Made in Abyss

Where the fuck is the new chapter?

Attached: Nanachi.( (800x1080, 870K)

Other urls found in this thread:

5 minutes.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Made in Abyss - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.28_[2017.09.16_00.06.04].jpg (1280x720, 85K)

Let's imagine :'(

2 years maaaaa

ded in abyss

we need ozen back


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Made in Abyss - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.58_[2017.09.08_23.58.38].jpg (1280x720, 74K)

I love my wife Nanachi!

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Ackshully it's They/Them.

Actually it's her, like Tsukushi said.

Attached: Nanachi is a GIRL CONFIRMED.png (741x731, 71K)

Human nanachi is cute

Attached: DTbN7zBUQAE5Jqz.jpg (900x1200, 111K)

Snow princess, a diamond in the rough. Cute little dumpster diver.

Bondrewd ate it xD

Did he wash it down with a big glass of Orange Prush?

I want to worship her fluffy tummy.

Attached: Nanachi.png (1080x1531, 3.05M)

It's been 142 days since chapter 51.

Attached: CHAPTER_43_WHEN.jpg (304x270, 51K)

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What the fuck?

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This is terrible. I’ve haven’t seen an author kill hype for their series this bad since berserk

I'm a fan of Berserk, so this waiting is nothing. Good thing I'm not a HxH reader.

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I love my wife Moogie

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>4 months without a chapter


Abandon ship

?? ?

Attached: bruh.....png (411x411, 332K)

Give me the chapter.


Attached: D8I4SQaUcAAUHnG.jpg (1536x2048, 348K)

lesbians that turn delicious shotas into girls don't get to make demands

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literally stopped reading this a year ago
has it gotten any better
was a bit too depressing for
my already miserable life

and have i missed much
or is it still one chaoter and 3-4 months lol

we are still in chapter 51 with a bonus chapter for faputa

so i can catch up within the next hour or so


I want to fuck Nanachi while sniffing her fur

Stop talking about my wife.

Attached: 5664654643.png (600x295, 324K)

Chapter 52 or the bunny does it

Attached: uh oh.jpg (2550x3300, 2.33M)

Why "she" has 5 o'clock shadow...?

I'm going to shoot you in the shota roballs.

Attached: D8OB3HGUwAALvPo.jpg (1536x2048, 394K)

let her do it
she needs the practice to later save a dumb stupid potato and her useless metal potato

There's an interesting topic. What do you think would've happened if Nanachi was too late, and Riko died? Perhaps Reg didn't stop the flow of poison, or maybe hesitated when fleeing from Orby. Would Reg have stayed in the 4th layer with Nanachi?

Reg still frees Mitty and continues to the bottom, but a lot more sad. Nanachi becomes an hero, since Riko's cooking isn't there to make her want to live.

Like the other user said, seems most likely that reg would keep going since he really just had nothing else to do other than try to find out who he is, plus it could be to honor Riko's wish or some shit.

Don't know if Nanachi would have gone though, since Reg may not have asked her/hung around long enough to get to know her.

Either way, he most likely would have met his end at the hands of Bone Daddy anyway, since its unlikely anyone would have saved him from experimentation, that, or he would have gotten stuck at the elevator since he doesn't have a white whistle to make it work.

>he would have gotten stuck at the elevator since he doesn't have a white whistle to make it work.
He wouldn't really need to take the elevator, but descending without it would be very dangerous.

Wasn't the 'shaft' of the elevator just blocked by solid mass of corpses at that point? I get how people in the past could get past it because it hadn't accumulated that much yet, but I thought the only real option now was the elevator?

Well, we know of one white whistle who descended without it.

It's the 20th in Japan. Chapter should be out fairly soon!

We don't really know how long ago that was though.

I mean I could very easily be wrong, but I just thought the implication was that the sea of corpses had just gotten so thick that it wouldn't really be possible to dig through.

But your wife(male) is very cute and fluffy.

Attached: 75334985_p0.jpg (1032x1500, 1.29M)

>we just don't know
Yeah, that's the gist of it.

This is beyond based

Attached: 1535366330345.gif (320x240, 2.15M)

That's right, I am Fluffzen.

Attached: 8d7.png (680x1152, 742K)

He's got a fucking laser.

And what would happen if he shot that laser underwater, user?

Steamed corpses.
Anyways, there's clearly a way through. Reg managed to get up without the elevator.

A big boom.

Why doesn't he just wear tighter pants?

Attached: baggy pants.png (1348x1929, 1.26M)

Why doesn't he just not wear pants at all?

Attached: regu77.jpg (576x1024, 88K)

So when are the kids having sex with each other

I may be missing MANY instances, but they've clearly had encounters.
>Riko got forced into exhibitionism, bondage, and various other things at Orth when she made a mistake
>Riko also sat on a toilet made of tentacles, and you just know they wiped her clean. She didn't have toilet paper, obviously.
>Reg got anal stimulation when Riko first got him, including a broken ruler lodged up in there like Lemmywinks inside Mr. Slave
>Reg also got the chair with the double dildos and the cock tube
>Nanachi probably experienced many things in the name of science before she escaped

>just started reading
>check the time since latest chapter
consider dropping now

I wonder what Tsukushi is up to..

Attached: 1513127320186.png (816x488, 568K)

>no new chapter

>I got a warning for commenting on the vocaroo someone posted
For fucks sake, the powertrips on these children honestly. I’m calling it now, I’m pretty sure this will get deleted and I will be issued a ban.

Do we have any news from him ?

He updated his alt Twitter's profile picture.

He hasn't streamed since the end of July, which doesn't necessarily mean he hasn't been working since then, but it's probable

What the fuck does he stream

Yea but it's all censored so you can't see shit you can just listen to him speak and make weird noises

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I want to date Ozen.

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Moogie will die

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I for one hope the hiatus serves as a way to reduce the amount of shitposters and speed-readers from these threads. Let the stronger survive.

That already happened to some degree

Even if there was a hiatus, it does the complete opposite.

I wonder if him beginning to start dating has anything to do with the hiatus.

Would you consider what's between Riko and Reg a femdom relationship?

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You find this filthy thing down in the abyss. What do you do with it?

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why is Regu sweating?

My wife Veko is sooOOOOO cute.

Attached: ECQNxTmU8AEHjPV.jpg (2889x4096, 1.7M)

Your wife has sex with everyone.

Make her my world and give her all the love she deserves.

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the abyss is humid!

Attached: EB3QKjiVAAALQnh.jpg (1424x2048, 530K)

So what? You may as well tell me I shouldn't hold hands with her because she shakes a lot of stranger's hands. There's about as much in common between those two things as there is between her casual sex and the sweet love we would make.

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Is that a mitsui jun Reg?

What do you think Mook's pink asshole tastes like?

You'll catch all the diseases she caught from her many, many sex partners like me and your naughty bits will constantly itch like mine

First off there's no evidence she's got an STI
secondly even if she did, mine might itch like yours, but more importantly they'll itch like hers

Attached: DW90N2aVwAIYq6V.jpg (711x378, 61K)

They'll itch like lots of people's, Veko got around. But hey, best of luck with your marriage. Don't forget to beat your wife, she expects it. Just not to hard, she's quite frail.

I'll never beat her, but that said she is tougher than you think.

Attached: D-jNo47UEAQopbA.jpg orig.jpg (1188x800, 138K)

my ass is bleeding

It's the 20th. Chapter should be here pretty soon.

another victim of Vuelo "Supercarrier" Eluko

Attached: Dy5FmOdU8AAQSYH.jpg2.jpg (685x473, 52K)

Comeon user, at least try.

The robotic is just audible enough to tell that it's fake.
But these things are scarily close to real now.

Attached: [DB]Made in Abyss_-_13_(Dual Audio_10bit_BD1080p_x265).mkv_snapshot_19.59_[2019.02.28_20.08.33].jpg (1062x1080, 181K)

Attached: ♥.jpg (1137x1200, 109K)

If Veko and/or Faputa join the party Nanachi will get sniffed and molested much less because Reg will be busy being molested himself.

I wonder how the bun will feel about that.

They'll start taking breaks from molesting him to sniff her, when they realize how good she smells.

Attached: __nanachi_and_regu_made_in_abyss_drawn_by_kawasemi27__c529ed57a84e0b007319da5607d1598d.jpg (1145x1280, 167K)

If anyone new will join the party the rabbit will be left behind

Why? Is there a party limit?

Why does he sit like that?

stranger danger

Yes, but my video games taught me that the limit is 4.

My video games taught me the limit is 6 and I must gather my party before venturing forth.


Attached: file.png (1128x1600, 1.4M)

I love regu
And nanachi

Attached: 1554667065344.jpg (1200x1099, 371K)

Such an amazing woman

Attached: D7ge9uuVUAAZAcl.jpg orig.jpg (1453x2048, 779K)

Why does Riko know so much about penises?

I wonder if nanachi being in love with reg was a discarded plotline

Attached: ECRAwuqVAAE3jl7.jpg (1380x1500, 162K)

She has tons of experience experimenting with Regu's

Anyone would be smitten by such a gallant and reliable young man.

she's at that age

Attached: ECZzwx9U4AAvTtH.jpg (1600x1200, 213K)

It's the future plotline.

Attached: 1565843731644.jpg (728x800, 98K)

Nanachi loves Reg as a dear friend with hard-won benefits

I'm retarded, how do you get full sized images off new twitter?

Haha, saw this pic a couple of times already but just now noticed the boobstone. Neat.


Attached: ECbJUSWUcAExDdJ.jpg (1200x900, 128K)

I think it might be my computer and not me who's retarded. It can't display _large or _orig jpg files.

change file extension to jpg

I need to know what Moogies squid pussy looks like. Is it relativley normal, four connections making it resemble an X, a jet like orifice with an interior receptor like real cephalopods. I must know

I know that feel. I need to find out how Veko's body is broken.

Attached: no.png (421x263, 55K)

That's very private, you won't learn until the wedding night.

I want to be in the theater and watch this movie, if only to hear the audience reactions to this scene.

Look. You alredy deep inside your kokoro what's going to happen. The time between chapters will become longer and longer until we have maybe 1-2 chapters per year like Berserk and some of you won't survive long enough to see it end.

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I don't want it to end.

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I already know this is a possibility, but I'm here to stay, until the mods begin to delete the threads on sight. Again.

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Do you think he smelled as good before getting the blessing?

Attached: 76029569_p0.jpg (1080x1920, 748K)

Nanachi smelled like garbage. That's part of why she smells good now, not wanting to smell bad anymore as part of her wish, on top of being a straight-up furry.

Attached: 032_Hakusei_fuu_doukeshi.jpg (1280x1806, 468K)

>slav bun esl is drunk already
sasuga user-kun

Attached: D4H4zvyUEAI7BJk.jpg (500x296, 32K)

it's been about 150 days now since the last chapter.
Is he dead/in jail?

What is Veko's deepest wish?

New chapters? What's that?

Also Riko is the ideal wife, you cannot change my mind, fuck off Ozenfags and Nanachi trap-lovers

Attached: riko.jpg (700x990, 528K)

if her vague longing in running away from home and how quickly she took to Iru is any indicator, it's to be truly needed and loved.

Some lines imply there may be more going on though, it's not been revealed what she meant by this for instance.

Attached: x7.png (872x1236, 694K)

Reminder that Tsukushi calls Nanachi "her" on his twitter.

Reminder that twitter translator is a mess

t. user that doesn't speak a modicum of japanese

Attached: D74XaZeUIAAVnkV.jpg (768x1024, 129K)

who's he?

that's nanachi! He was a stinky orphan and then became a good smelling fluffy boi!
Reg loves him.

Attached: DLjPmcUW4AA-2Es.jpg (1111x1111, 180K)

The delicious smelling Nanachi before he got fluffed.

Attached: 76175454_p0.jpg (600x600, 256K)

I think Veko would have been very cute as a boy

Attached: x500.png (435x379, 111K)

I hope that Riko is heading towards certain death.
I don't want there to be an ascension or salvation.

Attached: sc.png (699x627, 848K)

don't give me that look riko, you're clearly bisexual anyway

Attached: DS2oag0U0AEe02b.jpg (1200x984, 143K)

Should I get this riceball for my Nanachi nendoroid?

Attached: Re-ment-Miniature-March-Comes-in-Like-a-Lion.jpg (400x371, 41K)

yo is this real?

cause i'm ded

Attached: aquachibi.jpg (128x128, 8K)

Tukushi already said there won't be an ascension.

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Attached: veko67.png (224x277, 97K)

real question is which character has the best child bearing hips


My wife Nanachi has pretty wide hips.

Attached: 1531426956529.jpg (549x1098, 256K)

>No chapter on the 20th
Looks like the chapter drought continues.

show figure with timestamp that says "I love reg's pp"
I will provide advice after

Yes, user. That's really real.

Those hips don't look particularly wide to me.
Both her and reg's pants are just huge.

Attached: 1565728924395.jpg (1600x1128, 557K)

i'd still smash

Attached: vekocensored.png (1084x1538, 1.48M)

Attached: 1565838040666.jpg (1200x1047, 283K)

a classic

and a very beautiful image

Attached: 001_Numasoko_Namazu.jpg (958x1202, 227K)

You cropped out the most beautiful half of that image.

Attached: 1554667065343.jpg (648x1098, 295K)

The full picture was already posted.

Oh well, no harm in posting additional regs.

Attached: 1557632553126.jpg (943x1200, 96K)

Attached: Fappy dreams of nine-year-olds.jpg (197x186, 16K)

>the file name of the image
either i'm forgetting something or it's some sort of joke

Attached: Shotabot.png (803x1139, 1.74M)

hi-res when???

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Attached: ECbCYrzUYAIAYjR.jpg (1536x2048, 707K)

Upgrade to oldtwitter bro. Also, some of the old extensions keep breaking, where it goes to the page of the tweet when you click on it rather than having it pop up.

Attached: newtwitter.jpg (494x832, 122K)

What possible advantage could there be to making a robot a little boy?


I wonder if they've finished animating the movie yet. Still 4-5 months out.

Attached: D5VnCqaUUAAay7T.jpg (2048x1360, 193K)

I feel like we'll see the end of MiA before Berserk. MiA is "50% done" while Berserk is "75% done". Of course this is just what the authors say, it could be shorter or longer. MiA has 50 chapters left, and at 3-4 chapters a year, it'll be finished in about 15 years. Comparatively, Berserk has 100+ chapters left. Even at the same pace, it'll take 30 years for it to complete.

As you reach the borrow of the abyss, the flow of time for you changes relative to on the surface. Even though months or even years should pass, those in the lower layers only experience a few chapters

at present, iruyuumi

Attached: EBdmEX_UYAIkanW.png (605x800, 147K)

>surely it will come out this month
Simply lol

papa's rod or papa pole?

The pole, of course.

Why do the things in the 7th layer look like some spinning eyeballs and cog wheels

Attached: we just dont know bun.jpg (500x334, 29K)

nnaaa -ok

Shits gonna get lovecraftian at that point probably, as if it isn't already creepy enough.

yfw lyza has already merged with the abyss core and became an elder god

I'm expecting some gravity weirdness, also the forcefield no longer being strictly vertical and having dangerous whorls and eddies. (good thing bun can see it)

>cog wheels
The Abyss is already full of old robots with some kind of Abyss-related duty, right?
>spinning eyeballs
The Abyss has been routinely killing everyone above it every couple thousand years, and quite possibly purging much of the world. There's probably some extradimensional cosmic bullshit going on down there that the robots and machinery are either containing or perpetrating.
Maybe it's something that would make the planet uninhabitable if left unattended and the regular extinctions are a way of reducing pressure. Maybe it's an intentional anti-progress engine made by regretful humans living in a futuristic nightmare. Maybe Tsukushi will be a fag and leave it ambiguous.

That would definitely be interesting.

I wonder if the curse will change if they go deeper though? I know at this point dying is probably the worst outcome, but it'd be interesting if it kept changing past that as well, could even be something weird like that the curse flips after a certain depth and starts giving you health benefits or some shit.

The curse could be worse. It could start becoming solid or something.

>starts giving you health benefits
Mitty does look pretty healthy to me

Or it will just incinerate you when you ascend like Regs weapon

I mean if anything that would make it a lot simpler to deal with because you'd at least be able to see it like Nanachi does.

I'm half expecting a rip-off of Megaman Legends ending where they'll find out the island is some big lab experiment being conducted by an ancient AI. They erase life off the island every 2,000 years to reset the experiment.

Just seems like you can't really get any WORSE than 'melting into an amorphous blob and dying in horrible pain', so making it 'you die but just a little different' would be kind of boring. I'd hope the curse would either stay the same from this point on, or actually have some weird effects that may still be bad, but might not outright kill you.

>no suffering
What the fuck do you think this hole is

>142 already

>Looking around waiting for something to happen, but nothing happens
>Hours go by, nothing happens at all
>You look and feel perfectly healthy
>Suddenly, you get a vicious pain in your lungs
>Parasitic maggot-like creatures crawl out of the lungs and find their way out of the body, be it through the mouth and anus, or by force
>The maggots escape quickly and bury into the nearby area, presumably to fuck someone up later like anything in the abyss
>The ones that survive have what is comparable to smoker lungs and a painful raspy voice until they die while fearing if any didn't escape the body and will come out later, but the ones that die do so in extreme agony
>Also those parasites mature quickly into carnivorous bees that want to go back inside, and have a strong homing sense that lets them find their original host, no matter what

There are many species capable of those. Anything that deals with physical body assaults sounds pretty unimpressed for a curse in the bottom layer.

spotted the feminist scum

thats just the flower bugs but less impressive

The 20th has come and gone... where's the chapter?

the 20th of which month though?

September for sure this time

During my time in these threads I have been called so many names like faggot, pedo, cyclops, etc. but this is the first one to legitimately catch me off guard. What makes you think I'm a feminist?

Attached: !!.png (140x174, 20K)

Attached: file.png (438x393, 169K)

Fluffy ________

literally me on the left

did they rescued nanachi already?

No, she died trying to protect mitty from reg and faputa when they destroyed the village

It was just Faputa at that point speedreader. Regu was already pacified by Veko's warm fuheh's on his pp. No bunny blood on the robot's hands.

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Attached: sdfgsdfthiscn.jpg (491x215, 37K)

i'm really hoping he is working closely on the movie. here is hoping it is an animated masterpiece to make up for the 1 chapter of 2019.


formerly guffawed

I love my husband Regu

Will Tsukushi get V& before the series is done

Where's my Made in Abyss video game, Yea Forums

That's dumb.

How about: you are physically incapable of leaving and time stops, cursing you with immortality.

Attached: 26.png (872x1236, 706K)

How about the abyss just fucking unbirths you.

That's what Ilblu does.

Attached: file.png (445x471, 189K)

>received the form of their desire

>the perfect form to receive (you)s for all eternity

Soon. Then we'll need a translation.

Attached: made_in_abyss_RPG_game.webm (480x360, 2.95M)

Not soon enough.


For what?


Getting ground into patties with Riko!

Attached: 1535125813760.png (357x600, 60K)

Getting punched in the nose by Riko!

Attached: riko.jpg (600x624, 56K)


Attached: 74BF3075-2066-4935-8C1C-74108A7266D5.jpg (732x687, 151K)

punched by best girl sounds like a win to me

Right? Fluffy little fists going pomf against you sounds nice.

What does Regu see in Riko? She doesn't deserve him.

He's a boy of simple desires.

Attached: image1.jpg (878x759, 197K)

Moogie-san would probably get addicted to the feel of a human's significantly warmer body on and inside of her.

He has stockholm syndrome by having been first discovered by Riko.

Riko has precious little in terms of squishy bits.

Once you penetrate their ass they are your bitch forever.

so I just need to penetrate his ass even better

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Damaged used goods.

Pretty little trampled flower.

Attached: 1559015361498.png (1080x1350, 1.68M)

that ruler Riko sticked up Reg's ass is the entire reason we even have the series to begin with

the most based poster in this entire thread

I wonder if mark is a white whistle on the surface with his sunglasses yet

It was painfully obvious to anyone who paid attention to the manga that she was always a woman and the mentally ill took his innocent, childlike twitter jokes to heart and demanded any and all instances of her gender mentioned be neutralized with extreme prejudice. The fact that most of them have only seen the anime which changes her character a bit to make her seem less feminine only added fuel to that fire, no one gave a single fuck before that.

probably not, i'd say about 3 months minimum passed and 9 months max passed on the surface

Nanachi's Big Beautiful Brown Bunny Penis.

Attached: 1554059737413.jpg (1024x1024, 104K)

i'd still fuck


Attached: Cry.gif (500x281, 983K)

January 17th, 2020 (Japan release i think)


it's pinkish red you prude
and everytime she frots with reg he cums first like a ponkotsu

I bet Regu's pp twitches and nothing comes out but then when Bun cums both of their cocks get totally covered in blessed seed

i get hard to the sheer thought of that

dry orgasms are wonderful

Attached: kk.jpg (182x200, 13K)

Sure, but he's a ponkatsu without sperm or a refractory period, so me and nanachi can just keep him cumming.

Attached: 1565787139272.png (1376x1376, 2.03M)

lucky bastard

>eternally cumming regu

Attached: EAlXf7YUEAA42Ms.jpg (281x169, 16K)

On the one hand, they really are.
On the other hand, i really want to taste his crystal clear shotabot gender fluids.

Attached: 1557632875980.jpg (1024x768, 101K)

but wait, what if when Reg orgasm he fires an incinerator shot from his penis

If that were, Faputa would be long dead.

Attached: Faputa's reg.png (545x397, 193K)

Incinerate this thread.

No. Please. I need it. Months without a chapter...

The degeneracy is peaking, if my wife was left out of it I wouldn't care.

well i didn't see Reg orgasm in that particular moment

Peak degeneracy with Regu !

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I wish to be a roboboy

I wish it were mine instead, people are obsessed with the rabbit though; you knew this before you married her.

Attached: DvQkuLzUUAMmbxO.jpg (242x303, 22K)

Is there any other manga with exploring the unknown and mystery/fantasy theme?

I saw Bune at the gym today
(see bottom left)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-21_at_16.38.09.png (1271x673, 916K)

I have a home gym, and he needs to stop skipping leg day.

Attached: 71880737_p0.jpg (1800x1500, 802K)

Those legs look huge to me.
There's a cast shadow on it that makes his shin look tiny at first glance.

Good thing my wife Ozen is safe from the worst of this filth.

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Nanachi isn't as good as Riko or Vueko on the waifu list in my opinion

Attached: d0ec21b1ca1d0488ce4121c8da46880a.png (900x970, 760K)

I love her outfit

Riko isn't even in the running as far as I'm concerned.
she's superficially attractive because of her looks and plucky attitude but her self destructive reckless abandon and obsession with the abyss above all else are a huge turn-off. I feel bad for whoever marries her they are liable to end up deader than Torka pretty quickly.

Attached: IMG_20190606_104952.jpg (1282x2047, 191K)

Nnaa and Faputa are the only runners.

Attached: Faputa.full.2369685.jpg (1200x1200, 140K)

nanachi has two cocks?

At least Veko and Nanachi had valid reasons for entering the Abyss, both had nothing to lose but everything to gain, well at least before they decided to do it. That changed pretty quickly for them both... Riko had friends and family and a good life ahead of her as a delver, but instead of using the advantages afforded to her, she threw it away to dive way too early and is presently being deus ex machina'd to the bottom one improbable survival after another.

She just doesn't deserve to have a plot device as strong as Regu when those other characters were completely helpless to the horrors of the abyss.

Attached: E19.png (205x269, 44K)

She'd mourn you for a few minutes


Attached: 2483AB5D-AC40-42FF-8722-FB8F6BCE0C54.jpg (653x612, 64K)

Do you not know what frotting is

I still don't understand why Faputa can't go inside the village

Because that would be actual unbirthing.

Because Iruyuumi doesn’t want her to become Wazukyan’s bbq

but it's just a place now

She would fucking eat you

Attached: Vueko_Full.png (951x665, 457K)

Ahhh nahhhh...
Probably it will be censored...

i wouldn't mind being eaten by a blonde loli

Given the amount of attention reg's penis received in season 1 i don't see why it would be.

Why doesn't Reg just shoot down and then just climb down the hole?

The comments on wiki pages are so fucking retarded holy shit

nah man imagine how her seiyuu will say it
just imagine

she is extra cute in this pose

Attached: D4v4Ez2VUAAi-Qr.jpg (599x954, 91K)

So does Reg taking her parts inside somehow overwrites this rule and now she can go in and genocide the village or is she playing another 5D chess somehow?

It might cause a strongly negative reaction from Iru to see severed parts of her daughter traded around.

Veko will die and her death will destroy the village

i doubt, also i'm glad it's not censored in polish version of manga

Care to post an example? Or you mean just in general? I'm curious about your post.

I once saw a fan comic showing Prushka's cartridging. Organ removal and all. I want to find it again, does anyone have it? There was also a reversed version.

Attached: Capture.png (200x205, 48K)

Oh that one, I might have seen it at least once, the reversed version gets posted very often, I can get you that one if you want, too lazy to look for the original, but you can check the archives.

Sure, reversed is fine.

Here you go, m8. Straight from the archives.
Next time you should check it for yourself, but this one is a freebie.

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I just started watching the anime of this today. Am I a pussy for struggling to watch episode 10? I had to keep pausing and doing other things and I just feel sick. I still didn't finish the episode. I've never watched something that's made me feel this way

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I was thinking more along the lines of almost Junji Ito's Amigara Fault, but here the curse is forcing you to go down and you cannot ascend, and at the bottom you are stuck, motionless and immortal in complete darkness.
I'd also guess that the first layer of the abyss is actually the surface of the planet, and that the bottom is actually the 9th layer, with the final maelstrom layer 8. Maybe there's ruins of an impossibly ancient golden city at the bottom that was swallowed by the abyss's true nature (Which should never be fully revealed). Maybe a few survivors from countless ages are down there, and maybe a few escape every 2000 years to repopulate the planet after everything on the surface dies.
Or, Tsukushi could have it so that the "bottom" isn't really the bottom and that there is one final layer, an endless void, such that the abyss is literally an abyss.
But whatever the case, I don't see Riko leaving this place alive, or at least as a human. If she does leave, then when she returns, due to the time dilation weirdness that Ozen mentioned, the surface world could have already been dead for centuries, maybe even millennia after the abyss wakes up and eats everyone.

You have to admit, this is some seriously fucking impressive surgical skills to be able pull something like this off.

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My wife is so cute

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Seeing as it has apparently become costume to spoonfeed:

Attached: How to make a cartridge 2.png (849x4810, 3.79M)

I wonder how many people are simply postponing their suicide until Berserk ends. Of course, if they feel it will never end then there's no reason not to just do it, so this good deed is a delicate balancing act for these kinds of authors.

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Hopefully there's no more chapters, I wouldn't kill myself but I would be destroyed if I have to witness her die, and I probably will if it continues.

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The transformations could become a little more directed, maybe. Like instead of a blob, a monster that's also a threat to others. I'm not making it sound that interesting but at least it's on the same vector.

Yes, you are a pussy, but then again the scene is pretty well done, the voice acting and the sound direction makes it even more excruciating than it should be.

How was episode 13?

read the manga mate, the 5th layer is a blast

It's a piece of art

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Is this a YouTube anime fan reviewer dude? Don't think MiA is legal in the UK.

She doesn't like things with extra eyes.

I didn't know Faputa was a fan of MMA.

Attached: ECGb_nSU4AAg66L.jpg (1874x1200, 167K)

I have suicidal thoughts almost everyday, but media always keep me alive. There's also some manga, some anime, some TV show, that I'm always looking forward to and it makes me want to delay killing myself.

I think this is normal. However, as I grow older, the list of things I'm looking forward to seems to grow shorter. I still consume as many shows/games/literature as ever, but whereas I used to drop nothing, I grow increasingly comfortable with never finishing things.

Just do it already, it would save the rest of us the blog posting.

Why should you be spared?

Nothing is impossible with the power of friendship and love.


Attached: D9Bk_3oUcAAm6EY.jpg (1536x2048, 399K)

I can’t believe MiA threads have devolved into blogshit now. Look what Tsukushi is doing to this community, I’d rather scroll through the usual fetish garbage

I'd say shove it up your ass, but there's nothing to shove. Much like the new chapters, it is absent.

So, we gonna talk about what you'd stuff into what parts of what characters or ask what Tsukushi meant by this or what?

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>this community
Is this post, dare I say, cringe?

>wah, stop blogposting, talk about raping kids instead

cringe or based?

This is basically everything you are, everything else is remote controlled by it, all other body parts just makes up the life support system and functions just to keep the true (You) alive.

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>"this community"

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How many times have people compared this to Spiral Knights?

Speaking of video games, somebody has Riko's hands.

Time and time again I'm left wondering how the fuck people ruin their bodies so easily.

True (You) is cute!

7 billion people on this Earth, there's bound to be a few crazies out there.

t. retard

>no abstract concept of self
>no deep understanding of being or personhood
>probably cant even astral project
>calls other retarded

Part 1 and part 2 of the movies are being aired over in Russia. Will Vlad be generous enough to go and record it?

*takes a drag of a fag*

Yep... it's the 22nd and there's no chapter. Maybe on the 30th this time.

Attached: ECd0gzNVAAAWFTL.jpg (1254x1771, 227K)

Chapter will come in december.

Attached: D-kXubAUEAAQEP5.jpg orig.jpg (2480x3124, 373K)

Maybe he’s drawing the complete ninth volume without releasing any individual chapters beforehand!

drag a fag

And maybe my eventual fate is something better than killing myself.
It's definitely possible

There’s never a reason to kms oneself when shotabots will be real in ones lifetime.

she is infested by bug larvas and will die suffering.

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Attached: nanachi_relaxing.webm (1280x720, 3M)

Please, you think you're going to be able to own one when they come out?
You probably wont be able to afford your own car anymore, cars will be a service you share with other people like a plane because they cost as much as a house, and dont get me started on a house.
This world fucking sucks

>translate tweet

best part is they will probably be covered by the already socialized by then health care system if you're a paedophile since it's a mental illness. It would serve many purposes not the least of which is keeping you away from real kids, but also happy so that you can be a more productive person in general.

Attached: 1534533808836.jpg (730x956, 185K)

Current Berserk isn't good enough to postpone suicide.

I see we have very different visions of the future.

Attached: D76SKlIU0AAznEE.jpg orig.jpg (643x656, 40K)

What is your native language, user?
I'm guessing you don't use twitter. They fucked it up, you can't translate all messages at once now, you have to translate the entire page using an extension or chrome's page translation.

I’m sorry you live in a shithole or that no one ever taught you how to manage your finances, user.
None of those things have ever been cheaper relative to income standards.

I live in a cuntry with socialized healthcare but they just ban everything of the sort so i wouldn’t be too sure about that.
I might have to migrate to get my shotabot, but a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do !

You want your shotabot be covered by health care?

Goodnight MiA

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nanachi looks like a goat with floppy ears


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I’d rather have my own, that i worked for myself.
State mandated shotabot would probably be a low grade PONKATSU.

I just woke up.

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i wonder how prooshka poster feels about this
not that I have seen them recently

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was this posted yet

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How does this happen?

Whomst and whymst should we care.

>some nobody furry
who gives a shit

read the fucking thread

I lost my folder.


Attached: 1518229716160.png (880x1173, 1.3M)

>papa pole
Thye all left, only the most canerous of faggots can remain in these veddit threads.

Attached: 67707911.jpg (648x900, 268K)

Oh, now i get it. Because Riko hands.

I met Tsukushi at Comiket recently. He told me the chapter will be at the end of this month because he's doing a lot research with material he bought.

Regu pole

Prushka's clean white panties...

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Turns out falling asleep with your hands in a bucket of dry ice is a bad idea.


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Do you know that the brain from which all those concepts derive, is also a organ of the body, right? Yeah, your new age bullshit is solely supported by your sensorial experience and social interactions with other bodies with their own sensorial experience.

And that's the organ I love most when it comes to my cute wife.

Attached: x350.png (317x255, 108K)

Seriously, if you're so keen on killing yourself, I suspect a lack of longing, a lack of curiosity, lack of purpose, such a sad life is most likely sustained on excuses, instead of throwing your life out the window or becoming a hanging meatbag why not seek new experiences? Do like Riko and go seek the unknown, you're probably gonna meet the death you so desire anyways.

Hand holding with Regu!

I think this is called a "conversation", user. It's one of the things discussion boards used to be considered useful for.

I think you're missing the point that having something to look forward to is a useful thing to arrest suicidal thoughts. You don't need to explore the idea beyond the point that you can say to yourself "but the new MiA chapter might come out the day after I do it"--that's an *example* of a new experience. So you've got it backwards.

That said, why do you think things like experiences or a sense of purpose have any intrinsic value? Particularly when oblivion and ultimate erasure are inevitable either way, isn't the net result identical? What's the difference between dying now or later?

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>probably cant even astral project
All you people do are consciouly falling asleep and entering a dream. And you are pretty inexperienced at it and gullible, otherwise you would realize the true nature of your experience.

>I think this is called a "conversation"
About you, and your life. Just like a blog.
Quick tip, only other validation seeking retards give a fuck.
>It's one of the things discussion boards used to be considered useful for
It still very much considered useful, information about you and your life however isn't. You can go on social media for that.

Not that I even disagree wrt "astral projection", but these are also strong assertions which you can't back up.

The dualistic nature of consciousness isn't a "new age" concept at all; it's just about the oldest philosophical thread we have, whether it's ancient Egyptian mysteries or Jainism or the Zen core of Buddhism or the work of Descartes or "simulation theory" there are conceptual conflicts which can't be resolved.
Acting like you have some existential certainty which you literally cannot have makes you sound like a very cool teenager.

If you wanna talk about worthless posting, have you considered that this kind of backseat moderation meta-bitching is pure fucking white-noise?
What are you adding to the thread by complaining about a conversation which multiple people clearly find enough value in, just because you don't like the topic?

>Acting like you have some existential certainty which you literally cannot have makes you sound like a very cool teenager.
About that, I agree and don't pretend I have such a certainity. Just wanted to call bullshit on that "astral projection" part. has been my only reply in this discussion. I guess I became somewhat allergic to it.

That's actually not even the current understanding since we really don't know at this point how much of our thinking is distributed throughout the body (such as gut intelligence), parasitically/symbiotically-driven, microbiome-influenced, etc. Plus there are cognitive experiments that strongly challenge the whole paradigm, like by suggesting that much of what we think is conscious decision-making may actually be post-hoc rationalisation.

There's also the idea that cognition can have multiple loci spanning the entire hierarchy of organisation, like that there might be more than one of you simply because your brain has two hemispheres, but there might be a third you that exists virtually between those two (you)s. But each hemisphere is a neural network which can be just about infinitely broken down into collaborative sub-networks, which yield successive consensuses which they pass up the hierarchy to form higher-level consensus as you think--but that ziggurat at any given point could continue indefinitely upwards, so isn't each step also a sub-(you)? And by extension why wouldn't super-organisms, like groups of friends, or entire cultures or languages also have a consciousness just as real as you are, unaware or agnostic towards its sub-consciousnesses?
At that level a person is more like a cultural mirror which focuses a sea of information much larger than any one vessel.

Attached: 28406cicada3301_678x320_front (1).jpg (678x320, 41K)

user, why do you think that everyone who disagrees with you is the same person?

You're doing the thing you accuse me of, because I'm not the guy those posts were replying to and in fact that was my first post in the cartridge/materialism reply chain.

I miss the days when every single page on this site used to have a link to Shii's Whitepaper.

I love my wife Veko

Attached: h40.png (400x711, 271K)

Plus... there was nothing about my post which implied I thought they were the same person. They don't appear to be and I didn't make that accusation, so why would you assume I did? It's possible and common for multiple people to share similar opinions, and easy to reply to multiple people concurrently with the same answer.

I'm not the guy you're having a sperg battle with..

Like I said, was the first time I replied to those guys. I already explained that.
Oh, is this that thing they call "trolling"?

Jesus, you really are a special case.

Okay, but where are the comiket doujins?

Oh it's that thing where you embarrassed yourself with a retarded post so you act smug like you've already won somehow instead of actually making your case.

You know if you just want to jerk yourself off you could do that without shitting up the thread even more, right? You can't save face if nobody knows who you are. It's an anonymous imageboard: nobody cares besides you if you just stop posting.

Attached: 1532677318745.jpg (1091x492, 166K)

What? Now I'm confused.

First user:
, , , , Second user:
Third user:
, Now who the hell are you and what kind of point are trying to make?

You know what? NVM, fuck this thread, go ahead and kill yourself.
New chapter never. Manga in Abyss.

Attached: nananana nananana res.png (1000x1500, 373K)

just came into the thread, whats with this stream of autistic samefag accusations/tracking? are you guys that bored because there's no new chapter?


Attached: 64740646_p0.jpg (733x500, 224K)

In this current depressing year it feels like 10% of every single thread is this exact stupid bullshit from morons who somehow don't understand the concept of anonymity and also can't read textual voice well enough to make accurate samefag accusations.

>I miss the days when every single page on this site used to have a link to Shii's Whitepaper.
We legitimately need this back, or a modernised version of it.

This isn't new, it's been a consistent thing itt since 2018.

So far I only watched the anime and enjoyed it quutr a nur
Should U kick up the manga aswnll? Is it worthn it? Or does the Qualiyy nosedove unit the abyss if you can forgkve me the pub haha

Should be a one piece to fit the theme but whatever.

Attached: D3o-U2qUwAIJHsj.jpg (799x731, 142K)

Somebody call an ambulance, user is having a stroke.

Asking the real questions.
If there were ever a comiket i need scans of, it's this one.

Attached: EBph8HQVAAAfLHQ.jpg (884x1195, 223K)

Are you okay esl-kun?

I don't know what the fuck you're saying but I have a similar question.

I just finished the japanimation cartoon too and downloaded a 6-volume torrent, should I start from the beginning or pick up from where the show ends?

Would you start halfway through a movie if you had read the first half of a movie?
Also, why haven't you downloaded all 8 volumes?


This isn't a movie though, it's a comic book from which a serialised cartoon has been adapted that I've just watched. That's the situation.
I'm planning on starting from the beginning because the art is great, but sometimes people have strong opinions about this exact shit when it comes to animes so I thought I'd ask since it might also answer whatever the fuck drunkanon is trying to say.

Cuyes he ot toouoout, its just my keyboars acting uupupp

Sure it is, that's why some words have a shit ton of extra letters while others are just missing a letter.

"So far I only watched the anime and enjoyed it quite a lot. Should I pick up the manga as well? Is it worth it? Or does the quality nosedive in the abyss if you can forgive me the pun haha"
Okay, this one is easy.
But what the fuck is "Cuyes he ot toouoout"?

bbubut its the tritt I'?nnonnot drunkI Meeaeaeantto write "cut it out"
But thanks you gzys anywax

I honestly have a far stronger opinion about adding s's to uncountable nouns than whether you start halfway through a story.
It's one's own loss if they decide to skip out on Tsukushi's early chapters.

>Berserk chapter out
>no MiA

it's not fair, bros...

It was my intention to be upsetting with my word choices so thanks for appreciating me user

Read the fucking book.

Attached: made_in_abyss_book.png (500x775, 471K)

you're still here

Attached: tiredeyesoflove.png (405x195, 91K)

The plays are better, you cretin.

who's sending this to tsukushi telling him that he was a big fan of the show

quads of truth

Wtf? How do you even manage that?

Attached: riko.png (354x286, 59K)

do not underestimate autism

Miura unironically dropped Bersek in favor of his new project manga with lolis and shotas
Last chapters were rushed as fuck and with an huge as a barn plothole in between them too
He just jumped off that ship for the the next 5-10 years

Veko fuheh

is that even the actual story though? i don't want to go to twitter to find out

>No comiket scans

Because everyone is sinning by necrobumping


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What about them

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they're cute, especially when they're shotabots

Cute and funny shotabots

I was feeding a spider a moth and I realized the gum dude has a point. Faputa couldn't get out of sticky stuff with that fluff. Just trap her in sticky stuff and smash her like the bug she is.



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It's silly and wholesome when it's shotas.
For future reference.

Attached: D8JlyTiU8AA7dss.jpg (813x1200, 246K)

Everything is silly and wholesome when it'\s shotas.
Even sex.

Attached: D-nU1qhU0AA8I8T.jpg large.jpg (1061x933, 148K)

>gum dude

Would we really do that?

The movie comes out in january, right? how long until the bluray comes out afterwards?

Also wheres the bd rips of the 2 compilation movies?

Tiring day of work + heavy sedative + no spotter does that.

I wonder how much fun he's having right now.

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Nanachi fluffyness is overrated

Nanachi is my wife and I can attest, her fluffiness is top-tier and in no way "overrated"

big bun cock

Is "Nanachi is a girl" a meme?

No, but "Nanachi is a boy" is.

I hate the "Nanachi has a gender" shit. The author said Nanachi has no gender. But if you must give Nanachi one, all the contextual clues in the manga points to boy_

Attached: 1566518433638.png (994x1388, 1.36M)

I think he dropped the manga

He dropped it in the trash?

I can’t believe Tukushi actually died.

I didn't know it was possible for a man to die of dehydration from fapping to too much shota and loli porn on twitter. Truly /ourguy/ to the end.

Just booked a flight to attend Tsukushi's funeral.

He didn't say no gender, he said it hasn't been revealed.

From reading his comments in one of the artbooks I get the impression that playing with that androgynous boundary is an artistic fascination of his. Like that he's motivated to work with characters of this age partly because features of sexual differentiation can become confusing and small details can have a great impact. On one page he talks about how tempted he was to make a character female, but conceptually stuck to keeping him male while intentionally obfuscating the gender somewhat.

My point is that Nanachi seems like a character which intentionally doesn't obligate him to decide, or that lets him temporarily change his mind depending on the illustration according to whim.
So it's a fair riddle to contemplate but you might be debating what sex he might eventually settle on in the future, not which one Nanachi secretly is currently.

I think we could infer that he might have a tendency to lean a particular way, but he could eventually choose the opposite specifically to counterbalance that tendency.

Why am I seriousposting about rabbit gooch? Because the thread has sucked since that last spergfest.

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Not the other guy but, If its any consolation I agree with you on this.

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I was surprised to find i was the only attendee above the age of 9.

None of these guys look 9 to me.

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I want Ozen to stomp on my balls so hard the floor breaks.

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I wonder if young Ozen was cute or if she was a creep app along.

Man. The auctioning off of Tsukushi secret 2 petabyte stash of loli/shota porn is going to be insane. I'm already asking out loans from my parents/relatives in addition to my bank in order to purchase just a portion of his stash.

Delete ozenfags

You can clearly see she is cute at all ages tho.

I’m gonna go for all his prints. You know there’s gonna be buttloads of stuff no one butt Tukushi ever saw.
And then i won’t scan a single one!

Old hag Ozen is many things, arguably including hot, but she is not cute.

Bastard died before i could ask him all the intricacies of Moogies anatomy. If you get anything send it my way.

You're evil! Pure evil!!!

Attached: riko.png (200x217, 48K)

same except I will burn each and every one I get my hands on

I spent the past few hours cropping porn images even though I'm never going to post them.

What if Tsukushi forgot to turn on his autosave on his Photoshop like last time?

My favorite character and top handsome guy on the left

Does stepping on that guy in exchange for value count as prostitution? Is Nanachi a whore, or at least considering becoming one?


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The girl i'm dating is lusting over Reg, shoud i be worried?

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>dating a girl


She has a fat dick so it's ok

Everybody lusts over him, so there's no need to worry.
Me too, even if I'm not really interested in men otherwise.
I wouldn't let him touch my girl though.

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You should just learn to share, there's enough Reg for everyone.

you're telling me you wouldn't want to fuck Reg?

I'm worried she wouldn't share him with me

Attached: 1547765040124.png (526x496, 101K)

that girl isn't a keeper then

>cringe or based?
Fucking based.

He's back at it again fellas. 24 days since the last time he was online.

Attached: 19-08-24 00-01_0.ts_snapshot_00.07_[2019.08.24_00.29.44].jpg (547x359, 46K)

>1st post in the thread is announcing streams

At least Moogie man can ask him questions. Or get you to translate for him.

There's probably a facility down there somewhere with hundreds of Regs. Enough for everybody. So many that no matter how many times you blow out his o-ring there will be a replacement.

Guys, if you would, please refrain from talking about your girlfriends/boyfriends. I want a MiA for so long, so please don't trigger me by talking about your MiA gfs/bfs. Thank you.

>I want a MiA for so long

Attached: ovtiwdhoy3l11.png (386x365, 27K)

tsukush workin . good.

Attached: 1513122141941.gif (272x288, 398K)

Wanted to say "MiA gf", but said MiA instead BECAUSE I'M WAITING FOR THE FUCKING CHAPTER

I haven't read the manga yet, but the way Reg's anal sphincter was described in the anime sounds potentially aggressive. It may possess some sort of self-defence function against intruding objects, given the overall resiliency of his design.

If it could snap a ruler in half... well...

>Tsukushi is talking about Miura coming back from hiatus
I wonder if he'll do the same...

>Tsukushi talking about Miura's new manga
How would you react if Tsukushi comes out with a new manga too?

>How would you react if Tsukushi comes out with a new manga too?
Depends on how good and pedolicious the new one is.

I'd prefer he continue MiA but if he's got artist's block or whatever for it, then it's better that he starts a new one and later continues MiA than that he just makes nothing at all.

Attached: __regu_and_riko_made_in_abyss_drawn_by_tsukushi_akihito__3c0ec292b52f0ccfdabf973a5c9af147.jpg (1280x1006, 410K)

That's literally a brainlet wojak

And he was unconscious, meaning this defence protocol is autonomous. Maybe even if he loves you.

Doesn't matter if he's not the one receiving !

Attached: 1564351198029.jpg (1448x2048, 204K)

Same. I'm okay with him starting something new (if it's short) of it's some one-off like Star Strings. I don't really care if he takes a long break from MiA, as long as he finishes it.

How do you receive it when Regu is so smol?

Attached: have_an_aubergine.png (410x217, 118K)

Wow, user, you're such a faggot.

My fantasies happen to involve me being the little girl

Attached: 1552734894610.png (1052x750, 301K)

He's goofing off and drawing random sketches. And of course he's talking about children's nipples and now little boys and little girls have different ones.

Attached: stream.png (615x403, 39K)

Is that canon? So far it has left an impression on everybody.

Just speculation, but it seems like a perfect application for the material which makes up his arm cables.

And don't forget the most important part of a child's body! The Tsukushihole!

Attached: stream.png (497x402, 32K)

>i can catch up within the next hour

>Riko's rapidly developing body
Now that looks very delicious, based Tsukushi.

What's that difference?
I'm not as... invested in this stuff as him, but I find his anatomical insights artistically fascinating. Dude is a fucking master of his domain.

Tsukushi never slacks on how to make his characters better for child-making, truly /ourguy/

link to stream pls?

No can't do, but I'll give you a hint. You can find it on Nico.

Nevermind, I just realised the elementary school's swimming pool down the street only has a chain link fence.

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>tfw the tip hurts when touched

>Tsukushi: Ah, Miura-san! What a great chapter! And to break your hiatus on the 30th anniversary of your manga too!
>Miura: Thank you so much, Tsukushi-san! Speaking of that, when do you plan to come back from your hiatus?
>Tsukushi: Well, I've been having a lot of fun lately! And with Comiket over, I need a break to enjoy my treasures, of course!

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>people talking to Tsukushi in English
Bad idea.


There's like 2 comments , and 1 is using Google translate. He prefers that since he doesn't have to copy and paste the text himself.

Anyone who unironically thinks Nanachi is a male needs to off themselves

There's a chance they probably will.

He's done.

Attached: stream.png (1048x717, 312K)

So 2 (actually 1, since he played around for 1) hours. 2 panels and 3 characters sketched but not inked.

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You mean to tell me user would just go on the internet and lie like that?

Birb and Chosen Old man whistles!
well at least they're mentioned

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Lazy boi

Is the thing Srajo is carrying on his back bigger here or am I imagining things?

it has always been bigger

he gathered more children

Is bonedrewd crazy enough to put his hands into dry ice and then amputate?

Even crazier, he'd put his entire body.

New chapter this year?

no lmao
though to keep a 1 volume a year pace, which is his deadline, won't he have to picku p the pace a little? Half a year without even starting, after all.

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God fucking dammit i missed it

the whole thing is here

I had questions about Moogie i wanted to ask him

There's always next time.

But how many months and years is that ?

i don't know, roll some dice or something

While I'm glad to see him working, those panels look like a lot of exposition with little progression.

uh oh

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Vekoanon must be banned

this is one of those fights you're meant to lose, isn't it
I mean what can nanachi do she's too fluffy to even do unarmed damage

Perhaps it's a boss battle you need to evade and escape from, run through a door and have it close behind you. Then grab your starting gear and let Reg fight him for you.

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No its one of those deconstruction bosses were the bondrewd will stand there have a pleasant conversation with nanachi then leave to do something else. if you dont attack him that is

>bumplimit reached

Attached: bumpbun.png (654x526, 225K)

well shit