Let's be honest with ourselves, current anime is a complete joke compared to patrician old anime.
Let's be honest with ourselves, current anime is a complete joke compared to patrician old anime
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Fuck off
i miss the aesthetic (fuzziness/blur etc) and the early 90s english openings
True, but newfags will have a hard time accepting it. Remember, there are people on Yea Forums now that grew up on SAO and SnK.
LOL, says the pirate who contributes absolutely nothing the jap animation industry and entertainment. You can only leech off what tv animes that are being sold to the japanese audience.
The inly thing I miss are the beautiful color palettes, it's a shame that with even today's technology, we can't seem to replicate cel painting
Great pic. I forgot this had an anime
CG is cancer
>CG is cancer
Oh yes, I am sure it is.
How come current anime is so bad bros
> old good
> new bad
That looks like shit you delusional bootlicker
Oh yes, I am sure it does.
We're getting more and more "half-assed canned adaptions of a mango/LN/WN" because producers found the formula to be somewhat successful, and originals focus on getting that sweet merchandise/record label money while the stories are written by monkeys that throw shit at a wall and see what sticks
>Actually capable of remembering old anime when it aired, unlike the LARPing children itt
Fuck off, it was terrible
Did you choose SAO and nothing from ufotable or WIT purposely to annoy people? Because it is working.
Ufotable and WIT are garbage studios. Not only is A1 more competent than both of them, Ordinal Scale is also easily one of the most well animated movie of the decade. Not something that applies to anything those two meme studios of yours produced.
Thanks for agreeing.
But both studios have more impressive cuts that utilise CG than either of the SAO ones you posted.
Okay bro, sure you do.
>impressive cuts
kVINs blog is that way.
I think both eras have their diamonds. Although old anime have their fair share of mishaps, it also had far fewer anime. The market has commercialized to a point where we get like 40-60 anime per season so there's bound to be a lot of mediocre stuff in there. I also think that because we've had some really good anime in the past people are holding everything up to that standard which is just unrealistic. Not every anime can be above 8/10 every season. There is no entertainment or artistic medium on earth that can reach that bar. So just look oit for those few diamonds in the rough and chill. However when it comes to a stylistic preference you can of course hunger for that older style, better or not.
Asking me to provide examples and then telling me they're all shit would have been less insulting than whatever boogieman nonsense this is supposed to mean, but you do you.
You would have posted some low resolution SnK background textures or atrociously bad CG ufo effects, likely from Yaiba, anyway. The reason why the CG in those SAO clips is good is because it is unintrusive. The color palettes match and the staff even switched from CG to speedlines/hand drawn backgrounds during segments that didn't require the dynamic 3D background anymore. all while utilizing high resolution textures for the three dimensional objects. There's a difference between relying on CG as a central puzzle piece, and utilizing CG as a mere tool to make an otherwise impossible to animate sequence more dynamic. WIT and Ufo shit are the former.
It looked jarring and out of place in movement. Completely takes you out of the experience.
Anime tropes annoy me regardless when it came out
Anyone here still watch VHS?
No, because I lived when VHS was common and saw the transition from VHS to DVD first hand and VHS was always trash quality. I can't imagine anyone would willingly watch a VHS these days except 14 year olds that weren't around when they were the only choice.
VHS is perfectly fine. You sound bitter and jaded.
I'm an old granpa grizzled ancient fart (33) I do not miss fansub tapes at alk. Holy shit. Yeah I guess it is nostalgic, but I prefer more accurate translations and torrents.
>bitter and jaded
>because I don't watch things in shit quality if I don't have to
I don't think DVDs were generally affected by the DNR nonsense that's common with blurays so there's really no reason I can see to watch a VHS version of something if it's available on DVD. Though I would probably take most DNR'd blurays over watching a VHS copy of something. Being nostalgic for VHS is stupid imo.
The remaster of logh was shit
For some reason I find the way Americans talked in the 80/90s really endearing. Also, here's a thread from the 90s about living in Japan: ampontan.wordpress.com
Someone should really update that CG frame, that's a terrible example
Even going through the decade torrents I probably only downloaded 25% of the available series/movies. Don't kid yourself. There was a lot of shit then as well, we just got really curated selections back in the day
What, from Golgo?
The digitally redrawn scenes did stick out a lot. I can't think of any other series that's had digitally redrawn portions for a remaster though. I still don't know if I'd want to sacrifice the video quality of the non-redrawn scenes just to see the original scenes that were redrawn. Some of the original scenes that were redrawn do legitimately look pretty bad though.
No, the other one
Unless you're willing to tell me you've watched every anime in multiple years before 1995, I don't believe
>VHS is perfectly fine
As someone who very much lived spent childhood recording shows and old episodes of Pokemon, YGO and Digimon off the TV believing he'd never see them again and praying they wouldn't fuck up, no. I will never not be happy with the way media viewing formats changed.
I can understand the appeal of something like a CRT and watching old stuff on that, but not VHS' like as a medium
>The color palettes match and the staff even switched from CG to[...] hand drawn backgrounds during segments that didn't require the dynamic 3D background anymore
The difference you are describing is inane.
>colour palettes match
>has handdrawn backgrounds when 3D is unnecessary
>doesn't look low quality (not that the SAO clip looks particularly high res, I can only assume you are referring to true shittiness like the forests in SnK)
How are these any more intrusive than what you posted?
Is uncanny valley the right word for this? It doesn't look like it all blends together correctly.
Holy shit my eyes.
based YKK poster
A lot of 80s anime were shitty too
I warned Yea Forums. I warned them about that shit when it was airing. Nobody listened and just wanted to meme about the girl eating bread.
>mostly HGX Gold
>every tape has a reference number
>My Nieghbor Totora
>has the improved My Nieghbor Totoro a few tapes down, but kept the original
>tilting the Zillion logo correctly
>fancying up the What's Michael? and Porco Rosso logos
>tries to give each one a little personality
I'm not going to comment on the comparative state of anime today, but I would like newer fans to look at this photo.
There is so much love for the medium in this picture that it just feels good to look at.
Done in private without judgmental accusations of autism or anything like that.
Not trying to impress online people, or even a friend who visits. He wants to give each title and tape the respect it deserves.
I love everything about it, and it gives a glimpse into the mindset of who collected in the 90s.
i shall remind them
Go away.
Does Kaguya look like an immitation of reality to you?
Don't really understand this critique. Technical perfection doesn't mean just reproducing reality. There were movies in the past that were down to Earth and just looking to reproduce reality, even with film was relatively new. I don't know if this guy is talking about movies or something else though. People like Picasso are probably considered the height of technical perfection of the movement they were in and yet Picasso painted tons of shit that wasn't about reproducing reality. I don't see the relation between technical perfection and the content that is being produced. Anime too in the past had tons of immitations of reality and today there's tons of non-immitations of reality. Doesn't seem to be any relation.
Naw post 2015 anime really caught up again after anime kinda went to shit after 2012 after briefly being good again for the first time in a while. Best overall was 80s for ovas and shorter series and late 90s to super early 00s before digital fully caught on which looked extra shit at first too because style didnt always translate. People don't remember the sheer amount of garbage from the mid to late 00s or realize how much of what was airing anime in the 90s was cheap long running trash.
>People don't remember the sheer amount of garbage from the mid to late 00s
Or the early 00s
It's the imperfections that make things beautiful, like the crack in the liberty bell. You'll understand when you're older.
People should like CGI and cheap digital animation then since those carry quite a lot of imperfections.
Shit taste.
>American history or anything related to its pseudo culture
Piss off, burger.
Do you not know what the liberty bell is? Without the crack it's just a normal bell. It gets it's character from that one imperfection. That's literally what makes it an art piece.
Madoka > every boomer anime to ever exist
That’s true.
I forgot.
>I was born in 1998 and watched a bunch of "classic" anime from a rec chart, that makes me an expert
Fuck off newfag. Come back when you've seen 300 anime.