Why are megane always the worst and ugliest girls?
Why even put one in your story?
Why are megane always the worst and ugliest girls?
Watch more anime and you'll find some you like, you newfag.
Why is OP always a faggot?
To make the other girls look better
Correction, farsighted megane are the worst and ugliest.
Nearsighted megane are the best.
OP is a colossal faggot and needs to be socked in the face!
You're the gayest user I saw the entire year, congratulations, you colossal faggot.
You arseholes and your shite taste are the reason why Yea Forums has become the shitehole it is now.
Why me? Read my post again, faggot I detest megane and I wish all of them could be packed in trains and brought into Auschwitz
Their role is to lose and suffer
Look at his retarded post. He's a dumb spic that thinks threads should all be shounenshit.
Kill yourself
>Why are megane always the best and most beautiful girls?
She's literally best girl, and not even a part of the harem
meganes A SHIT
Mate your taste is fucking shite. Fuck off
If you wanted a megane thread, you could've just asked OP.
So much deranged taste, except for , this idiot , and .
Megane are truly the shit show of anime, like I already said.
Only true men of culture can appreciate such bespecled beauty.
They really are shit.