Youre finally about to defeat that fucking faggot Giorno when suddenly his expression calms and piano music starts playing. What do you do?
Youre finally about to defeat that fucking faggot Giorno when suddenly his expression calms and piano music starts...
Go back
turn 360 degress and gtfo
I send you back to tumblr
Jokes on you I’ve been here over a decade and came here when the board was split.
Offer him a cup of piss as a token of piece.
“I, user, have a dream - one that I know is just!”
There is nothing you can do!
Even if you had him, you're done! The fact that he was able to get an upper hand on you means that the MUDAs are headed your way, especially if you try fleeing from them.
I, DIO Brando, have a dream
i kill him
I'll overide it.
Play the Stardust Crusaders theme. It might not overrule his piano, but at least it's something.
And go into a mad rush.
Start sperging out about how he's going to do the "muda muda" thing and then do nothing to stop him.
Fucking animeonly faggot go back to instagram and twitter and comment floor when someone calls your Jojo wet dream trash and stop recycling the same years old jokes
Observe how the instwitternigger cant help but project Youre getting mad over anti jojo discord Yea Forumsedditors shitposting btw
hide and ignore
I get out my Speaker that I've hidden in several locations and I start blasting my theme louder than his
Counter him.
I wonder if someone in the Jojo universe could defeat Yami Yugi in a DUEL
>Defeating Atem in a duel
That Rafael faggot wasn't canon.
Jounouchi''s post battle city duel outcome is unconfirmed and he only uses Red-Eyes in filler after the fact.
In the end I'm pretty sure that's something only Yugi accomplished.
Are people not allowed to mention Dio and his stand again?
then you are running into him brainlet
I think the D'arby's have a good shot at it
You can't
play any songs i have in the phone really loud so giorno's theme gets mixed with it and becomes a mess that can't be heard ,the MC bullshitty asspull can't happen after that.
*puts on ancient aztec mask*
Yeah, probably. Not Jotaro though.
Jonouchi uses Red-Eyes in Millennium World and he wouldn't be doing that if he hadn't won. Also, he shows it off in DSoD meaning he won it back. DSoD follows the manga canon.
Yugi did beat Atem yeah, but the Pharaoh exists to draw out the best in people. Jonouchi and Kaiba included. He's not impossible to beat. You can overcome the Pharaoh if you can overcome yourself, and that's what he wants for you.
>Rafael faggot wasn't canon.
Nah, the D'arby brothers were sickos, they'd get washed just like Pandora and the Rare Hunters.
I remind him that anybody who actually wants Purple Haze Fanfiction to be animated either hasn't actually read it or is a sub-80 IQ neanderthal who likes Jojo for the wrong reasons. I mean seriously, how could someone read that literal pile of garbage and think not only that it's good enough to deserve an adaptation, but also that DP somehow OWES them an adaptation of a non-canon light novel. The amount of effort that would have to go into animating a novel rather than a manga would be so high that even if it were good, which it isn't, the chances of that adaptation happening are exactly zero. And they're actually getting ANGRY that it isn't happening. You'd think someone that stupid wouldn't be able to form a coherent thought, much less type out a post, and yet there are dozens of them here, on this board, right now. And everywhere you go that isn't this website, there's even more. They're fucking everywhere, these troglodyte bugmen. When are they going to learn that their shitty meme novel that's been directly contradicted by the anime on multiple occasions isn't getting a fucking adaptation? And then to have the gall to shit on the upcoming Rohan OVA because their retarded selves were legitimately expecting PHF in its place. Fuck them.
>GER vs. head doctor's Stand
Who wins?
GER > any stand
But what can Giorno do to head doctor if he can't chase after him?
People that have beaten Atem
>Jounouchi (offscreen)
>A guy from a filler arc
Range is not a problem for GER because things will be affected with "back to zero" in mere attention/presence of it. Requiem stands(bites the dust too) are kinda broken. Also GER has life giver beam.
You forgot Judai.
Yugi and Yami have already fought against characters like these.
Older D'arby would get caught cheating by Yami's powers and he would give him a horrible penalty death
And Young D'arby is practically Maximillian Pegasus, meaning if Yugi and Yami do the swap they can overcome his soul reading.
lmao, imagine falling for his bait. It's counter counter culture you brainlet.
Yeah but giorno is vulnerable, Death 13 can easily fuck Giorno's shit up.
user...360 degrees is a full circle
not sure if this is a copypasta, but i'm pretty sure 99% of the braindead retards advocating for a PHF adaptation haven't even read it. Some of those people probably never read any manga, and even more people found out it has no pictures and didn't even bother trying to read it. I don't think many people realize how fucking hard it would be to adapt something that's just text either. It's just not worth the work. And besides, the nod to Fugo after Narancia's death in the anime is more than enough of a sendoff for him.
Technically no one wins. Basically neither of them could kill each other unless the head doctor approached Giorno, and in that case GER wins. But I think if GER pursued the head doctor, he wouldn't be able to reach him without getting killed. however, since giorno has control of the entire italian mafia, it should be possible to surround the head doctor with enough men so he'd never be able to escape, eventually forcing him to approach one of the mafia members... (not sure if this would trigger the stand though)
say brainlet one more time
Mention that you hate drugs and become his friend.
Abacchio's theme does interrupt even piano.
*blocks your GER*
It's pasta, albeit pretty recent, like last few days recent. But it's not wrong, and you're not wrong either. The next time you see a PHFag in the wild, rest assured that that """person""" has no idea what the fuck they're talking about on any level.
>And besides, the nod to Fugo after Narancia's death in the anime is more than enough of a sendoff for him.
I personally was really expecting/hoping for that little cameo to be a confirmation for seeing Fugo again in an extended epilogue. Sad that didn't pan out.
Do like a spider do.