JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable

Anime improvements aside, how would you fix this part?

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Other urls found in this thread:

NYET. Part is fine.

I'm convinced that anybody who actually wants Purple Haze Fanfiction to be animated either hasn't actually read it or is a sub-80 IQ neanderthal who likes Jojo for the wrong reasons. I mean seriously, how could someone read that literal pile of garbage and think not only that it's good enough to deserve an adaptation, but also that DP somehow OWES them an adaptation of a non-canon light novel. The amount of effort that would have to go into animating a novel rather than a manga would be so high that even if it were good, which it isn't, the chances of that adaptation happening are exactly zero. And they're actually getting ANGRY that it isn't happening. You'd think someone that stupid wouldn't be able to form a coherent thought, much less type out a post, and yet there are dozens of them here, on this board, right now. And everywhere you go that isn't this website, there's even more. They're fucking everywhere, these troglodyte bugmen. When are they going to learn that their shitty meme novel that's been directly contradicted by the anime on multiple occasions isn't getting a fucking adaptation? And then to have the gall to shit on the upcoming Rohan OVA because their retarded selves were legitimately expecting PHF in its place. Fuck them.

Less dicking around with random stand users (keep Tonio, though)

>Nobody even mentions PHF

More dicking around with random stand users.


more slice of life with Kira as Kosaku

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Probably tylo be chillin

I just want more JoJo, mate.

You should try to express yourself without memes.

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>finally sit down with my two animeonly friends to finish the last four episodes of part 5
>they absolutely hate it, endlessly bitch about giorno being a shit protag and what a waste his parentage is, complain about how shit the SCR fight was, and laugh at araki slapping the sleeping slaves flashback in when he did to try give the part pathos it didn't earn

It was kind of nice to see them agree with me that Part 5 sucked but I still felt bad for them having to go through the disappointment of how much it falls apart at the final stretch.


>recommending blogspot still
Shit gramps how long were you in that coma?

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>Characters dealing with more personal issues.
>those issues should be teen problems or ""relatable""
>Make the minor enemies tiee to those personal issues.
>Make characters questioning their morals and flaws.
>Give more importance to the main cast gang.
>More Yukako fights
>More Okuyasu fights
>Tomoko fanservice.

Part 4 was exactly what the series needed after Part 3, less stakes and more chill situations. Is it perfect? Hell no. But it's laid back, it's fun, it's more down to Earth and relatable than any other part of the series. It has great characters and cool Stands, exactly what i wanted and exactly what I got.

I feel like Part 4 was probably necessary yeah. I don't dislike it at all and I'm wondering where the recent hate came from.

Honestly, when I first saw Diamond is Unbreakable's volume 1 and read the description of it, I expected all of this (except the last three things but I wouldn't mind them).

The dub finished recently and made the already bad anime worse.

Ah so the dub.

Would have made Kira's thumb immobilizing done with Surface instead of Echoes 3.
You have to stop him from pushing down the finger. There's literally a user that can restrict movement, but instead Araki chose to use a "power to push stuff down extra hard"

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[It's All In Your Head: RENT FREE]

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Include some foreshadowing of Tonio’s mafia brother.

post underused stands

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Okuyasu had complete mastery over The Hand though

This. Imagine if Koichi did it at the wrong time and made Kira just click his thumb really hard onto his fist.

>responding to a copy pasta

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why didnt okuyasu slice any of the villains in two

Either remove the Invisible Baby storyline or have that loose end tied up

Cure Okuyasu's father

Make Koichi just a little bit less naive

I personally would've added the scene where Bites The Dust sends Josuke back in time to save himself from dying of a cold and inspiring his past self to turn into his current self

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Wow, rude. Not my fault Araki literally forgot, just like the whole Made in Heaven thing? How does that even work? Makes 0 sense that it'd end up creating the SBR Universe but I'm glad it did because that means we get to see ZA WARUDO xD

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Headcannon not welcome

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More fights that don't end with one guy beating up the other

I always thought it'd be funny if during the superfly fight Josuke just offered the guy his video game console and some comics every week, because that's the actual reason the guy wanted to leave.

Josuke was saved by a random man and that was intentional. Not everything needs 2deepreasons, reddit.

Honestly, this. More fights = more time for the characters to shine. Every part of Jojo could stand to benefit from having more arcs.

Josuke saves best girl

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Why does she look like a corpse?

I've never got this how did Josuke fix Hayato but not Aya as they exploded?

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the color pallete and shading

I always wonder how her stand exactly works
Like i get she swaps faces, and turns them off after a while so she can keep making money.

But is making people hot so they can get dates all it really does?

He knew what was happening when Hayato exploded

shouldn't a stands power wear off when the stand dies so Kira's face should have reverted back to his original when cinderella died

I can't remember if it was an animeonly scene but The Hand wiped away Aya or knocked everybody away from her so he wasn't in range

There are plenty of stands that have permanent effects. You think that when Jotaro dies, everything he punched with Star Platinum will get unpunched?

It's called bad writing

Began with Killer Queen as subboss. Ended it with RHCP.

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Because why not?

Add more development to Rohan after he leaves the hospital but before he meets Reimi because he goes from villain to protag way too quickly. Maybe have him eavesdrop or even join in a conversation with Yukako and Koichi before going down into the alley so he has more reason to believe he's a nice guy outside of what he read with Heavens door

Honestly my changes are more nitpicky or aesthetic
>show Josuke with his hair down or messed up at least once
>maybe show some of the arguments because of Joseph's cheating before we get to Morioh
>make Josuke's goals/motivation more apparent
>make Josuke purple or at least a more striking shade of blue than they chose

No dammit, more.
I love their wacky bullshit .
Also get more Stand Users in on the investigation or final fight. I liked the idea of the stand users despite their differences forming a little community among eachother.
Also more of Josuke's mom.

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>rohan uses heaven's door on josuke last second and writes "will follow kira"
>the duwang gang yells after josuke and kira
>kira hears a faint yell from afar
>it was josuke looking angrier than ever
>josuke rushes up against kira due to the rage of his hair being called shit
>killer queen is defenseless now that stray cat is gone
>dust biting is about to finish
>josuke and kira is sent to some unknown snowy place that looks like morioh back in time
>kira gets launched into a flower
>kira gets the angelo treatment and becomes a flower that is now a morioh landmark
>josuke being injured from his battle looks around in the blanket of snow to see a car stuck in the distance
>josuke remembers this scene and familiarity of deja vu
>he proceeds to help the car get out of the snow by taking off his gakuran
>the mother drives off without stopping and goes to a hospital for her sick son
>josuke turns to his back in the field of snow and spots the kira flower
>josuke breathes in and breathes out
>"I feel completely refreshed. This is the GREATest high!"
>all of a sudden time starts reverting back to the way things were
>"Thi-This is the power of Crazy Diamond's Killer Queen: Bites the Dust!"
>josuke is back to where the ambulance was in present time 1999
>the duwang gang walks up slowly
>"So this is the golden heart of Morioh, huh?"
>josuke turns around looking surprised
>"No, this was all a team effort and most importantly thanks to my new stand power"
>everyone looks up to the skies to see reimi and all the other lives that have been lost by kira finally rest in peace
>josuke smiles greatly and poses
>"My Crazy Diamond... is not crash!"
>cue "Great Days -Units Ver.- (EDM Arrangement Ver.)"

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Because despite appearances he's a nice boy who can't really hurt anyone like that.

What loose end?

The baby didn't grow up to be the next Jojo like on that youtube video I saw, so it's a loose end.

The fact it's never addressed what happened to her parents and we don't even see Joseph looking for them.

I mean I guess it depends how you define loose ends but

>uhhhhh we never found her mother so I guess she's just Joesph's now!

Shit was so worthless without it developing into something more

Kira killed them.

>implying she shouldn't have been the LisaLisa of another part

The part would have to take place in like 2050 for that to work.

She's on the side of the road. Her mother probably abandoned her for being a freak that can turn invisible. Plus what happens to her after her arc doesn't really matter, she's just a framing device for Josuke and Joseph to start getting along. That's it.

Memes aside, Kira's affect on the town should have been shown more.

Which was never stated if true.
If her parents were killed by Kira that ties her further into the plot.
If she was just ditched by her mother, it's another chance for Joseph and Josuke to bond since they can confront the whole fact that Joseph was a deadbeat through that.

Hayato wasn't the bomb

She's literally like the least important character in the entire part. Why do you care about her so much?

Joseph basically kidnapped a baby and got away with it.

Josuke is the best jojo?


I mean, so did Erina

This unironically would've been a better ending for Part 4

I'm just saying she her plot has a loose end and it could've been used to further the other characters in some form. She's not really a character, unless they went full Iggy and revealed she has some ridiculous internal life that can't be communicated to others.
Like even just a scene where they discover one of the missing persons is a mother and child and realize it's probably her.

He´s a good person and wouldnt think to do that shit

Based, also fuck Fugo fags and Dildo over heaven fags.

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At least she knew for sure that the baby’s parents were dead.

>tfw no futuristic cyberpunk jojo
Please Araki, end part 8.

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Go back.

RHCP appears in the final battle against Kira

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I think really any part after Jolyne's might work, she's had a stand since she was a baby, and probably knows some shit.

>implying you can make the second best part any better

Akira makes Killer Queen suck Red Hot Chili Peppers suck his red hot chili dong

>muh josuke from future
absolute rubbish

He said he wanted her to be a Lisa Lisa, so she has to be old enough to be the MC's mother

part 4 is the second worst part

That was me, I meant more in the sense that she'd be the seemingly unimportant baby from an earlier part that showed up having lived an influential life and imparting that wisdom onto the new protagonists.

Awful taste.

Try worst part.

5 exists

No part 5 already takes the spot.

He was kept out of so many fights for a reason.

>what is Golden Wind

Then he shouldn't have had a shitty stand if it was going to make him a superfluous character

Wasn't the stand being shitty, just the user not being willing to pull a Cream on them.

Okay, sure.

Okuyasu is a shit Jobro and Rohan deserved more of the spotlight.

What if Araki goes back to tarot cards in (the hypothetical) part 9?

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Jojo stand names would actually be good again

>introducing useless alien
>introducing useless Joseph
>introducing useless baby


>>introducing useless alien
Helps them beat Superfly
>>introducing useless Joseph
Helps them save the Invisible Baby
>>introducing useless baby
Helps them beat the RPS Kid

>filler creates more filler

>content is filler

It is when it doesn't advance the story or characters at all. Mikitaka, Ken, and Superfly dude have literally zero lasting effects on the story.

Fights don't exist just to advance story or character. The fights are the content that Jojo is about. Those fights are Jojo. The plot and characters are just supplementary to the fights.

The dub is actually terrific. And so was the adaptation B^)

What if araki started using these for stand names?

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Is this a joke or did they try to make new Arcana?

Jojo stand names would actually be good again


I like it, but would only fit if the main characters were going on a journey through Mexico for some reason

>music bad

So...Ricepirate's Jojo ripoff?

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what the fuck is that

I was laughing about halfway through because I thought you were being ironic but I stopped when I realized you’re serious

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Koichi gets far less of a spotlight or outright is killed by Kira instead of Shigechi
It would have a far greater impact
Okuyasu gets his own independent mini arc or battle (of all the "JoBros" he got shafted the most)

>phoneposting meme irony fag

>The plot and characters are just supplementary to the fights
Imagine being this braindead

Ricepirate crowdfunding his Jojo fanfiction to make an animation

Cut the stand of the week formula.
Focus more Kira's new family and how they affect him.
Make bites the dust consistent
Cut the unless downtime episodes

>get rid of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and make my Kira fanfictions real

Kira questions if he's falling in love with Shinobu.
Akira does nothing with it.

There is nothing to be done with it.

I mean he went to the cops, they said there was no reports of missing babies, so he decided to keep her. It's been a while since I read Part 4 but I know that in the anime it was implied her parents were one of Kira's victims

>used to a life of killing women for their hands
>forced to live with a woman and can't just kill her
It's an interesting situation with a lot to explore.
Parts 4 and 5 are filled with so much untapped potential. Luckily Araki got better with it as time went on.

>forced to live with a woman and can't just kill her
That situation was explored. He wanted to kill her, but he couldn't, and this upset him.

Part 4 needs a lot of fixing
Part 5 only needs more trish fanservice and maybe mista fanservice

The joke is that Shinobu can't see the signs of a cheating husband.

Part 4 would be fixed if Kira and Hayato's bath ended like Guts and Donovan's training session

I really wish DP added a scene where Jotaro even mentions Jolyne. I understand Araki not having one but DP has the benefit of time. Even better would be Joseph telling Jotaro not to be such a fucking distant sperg and actually be a father with Jotaro countering that he didn't want her involved with stand shit

Kira didn't cheat though.
Two years... It's been two years since we were basically pups who had been collared, shaking in fear. You're definitely something more than what we've been looking for... I'm certain of it.
I want to know what are you!
I want to see your true form!
I want to know what you are when I kill you... no matter what!

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>daily partshitting thread

>Kira didn't ch-

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Hayato touched the bomb, Aya was the bomb.


Other way around.
>make Giorno older
>keep the personality giorno had in the beginning instead of 300 IQ who figures out stand abilities instantly
>make giorno's mother italian instead of a shoehorned jap
>make his DIO heritage more prevalent throughout the story such as being able to use space ripper stingy eyes and shit at night
>explain what happened to koichi
>expand on polpo (he's literally a fucking vampire)
>have diavolo be more prevalent throughout the story
>give trish one more solo fight
>have buccelati find rissotto on the hill dying and talk to him
>make fugo come back to try and kill giorno, get's BTFO, and begs for forgiveness, and eventually dies in the final battle
>completely cut away all the body swap and monster shit, have silver chariot requiem live beyond polnareff (foreshadowed by notorious big)
and most importantly
>have the story take place over the course of several years, with giorno rising up through the ranks and getting wiser, instead of taking place in one fucking god damn week

Part 4's plot structure would have been a lot better if Araki had incorporated the search for Kira into the beginning and found a way to show some progress was being made in this investigation steadily throughout the part until Kira's reveal halfway through. Maybe Ryohei could be killed by Kira while stumbling on one of his murders to build a more personal rivalry between Josuke and Kira.

>make Giorno older
For what purpose? The age of Giorno is tied to how long the gap between Part 3 and 5 is.
>keep the personality giorno had in the beginning instead of 300 IQ who figures out stand abilities instantly
His personality doesn't change though. He figured out Polpo's stand very quickly, and that's as early as it gets.
>make giorno's mother italian instead of a shoehorned jap
Doesn't matter.
>make his DIO heritage more prevalent throughout the story such as being able to use space ripper stingy eyes and shit at night
That is fucking retarded and you know it.
>explain what happened to koichi
He went on vacation. That was his main goal of going to Italy.
>expand on polpo (he's literally a fucking vampire)
>have diavolo be more prevalent throughout the story
The dude is literally giving the gang orders for the first half and then stalking them for the rest of it. He has two major fights and is a key player in the last two.
>give trish one more solo fight
Technically she fought KC :^)
>have buccelati find rissotto on the hill dying and talk to him
Unneeded. Risotto would add nothing to Bruno's viewpoint and he would tell them that Doppio is the Boss, which is a major factor in the leadup to Chariot Requiem.
>make fugo come back to try and kill giorno, get's BTFO, and begs for forgiveness, and eventually dies in the final battle
You have something like that but less edgy in Golden Heart, Golden Ring.
>completely cut away all the body swap and monster shit, have silver chariot requiem live beyond polnareff (foreshadowed by notorious big)
Chariot Requiem is a stand that lived beyond Polnareff though. It's why it went berserk and all the shit you don't like is part of its goal to protect the arrow.
>have the story take place over the course of several years, with giorno rising up through the ranks and getting wiser, instead of taking place in one fucking god damn week
That would take hundreds of chapters.

>The age of Giorno is tied to how long the gap between Part 3 and 5 is.
So don't set it in 2001.

The fact that you felt the need to refute every single suggestion he made really says a lot about you.

God more trish would've been great

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What would La Sandia (The Watermelon) be al about?

Araki didn't even think of Kira until halfway through the part

The thread is about how to fix part 4.

Going to expand on the last one since I didn't have enough room to type out a full explanation.
You see, most JoJo parts take place over a relatively short amount of time. Part 1 technically doesn't, as it starts from when Johnathan is a kid, but most of the part is spent while he's an adult, and the events of Part 1 take place over the course of like two weeks. Part 3 is around 50ish days, Part 4 is over the course of the Summer, etc.
You get the point. The latter two are fucking long and don't even cover a quarter of a year.
A part that takes place over multiple years and by your suggestion, have multiple confrontations, established characters and major slow character development, would be good for a single long running Shounen. Not a Part of a long running Shounen.
You know, Kaiji is doing the thing where he slowly gets smarter and better at gambling, learning more about Teiai and how it functions. That shit is over 700 chapters or something. It's split into Parts as well, so it's hard to tell, but it's at Part 6 and the shortest Part (by far) was 98 chapters.
I doubt Araki would've wanted to set the Part in what would be perceived as the 'distant future'. 2001 was already like 6 years away from 1995.
Didn't refute all of them. The Trish one I made a joke with and the Fugo one I recommended him an LN.
The rest deserved to be refuted. Look at the "space ripper stingy eyes" point and try not to call it out as being retarded.

>I doubt Araki would've wanted to set the Part in what would be perceived as the 'distant future'. 2001 was already like 6 years away from 1995.
He had to do it anyway with Part 6

That was because he wanted Jotaro's daughter to not be a toddler and still have Jotaro be of reasonable age.

So he could have done it with Part 5 too.

>can shapeshift
>grotesquely fat
>regrow fingers
>stand is allergic to sunlight
>stays in a window-less cell all day
Literally the perfect character to reveal as a vampire, but Araki is a hack and part 5 is shit.

>Look at the "space ripper stingy eyes" point and try not to call it out as being retarded.
Giorno can create new body parts at will, it's not that dumb.

There's another reason why he's a teenager.
It's because of Koichi.
Koichi is there to introduce the reader to the character of Giorno as well as offer a link to Part 4 and let Giorno know what a stand arrow is. If Koichi was any older, I'm fairly certain he'd be out of high school by Japanese standards.
>can shapeshift
Yes, Americans do this constantly. I've seen piles of sand turn into women the one time I vacationed to Florida, it was not a pleasant site.
>grotesquely fat
That doesn't mean you're a vampire.
>regrow fingers
Dark humour.
>stand is allergic to sunlight
It's called a limitation. Black Sabbath would be OP as hell if he could go in the sunlight, he'd be a long range stand that can go anywhere and stabs your soul directly.
>stays in a window-less cell all day
Solitary Confinement.
Shoehorning him into being a vampire is just dumb. The themes of Humanity vs Inhumanity do have a place in Part 5, but with Diavolo vs Bruno's gang, not with Polpo.

The ability to create a false form around any target that they would believe is their new body. They physically would have all the abilities and limitations of whatever this new form is, however it's simply a shell, if broken open they'll be freed of that form. However the longer trapped in that form the more complacent they will become in that form. Based both on a Watermelon's hard rind, the card's meaning is
"stop worrying, what you have is enough" and the fact it's a vegetable believed to be a fruit.

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Koichi doesn't need to be in high school to be in Part 5.

He would look like even more of a manlet if he wasn't and Araki spared him the humility.

You are right. I concede.

>the upcoming Rohan OVA


what's this?

Insecure part 5 fans

That is a retarded idea user

>El camarón
>"The shrimp that slumbers is taken by the tides"
>Manifesting as a hard shelled humanoid covered in thorns, El Camaron has the ability to inject substances directly under anyone's skin using its pointer fingers. Coupled with the power to create a drug from its palms that makes people drowsy and unable to think, this stand can be extremely deadly. If a person uses the drug for too long they will fall asleep forever, until the stand user is killed.

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What if he was tall?

>"For the sun and the rain"
>An entirely passive stand it simply defends its user from the actions of all external actors. It will negate anything done to its user by someone else regardless of their intent. It will not retaliate any hostile actors, and it cannot undo anything that is fault of the user.

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Why is it almost part 8 style but with the stupid fucking nose lines that the early parts have? Why mix the styles like that? Otherwise looks pretty neat

>new Jojolion chapter drops
>nobody cares
I guess this is it, huh?

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El Diablito
>"Behave yourself buddy, or the little red one will take you away"
>If the user makes a deal with an opponent, the opponent will have to fully carry out their part of it, or else they will meet the presence of a shadow-like humanoid and disappear. Once the person disappears, the only way to get them back is for someone close to them to step in and finish the deal.

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I dropped jjl after as soon as it turned into a cuckshow

Do we really want Giorno getting even more powers though?

But that was right when it started getting good.

I doubt it

>part 5 bad
t. plebs filtered by the sleeping slaves arc

Stand name: El alacrán
Stand user: Papo Sandy (
>"He who stings with his tail, will get a beating"
>This stand is a small but noticeable scorpion covered in Native American patterns. Upon stinging someone, the victim will easily locate the user and beat the absolute shit out of him. However, upon feeling satisfied for beating up the user, they will start feeling intense sharp pains and feelings of guilt that will render them unable to feel anything else.

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Best posts in the thread right now. Based user.

>The lady taking an elegant walk along main street.
>The user activates it by initiating an act of courtesy or etiquette. If the target breaks courtesy or etiquette in this interaction, they're unknowingly saddled with their stand. They must then walk 91 meters while using perfect manners and etiquette regardless of the situation. Each infraction is met with a spectral hand swiftly slapping them aside the head or across the face. With each infraction they become more powerful until they're lethal. There's no real limit to number of targets and if blocked the hands will simply keep attacking until they land their blow, and each defiance is perceived as an infraction.

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El Negrito
"The one who ate the sugar"
Manifesting as a humanoid with a tribal African mask, this stand can take away anything from a person, but only one at a time. Including, but not limited to: ability to walk, eyesight, knowledge about certain things, memories, and more.

Of course it was going to be a stand that steals.
There's actually two of us

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I don’t remember either of those things.

La Rana
>What a jump your sister gave, as she saw the green frog.
A small green frog-like machine that attaches to one's neck. If the user does something, the victim will do it as well. The only problem is that the user can only control one limb at a time and if he loses sight of the victim he cannot control them.

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I watched the rohan OVAs recently and I really liked the casual interactions between the random stand users.

>Keeper of the palms, climb the palm tree and bring me down a magnificent coconut.
>A Stand capable of bringing its user any physical object. Only stipulations are the user must know its approximate location and appearance. If it's not there or no longer fits the description, it'll bring them nothing. However it can also be tricked and bring them objects that coincidentally fit its location and appearance.

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>No BS reason why Jotaro can't Jotaro
>Hint at his marital status
That's it.








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>el negrito

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i love this copypasta

>so he has more reason to believe he's a nice guy outside of what he read with Heavens door
What for? He already knows

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Joshu is a terrible character

Not him but a "snap out of it" moment wherein Rohan is about to prey upon Koichi but decides not to because he's actually seeing the things he's read in front of him would be cool.

Araki can't draw fingers.

remove jotaro because he didn't even fucking do anything
remove kira's asspull powers
remove the fucking arrow

>MiH made the SBR universe

Just you wait

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Why does everyone dislike Part 1? It's got a lot of charm. Hamon/vampires are also better than Stands.

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I really hated the reset aspect of bites the dust.