Shingeki no Kyojin

How will they receive Annie?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Endgame brothers right here.

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No EMfags delusions allowed below this post.

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Poor Ymir-chan.

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Enter GODren, breeder of queens, destroyer of cucks, master of Ackerdogs, terror of Liberio, rumbler of worlds, Reinersbane, and king of the New Eldian Empire.

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Annie will remain in the crystal for the rest of the series

>Form for me
Don't they have to be humans that get transformed with her own spinal fluid? How could she just make a titan?

Good one
Now does this imply Ymir can just make titan appear out of thin air in the real world ?

And how would you know if they are all going to be colossal titans? Isn't that an intelligent titan anyway and isn't there only 1 of them in the world at any given era? What the shit?

Good one
Now does this imply Ymir can just make titan appear out of thin air in the real world ? You actually don't need an eldian ?

Terrorists and lovers.

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Falco's going to break her out.
Armin's going to turn traitor against Paradis.


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Why would Falco break someone he doesn't know out when he's going to be busy protecting Gabi, who possibly has a broken arm now

bros :)

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What a memeable monkie

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Falco probably doesn't even know Annie

>EHhuntercuck destroyed the thread again.

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how mean!

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Only the jaw titan can break the crystals.
He knows of Annie, he's Marleyan, trust me.

Cute monkeeeie

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What do you think Eren will tell Ymir to do after he inevitably convinces Zeke that he was wrong? If he wishes for all titan powers to go away they will literally be btfo after leaving that realm of paths.

I want to kiss Zeke so bad I love him so much :(

She does create the Titan bodies in PATHS. That is sure, what we don't know if it's just the bodies for the shifters or for all Titans.

reminder that magic is canon and exists in this manga

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Is PATHS so difficult to understand?
The dessert is like a pocket dimension outside of time.
All eldians "bodies and souls" are within her reach, she builds the titan body and then she gets it transfered through a bolt of lightning into the real world to the original vessel transforming them into a titan.

Monkie teeths

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Why is Armin sweating? Is he scared that she knows why her crystal was so sticky?

>expect discussion
>it's just retards zekeposting
w-what happened to this general...

Zeke has daddy issues and will never fuck a woman.

I dont care who ships who, I just want this shit to stop. This is the shit that destroys threads.
>wut if zeke wuz gay durr hurr hurr time to spam the thread with my fellow discord SJWs.


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Shut up mentally ill fujo. Zeke will have a family.

babie monkie

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I want to see more of Historia's crying face. She looks so pretty when she cries.

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Idc about that I just find Zeke hot? And I like to post about it. I’m pretty sure Zeke is straight tho

This is what Eren is looking at all day as they fly around with ODM gear

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By an EMfujo. Did they finally break down?

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Monkie ABS!! :D

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>Zeke is straight tho

Maybe they just like to draw

Show me definitive proof Zeke is gay please.

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Who cares if Zeke is a faggot or not, in my fics he is straight and he fucks me on the table

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He is straight. Most people are straight, your head canon isn’t real. Reiner is gay. Ymir is gay. Thats it.

What do you think Zekes super secret butt wipe technique is?

Just wait for the flashbacks, bro. It's coming.

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Is armin even attractive to females?

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The monkey and the manlet are gay too.

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Aren’t you the fujo that was arguing with people yesterday about your Zeke is gay headcanon? Can’t you shut up?

Not that user, but proof that he's straight.

sauce pls

>reiner is gay

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With Eren's jaw.

Where my ELsisters at?

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Zeke is straight until proven otherwise in the manga. Like with every character.

I agree with that fujo nonetheless.

No. Only for those who want a beta boyfriend.

Rivaille rabu

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>still think Mikasa won't win
>just like Orihime won
Isayama is not going to develop a new relationship now

You don't need proof to show some is straight dumb fujo, and before you start sperging I'm gay irl

I have no proof of Zeke’s sexuality except the ‘I bet you’re not popular with the ladies’ comment he made to Levi. If Zeke wasn’t attracted to women why would he make that comment? Also most people are straight. Gay is a minority he is more likely to be straight

>Spinning manlet
Clever fujo.

One gay told me once gays hate fujos because they use them as their fetish, is that true?

Sex with Lynne

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>I'm gay irl
Pics or didn't happen.

Name multi-page conversations you want to see before the series is over

>Eren and Reiner
>Eren and Falco
>Zeke and Mikasa


Reiner is bisexual or whatever then

Most tumblr girls just treat him like a five year old

It is. Fujos are the worst.

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God imagine her farting at you so hard that it knocks you down

>Yelena wasn't in on the pregnancy and is visibly pissed about it
oh no no no

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I don't think you make this face unless you're having some dirty thoughts

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Since when did you have to prove a character is straight? lol that’s the default

I like how his attraction to Historia has only been a thing when he's delusional and disassociating from his own identity (soldier mode). Being gay in Marley is probably punishable by death

Fujos always come to destroy our threads...

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>Traumatized with sex early on because of his mom
>No known female interest but known male devotion
Gay or asexual.

That's default Yelena face

No worries, they're arguing over Zeke-- who is a genetic deadend anyway.

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He has pieck lick his butt clean!

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Now show me those raunchy pics.

I think Reiner is gay, not because shipping but he have a bara body type.

It's true they are fucking disgusting in real life, they fetishize a sexuality they really don't understand

Reiner is pure, he isn't a slut like Falco or Mikasa


Not when he learns the truth and becomes a father!!!

Zeke is trans.

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I see, this person said yaoi is just for women and women are annoying talking for them and pretending they care about gays. They can be annoying to be honest, it slike they never learn in shounens

Welp see you next chapter bros these threads have become unbearable shit again

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Reiner is confirmed gay.

And Ymir's conversation
And being born on 801 day (same as Sieg)
And that presenting drawing
And he was the one suggesting butthole weak point of titans

>I want to marry her

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When are they not unbearable shit...?

>said yaoi is just for women
>What are fudanshis

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>that scene made her more popular than becoming an actual character

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Don't you find Isayama homophobic? Reiner and Zeke are literally treated like the threats who got in your way
You had one lesbian offscreened
You had Isayama making that pregnant Historia chapter during fucking Pride Month
I think Isayama is trolling faggots, he has a twisted sense of humour

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>he isn't a slut like Falco or Mikasa

Falco is the purest character in the series

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See next chapter user, I'll probably leave the threads too

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"master of ackerdogs"

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All japs are homophobic, who cares.

>Falseflagging pedoshit

He poked Gabi's underwear with his underage boner

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God forbid if gay characters are treated like characters and not being there to fill a quota.

t. euthanasiaworks

Why does he even love Gabo so much?

This. No one gets special treatment in Snk whether you are straight or not. Western comics use gay characters as set pieces or cringy ‘yasss queen’ moments.

I guess that's my cue to leave too. There was already little of any actual discussion happening the past couple days.

The threads are only going to get worse as the people trying to have discussions start leaving.

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>No one gets special treatment in Snk whether you are straight or not
Except Armin

>all of them are dead, mindslaves or crippled indirectly because of Eren


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i don't think you can explain sexual attraction

That's why I like snk, Reiner is the second protagonist, Levi the strongest soldier and Sieg the villian.
Historia was sidelined a little but she was nice in her arc.

Why are SnK generals always plagued by shipfags?

Only one of the characters you listed is gay.

He's not homophobic, he's Japanese. He knows that lesbianism is just a phase and yaoi is just fanservice to get fujo money.

None of them are.

The four of them are pretty gay.

Only Reiner is gay

What movie?

>carrie coon is hanji
well at least she's not black and fat

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Levi - says he was popular with women
Sieg - asks Levi if he’s popular with women
Historia - had a lesbian friend and was never shown to have attraction to her
how are these characters gay

>expecting any mangaka to pander to faggot degeneracy
Jesus can't come back soon enough

The one being directed by the guy who did IT.

How is Reiner suicidal already?

Was Historia even a lesbian? Ymir was 100% but Historia attachment was probably because how love starved she was. Not trying to downplay their relationship or saying she is straight but her life was too fucked up for her to develop a normal idea of romance and if she fell for Eren then it will be a similar situation.

I don’t even mind faggots I just wish they would stop shoving their faggotry in everyone’s faces and forcing it onto us and into the media.

Is Annie aging in the crystal or will she come out and still be 15?

didn't levi say "I never was popular" or is it a wrong translation?

So they released a trailer?

I can't believe they made Eren black

He said he used to be popular. I think he was just missing Petra


Would Zeke be a good dad? He seems to be an enabler

all the guys in the 104th hit on her and she still hung out with ymir all the time

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thats armong, they showed reiner but i dont know who the actor is.

>Was Historia even a lesbian?
No. Never confirmed by Isayama.

He doesn't have the power on his side forever.

Historia didn't even know Ymir was gay till she read her letter.

Retards, it hasn't started production yet

>that fucking manlet
When the trailer drops, /snk/ will explode

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Friendship and platonic love don't mean she is a lesbian. Ymir certainly was but it is ambiguous at best that Historia is bi or gay.

Because she was the only one who truly cared for her, even now, who beside Eren give a shit about her situation?

I think he would smother his kids a lot but would mean well. I think he would be overprotective but very loving. He might be a bit of an enabler because he doesn’t want to upset his kids.

>still hung out with ymir all the time
Wouldn't you hang up with your best and only friend?

Yeah, because girls do that. She was suicidal anyway why would she hook up with one of the guys who were hitting on her?

Ymir probably scared off everyone that tried to speak to Hisu

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? I meant the trailer. I guess it'll leak from the con or something

>"Marry me after this mission is over"

Why can’t girls just be friends? Lol

Historia was well liked but she stuck with Ymir even when she was an insufferable cunt.
That's love.

There's no trailer, the movie hasn't started production yet

Only Reiner is gay

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And she thought she was always kidding.


Is it impossible to love someone platonically that isn't your family?

Thanks. Great art.

He's the gayest, followed by manlet, then Sieg then Historia.

Who is this? Manlet? Why don't just use this guy? He is even older than he looks like

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Why is she getting naked in public?

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idk ask that yourselves you EHcucks

Not short enough

Do you really want someone to post that picture of Reiner offering his anus again? Wait you know what, fuck it.

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How many titles can we get?

Fucking how do you get that from my question?

they’re not gay though. There’s no proof, maybe you could say Historia is bisexual but that’s about it.

Pics or didn't happen faggot.

Yes, they are fucking disgusting

Nice porn, isayama. I wonder what other characters he’s drawn like that

I try to add one per thread.

Dude just ignore or you will be stuck in their only thing they have in life "gay gay gay gay gay", and I bet those are just women talking for gay men again.
They never learn in shounen

She didn't realize the guys wanted to get inside her pants, and she was actually so dense she didn't realize the girl closest to her wanted her vajay too, despite telling her over and over that she wanted to marry her.

already used to hear this kind of hypocrisy from EHcucks, if you're not one sry i offended you

But Eren fucked Historia. Ymir chose BR over Historia

I see Historia the least gay though.
At least she is not a virgin anymore, even if it was with a "male beard".

>They never learn in shounen
What does this mean?

Nig, production was announced when the article was made.

>all these cope replies from EHwhales and EMwhales

dense people are capable of love too

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Yeah, it's similar to guys telling dykes that two women together are hot.

But Historia can love Eren too. Ymir is dead

Not him but you might just wanna consider being less paranoid. Insulting someone when nothing in the post suggests or hints at which type of fag you're replying to just makes you look silly, especially when you're off the mark.

I guess they mean that confirmed gay people aren’t really in shounen or at least gay couples

She is dead man, what do you even want anymore?

>Two beefcakes going at each other is hotter than just one

Like that matters at all.

damn you really out here got nothing to say anymore

what the fuck happened, is this a discord tranny raid?

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They want Historia to be a raped lesbian and die in childbirth so she can be with her ~Ymiru in heaven
>Hans female
>rest any ethnicity except Mikasa
Prepare the negros
>all those till 30 years old

What happened? I don't see anything out of the usual. EHfats gonna jiggle.

The marleyans don't even know she's stuck in a crystal.
They only know that the female titan is in Paradis, just like what they knew about Bert.

That jean picture gets me every fucking time

A fujo and /u/fag raid.

We get a couple every month now.

Yes, and they brought their muh representation shit with them. Roasties are bored

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>any ethnicity
No faith, no hope, no love.

Jesus Christ it’s going to be like the Netflix death note but worse.

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Didn't she say the exact same shit to Eren, though? Does it mean she mikatazoned both or that she loved both? Pic unrelated.

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>eren, armong, lebi, and erwin already been casted
>casting ends on september 30th
Real fucking pissed they have "any ethnicity" except for Shitkasa, but not surprised in the least. Expect a bunch of niggers and spics.

> Christa
Fuck. So no queen Historia plot, but instead lesbian soldier?

I know one Arminfag who looks like fucking Bert, I will tell him

I never got why they made L black? He is Japanese? Is that not good enough ’representation’ do you have to be brown or it doesn’t count?

atleast mikasa won't be black


>they want someone younger than the average for Christa to convey the pedo/moebait appeal

she told him she was his friend

And Reiner and Connie too. I bet they cast this ugly whore for this film too

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It’s gonna be absolutely disgusting. I bet Reiner will be black and Bertholdt will be Muslim. Annie will be Native American even though they are all German

>all German
>being this retarded
They're all /white/, not "German".

Here is your Erwin bro

Attached: idris-elba-grooming-gq.jpg (939x1252, 245K)

watch E;R 's "The last Death Note" on youtube, dude talks about how shit the movie is compared to its source material and how retarded it is that they made L black

That's pre-production, once they announce cast and stuff is already production

German is white.

> fan film

>Do you really want someone to post that picture of Reiner offering his anus again?
this one?

Attached: canon.jpg (661x542, 252K)

This is a demolition man collectible?

I'll riot.
What's the fucking obsession with this dude?

Why do americans do this? Do they really have to destroy everything?

Here's your Reiner bro

Attached: ape.jpg (3200x1680, 228K)

fucking 30 year olds playing teenagers again, i hate western movies so much

People apparently think he’s attractive. He looks like a monkey.

I’m aware lol

>special snowflake kasa the only one with a required ethnicity

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Finally someone noticed it

not all whites are german you retard

Animage puts manlet at #16

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Real German is white.


Muslims aren’t German...

>fan film
Oh, thank god.

There are also niggers in Germany

I still want to watch it though. I bet it will be absolutely awful.

They are not real German though...they are niggers...

She told him she was his ally/on his side (味方), which is exactly the same word she used with Ymir. I'm sorry if you didn't know.

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I love Shinobu

fuck off and stay there

He's really good in The Wire.

Ymir was really replaced by Eren.


They aren't wrong.

I mean we all know that YHE is true endgame afterall, or would be if Ymir was alive

triggered libtard basedboy beta negro cuck

He cancelled the apocalypse.

But what they are saying is the truth? If you don’t like it get off 4channel. We are allowed to have opinions here.

>They are not real German though..
But they are legitimately speaking


Who cares, he doesn't need to be in everything.

Don't be such a nigger.

Dude, that's actually embarrassing.

What’s your discord? :3

>truth is embarrassing


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Why do nips prefer Zenitsu over Inosuke? The latter is superior in every way.

But didn't she say in the raw tomodachi?

What? What's embarrassing about that?

Did I say otherwise?

Are you oppressed?

this is the reason why other fanbases laugh at the pathetic existence that is /snkgeneral/. banning all of you crossboarding scum together with this garbabge general, whose sole porpose is to """"discuss""" and shitpost about the same, chewed shipping shit, would drastically improve the quality of this board

Tumblr user

Feel free to leave anytime retard.

BUT 1800 germans weren't black.

>ban everyone who doesn’t agree with me
Kill yourself. I don’t even go on /pol/

You need to go back

They don’t want to go back, they want to go black.


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What a stupid gif.
Manlet wouldn't be so passive.

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>Punished Hange soon

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what would Historia have done in that situation ??

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unlike you, hisu isn't a slut

Will Zeke accept Historia?

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You mean in the anime? No, she said mikata there, too.

There's no way they'd get that far in one movie. Everyone will be in their trainee days with corresponding personalities.

you like dat

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This, the movie will end in the Female Titan arc

>This Threads are filled with r/thedonald refugees

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He's got shit taste.

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That explains the low ip number

free rent

Have our resident Jeanfags and Blorties applied yet?

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Everyone knows manlet is a power bottom

When will they catch a break

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Falco, clean up your room

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When they die.
So soon.

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After you do the same with my photos

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>lead role
I guess it won't be following the manga very closely

Saying that to Ymir was the peak of their relationship.
With Eren it was the start of theirs.

You get it now?

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>bottom manlet best manlet

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I think I’m getting a picture of how it went down between Eren and Historia.
>a little over a year ago: While working on the railroad, Eren and friends received word that efforts to improve Paradis’ diplomatic position abroad have been largely fruitless
>Essentially leaving no other option but the rumbling on the table
>Emotionally, Eren appears to be different from how he is in Marley, as in how he was before
>Months pass, and a banquet is held for the now completed railroad
>Current affairs puts a damper on the event, and everyone present gets tipsy or totally shitfaced inorder to have a good time
>Including Historia and Eren
>As the night wears on, Eren and perhaps Floch are asked to escort the intoxicated Queen back to her quarters
>Floch’s left outside the door as a guard while Eren and Historia spend the night together
>As they sleep in each other’s arms, Eren is able to catch a glimpse of their future child they just finished making
>This throws things into overdrive as Eren works with Floch (the only other person besides EH that knows the truth) to set shit up with Yelena and Zeke
Some things to consider alongside this
>Manlet feels confident that he can bring Zeke to the Ram Ranch and feed him to a post pregnancy Historia BEFORE he gets rebuked by his superiors; Implying Historia’s due date is soon 10 months after she got pregnant
>Floch is so cocksure about muh Neo-Eldian Empire with Eren as it’s leader WITHOUT specifically tearing down Historia, because he does indeed know Eren is the father of the heir.
>Everybody talks about what happens after the banquet occurred, because they were too intoxicated to remember anything that happened during it; which incidentally may have been when a bunch of them drank Zeke’s cumwine.
>The banquet could be analogous to the Prom Night/Birthday blowout troupe found in American High School comedies parodied in the AU previews, a time when happy little accidents tend to occur.

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Ymir love plot was given to Eren
Annie love plot was given to Historia
What did Isayama mean by this?

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Topping manlet is an aberration.
Only reverse cowgirl allowed.

I don't know why EH and YHfags fight, YHE seems like the endgame (not Ymir anymore though) I only see Eren understanding Historia and viceversa, same as with Ymir

They will survive

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nah, Floche is just being used by EH in his best scenario. he'll never be relevant

God, no. I like LE, but I never got that Levi is the bottom thing. It's too unrealistic to let a 15 year old virgin fuck him. You have to change Levi's personality to make this work.

lesbianism isnt a real thing
and ymir was always unrequited user,

>You have to change Levi's personality to make this work.
This is what LE is about. I doubt Manlet is into children.

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Your ship is pretty unrealistic to begin with, at least ErwL had more interactions and better age

don't worry i like both, really depends on the fanart tho

Attached: D_4b5qgU0AAN7YQ.jpg (1784x1724, 359K)

Manlet is like a tsundere, tsundere always bottoms.
Also, ultra powerful men bottom in fiction.


Imagine it being done different way, Histoira is into Eren from start he is her closest person, Eren sacrifices himself to enemy side, and suddenly the only one other for Historia is Ymir.
Do you seriously belive that initial heterosexual fans of EH would be happy and content with Isayama making Historia go for a girl later when he decided to kill the guy she was interested in before?
No chance, now change the characters name and you can see why YH fans will never accept EH since it looks like a specific betrayal on author side(even more afetr Isayama saying in a tweet he likes yuri and loved Life is Strange game), it will hurt even more if indeed Reiner, Pieck and even Annie will be allowed to survive and be able to live as normal humans at the end of it, but Ymir will stay dead for EH sake.

Armin has his moments sometimes

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Unfortunately ErwL art is even worse. They draw Levi like a child and Erwin is always raping him. It's like reading shota.

We literally had some fujos these days begging us to allow them to post fujo shit. Atleast you laugh with ZLfujos but LEpedos are Joseph tier, too creepy to read

Floch is clearly in on things at least as far as Yelena is.

Kek, thanks for the pic reaction

I can only see Levi bottom for Zeke, after a night of hardcore hate sex.

You need to read more Hitomi.
Also manlet looks like a child in all fanart.

cute that you think we will ask for permission

Attached: el.png (523x400, 287K)

Do you think Louise wanted to say something more to Mikasa when she saw the scarf?

90% of his fanbase is girls so yes

Stay mad fucko

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Mikasa will find her corpse wearing her scarf.

I don't care as long as you don't spend 120 posts crying about EH. Samefag with your pedoshit and shut up

Mikasa needs her scarf to be whole.

That's a bit dark.

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I put on a peel-off mask but now there's remnants remaining. Do I painstakingly peel off the remnants too or should I wash it off with soap and water?

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nah man top!levi

Attached: tumblr_p7p6yvczEd1snrf0so1_1280.jpg (997x1337, 395K)

Holy fucking shit kill yourself.

Now I understand people choosing to post when burgers are sleeping kek

>anyone who doesn’t agree with me supports Donald trump!!! :(
I’m not even American brainlet

YEH threesome via paths soon.

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But you have to keep their different ranks in mind as well and the age. I can't come up with any scenario where Levi would bottom for a 15 year old Eren. Post time skip, yes but not before. The gab between them is too big.

Don't put soap on your face. You'll dry it out.

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What did he mean by this

Use warm water and your hand to rinse off the rest. Soap shouldn't be needed.

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But this is what being tolerant means, you have to accept bisexuality too. Yuri doesn't mean you only like lesbianism

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No arms and no legs. It's a cripple fetish.

Agree. Zeke would enjoy it too.

>Eruritrash SEETHING because LE is way, way more popular
Lmao, you are just a dog Chrollobro



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>I can't come up with any scenario where Levi would bottom for a 15 year old Eren.
I'm not much into LE but the ones that have Eren topping
>On 95% of what I read he was a little feral with titan power or super obsessed and manlet, being the nice Heichou he is, bottomed for him to appease his urges.
And that's it, that's the whole LE fiction repertoire.

COPE, eruri is not pedophilia

>but Ymir will stay dead for EH sake.
This isn't Dragon Ball you imbecile, of course Ymir is gonna stay dead.

Just like Bert and Porco?

BR will always be in my heart.

Lesbianism is a phase.
Ymir was always destined to die alone, be it young or old.

There's way too many women in this thread

Which just means both Floche and Yelena are forever pawns

top levi is more popular because of their alleged dominatrix relationship and their age difference

Eren is 19 years old, Eruritrash (unlike Ymir who was 75 years old and that is not considered pedo??

It's comfy

That's from the western fandom. Their stories make sense sometimes. The Nips just turn Eren into a rapist and Levi into a shy blushing virgin.

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So I guess I get to have my grimdark titan timeloop ending ending then?

It's looking like Eren is going to damn himself and Zeke to a repeating hell for all eternity so that Erens child can live.

God I want to eat Isayamas cum so much.

stay mad

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What do you think of Eren impregnating Historia

Kek, what I'd give for a niggerted Christa

>top levi
I just don't see it.

The muslims agree with him, so we're fine.

>So I guess I get to have my grimdark titan timeloop ending ending then?
The only way this could work is if Isayama goes full Dark.

The easiest way to defeat any woman is a penis

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I'm not on any side, just waiting for confirmation and see the loser side btfo.
I like RE more.

She wants to win Eren back from Historia


>defeat any woman
AND man.
Don't forget the bumfuck.

High School AU as and actual in story AU then?

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A little too late

you think this bean is topping levi?

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Shoo shoo tranny nigger

Snore. Stadia is DoA

If he gets horny enough, yes.
I like the doujins where Eren is an obsessed teen.

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Can't beat the cock, man.


Eren is too cute and Levi just can't resist.

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>manlet's harem


You needed to see the macbook before knowing he was a faggot?

ms, can you recommend some good bottom!levi artists?

Nanaba is for Mike, Anka for Pixis and Rico for Ian.
And where is his male harem?

why do I get the feeling this is a lonely woman talking to herself


>Nanaba is for Mike, Anka for Pixis and Rico for Ian.
Best post in the thread. Though Anka deserves someone more her age.

dont kinkshame me bitch

Attached: tumblr_pkmqz0Xo4S1u373g2_400.png (400x375, 48K)

Dunno, I've read very little.
I'm more a ErwL or anything Reiner, and Reiner always bottoms, hope we can agree on this at least.

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When did we got raided again?

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>this thread
Holy cringe, post monkeys

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We are always lurking, the three of us just need to be here at the same time I guess.


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When even literally 70 iq can see EH happened and that EH meme is everywhere. They want their safe space here too

Extremely based
doing God(ren)'s work

These threads have taught me how many girls have monkey rape fantasies, and I'm not sure how to feel about that

>IP count didn't go up


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I love Monkey

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>Literally just one fujo
>Many girls

Attached: FB_IMG_1565812550989.jpg (512x756, 51K)
Also look through her tweets then you'll get mostly all of bottom!levi artists.

thank you


Attached: What Zeke needed.png (724x349, 338K)

ponytail Mikasa!

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But I also love gay Monki.

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my monky fantasies include levi

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You won't fool Zekechads LEpedo

>Shit pairing gets all the good artists
Not fair bros

>gay Monki
The only monki I can, somewhat, tolerate.


Attached: 820AC428-5625-4D26-AD5F-2C8E0ED9F129.jpg (535x1200, 114K)

>What's good Nigga!

Hobo Eren is the best!

Punished hobo Eren was peak, really loved how shitty and fucked up he looked.


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>low quality
We could report all the threads for this.

shut up and kiss me fellow chad

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Fujos will always be the most talented.

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>gets away with everything

Attached: D394A234-8FF1-4287-981B-8343733A6128.jpg (752x500, 81K)

Literally bestkasa. Gothkasafags BTFO

Fuck yeah he is, I'd let him stick his crutch up my ass

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I got that a while ago actually, I wasn't trying to analyse the quotes. Just wanted to poke the user about it since they didn't seem to know Historia said the same thing to both Ymir and Eren.

fancy monkei

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The rail ceremony was over ten months ago. If the child was conceived that night, Historia would have given birth by now. Floch 100% doesn't know the truth about Eren, he's deluded and thinks Eren gives a shit about empire building when he clearly doesn't care. And Eren seemed totally sober when he met Yelena.

>Manlet feels confident that he can bring Zeke to the Ram Ranch and feed him to a post pregnancy Historia BEFORE he gets rebuked by his superiors; Implying Historia’s due date is soon 10 months after she got pregnant

This is wrong, manlet was planning to feed Zeke to a placeholder until Historia gave birth. There's no indication he was heading to her ranch with Zeke.

Zeke is hot and sexy!

Attached: 6525D81B-BB88-4AEC-96FD-EAA15DD8C3BA.jpg (720x1003, 184K)

Eren and Zeke will stumble into a memory of Historia getting absolutely plowed by Eren, and watching her get impregnated Zeke will have an epiphany about the importance of sex and pregnancy

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>eren, armong, lebi, and erwin already been casted
n-no way
my life's dream was to play eren, there's no way it's already happened

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Hongoloids are the worst for me
>skipped 108
Can't wait for the Hongoloid to die

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this is what they'll see now gtfo

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You can always play a redshirt.

sup mikadog


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>All this talent on pedo shit

Attached: EBsCwWkUIAIf2O4.jpg (900x1259, 138K)

It's a shitty fan film.

Back to discord pedophile

What the fuck happened to these threads

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Discord raid again

Speedreader, they are watching Grisha's memories.
Next one is Frieda's answer to Grisha in the cave.

cute (cute)

Attached: smek.jpg (750x615, 141K)

yeah I noticed, nearly had a heart attack all the same
production on the real thing should only be starting sometime after the release of it 2 anyway, so there's no need to worry for a bit

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Discord raid of roastiefujos

Sauce where the fuck is this from

I thought Connie made a mistake and he got his sword through Sasha's nape

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you have no power here

Sounds pretty based if you ask me

>BA would be canon again

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I can't wait. Pic related.

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EHsayama happened

Jesus Christ why is Annie’s arm so long

Go back nigger


Attached: DndpFOUUwAYkDM5.jpg (1852x1388, 331K)

Pregnancy is 10 months in Japan. She can give birth right now.

Annie is only interested in Chads.
>Armins and Berts need not apply

Attached: Dlsa-cLV4AE8mSP.jpg (736x576, 68K)

That's what makes them hot

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I can't understand why you can't post yours without insulting but okay

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I don't think there was ever gonna be any love plot involving Annie.

Oof oof we don't want you here pathetic contrarian.

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Why he loved Eren more?

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Never. Annie a shit.


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The fuck happened to Annie's arm?

Attached: 1555336337837.jpg (800x800, 89K)

>gopnikslut and BAspi** are here

RE is fucking beautiful.
Why doesn't it have more doujins.

Nobody in nipland likes BA so they get their inspiration on sp**s for their garbage

>complaining NOW after this LEpedo samefagging

I think that was the plan at one point. Eren was basically the only person she showed any interest or warmth towards, to the point where she told Marlowe and Hitch about him despite having just met them, and she REALLY disliked Mikasa for some reason.

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What does that have to do with a fucked up arm?

They don't want their only customer to be a weird slut from Russia

>Why doesn't it have more doujins.
Not enough demand.

Jesus christ these threads can really turn from just bearable to terminal cancer in the blink of an eye.

>weird slut from Russia
stfu lepedo

Fujos do that


Attached: tumblr_pwcouwIoSD1ytmdn0o1_1280.jpg (1280x905, 438K)

>Not enough demand.
Shit taste.
Dat delicious hate sex.

I wonder if the mod is a fujo, I have been reported for less

American's waking up will do that to you.

Why is gopnikslut so obsessed with rape? I bet she's one of those whores who cries out of pleasure during rape.

Not really, AAfag

Could say the same about ZL.

greetings from europe

Attached: tumblr_n53wbsvp6o1sabj5jo3_500.jpg (489x480, 99K)

>5pm EST
>"waking up"

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Since the first time I saw AoT to this day I still consider Annie to be pure sex, though I wouldn't be mad if she doesn't come back, there's not much place for her right now.

But she isn't, and no one expects her to.

Ten months had passed when Pixis talked with Yelena, and then another month went by, so it's been nearly a year since the ceremony. If a pregnancy lasts 11 months that means there's a problem.

>Discordfujos fucking up the threads again

>literally half thread with a schizo conversation about LE
>b-but gopnikslut and BA
Piss off AA/LEpedo

Please don't speak to me ever again

Some burgers have jobs, retard. Not everyone lurks Yea Forums while they work

>sp** is mad
Remember nobody likes BA. Get cucked.

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I like Reiner more.

Yuro fujo here too.

lmaooo Pedomin is into Ereri too? That explains his obsession with pedophilia!

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>"waking up"
>"no u da retawd"

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>When even literally 70 iq can see EH happened
Only people with 60 iq believe that EH happened.

lol so you only allow ZL as the fujo ship and EH and LH big shit? lmaoing in your asses right now

>this """art"""

You are going to be sooooo bootyblasted in the not-too-distant future.

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hey FAGGOT stop repost my art

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ZL is superior, AApedo

I'm picturing Bertholdt completely destroying Annie

No reservations. Just pinning her down on the bed, and thrusting his hips into her face

i like both bitch

Attached: tumblr_inline_nh7k4kmhuW1sootof.png (117x113, 19K)

No, you pretend to like it now, roAAstie.

wait no if you mean aruani with AA then fuck off man thats wack

It's okay. Annie is a whore.

I'm convinced that women can only enjoy media by self-inserting. It explains why a majority of deranged shippers are female.

>hurr durr HoAD soon
I wonder how much more pathetic EHfags can be?

Uncle Zeke soon, LEpedo

Attached: serious zeke.jpg (1915x953, 555K)

So fujos self-insert as a guy?

>Uncle Zeke soon
He will die a miserable death at the hands of Connie


>What are male otakus and Isekai genre
We are all deranged

monky angry, monky craves levis phat banana

Lol. BA is dead ship.

Calm down, Monkey.

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Bert's head has made for or Armin's teeth

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Why would they care about Historia's sexual orientation not being what they thought it was rather than her potentially having someone who cares about her around? At the very least, if you wanna be salty, be salty about Historia not mourning Ymir forever and getting wih someone else period. Why the fuck would you give a shit about the gender of whoever she gets involved with of all things?

>In original manga Eren is waiting for his beloved brother.
>EAcucks lie to everyone and to ourselves

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