Why are megane always the worst and ugliest girls?

Why are megane always the worst and ugliest girls?
Why even put one in your story?

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Watch more anime and you'll find some you like, you newfag.

Why is OP always a faggot?

To make the other girls look better

Correction, farsighted megane are the worst and ugliest.

Nearsighted megane are the best.

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OP is a colossal faggot and needs to be socked in the face!

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You're the gayest user I saw the entire year, congratulations, you colossal faggot.

You arseholes and your shite taste are the reason why Yea Forums has become the shitehole it is now.

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Why me? Read my post again, faggot I detest megane and I wish all of them could be packed in trains and brought into Auschwitz

Their role is to lose and suffer

Look at his retarded post. He's a dumb spic that thinks threads should all be shounenshit.

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Kill yourself

>Why are megane always the best and most beautiful girls?

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She's literally best girl, and not even a part of the harem

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meganes A SHIT

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Mate your taste is fucking shite. Fuck off

If you wanted a megane thread, you could've just asked OP.

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So much deranged taste, except for , this idiot , and .

Megane are truly the shit show of anime, like I already said.

Only true men of culture can appreciate such bespecled beauty.

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They really are shit.

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