Tohru looks like she has boobs here
Tohru looks like she has boobs here
Never in my life have I wanted to slap a character like that little shit.
She'll need them to breastfeed her children.
He's pretty much a grumpy old man at 12.
Thought about the remake? I still prefer the original desu
I never saw the original; it looks charming for what it is (that includes the fact that it seems somewhat sanitized, like with Shigure being a more straightforward good guy), but I prefer the art style of the remake to the original's weird early 2000sness, and I'm generally a purist that values faithfulness to the source material, so the remake's better in that area.
I’m the opposite. I loved the simple style of the OG and in an effort to polish the character designs and backgrounds everything seems overdone and busy
Because? Not faithful, the author hated it, cut important pieces of the story
More like bitchy MIL. An old man would just harrumph not nag like an old spinstress
Hiro a cute
Shut up, Kisa.
Mangafags does this bitch ever get btfo?
Hiro is a good boy. Don't bully.
You’re supposed to hate him user
Says who?
I love both but this one have better music.
I skipped most of this episode just to watch the cat scenes. What is the short story on Hiro/Kisa/Akito?
Why is he so much shorter here?
Isn't he only a little shorter than Tohru?
I prefer the original dub
There's no reason to at this point. Are you still going to compare the two once it gets past the part where it stopped?
Hiro is a good boy. Just not as a much of a likable tsundere as Kyo
I like the dub so far. Expect for crossdressing boy, if only because of how incredibly obvious it was that he was a guy.
This. The older art may not be as polished, but it has its charm and I will take it over the remake anyday.
Dunno about them, but I honestly thought while the manga had good ideas, they were terribly executed and I didn't care for any of the characters the original anime left out.
is this by the hentai studio collaboration works? They have very similar art styles.
>and I didn't care for any of the characters the original anime left out.
>Not liking Rin
>Not liking Uotani and Kureno's story
>Not liking Akito's entire backstory which actually has a reason for why she acts the way she does and isn't 'lol sperg'
Nah, get fucked
Hiro has a crush on Kisa, so he tells Akito he loves her, hoping for Akito's blessing. Akito instead freaks out and beats Kisa to the point she's hospitalised, at which point Hiro blames himself and turns into a self-loathing ball of sass and anger.
I'm in love with this sukeban.
Akito's backstory was terrible written. Rin was dull and so Kureno and Uotani's romance was as well.
I wish Tohru were my mom. And my sister/wife is the dark haired girl who thinks she has super powers.
>Muh mary sue god edgelord shit
Why do people like this trashy series again?
Is it because it was their first anime?
This is the most "woman" series ever.
Why the fuck don't the family just murder this bitch?
Fuck this "muh god nonsense".
I just like some of the characters. The story is dull.
It is literally a shoujo. That's like saying Dragon Ball is the most " boy" series ever
They literally physically cannot. They can't even really leave
Believe it or not just because it's Shoujo doesn't mean it has to be this godawful.
Not every Shoujo is such a roastie-tier fantasy.
And't don't compare this to DB please, DB is god-tier.
Which is why the whole thing is so cringey.
le ironic bait, nice job
those 3 dorky yankees should teach him manners
Does she not normally?
And Kakeru? The best boy?
Kind of cute, I guess. Best boy was Ayame.
Second best, maybe.
definitely best. flamboyant and embraces it. much more memorable than a good chunk of the characters.
That was one of the very few times the dub was better than the sub. I just could not get over Yuki's girl voice in the original.
Awww, you didn't like Sailor Mercury's voice?