Share your manga collection!
Share your manga collection!
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do you actually read that or just bought it as decoration?
just to amaze your mother to give me a head
I don’t typically buy manga, I buy books. I’m not saying that in a snobbish way. I buy classics - Tolstoy, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, James Joyce, Tennyson, Rilke, Goethe, William Gaddis, Julio Cortazar, Ford Madox Ford.
But I put my HxH volumes on the same shelves as them. Proudly. There’s a feeling that resonates deeply with me - that the storming of the palace onward is capital-A ART. That the series’ main focus is to render humanity and nothing more or less. The way all the extremes of human nature are displayed in the Chimera Ant arc feels like reading a sort of contemporary Odyssey. It is epic in the original sense of the word -- something majestic that shines light on the nature of living. And yes, by the way, I do read them in their native language as it should be done.
heads up bro, no one cares
my mom always enjoyed the little things in life
too lazy to take a picture
Giganto Maxia
I have stopped downloading years ago, when uncompressed online readers became a thing.
Don't have time to check whether anything here is worth uploading anywhere but can't just convince myself to delete it all, not like
I also have nausicaa but not in my photo
>I buy copyright free books
Manga's on the top shelves
Steves I know this is you.
i haven't bought any physical manga, but i will buy snk in the future
all six akira volumes, all 5 NGE volumes, and volume 1 of monster. thats it i want to buy a junji ito manga but im usually left with pennies after food and rent.
I see that Naruto at the bottom
probably the first physical manga one ive bought when i was a wee lad. $7 was a lot of money to me.
I mainly buy LNs, but need to rep the aotchads
>Berserk deluxe volumes
Honestly the best manga reissue to come out this year. Sucks that there's a fucking four-month gap between issues.
Shit taste except for Akira
based hunterchad
pedo taste
>skyrim map
>LoTR novels
>weeb merch
holy cringe
shit taste
shit taste
big yikes
I couldn't ever get into shounen stuff. All the hundreds of episodes to watch, and if you're into the manga, buying so many books. I couldn't justify it
Why big yikes?!
That hurts
All I own is Nausicaa and Summit of the Gods.
you can read manga without having to purchase them..
It's not a katana, its some Philippine or something sword my dad bought me somewhere. Im not a huge LOTR fan, but i thought id give the books a try.
I also made that ukulele myself in high school wood shop.
I know it's bait, but im biting.
you can? how come I've never heard about this?
I only have Yotsuba, SoL (Barakamon, etc) and kirara stuffs.
i know you’re being sarcastic, but your comment about not reading shounen because there’s too many books to buy is retarded
>doesn't like LOTR
Good, you're not worthy. Awful weeb taste.
That wasn't me. I know you can read online, but physically buying 70+ books would be too much of an investment. They can spend their money however they wish, im just speaking for myself
I like the movies and the world, I'm just not super involved in it. I wanted to read the books for some good fantasy so i can appreciate it better and get more out of it that the movies show.
i agree, buying that many books is retarded. but you said you could never get into shounen for that exact reason, when you should have said you just dislike long series. and in that case, there are a decent amount of short shounen anyways.
yeah, my knowledge of shounens themselves is rather limited besides owning an old Shounen Jump book from forever ago. I suppose reading isnt as bad since im a fast reader and ive binged read a lot of things and usually keep a tab open to go back to it. I guess its more a thing when watching an anime since its a 20 minute investment over 100+ episodes.
It really isn't that much. Unless you're buying it all at once. $10 every 3 months or whatever is like one lunch.
Where's your copy of Volume 71 retard?
I got that Alita box too. It's great.
yeah i agree with not wanting to watch long series since episodes are always forced to 20 minutes, whereas with manga you can go at your own pace. that’s pretty much why i don’t watch anime at all anymore, not to mention that art itself is more expressive in manga imo
Gay bait.
Yeah, if the artist is really talented, he can put a lot onto a page and the backgrounds, while the anime will usually not be as detailed. I'm usually limiting myself to the 12 episode seasonal stuff. rarely the 25ish ones like monogatari. its easier if i watch them as their airing so im watching only an episode or two at once rather than having 12 to watch.
I don't actually mind watching longer series myself. I just tend to find the pacing of a lot of these shows rather quite terrible. They always drag out reaction shots and things and it feels like just wasted time that interrupts the flow of the action. In a manga this reads fine because you're basically seeing key moments, even a reaction shot that has a somewhat wordy monologue might only be a fraction of a second but in the anime they just have to make it last so long.
It’s pretty small but I’m proud of it.
Also some of these (lower left) are mementoes from visiting japan.
other thread sucked. hoping this ones better.
Mines divided in two bookshelves. Probably could organize better.
Part 2.
Am I the only one who wishes manga had thicker volumes instead of the so manly small ones? Only a few collections are like that.
envy your organization from
no bully
I agree the tomes are the best, the berserk ones just came out and there amazing.
Manga? I ain't got time for comic books.
I really do wish there would be more big omni collections, too. Even if it's just for the larger dimensions.
I like the small tanks. They're easier to read from
The larger omnis make it easier to really appreciate the art and feel nice to just hold.
Only bought a few of the "oh wow, THAT got an official TL" books like Ibitsu, Voynich Hotel and FrankenFran.
not everything I have but the main bulk
Lolicon spotted
I really don't like buying Larger series because they always eat up so much space.
>All that tokyo pop
I know it's just because they're old but that company is literally why I didn't buy manga for most of my life
huh... never noticed that
>black cat
>Culture of Critique
I believe the only people that buy manga books are the ones that do it on the rare chance that somebody comes into their smelly room and they get the opportunity to show off their shitty collection to justify their purchase and feed their weeb ego. The same apples to figurinefags.
Prove me wrong.
There's literally no reason to buy books of any kind when everything is digital.
+Beastars&Blue Giant
I like the feeling of flipping pages
>There's literally no reason to buy books of any kind when everything is digital.
How soulless.
are you retarded? people buy books to read them, not to show off to some literally whos on the internet.
>not to show off to some literally whos on the internet.
>makes a whole thread to show off manga collection
yours isnt that badly organized graphic novels just have alot of varied sizes. this would be harder to manage if I didnt just buy viz stuff. since their books are super uniform
larger tanks make it hard to spread them and see full spread images, viz books absolutely butcher 2 page spreads cause of their spines
I want more smaller series to collect. I like the bigger omnibus releases like the jojo ones, since they dont take up so much space.
My shelves are deep, so I have a second and third layer of stuff behind. Mainly older releases like Genshiken, Azumanga Daioh and Cromartie.
>all of ranma
>all of black jack
fucking based
>most likely a girl
marry me
Digital reading feels like shit. Even in university I would print off everything I had to read. It also gives me something to do for the few hours between when I turn off my computer and can sleep.
Even worse than any possible user wanting to show off is your retarded spacing.
>LOTR is fantasy
It's an English style story with lots of Catholic theology embedded. If you're a fantasy fag, go read some trashy isekai.
Wtf are you me
>Message to adolf.
Nigga what?
did you miss the first part of that?
>people buy books to read them
>not to show off to some literally whos on the internet.
people buy books to read first and foremost, then to support then author, then a couple other things, then to show off to literally whos
Jesus you got horrible taste.
Nice. looks great. Im still waiting for the Gunslinger Girl finale volume to lower in price on amazon. I was also waiting on the 3rd omnibus which was like $80-200 for some reason, but it lowered to 20 so i was able to get it.
Posted this on the buyfag thread the other day. Shot quality but this is my collection. Not pictured are my one Piece volumes and a cheap Luffy figure.
I recently read AKIRA because a friend would not shut up about it
I honestly do not get the hype
You have to be over 18 to browse Yea Forums.
Tokyopop actually had a few good series though.
cute figures. Finish Lucifer and the biscuit hammer if you havent. the ending's great
Theres also Hitler by Shigeru Mizuki, so read into that as you will
tidy and organized. i like it. digging the physical touhou stuff. I have a good bit, even though i cant read bohemian archive in japanese red and marisa's grimore. Maybe one day ill be able to read it. I know its translated online which ill probably read. but it'll be cool to actually understand the actual book
it's pretty good
also it's by tezuka so it's hard to go wrong with him
How do you guys afford/justify spending money on manga? Anything thats more than 10-15 books is probably just milking you for money.
Part of mine, pardon the shit lighting.
>not being able to smell the pages.
not gonna make it.
also i like the texture of pages and the actual visual look of ink on the paper.
>How do you guys afford
I don't.
I've missed out on buying a ton of manga because I make a third world wage.
>marry me
that's gay, but I'd be willing to grab a beer with you
Where'd you get those cool statues on the bottom? great collection. Also digging the nagatoro, i've got the first two volumes but havent gotten the rest
OK user and then we can compare our copies of Tokyopop FLCL (mine are beat to shit from lending it to other kids in middle school so).
the akira film is legitimately better
is the GIS manga censored?
I'm still working on my Touhou stuff, one day I'd like every official printed material translated and untranslated.
The statue's are a gift from a family member. They antiques supposedly. Really solidly built, each weighs about 9 lbs.
I remember you!
Are those Fakku releases? You’re cancer user
I don't own a single book.
I only use libraries, unfortunately.
I wish i had gotten the forbidden scrollery with the cute Kosuzu figure.
I got 2 of the music CDs from the Oriental Sacred Place books, but the 2nd book didnt have it inside. I was able to get Retrospective Kyoto and Magical Astronomy off of Japan's Amazon, they were the only 2 I could get sent to me in the US.
I read it years ago. I saw that at Book Off while trawling for Kimestu volumes which they didn’t have
it's not very impressive. all i really wanna do now is get every volume of snk but i have no money
i really couldn't tell you why i actually bought so many volumes of that fucking snk spinoff
Awful taste
I've only recently started my collection so I've only been able to grab all the windows games and some of the manga. Did you get everything from japan amazan?
i only have a few
I mean, before the fall started off interesting... then it ran into the same problems the main series had
A humble collection. I also have an art book collection on another shelf.
PSA: Those Barnes and Noble Classics editions you have on the bottom shelf are invariably shitty. They use old translations that are in the public domain. A lot of the time the book has been edited and bowdlerized to death.
>fakku releases
>da vinci code
Just those 2 official music CDs. Im so i also have the music of those books that have them. along with mountain of faith and great fairy wars.
I got the remilia figure from amazon, theres a Flandre figure thats paired with it but i dont have it yet. the reimu is from amiami. the books and games from US amazon obviously.
What i did for jap amazon is to just try to search the cds or whatnot and when you checkout, at some point it may tell you that it cant ship an item to your location. i got lucky on the cd's since i couldnt buy them 'new' i got them used instead, for some reason the used ones were able to be shipped. they were still in the original plastic new anyway.
there was another site i was gonna get music from, forgot the name but just googling for the stuff might turn up something.
Land of the lustrous is wonderful. I started reading it after the anime, which is one of my favorites, and beautifully animated.
lol this is cringe.
Your alright. Don’t go to school tomorrow
I have more art books than manga
I have half of my collection stacked behind to save space
>tegami bachi
I liked that series early on, then I lost interest when things when a little stale. Does it get better later?
i haven't been keeping up with it either
I used to have a fair sized manga collection but I gave everything away to a friend when I decided to go all digital. I had a variety of series from the early 90s to around 2008. Now I regret it and I'm putting money aside to start collecting again.
That copy of Seven Pillars looks amazing
Two parter picture
Second part
based souleater chad
third part
The fuck is this shit?
>the dark tower
My African American.
Is RWBY anime?
I didnt like how it ended after Roland entered the tower. he didn't deserve it. Plus, i didnt like how he finds that random painter guy to get rid of the crimson king. just seemed too convienient for that guy to just be there at the very end for roland to use. But I loved the actual journey. The riddle game with blaine is one of my favorite parts. My least favorite is the fourth book thats 80% flashback and ends with them going into the Emerald city of Oz for no reason. it just seemed bizarre. and I wish the man in black had a better death than 'lol eaten by spider baby and not by a duel with roland'
but otherwise i did enjoy reading them. I refuse to watch the movie, though
Culture of Critique anime when?
I'll agree with you with Walter/Marten/Flagg's death, I thought there should've been a battle with him at the end of the fourth book. However, I kinda like the bizarre aspect of the book because I feel Like a higher being (Gan) is fucking with them. With the ending I thought it was perfect, remember "Ka is a wheel".
I suppose it does makes sense, i didnt remember that phrase about Ka. But at least he has that horn with him. I wonder how long hes been doing it, and each time he completes it, he gets something different that could effect the next outcome.
Well the actual phrase was "Ka was like a wheel, its one purpose to turn, and in the end it always came back to the place where it had started." I believe this is from the third book.
Here’s what I have so far. I’m fairly behind at the moment but I’d like to catch up soon
This is one of my book drawers. Please say something nice about it.
It's a little much.
>live in shit hole country
>dont sell manga anywhere
>buying them online would cost way too much
why must life be like this
Waiting for a good sale before I grab Dorohedoro.
>Death Note All In One (how the fuck do you read that, it's too big)
>Berserk Deluxe
Amazing taste.
Based and Nenpilled
Hope you make better sarin than Aum did.
>I Am a Hero
>Stephen King collection
You're cool, but not based.
Shittest taste in the thread.
I take back what I said before.
Would shittalk you, but you probably actually read those LNs.
I hope.
Would be very based and show how much of a Chad you are, but the fact that you vertically stack manga ruins it.
Just get wider bookshelves or just more shelves.
This image gets tossed around a lot, so I doubt it's yours.
Based moechad.
There's so much based shit and cringe shit here.
I'll separate them into categories
FMA, Dragon Ball manga + Super manga + spin-offs + Daizenshuu 1, I Am A Hero
One Piece, HeroAca, only having RE4 and 7, fucking Pop figures.
Good taste until you get to your actual books, that's where it falls apart. Also, why is Berserk 1 in front of 2?
"The Clow" is befitting of you, as you are not notable enough to be called a clown.
>Ranma 1/2 Collection
Beautiful user. Everything here is good.
These pictures make me feel disoriented.
>Arale-Chan figurines
>Dragon Ball boxsets
Shame about the inferior FMA 3-in-1s and the fact that Viz localized the second half of DB as 'DBZ' for so long.
Good taste, you seem to have trouble getting past Volume 1 though.
>just random volumes of other series
>Before the Fall has every volume
>Botan's manga
God what I'd give for official English tanks
Based Monogatarichad
That isn't manga
>One Piece
>shit 3-in-1s
>vertical stacking
So small
theres never enough. How long it take you to collect all that?
>Gantz omnis
But why
What country user?
I buy things online and it's alright.
I saw an FLCL manga the other day.
Main doujinshi Billy
Side rags.
Damn. This is me.
multiple pics incoming
I took a bunch of really shitty pictures and then put them together and it looks awful and like half of my books are behind the books you can actually see and there's a bunch of novels and capeshit and whatnot but I'm posting them anyway.
good tatse
So that was 3/4, and here on 4/4 we have GTO volumes if you look carefully.
Buyfag threads make me feel like I am missing out while I am lurking them, but then I have absolutely no desire to own any of this shit the moment I leave the thread.
Are you having problems with the best manga of all time?
Is Genshiken good?
I can't live without books.
How do people have many in their collection?
You should upload that Akira set to madokami.
I think so but the manga isnt that much better than the anime
Have many what?
>vertical stacking
I run outta room brah
Gradually over like 12ish years? I started when I was like 13, sold a bunch of it (mostly shonen-shit), and started buying again when I was 16-ish. I amass a lot now due to scrounging used book stores for deals.
I keep the ones I'm reading through bedside and stack them as I finish.
here in Mexico, 1 manga volumes cost $4 USD meanwhile the same manga in USA cost $15
Get actual bookshelves
Cubeshelves are the sign of a plebian
I should start going to used books stores now. I just usually go to barnes and noble or amazon. also those stickers on the books drive me mad when i peel them off
I literally got them out of the trash when someone moved.
I don't have that much Manga. I don't have that much room for more though. If I were to get something bigger it would be for all my boardgames as that's what I originally got this for.
Not shown is my LN collection. If you can't read the title of something feel free to ask.
Just letting you know I'm going to save this image to look at on lonely nights.
>need to rep the aotchads
Are you rich?
lol buying omnibus
No, far from it. I bought most of these using my tips from when I was working pizza delivery and other odd jobs. Also, this represents nearly a decade of collecting so the costs were spread out.
Why not? Big books are nice.
sometimes they can be the only choice
I'm surprised almost nobody has Vagabond
This and Sanctuary are the one's I'm most proud of owning
It's expensive and the series hasn't ended.
is no one gonna talk about the cat?
>own Sanctuary
I'm jelly.
Based and Redpilled 10/10
nice 'toko and nice gally
all of my manga is in boxes at my dad's place cause i moved two months ago and they're still expanding the place i moved to so i have no space for a shelf
Stores around here put price stickers on all books, i hate it
Please bully me
You like cute girls doing cute things? Get Yotsuba and Dragon Half.
>Culture of Critique
Why does manga have to take up so much fucking space? I have a pretty full bookshelf and read most of my books through the library, I'd love to have some manga too but there's just no room.
I was planning on getting Yotsuba eventually. I'll half to check out Dragon Half in the future.
Muh nigga
This edition is cool, wish we had it
>$10 every 3 months
Oh good, what a reasonable spending model, now it will only take me 18 years to own all of Naruto.
People don't actually like that shit do they?
Gantz is fun and has a main character who undergoes actual growth.
Also he gets to have sex with Lara Croft.
The implication was that you buy them when they're released. As I said in that same comment
>Unless you're buying it all at once.
If you can't afford them, you could just get them second hand. You could probably get all the volumes of naruto for something like $400-500 that way.
>has a main character who undergoes actual growth
Wow, huge accomplishment. Many other series manage to do that as well as have a consistency and reasoning behind the different elements. Gantz just felt like a stream of consciousness with no attempt to explain anything in the context of a larger narrative. It was ideas with no cohesion. Absolute mess.
This is before my bookshelf fell over
Sex. With. Lara Croft. You faggot.
I picked up that Akira collection too, it's great. Nice to be able to read it R to L and with much better scans.
He also ended up settling with an ugly Asian. The STATE of Gantzfags
I can’t show everything because my desk is right next to the bookcase. The shelves are double stacked and there are three more underneath with art books, Bokurano and some old manga from Vertical. And then I have another bookcase and a couple series boxed up.
Is Kitaro any good?
I have the whole "I am Hero" manga and that killed my fanatism for colleting that kind of shit. Fuck that ending.
If you like old manga or Japanese folk tales, yeah. Plus Shigeru Mizuki’s art is really good.
I've got Nonnonba and liked that.
Wtf..... based....
What's in there like some of your favorite examples
I have a friend who keeps telling me that.
Pretty amazing for a one armed guy. I really like all his autobiographical stuff.
>get praised for your art as a kid
>lose your right arm
>learn to draw with your left and become a mangaka anyway
Jesus. What's my excuse?
is that a fedora top right?
Based W.I.T.C.H Chad
If you have the drive to do it you’ll find a way...and even with Mizuki it shows you can start a bit late too
Why are there so many people who know japanese?
Because they want to further enjoy their hobbies?
the origin manga looks so fucking good. Ireally want to collect it but it's really expensive.
Is it worth the money?
Just half
I have this I guess, first 2 are Death Note, other 3 Attack On Titan. I've ordered from bookdepository Attack On Titan 26 ( In English ) so I'm looking forward to that.
Ones I have are in Serbian and they never translate anything fully, instead of sticking with say Death Note that has 12 volumes they'd much rather do 20 volumes of One Piece and Naruto.
Last Death Note volume was 6, released in 2018. Last Attack On Titan Volume was 8 released in 2017.
Talked to a guy in their shop and he said AoT 9 will be released soon but who knows, they announced GITS translation in 2017 and even shower a preview and only released it a few days ago.
Still pretty cool to have
Is this Death Note All In One edition good? I thought about getting it since I want my favorite manga / anime in physical form and don't have much money
Is Message to Adolf out of print? It's always expensive any time I see it.
here. I'd say yes. The Char backstory parts may come off as overly wanky, but it's a much better distillation of the 0079 storyline over the compilation movies, at least in terms of trimming the fat of the tv series. Also YAS's art is fantastic, you can see why he's a respected character designer/animation director.
Most Tezuka stuff is. I got Volume 2 for the cover price but Volume 1 was crazy expensive.
Anons you need to buy from Rightstuf they are much much better on pricing and have a lot of sales usually. I know many like Amazon for it's convenience but it's not always priced well and there is not much manga or books etc on there. Also if you need to get something used and are a poorfag I would say go on eBay to buy it as usually there is someone selling manga.
Why is there so much moe shit ITT and anyone who posts some real good manga gets called for having "shit taste"
I'd take attack on titan and Death Note, hell even Naruto, before "Cute girls doing cute things mark 78" any day of the week you absolute faggots.
Yeah I watched the Origin OVAs and there were quite good aside from some overly dramatic direction, and dramatisation.
Felt like it could have been far better though.
I'm mostly interested in the retelling of 79 as I've only seen the recap movies. Can't seem to find it online to read aside from 25 chapters for some reason though.
Just buy them. You'll feel better.
I'm not buying them all at once cause I'm too lazy to work alongside uni but I'll order the first volume, thanks user.
The vertical release hardback are a whole tactile experience on their own. Plus I like the extras that came with them, including essays from Hideaki Anno and Makoto Shinkai, and bonus manga from other mangaka
I agree. It seems like a lot of Normalfag taste is on this thread. The true ones are the old school types that have Azumanga Daioh, Madoka Magica, Death Note, Monogatari, Akira, Ghost In The Shell etc. People that have good taste and acknowledge anime not as moeblob shit.
>Mah shipping
Amazon is just as shit if not worse on that end as well. Can not escape tax's.
Bookdepository has no shipping price, the one volume in that picture is 1 attack on titan volume. I can get the same one on bookdepository for just 9.40 without shipping
Maybe wait until you need to buy a bunch and get the free shipping
Fair enough I checked the website, you are correct. Also as a side note as you can do the same with eBay depending on the seller for used. But Blu Rays I can absolutely guarantee you though are a much better deal than on Amazon though. Amazon is just bad not for pricing, but also taking 30% paycut from everything sold. Rightstuf takes much less which explains why all the Blu Rays and figures exist on there.
That is also true. You do need to spend more than 40$ worth of stuff to even get free shipping if I remember right and there is discounts and sales every now and then on there.
When I buy things I rarely spend less than a hundred eurobucks at once.
>that satsuki
I fucking love it man
That explains a lot actually. In America we usually have price conscious people as well here that do not understand how pic related and various things of this nature is expensive. But I always mention that Art and anime of high caliber can demand a high price due to its popularity and demand. We are use to prices of 60$ per sets and are spoiled compared to our Japanese counterparts that spend 400$ per set. Not saying you are wrong because some things are not really worth the price but depending on what it is it can be worth the price of paying more.
Next week I am going to Thailand, what interesting can I buy there?
My collection hasn't changed in almost 10 years and I've stopped buying physical manga, so there's nothing exciting to see although it's a pretty big collection.
Femboy pucci
Do you own Bastard?
You should try scanning manga pages of the rare stuff and putting it on the internet. Would be a worthy cause for things that fell through the cracks over the last 10 years.
love those figures. I've been wanting to get some poseable ones of lupin and jigen for a while now.
Were they expensive?
Do you guys double up? Like putting another line of manga in front of what's there originally. I used to do it but recently one of my bookcase collapsed so I went through a lot of trouble to replace it, but its not as easy to find space for everything now.
I do. I put them up to three rows.
oh hell yeah, now we're fucking talking
I would, but I doubt many can read Italian. I don't consider what I have as "rare" though.
More like why are there so few? ~90% of photos ITT show localized shit. Sometimes an entire bookshelf of it, which you'd think if you're that into Japanese comic books you'd actually want to read them in their original language...
English is a foreign language to me as is and you expect me to learn another? No sir.
The ones on the left are Revoltechs. I got them when they were first released so they were about 30USD a pop. Last reissue for them was back in 2015. You still might get Lupin for cheap, but Jigen is much rarer.
It's pretty much the same story for the Figurarts on the right, which go for standard figma/figurarts prices (around 50 USD). Jigen was a limited release and again would have inflated prices
i've been looking at some on mandarake
but i've never used the site before, so i'm skittish on pulling the trigger
i've only recently starting buying manga again but i'm trying to not buy too many series.
The chunk from excel saga to yotsuba are from my teenage years and i recently pulled them out of storage.
Nobody cares about your deeply insightful critic. Here is your (You), now shove it up your ass. Nobody cares about your deeply insightful critic
>manga in theory and practice
noice, when are you going to make your own manga?
>tomo chan is a girl
based to the highest degree i see you are a tombro or if you are female i hope you are a tomboy.
Imagine having such big manga collections but not Death Note.
Disgusting, you bit into the Yea Forums contrarian culture
Am I too late to this party?
I also own that book, as well as some Scott McCloud books about how comics work.
Surely it's just down to me finding the right music to listen to while drawing...
No Aussie bro, you're in time.
Stop licking the toads tho.
Fuck. I hope this one isn't upside down.
By Jove he's done it!
you did it.
Its a great little collection.
Are you a nurse?
yeah it's a really good read and gives you a clear idea on the process but don't forget that making manga comes mainly from passion so you don't need to follow everything from that book or even anything if you want, because as long as you make and draw whatever you want and interests you out of passion into a manga and follow your gut and heart you can never go wrong (that's what most mangaka just do, just draw what they think is cool or have an interest in).
for me i listen to the following when i draw anime and manga:
>yotsuba ost
>made in abyss ost
>nichijou ost
>pokemon emerald music
>wave racer music
>sakuga mads
>my hero academia ost
>motivational amvs / work out amvs this one being one of my favourites:
I have all the dueling themes from Revolutionary Girl Utena as my go-to when I need to feel pumped up.
utena had a really good ost! i can see how it fills you with energy.
also i just remembered katamari damacy has a good ost worth listening to while you draw
very cool.
I need to buy cross game.
I really hope viz or someone starts publishing touch, or even mix when its done
Thanks bros.
Now all I need is ideas, motivation and the will.
Touch is, what, the 16th highest grossing manga of all time? How is it NOT released in English already?
thats a damn good question.
With how much americans love baseball you'd think that'd be one of the earlier ones they'd do
Is there anyone that could be contacted about that?
god speed user
All I got, bought it on my trip in Japan during 2015
I ended up picking up all of Cross Game for about 25 bucks? Highly recommend it! I know I shouldn't, but I enjoyed it more than Touch.
I make my own luck!
Is the Evangelion manga any good?
25 bucks? How'd you swing that? Each volume is like 20 bucks at my local book store
I personally love it. iI's drawn by Sadamoto, the original character designer so it retains some of the look, unlike a lot of other spinoff manga. Still feels like EVA, at least to me. They also come with some cool side materials, like interviews and commentary.
Might try that, then.
I read everything online first and buy my favorites.
>muh digital
For one, people like owning things they pay for. Physical releases look ten times better than digital. Walk into your local book store, find a manga and then compare it to its scans online. It's a night and day difference. Even manga with seemingly mediocre art looks nice on actual paper. If you're a big fan of some manga, it is 100% worth buying it. Preferably hardcover or omnibus/deluxe edition.
Lots and lots of hunting. I look for very lightly used books. Those Gundam The Origin books cost about 30 a pop and the cheapest one I've found was about 8. Looks like it was never even cracked open before either.
I've bought some books new, but nothing beats stumbling upon cheap finds.
Do you get bullied by bydlo for being zadrot?
This isn't a 3x3 thread, hon.
Did you buy the John Lanchester novel by accident? I think you were supposed to buy the book of the same name by Marx.
I really need to find a frame for that cel. It usually sits in a folder out of the sunlight. Also yes, laugh at my one hardback library copy of ARIA. I'm cool with it.
>No Persona 3 and 4 music
>No Monogatari music
>No Fate/Stay Night music (even though I hate the show)
>Ruroni Kenshin OP's and ED's
Come on guys. I like Katamari Damacy and Nichijou as well as others but you are missing out completely if you Skip out on Monogatari and Persona stuff. That is underatted music right there.
I hate the idea of doubling up, I like being able to see the volumes that I bought. Also 2 things,
>comic party
and why do you have so many rx-78 models?
this is the tried and true method
>fire punch
pic related
What kind of bookcase do you have? Do you ever worry that they might collapse?
What kind of manga do you /want to make, user?
I am the same way, but for a while I double up on the long running shounan jump stuff because I didn't have enough space, and then one of my bookshelf collapsed.
On Rx-78, I got obsessed with them 2 years ago, they are not exactly the same models, from the left is version 3.0, 1/144 HG 30th anniversary edition, Ver. Ka, Version 2.0, One Year War version 1.5, and MG Gundam Origin version.
I actually only have two volume of Comic Party, I should try to find the rest though. I think its been over 10 years, I wonder if I should just get the SAVE edition.
>What kind of bookcase
Just this ikea stuff I got fro ma dumpster, it's sturdy enough that I've never worried.
>What kind of manga do you /want to make, user?
For me it's something aesthetically beautiful with tons of outdoor shots. Like if you read The Puma Blues and look at what Michael Zulli drew, that's what I vision in my head.
I had this idea about a guy wanting to get away from modern living, going inna woods and meeting a crazy guy who's hunting Bigfoot and then they become friends.
Nobody is gonna say anything about the Death statue ?
nope, I have more to say about his lacking gintama collection
>mouse guard
absolutely based user
Just some common stuff.
I can't even see it cause of the light and quality.
I will commend you though on having all of the shoulder coffin volumes
Artbook too! Its a great series. My camera is shit though.
oh shit it had an artbook too?
Used to have a few shelves worth of translated stuff, but these days, being able to read moon, I only collect raws.
Recent additions are all the available volumes of ヨコハマ買い出し紀行 (2010 ed.), ARIA (The MASTERPIECE ed.), ハクメイとミコチ, とんがり帽子のアトリエ, Chainsaw Man, ダンジョン飯, and 棺担ぎのクロ.
Yeah its all in moonrunes though.
What's in the rest of your scifi collection?
still worth getting in my eyes, hope that it isn't too hard to find
>at least three anons in this thread with the elusive Message To Adolf vol.1
Did you guys just luck out on a decent price, or pick it up early on??
Bit of a haphazard collection - I don't really do sprawling, ongoing series. I do love hunting down old and OOP stuff, the two No. 5 volumes being my pride and joy
Not seen; Akira vol.1, The Memory of Memories artbook, and a stack of manga serialized in American issue format (the stuff that looks ass on a shelf)
I was just responding to the ones I wanted to say something about, but everybody had such wonderfully diverse collections. It was honestly surprising.
The fact that I responded to all of them and my post was 2000 characters exactly told me that God wanted me to do this.
I can barely find any in my area. Most of these i got into too late.
Anyone grab any of these?
It broke when my shelf fell down
If anybody has bought manga from Denpa, can you tell me how the quality is? They're putting out Kaiji soon, and I just want to know what their typesetting and page quality is like.
I've got a few, haven't kept up though recently. BHP are fantastic and I fucking love what they do, Dokudami Tenement is hilariously depraved.
I'm really excited for the upcoming Tsuge collections, I've been after his stuff for years and had to make do with The Comics Journal issue that ran Nejishiki and the handful of scanlations
Translator dude Ryan Holmberg is the guy to follow, he's on all the interesting upcoming Gekiga
shut the fuck up spic.
The only place to follow Ryan's upcoming releases is on his instagram. I suppose I should update that collage sometime soon. Tsurita Kuniko is getting an anthology release (announced not too long after I scanned all of her stuff -- sometimes I think I'm being used for marketing research without my knowledge).
I've posted it before but might as well post it again. I just wish it was right to left like normal manga. Some of it was a bit expensive for single volumes but it's one of my favorite series so it was worth it
Yeah I already follow him on IG, his posts are great insight and super in-depth. Really appreciate that dude
I've passed on countless purchases because of L to R printing. It's messed up cause a lot of more niche or artsy works are trapped that way.
I own or have owned most of these. It's a weird chart though. Those definitely aren't all gekiga, but if it's just alternative manga releases, it is missing a bunch.
I have An Invitation from a Crab. Nice book. French flaps, pretty good paper stock, little notes from the author in between chapters. Typesetting is standard, but good.
I wish I was well off enough to buy print media like manga and art books, shit's fucking expensive.
That does look good. Not as good as current FKMTKrazy, but they scanlate Kaiji as a hobby.
I just hope they don't translate the 'zawa' like the last official translation did. PSSSSSSST
It's a chart for upcoming releases mostly and then what's been scanned at the bottom.
This isn't much of a collection at all but I just started taking my shit out of a box and putting it on shelves so I figure I'll start buying more.
Nice cgdct
Nice figure
Nice monogatari collection
These english covers are so cool. I only enjoy monogatari as much as the next guy but I might collect all of first season just cause the covers look cool.
Nice book in top right
Nice figures
Sorry OP, but I only collect art books and most are still at my parents, stuck in dusty boxes.
Beautiful physical copies, absolutely gorgeous
Let me guess, you pay for "Steam games"
You can't justify paying for digital. Only subhumans and the mentally ill pay for digital.
How can you afford all of this but not a bookshelf.
They're literally $20 on Kijiji
burn it to ash
Anyone else who bought those manga materials like nibs and those meme feather duster? Really? What the fuck I'm shit
I read real literature.
It's not about the manga...
please dont bully
I’ve never heard of Denpa before but on their website the manga covers look like ass.
Best in the thread.
it's about sending a message
I don't buyfag because I'm not a faggot!
Denpa is a newer publisher. They started up late last year if I recall.
The ladder makes me laugh. Do you have a volume count?
Man I should pick up Devilman.
>not reading your tanks
>Araki's book on manga theory
Also, what the stuff with manga panels on the spine? On the same shelf as your Monogatari collection
>high school of the dead
you poor unfortunate soul...
>Also, what the stuff with manga panels on the spine? On the same shelf as your Monogatari collection
Not him but that's Black Jack
Thanks user. It's the old Black Jack volumes released by Vertical. They're pretty hard to come by now so I only have half of the ones released though.
Beat me to it.
In my teenagers days, never ever the ending
Thank you, thought I recognized some of the panels.
Like Twilight?
>those Seven Seas Classic Collections
Damn. I should buy those.
I've got A Drifting Life and Nonnonba, enjoyed both. Will be buying most of these eventually.
>There's literally no reason to buy books of any kind when everything is digital.
Poor zoomer, or zoomer and poor detected.
Ok, it might be just brainlet.
>is the GIS manga censored?
Not that user but, if you mean the explicit lesbian sex scene in GItS, then yeah, except in the few first Japanese editions, it was removed.
I see you're a Garth Ennis fan but don't seem to have Hitman. You should change that.
>Nobody is gonna say anything about the Death statue ?
I was more... attracted... to the Jesus Christ image.
Just some more Philip K. Dick. Let me show you what's behind those.
And here are the manga that I have on my living room shelf.
Hitman's getting expensive and hard to find. Sad because I want them all.
I bought them all for super cheap as used library copies a year ago, feels good man.
Hey are Satoshi Kon's manga as good as his movies?
>Can't say they're as good because he's just legendary on animation but they're must-reads. He has clean panels like Otomo and they have the same beats when it comes to short stories. Definitely pick-up Dream Fossil (His short story collection) and Opus. Sucks that he left the latter hanging to work on animation but you can see there that he's going to turn out great from that book.
Art quality yes. Trick is is that a lot of his manga were left unfinished when he transitioned to anime. I'd recommend Tropic of the Sea and Opus.
Alright. But who are you quoting?
Myself. I'm not great at Yea Forums. And I accidentally placed >.
My manga are all yellow...
It adds character
support your artists fag
emerald? listen to some black and white music, especially the town themes are great.
Mad respect.
in that case he should buy them straight from Japan, through Honto, Mangaoh, Toranoana or Melonbooks.
No, people buy books to show off that they read that book. If you wanted to read a book, you could just borrow it from the library. If it wasn't available, you could buy it, read it and then sell it to a second hand bookstore, instead of having it root on your shelf, or buy e-books
>b-but I love the feeling of the paper!
Pure autism
Here comes heresy.
Maybe it is autism, but paper does feel good. I'd get them more if not for shelf life and the fact that I suck at taking care of them.
I buy them because I like having a collection of things I enjoy and having it there for rereads is nice.
I have yet to see anyone else that owns any copies of Eiken.
i approve this post
do you live in a bookshop?
Top two shelves have manga behind them but can't be damned to move them right now including half of FMA single volumes, a bunch of one piece volumes, naruto volumes, bleach, otomen, assassination classroom, etc. I am really jealous and wish I had more money and space to get more manga and finish off several of the series I own so I can read them all like Vagabond and Terraformars and Prison School.
The unfinished DeathNote makes my OCD scream
Everytime I look at my manga collection I cringe at how shit was the taste of the 14 years old me
I remember one of the volumes was expensive and hard to find so I probably will never be able to finish it along with my flowers of evil single volume collection
drop some titles
Just buy the all in one edition, it's 20 bucks and good quality
>leather-bound Berserk
Goddamn; I'm not a buyfag, but that's tempting
I'm autistic and want them individually and would feel like I am rebuying shit I have
- Code: breaker
- Pandora Hearts
- Black Butler
- Btooom
- Detective Yakumo
- The Haganai """Manga"""
- Highschool of the dead
- Lunar Legend Tsukihime
- Rosario + Vampire
None of these are complete but I bought a lot of volumes of some of them (like Pandora Heart and Black Butler). I also have some edgy stuff like Elfen Lied but I actually spared that one because it introduced me to hentai.
Why quotations around Haganai manga?
Because it's drawn like horse shit
How you doing /k/Yea Forums?
wouldn't recommend. would probably collapse at some point under the weight. if you have enough money to buy a good amount of manga, you have enough money to buy a high quality shelf.
Hehe I took that for /ak/ but I'm not home to take a new one.
Most of those aren't that bad, desu. Like yakumo and rosario x vampire, and I guess hotd. I was expecting some really egregious shoujo titles or something.
>highschool of the dead
Manga as bad as the anime? I stumbled onto it from a friend's hard drive; jesus christ, they should have just made hentai
Here's my LNs, I need to finish the last book of Wolf and Parchment before I buy a new series to read.
Or just get a Billy those things can store bricks
Not really against the ecchi stuff, I just don't like the character design and the overall art style
It's not much, but it's mine.
I have a rather eclectic collection in 3 different languages. Assembled over the years so there's really no theme to it. Some memey stuff tho because why not.
Non Francophone spotted
>World Trigger
Finally a fellow scholar in this thread.
Were do you buy your doujinshi?
For me, it's a life of a pirate chad.
>Hunterfag exposed as Wan Pissfag
I've no interesting in obeying the sheep mentality and upholding any of your expectations. The only manga worth supporting is Hunter x Hunter and even then why not just read it in superior digital form instead of wasting space and outing yourself as a social outcast by hoarding comics in your room. It is my belief that a person must strive to be the best version of himself, and that includes proper management of monetary value instead of throwing it around on chinese comicbooks after age of eighteen. Quite frankly I really do find you shounenbabies fascinating, such desire, no, need to fit in with the norm that is a elite weeaboo.
>superior digital form
Literally the worst way to read it.
Cleaning results in loss of detail.
It's like supporting that automated cleaning program for anime that just removes grain.
Back to your containment thread Wan Piss fag.
I respect your opinion but I do not agree with it. Digital version does indeed in most cases have a loss of detail but it is very miniscule and with proper sharpening of your body and mind you will not rely on mediocre shadings from chinese comic books to understand or enjoy a scene. There's a point in which the ease of access and general practical use outweighs the niche use of materialistic books. I prefer to use my money, time and space on much more important things. Books are meant to be used and learnt from, not to get controlled by them friend. Don't allow yourself to get peer pressured little buddy, I have high hopes for you. Good evening.
Thinking about to get Berserk Deluxe Edition. Looks nice.
Expensive, but there's a big enough gap between the releases so it's not that much of a problem.
I like reading digital because I literally have no room for manga in my apartment unless I just leave them on the floor to catch dust.
Here my shit
What are these series? Don't speak nip.
>Cleaning results in loss of detail
Do you have any examples of this "cleaning" and comparisons depicting the lost detail? Because I'm pretty sure good scans don't lose any. If you're reading low quality scans that's another issue entirely.
By good scans, you mean volume scans that don't have to do as much cleaning.
There are scanlation groups that do a good job with cleaning up the panels, like FKMTKrazy with Kaiji, but a famous example of poor cleaning (and poor scan quality in general) are the old DB scans and the current Dragon Ball Super scans.
There was a thread a while back where a guy was comparing Goku UI in the Japanese tank vs the scan that was up.
Would look for the thread where this happened, but this was back in late July and fireden isn't hosting the Yea Forums archive anymore.
Also, the DBS thing isn't limited to scanlations, the official ones Viz puts up look like absolute ass compared to the volumes.
desuarchive still does the archives
>Super-Class! Mobile Fighter G Gundam 1-7
>Super-Class! Mobile Fighter G Gundam: Shinjuku/Undefeated of the East! 1-8
>Slayers Light Magic 1-2
>Kaoru Mori: Anything and Something
>Shirley 1-2
>Crest of the Stars 1-6
>Shigurui 1-15
>Slayers LN
missed first volume of
>The Queen of the Opera
Took a while, but I found the image I was talking about. Will grab an image of the scan of this same panel
The image on the whole is a lot more blurry, probably because most (bad) scanlators put up compressed images, this results everything around Goku's face looking a lot less clean and just in general blurry.
This isn't on the same level as the old DB scans, where you could tell that the spine wasn't broken and half the image was incomprehensible, but it is still poor especially for official scans
It's why the best scans will always be of the English tankoban release. A) there are some cases (like with Togashi in particular) where the mangaka goes back to redraw some scenes and B) the people who scan them almost always have uncompressed images.
No one from France? I would like to see their manga
I just buy manga based on how cool the spine/cover look
check it out
Is that really it?
>Pirates Manga
>Believes it takes up so much space for what it is due to Digital being clutterfree
>Books are meant to be learned from
I love your mentality. I have the same idealogy. Blu Rays, a few figures at best are the only things worth spending money on. Things that are long term value and you know you will go back to. Not to satisfy everyone else's perception and waste money.
How do you read manga then?
I been using this same ideology though I don't care much for figures, stopped collecting manga, boxed all of it up and put it at the bottom of my closet and just pirate shit and get a few blu rays though there are some manga I still buy like the new Berserk volumes and the rest of the Vagabond vizbigs plus Blade of the immortal. I deem everything else worthless.
I just read the same four volumes of Excel Saga over and over again.
I am nearing 30 but I have been on Neetbux. I have realized that people spend money on worthless shit. Just seeing this amount of manga makes me laugh.
>just pirate shit and get a few blu rays though there are some manga I still buy like the new Berserk volumes and the rest of the Vagabond vizbigs plus Blade of the immortal. I deem everything else worthless.
Exactly. I only buy a few Blu-Rays a year from anime I watch that I know I am going to go back to constantly for a great story. As for Berserk do you buy it digitally? Vegabond is pretty great though and Blade Of The Immortal is so old-school I remember buying a free volumes in 2004 and liking it. Thought it was hardcore and much more so than Berserk at times.
the first volume of Inuyasha and a Shonen Jump from 2007
Yahoo auctions and Suru mostly. I'll hit up swap meets, Mandrake, and I'll buy them from the author if I can but I keep falling for series that are a little past prime production.
My favourite manga was fully released in English, but not scanlated. A lot of manga, outside of big Jump series or ones that got anime adaptations, that got English releases don't have free digital copies. I paid sub $2 for almost every volume of my favourite series. A few years back it got a kindle release. $147 for the whole thing. I'll pass. The fact that it had a digital option added years later was only because it is a Viz license and they are still in business. A lot of other series I own weren't that lucky.
I guess if the people making this argument are talking big three or something, yeah free digital scans are great. Don't pretend they are always an option.
What manga?
> fully released in English
Then the word is "scanned"
I don’t have enough space for single file so I have to triple up my shelves which is why I haven’t bothered posting a pic of my collection
>I don't buy manga cuz we digital now grandpa
Yeah that's totally not coming from teenaged poorfags who still have to experience what it means to have a steady income you can partially spend on your long-time passions.
Only got 2 volumes of blade of the immortal
I will never have a job where I can blow all of it on manga and blu-rays I want thats sitting in my Amazon cart for months poorfag
Man that's super close to my own.
Only got into manga purchasing recently and am sticking to hardcover/omnibus stuff. Have that Akira set, Berserk/Jojo hardcovers and that Nausicaa set too, it's amazing. Considering the Fullmetal Alchemist and those sweet Gundam Origin hardcovers, I've heard good stuff about the the manga vs the anime.
Also recently bought the MGS I-IV double volume art collections, love me some Shinkawa.
Are you in Japan? I heard importing porn can be dangerous.
I was a college student too and I still got my manga from time to time. You don't need to eat everyday, you need to priorize what's important.
I have a meal plan so I don't have to worry about food
The master editions of Blame and those Gundam releases, worth the buy?
Can't take a picture since I have to move too much shit.
Medaka Box
Kanata no Astra
Ghost in the Shell 1 and 2
Girl on the Shore
Index LN
Houseki no Kuni
Witch Hat Atelier
Monogatari LN
Own some volumes but won't buy more:
Golden Kamui
I bought the first one it was nice enough but I would wait for it to get discounted a decent amount before buying another one honestly.
Here's the main shelf
And here's a bit of the second
How are the One Piece box sets? Own most of the first 30 volumes but been looking at them for cost efficiency.
my fucking god
The three box sets so far reach vol 70, they cost me around 125€ for box 1, 106€ for the second and 116 for the third, so about 5€ per volume.
That's very reasonable as far as I'm concerned
Yukino a shit
Why do you consider Blu-Rays a bad investment?
I don't consider it a bad investment I just don't have money
based piratechad
>Iroha a shit