goes home to his mansion to meet his fiance is the greatest.

I assume she's wearing underwear on the original?

There are times when she's really cute, like the episodes in XY when she falls in love with that dude.

Man that was a good episode. How are Team Rocket so based?

Attached: [PM]Pocket_Monsters_XY_063_Being_Lost_and_Torn_is_the_Road_to_Separation!_Musashi_and_Sonansu!![H264 (1280x720, 47K)

Water trainers are sexy

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That would be Chibi moon or Shampoo, can't remember.

Her name is Misty you uncultured swine.

>She's Yea Forums's first fap, no?
I would like to submit my first fap to the thread for judgment and discussion.

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Yup. I'll never forgot, when and where.

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So many anons with such amazing taste. You're all my bros.

Never have I felt so close to so many people who are so far away.
Through dick, unity.

Misty continues to define just how I like my girls. It's very true. Stay strong, bro.

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I think I'm going to masturbate to Misty now, if that's okay with everybody

I love her since the beginning

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Masturbate to for old time's sake. It'll be nostalgic.

I did a little bit, but then has at least two really great frames

Misty is such old news. Get with the times

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She was created purely to make us appreciate Kasumi more



You know how after you've been swimming for a while and you take off your bathing suit, your skin has this kinda cool and clammy, but really soft and nice feeling?
I bet that's what water-type trainers feel like almost all the time.

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isn't this girl old news too? the misty redesign is hotter than her

Attached: misty.jpg (1125x1068, 642K)

Same to you, friend.

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I dont like Misty, I hate FLAAAAT in general, but I get irrationally angry every time I see porn or cosplay of her that's off-model. Some slut with huge tits and a fat ass way beyond her far more womanly sisters.
People that do off-model shit, just like people who make and accept retcons for long running series, should all be gassed and somehow also quartered by chariots.


I completely agree with you apart from your first two statements, which are strange.

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For me, it's Mikan-chan

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How come /padt/ still loves Serena and still refuses to move on from her?


>not officer jenny

Of course

The waifu meta game is some real shit. Less then 10 years ago the Mistyfags were absolutely overwhelming so every other girlfag banded together to hate her and shitpost anything positive about her. S*rina was the first girl that actually threatened Misty’s throne as most likely endgame and XY was a Renaissance for /padt/, so a lot of them still obsess over her.