Is it any good ?

does it have ACTUAL yuri or just yuri bait ?

Attached: wataten.png (300x450, 76K)

it has a Miyako-nee

Attached: wata.jpg (2627x1081, 976K)

It is yuri and published in Yuri Hime. There are those who would say otherwise, but those are subhumans who are desperate to believe that the girls would fuck them.

Post the gif and get it over with. Also fuck off until you watched 3 episodes.

Miyako is literally made for marriage

with girls

Watch it coward.

If you're in it for yuri, you'll enjoy it.
If you're in it for lolis, you'll hate it (see ).

girls can't breed you your own cute lolis to cherish

alright i will give it a shot

is the anime better then the manga ?

Better than deep down wanting to self-insert as a girl in a lesbian relationship

It is good becase it does NOT have actual yuri.

Attached: Consider.jpg (954x720, 162K)

You're all weak. I self-insert as the Araragi to their Kanbaru - the one guy they'll want to fuck despite otherwise being exclusively lesbians.

>goes into a thread about something he doesn't like
you 100% have autism

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we did, we had 10 posts before straightniggers ruined the thread

Attached: Akira dance.gif (308x258, 108K)

But user I like yuri. What I hate is obnoxious /u/ fags though and your comment was way out of line so I thought I'd throw some dirt your way. At any rate what kind of miserable twat makes those half-baked assumptions about people with a different viewpoint? And on top of that doing it without any kind of prompt. You are the faggot with the problem

Attached: Smugx100.png (654x702, 415K)

Should I post it?

Attached: F86E0B1F-9CFC-4060-BF67-E48B53DDCB02.jpg (750x768, 465K)

Here you go.

Attached: 1548828843413.png (197x183, 41K)

>those are subhumans who are desperate to believe that the girls would fuck them
You're the obsessed autist user. No one even mentioned anything other than if WataTen was yuri but you couldn't resist opening your mouth and making this an argument.


i wasn't the one that made that post but he is right, most yurihaters are jealous retards that get mad at the fact women are able to not be attracted to them

Which Wataten meme is you're favorite?

again im not the one that made that post, but he is right and was just alerting OP of obsessed hetfags that might come and ruin the thread

imagine the smell from her braper


This kind of arrogant judgemental attitude is why people can't stand /u/ fags. Yes some people dislike yuri and they do so for a number of valid and not valid reasons but to label the bulk of those people as "jealous retards that get mad at the fact women are able to not be attracted to them" is just a poor strawman. Get a grip user. Fucking asshole.

That remove kebab webm was fantastic.

i wont, because there is no valid reason to dislike yuri (unless your reason is "i dislike romance)

>Actual yuri
When will idiots understand that it isn't an on/off switch thing, there are varying levels

Yeah, there are also the yuri-hating trannies but those are the minority

i meant when its not just infinite teasing and the girls actually do something

Miyako may look cute now but pop out a couple of kids and then...she'll still be cute just in a more mature way

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Attached: mbjs.jpg (1280x1877, 341K)

alright thread is dead, stop bumping it

You need to seriously consider getting off your high horse you conceited faggot. Maybe try being less spiteful. People have different tastes and some people don't like yuri and that's ok. Even within yuri, people have different tastes. I for example can't stand yuri with the aaangst tag. I've read a few good ones but most don't click with me.

if hetfags are obnixious falseflaggers that ruin literally every yuri thread they touch, i can be a fucking asshole too

Attached: 1561607912597.png (799x408, 206K)

What a faggot, I bet you don't like tags: Aaaaaangst, Bisexual, Drama

Sure user, be the worse person. And for the record not all of what you think are falseflags actually are falseflags, a vocal minority on /u/ (not all, just some are good people) are incredibly zealous about yuri and act almost militantly when they come to post on Yea Forums
No, but I do feel a meagre amount of pity for the anons invested in manga with those tags.


Self aware yuri bait that acknowledges how sick lewbo pedophilia is, yet it brings it in a cute and funny way.

any other good yuri manga recommendations? i finished watamote/yuruyuri/wataten/maiddragon and now i need something to fill the void until new chapters are released

actually braindead poster

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miyako has a body made for breeding

machikado mazoku

ACTUAL yuri can still be just teasing. The Japanese don't differentiate; I don't know why some of you think the word is synonymous with a romantic relationship. And also yes.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.55_[2019.02.27_02.46.42].j (1280x720, 471K)

Yea Forums is not your personal rec provider.

thanks i will read it
i dont think thats a yuri manga

Yagate kimi no naru, kase San, 1 x 1/2

His right fuck waifucuck

Exactly, if romance manga can be teasing why can't yuri be teasing? Hell we should have more yuri hybrids

You don't need to falseflag retard

Fuck waifucuck with cactus

I'm not falseflagging you paranoid faggot. And stop saying I am as a cheap attempt to invalidate my post. Fucking retard.

Yes. you are not u fag ,you are hetcancer in disguise of u

Attached: weg 04.png (1101x486, 839K)

user, serious question. Do you have learning disabilities? I can hardly understand this post since your grammar is attrocious. I presume you mean "/u/" and I use both but I only go to the recent releases thread. And there's nothing wrong with liking either yuri or het, you're just such a tribalist faggot that you cannot separate your hateboner for het from your like of yuri, as if for you the two go hand in hand. Also, aside from that, in general why are you acting like a mean-spirited cunt?

someone post it I missed it

Ah, an ad hominem. How charming. I guess you're not going to offer up any counterarguments or anything remotely worthwhile then? Also any other user would have just called you ESL-kun and told to fuck off. I was doing you the courtesy of at least letting you reply back to say something in your defence.

Mya-NeexMatsumoto is the best ship in Wataten

Attached: x14.png (1114x1600, 1.23M)

my heart

Sucks that the anime only showed up Matsumoto like a creepy stalker.

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two future housewives that will trade stories about their misbehaving children