What's his next move against Moro?
Dragon Ball Super
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So anything happened to the goat man? Looks like he may be staying for awhile
We know nothing yet
something poorly written and without proper thought, no doubt.
Why does Toyotaro's art look so off?
Like, it's my just the faces. Many artists struggle to stay accurate to Toriyama.
I'm talking about everything else.
The anatomy, the backgrounds, even the colors for the covers. It all seems kinda mediocre to me. Like, the mangaka for sdbh isn't the best but I feel like I'd like it more if he drew the actual Super manga. Toyo can keep writing but I don't really like his art.
That one picture of Jiren on the destroyed ToP battlefield really fucked with me. He looks like he's as big as Ainraza because of how he's drawn.
He will go to Kaio to learn an epic new technique.
Screencap this
Shutting up and watching.
As he jobs?
Also, why does toyo do that one weird pose like this? It's I'm every single fight he draws...can't he draw any other dynamic poses? Not to mention this one looks pretty weird I mean, who fights like that?
His fights never show upside down angles, bird's eye view, etc. It's always like your looking at a story book or a side scrolling beat em up. It looks kinda flat to me.
Like look at how he drew Vegeta's neck on this page. It's like Looney Toon length.
My money is on this
A fat nearing 30 fag who never drew anything to save his life is now critiquing an industry mangaka who has sold millions.
What a time to be be alive with your sperging idiots who are too ignorant to even see their own position.
Yeah he draws these impossible poses all of the time. Seems like he is trying to branch out a bit with his own style
I... I like Dragon Ball GT.
I'm 18 you retard
I AM an artist which is Im harping on this
>It sells so it's automatically good!
Life must be so much easier when you have brain damage.
I like it the most because of shotaku! he's so cute!!
Which one do you prefer old or nu Broly?
I prefer old.
>hiding behind other characters already
typical cuckarotfag. their guy can't beat the vegetable so it makes sense haha
Obviously fake
>words and feels rather than results
Nu Broly is a kitten compared to old Broly.
I don't give a damn that Toyo is an uninspired tracer. Most artist use references. It's the fact that he does i, and his panels are still fucking rubbish.
Who can look at this shit art?
>strawmanning so hard
Maybe you should just admit the superiority of the Gokuchads and kneel.
The results were alway Goku being superior to Jobgeta.
I don't hate him but I don't like how they made him basically emo Broly. He doesn't even really get development and reverts back to what of Broly does. It kind of made the change in character pointless. I had no sympathy other than the fact Gogeta whooping his ass to oblivion. Plus I got tired of super not having any real villians. The only real change I like is the new explanation for his power and not yelling kakarot.
I think that Toyo was probably the only candidate for the job, I mean, I don't think a good artist would apply to such a shitty corporate job, a good artist wants to be free to do his own thing and not to be told what to do by Toriyama and a bunch of clueless hacks from the dragon room.
Thats what you get for following this soulless corporate cashcow
>The same moment has the same poses
Manga is finally getting merch
That's the thing, Toriyama doesn't tell him anything. He gives him a blueprint and tells him to go jack off to it. That's why the Toei anime has slightly different events. Toriyama gives a bullets and everyone does there own approximate version.
But i agree with the point about other people breathing down their neck. probably shitty
Zamasu was the real villain of Super.
It's crazy that ones on the right have much uglier art
Nah, that's Toyotaro's style.
I'm honestly more mad that Black Arc didn't give Trunks his chad like line. It's the one arc where everyone looking like chads made sense.
Sorry Toyocuck, you've been exposed
I feel the same way, I don't even know what to say about nu Broly anymore, for such a powerful character he's so bland, the old Broly was a ruthless force that needed to be stopped at all cost, nu Broly, once he calmed down, was just a normal guy, all previous villainous characters that became Goku's friends, had some sort of character development and I personally don't care for a friendly Broly who is part of the team.
I like Old Broly because he was a demon that loved causing destruction. Nu Broly is bland, he should be in Frieza's Army.
Damn that was a powerful Kamehameha
Pissed me off back then how Broly just no sells it
I get that it's his style, but why is it so bad?
Guess I'm just sad to see the art change
When did that scene with Freeza ever happened?
>the aprentice is not as good as the master
Oh yeah that's totally uncommon
Everyone in Toyotaro's artwork looks like noodle people instead of chads.
The Merged Zamasu vs. Goku fight in the manga was god tier because it felt like an old school DB fight.
>Literally no one talking about Naruto.
>literally no one talking about Boruto
>literallly talking about Dragon Ball
>Brings up Naruto
I disagree. It felt like a fanboy trying to emulate a Dragon Ball fight. But it was good for Toyo
The Freeza scene is from the anime. The other 3 toys are from the manga. Anime is so based it's even included with manga merch
When they tag-team Jiren.
Nu Broly being a crybaby retard is fine but they should've made him have a list for violence and destruction. He's supposed to be the legendary super warrior from the race of super warriors.
He was raised on a planet where he had to fight to survive every single day and never got to drink or even see water until he was an adult man. He should be way more aggressive than he is. Paragus being killed was fine to show how Broly rages but he shouldnt have to get angry to access his powers. He should enjoy attacking people.
It would make for a better conflict if he has to fight with his inward desire to destroy. Like, if he was in the ToP or any fighting situation with rules against killing or maiming and he ends up hurting someone very badly because they pushed him to the edge and he's enjoying it like old broly. Buu delighted in doing evil shit. Just make him like that but less intelligent.
any porn of 18 wearing chi chi clothes?
i just pretend that the new broly doesnt exist and that the old badass one is canon
No but there should be
Nu Broly was basically changed just for the sake of people complaining about his Goku hate boner. But as they did they did nothing with him being so reserved compared to other saiyans. All he does is talk a few words then does what og Broly did.
Oh nonono
Post 1(one) drawing
Are you legit retarded ?!
Oh right
this is the closest one i could find
Even if were retarded, I'm not talking about Naruto.
I don't care about the mangakas having apprentices with worse art. That's going to happen no matter what. I'm baffled why Toyo is such a poor artist, and draws for Dragon Ball.
Disgusting foot cucks. And 18 isn't even rich
>this will never be me
>God Ki
>super saiyan blue
>ssblue Kaioken
>ssblue evolution
>Kale and caulifla
>Roshi in Top
No thank you.
MFW no one talks about the actual Dragon Ball sequel that didn't retcon the ending of Dragon Ball
to moro his lawn tomorrow
Because it sucks ass.
Talking about GT, right?
Had a lot of potential but failed pretty hard. At least the ending was good and ss4 was a nice concept. though I'll take this over Super really despite it being bad.
But we are talking about Super.
no it doesn't
I talk about it all the time stop baiting
>Failed pretty hard
Anime that failed aren't talked about 20 years after they're done airing. GT is.
GT character (Kid Goku) also won FighterZ worlds and is now used by competitive players. all around.
It also got a Dokkan Anniversary event dedicated to it recently.
GT is successful and will continue living in your brain rent free. Just give up already and admit it.
>Because it sucks ass.
What part?
>no it doesn't
>I talk about it all the time stop baiting
Doesn't that get tiresome?
>Anime that failed aren't talked about 20 years after they're done airing. GT
You retards are the only ones that keep bringing it up, no one else gives a fuck about GT. At best people remember SS4 but thats aboutbit
>Had a lot of potential
Reminder, that GT still influences the future.
For example, xeno Pan.
>Anime that failed aren't talked about 20 years after they're done airing. GT is.
>GT is successful and will continue living in your brain rent free. Just give up already and admit it.
Probably something very straightforward. He was stupid enough to waste a wish after all.
Because GT is seen as a joke nowadays and everyone tries to forget it even existed.
GT is only remembered because it was connected to Dragon Ball. Anything Dragon Ball gets remembered. The fact that it lasted 60 episodes and got retconned and forgotten show that it failed. And it's largely hated too.
>And 18 isn't even rich
She got like 20 million zeni from Mr. Satan
I'm not talking rememberance wise or popularity, I'm talking the story itself. It had nice ideas and concepts but like super it didn't really execute them in a good way.
She already spent them on thot stuff and is now poor again
Why does Goku look so dyel?
Igosh 'm glad I stopped at Dbz like an adult
Because the artist is a hack and dbs manga is not canon. Lurk more.
when has she sold them on thot stuff? she has like two outfits and lives in a small house. Also she got paid a shit ton of money by Bulma to participate in ToP if i remember well
Legit question. How can U7 be the second-weakest when it's already clearly established that they beat U6?
>Toei in charge of continuity
Wasn't the rankings all on the quality and quantity of the universe? I don't recall the rankings based on weak people.
Turles, the better written Goku Black
I'd suck their cock
Goku black was fine until they revealed he was obviously Zamasu and zamusa took his screentime once he showed up. Once those two variables showed up the quality of the arc dipped then the second half of the arc took its course to a down spiral into hell.
nah. its old broly thats a crybaby retard but is full EDGE for no reason. super broly is just a better character all around
ive always hated turles. what a shitty fucking character. surviving saiyans are cool but this one happens to look identical to goku? why? he doesnt even fit the evil goku mold since hes his own person with his own moves so its not goku but turned back at the heroes. goku black has a stupid fucking name but he does evil goku better. turles was a stupid fucking idea
There has to be SOME reason he got those criminals out of Jail.
Plus it's not his fault Cranberry wasted one.
that was actually the best wish he could've made, since he can make underlings strong enough to keep GoDs tier fighters busy, giving him plenty of time to suck the energy of his enemies. He's already immortal and can get younger just by eating, so this was obviously the best wish he could make.
Greatest picture that i have ever seen
>but this one happens to look identical to goku? why?
Because he was supposed to be evil Goku from another dimension, but they scrapped the idea and went full retard with the "low class warriors look all the same".
>admits he was hiding behind others
yes confess retardkufag. confess and repent
>results were goku being beaten unconscious twice
superior jobber maybe haha
Lol that Goku UI has the anime musculature on the second, the Goku and Frieza one is obviously inspired in the anime because Goku is shirtless, and the Goku Black doesn't have the black lines in his eyes, cucked Toyopaco
That's because GT isn't an official sequel.
Hey that's pretty good.
Only cool thing Goku does in super besides the slide kamehameha
Fags need to be Holocausted off the earth.
>yes confess retardkufag. confess and repent
>more strawmanning
Just be quiet you fucking dog.
>>results were goku being beaten unconscious twice
Nice headcanon you clown.
That's not Super.
Gogeta as god
They should focus ki in parts of their bodies more
The ki blasts in Super looked like dog shit movie maker special effects
They should focus on fisticuffs and martial arts
>no argument
wow! another free win just like vegeta against goku for 3-0!
>head cannon on the clown
you said it! picture related haha
It's interesting how Dragon Ball has probably one of the least "SJW" fanbases.
I know its technically still Z but I'm adding it anyways(plus realized after I posted that in out super) otherwise yeah no real cool moments for Goku besides the slide.
Sadly they won't go back to it since people want explosions and pretty lights. Also they did somewhat do that with gogeta in Broly movie with that combo. In super we had one moment where they used ki defense shields against the jobber wolves. I was hoping with god ki they would get new abilities and powers but nope same old shit. Goku does a new thing once in Broly movie and it just came out of nowhere.
You are that mentally ill Jobgetafag right? You aren't doing very good in hiding your identity with your retarded posting style. And now you are disregarded forever.
Old Broly is a shit character.
The most SJW part of the series is Super and thats just because a lot of the side characters and filler shit.
Dragon Ball is either unfunny jokes for old japanese men or buff guys punching each other in the face.
Unironically too much test for sjws to handle. Thats why they only ever post the occassional gay shit or cutesy chichi or bulma stuff. Women are typically depicted in the kitchen or being a nagging bitches, Mai is the only girl on the side of the heroes to have taken a true combat role so far but she still got rofl stomped because she was some human shitter that couldn't even use ki.
Dragon Ball doesn't really have very much deeper meaning than what I've mentioned especially not from Toriyama's vision. Only editors and extra hands on have put stuff like that into the story. Dragon Ball is too rough around the edges for SJWs to latch onto.
It's a shame those leaks were fake
>still parroting his master
>d missing from "cope"
>attempting (and failing) to imitate the Jirenscholars' posting style
Anyone else?
Reminder of the Shitren"scholars"'s latest research.
He never meant to be anything special but a destroyer. He's always mean to be movie villain tier, nothing more nothing less. nu Broly tried but still did nothing with him.
>Incel Ball
>another concession
you are right to discard yourself. spare yourself the humiliation schizo haha!
You have zero talent and you should commit suicide. "Artist" lmao, I've seen drunken dogs with more artistic talent than you. You're a worthless, untalented waste of resources. You're a fucking disappointment. Slit your wrists.
I prefer
Should've contracted the ymacha isekai guy.
cope poodle
>struggles with accepting his desire to please bejitasama
Also did these.
>literally fleeing like a frightened little pup, whimpering in terror as it runs in horror back to its kennel where it promptly shits and pisses itself in subservient fear
Good boy.
Holy fucking based
holy fuck i can't believe it's this easy for me to win
i'm too fucking smart it's almost a curse
SCHOLARchadSCIENTISTrens win again
Orc Jiren
I thought Jirenbros, were supposed to be scholars?
shut the FUCK up
this thread is pathetic
you should all be banned and killed IRL
>samefagging this much
Enjoy your vacation.
>disregarded my comment by discarding it.
My point still stands user.
Nice ms paint edit, queerenfag.
I guess I’m not allowed to critique nu Star-Wars and Marvel Capeshit, huh?
>false equivalence
>no argument
Goddamn it, why is it always so easy for me to fucking win?
If only it wasn’t furshit...
You know what to do, gentlemen.
Vegeta red
Holy mother of Buh buh BASED. (Say no to samefagging)
>>no argument
Who said you deserve one?
It’s not like you brought any to the table.
The one and the same coping garbage shitposters. Literal donkeys with low inhibition.
>b-b-but you're not worth it
Any Vegito fags wanna get rippped alive?
Potora >>. Dance
Vegetto >>> Gogeta
>People still think Gogeta is a better fusion.
>gokuspics need to rely on non canon garbage
He gets the job done.
This shit. Lets compare Vegito’s fights to Gogeta’s.
Vegito vs. Buu
>Only baited Buu to absorb him so he can save his children and piccolo.
>Probably would have killed Buu if he knew he had a time limit.
Vegito vs Zamasu
>Fought opponent with near equal strength and regeneration.
>Went into SSB right away.
>Stabbed Zamasu in the fucking heart.
>Sublimated his face. I can’t even boil water without a stove.
Gogeta vs Broly
>Fought a mindless hulk that he dominated in strength.
>Waited for Broly to get stronger before going Blue.
>Couldn’t kill or even scar Broly with multiple attacks worthy of a Level 3 Super.
>Could’ve teleported to Broly after his kamehameha didn’t hit.
>Acted like he wasn’t about to kill him seconds later.
The only reason Toriyama made Gogeta canon was because fusion dance Vegito would have skinned Broly alive.
>jobgetafags need to twist facts
>gets exposed for samefagging
>can't cope
Grow up.
>let all the people besides Buu die anyway
Holy fuck you ate his soul you satanic bitch!
Cope, dogpuppet.
why does super saiyan 4 have magic clothes
Reminder of the Shitren"scholars"'s latest research.
Because he's non canon.
Least his hands are clean.
GT creators weren’t comfortable as furries yet.
Can you smell that?
It smells like SEETHE
Jobrenilliterates were at it again I see
>I can’t even boil water without a stove.
What did user mean by this?
Why are they so stupid?
No it’s sleep. Followed by warrior.
Was it deleted mid-type.
More like preschoolers
>why does super saiyan 4 have magic clothes
I thought some user would mention such a topic.
Very well then.
You see user, during the "transformation" I believe it's simply down to a random chance, that the "magic pants" appear.
Of course it's happens on a molecular level and during the process it just happens by chance, conveniently every time the SS4 transformation happens.
Quite simple really.
Why’d you post a Heroes picture where magic clothes don’t happen.
Enter Hearts
>Trying to reason with savages
Big mistake, Goku.
Is this a rekt thread now?
Can’t watch it. What is it?
>Why’d you post a Heroes picture where magic clothes don’t happen.
Nice observation user.
But it shows the SS4 transformation is different in DBH.
Its finally here:
>Vegeta reaches yardat planet.
>Frieza is there
>Goku gets found and the ship intercepted
>0-4 against Moro
>Merus shows his secret weapon. A fully automatic stun gun
>he takes out all the goons and Moro flees terrified
>gets interrupted by Vegeta's instant transmission.
>He is wearing a Frieza uniform and has a yardat head on his hand.
Enter my autism
>Yardrat Head
>Frieza Uniform
Not buying it.
Who came up with Bills as a translation for Beerus?
fuck you
Is it? Because I have a few to share.
I guess that's why they beat the shit out him later on and almost killed him
Might as well be. Honestly would be more engaging then whatever the Jiren posting is.
Discussion Time: What is your favorite episode in the franchise and why?
Spanish-speakers, and I mean that sincerely. Some pockets of them STILL insist on using it.
your mom lol
Based Heartsposter.
Are there any official pics or stills of Kibito standing next to Piccolo or a tall character?
245 from Z. Goku turning SSJ3.
>it's fake Cuz I don't like it huehue
Grow up.
The first thread always gets the brunt of the shitposters. That's why this thread is kinda comfy.
I don't want it to be true because holy fucking shit who wants an is-Vegeta-evil-again fakeout for the eighteenth goddamn time?
Why would Vegeta work for Frieza or kill a yardrat.
Goku v Jackie Chun as its one of my favorite db fights.
Goku turning super saiyan for the first time because of how iconic it was and him beating Frieza
Super: hit assassinating Goku. Just because he kills Goku plus given an inside to his job
Shut the fuck up.
>DB threads
Never ever, its all shit
Pay attention. He got 3-0d in yardrat.
Jirenbros....what is this.....
But he hates Frieza. Or don’t think a beat up is gonna convince him to rejoin the Frieza Force.
Maybe scale off of Shin.
Your gonna come back crawling when I'm inevitably proven right. BITCH
Vegeta literally just went on his spiel of how he'd rather die than fail to save the Namekians and we're supposed to buy he genocided the Yardrats because big bad Frieza said to? I'm not saying you're wrong or right, I'm saying if you ARE right then this plot has gone irreversibly retarded.
Who worked on the perspective? Hackotaro?
Also how would he learn Instant Transmission in less than a day?
/pol/ here, kys.
Who told you it takes longer?
Goku who took a year.
Goku learned it in five minutes, he just took the long pod ride back because he's retarded.
>Can empower a whole army of allies.
>Constantly steals the life force off his enemies.
Moro would be an op healer in a rpg or something.
The art style is so fucking based.
C-C-Chadren is traced!?
>d missing from "smirk"
>attempting (and failing) to imitate the Jirenscholars' posting style
Anyone else?
Enter Champa
Maybe like that but would you still fuck our god in this form.
The art and animation of the movie was great. They made super saiyan look cool again after so many years and how super made it look shit.
Discussion Time:
What character would you want to reincarnate as?
A Chad
Goten. All the potential to become as powerful as my brother and dad if I felt like it, but so many other people around to tackle the real threats I can spend most of my life goofing off with superpowers.
>The jobgetaschizo's fantasy is to get fucked by Jobgeta
Holy fucking pathetic
Kid Goku in GT so I could look at my cute body and go swimming with Pan!
I want to fuck all the attractive characters as Bloomers desu
Not Gohan then?
>calls people schizo
>obsessed with vegeta
It was just the initial assumption everywhere. Some people suggested "Beerus", but others thought that was trying way too hard. But then we got the Beer reference confirms, so everyone went for Beerus.
For some unfathomable reason, some localization companies (especially from Latin based languages, although not only from Latin America, Italy uses it too for example) stuck with "Bills".
Right looks ugly because it’s trying replicate reality and how nips really look like.
You can't wiggle out of this. No one's ever used your cringe names for the characters other than you before.
Learn to speak the language of the gods and I’m set.
Nice headcanon.
What else was he doing in space?
pretty sure plenty of weebs call her bloomers. take your meds.
No bully.
What do you think Mr. Satan's PL is? The farmer that Raditz killed had a PL of 5, so assuming that is the average human PL, how much stronger would Satan be?
What would happen to me?
>didn't take much time
C to the R to the Y. Just weep and cope and don't ask why.
When I was kid I apparently I thought all farmers were muscular from all the work they do and believed the farmer was peak human. Hercule is probably above 5 as he is the champion and chopped all those boards at the Cell Games. I believe Kid Golu started with a power level of 10 and was immune to bullets so Hercule would be lower than that.
>manga chapter is officially out tomorrow
>not even a single panel has leaked
Has anyone played Jump Force to know what this guy’s deal is.
No one's ever used your made up names don't kid yourself.
Player a little it's trash also dude is basically a fanboy otaku who wants to control all of Jump. I regret letting my friend teasing me into playing.
google bulma bloomers and cope.
Are the characters from seperate universes or are they all in one world for no reason?
So it isn't made up, still, it's you, the Jobgetadog
Do everything the same but spend the 10 days before the Cell Games training. I will probably reach Buu level at least.
sure it is
Enter Bardock.
The most based jobber in the series.
Where’s his scar?
No the new version though.
Piccolo saved year one Saitama nice
Next time a restaurant puts a plate of shit in front of you, you better eat it and compliment the chef on his outstanding culinary work.
You know, since you're not a chef and you don't get to critique it.
>reincarnation as a cute shota
Absolutely based
Name a more based succesor canidate.
Not even getting the chance to fug 18?
Best Choice
probably scream and power up
what discussion happens here? are you people delusional?
Post retarded Dragon Ball pictures.
Son Goku
What would you do differently?
This is low.........
>extremely low quality
You know what to do gentlemen.
Anime War should make Vegito Double Blanco a thing.
Yeah we are 300 posts in.
>made up names
That's literally her name, retard
The only things I remember about GT are Pan, SS4 and how much of a little bitch every villain became the moment Goku got up in their face.
I honestly don't care to remember anything else.
Why can’t Dragon Ball use it’s techniques in more creative ways. Post fan mangas doing it better.
>I honestly don't care to remember anything else.
The soundtrack?
off topic may be more effective.
>Not look up at the moon like a retard so no dead grandpa Gohan
>Bite the shit out of Kami and plead with him not to remove my tail as I will be more careful this with my oozaru form
Most of other stuff stays the same aside from me trying to save Krillin from death and training my oozaru form not to chimp out whenever I transform
>Also kiss Chichi
>Don't let Raditz kick Krillin through Kame house
>Don't drop Raditz' tail like a retard
>Let Piccolo fire his special beam cannon and fire at him before dropping his tail and dodging at the last second because theres no reasoning with this retard and hes too strong to keep alive
>Tell Vegeta that I clapped his wife's pussy and then laugh while his confused yet angry ass seethes over the scouter
>Tell Piccolo that its time to train like mad
>Ask Kami to take me to otherworld so I can go to King Kai's place and learn the kaioken but take Piccolo and the gang with me so they can learn it too
>Tell Yajirobe he can train if he wants too or whatever
>Go to earth and wait for the saiyans to arrive
>Kill all of the Saibaman myself so Retardcha doesn't die
>Not taking any risks here
>Stop Vegeta from killing Nappa
>Tell Krillin to take Nappa back to Bulma's place to he can rest and be taken care of
>Humans and Piccolo have no reason to despise Nappa aside from the murders he committed against the humans but all those people will be wished back soon
>Beat Vegeta's ass with Kaioken boosted Oozaru mode and the aid of my kaioken boosted bros if thats not enough
>Sever his tail as he cannot be trusted with that power
>Let Vejobber flee to his cuckship as he will be help in the oncoming battle with Freeza
>Train even harder in a bigger spaceship as Dr. Brief and Bulma have more time to build a bigger and better ship after directing them to Kami's ship to base the design off of
>Go to Namek and save the namekians from Freeza's men
Don't have enough lines to write anymore in this post but will continue in another
Dragon Hammer
God Dammit
Could full power Jiren open jar of pickles?
Could full power Jiren beat base Goku from the beginning of Z?
He’d be more effectve at doing so at least.
Could you get early super saiyan with back tingle knowledge?
>still avatarfagging
Don't make me shut you the FUCK down again.
Goku BoZ < Raditz < Vegeta < Zarbon < Ginyu < Frieza < Trunks < Cell < Gohan < Buutenks < Vegito < God Goku < Blue Goku < Hit < Hit ToP < Jiren < Full Power Jiren
Nice headcanon.
>Multi-Form turns you into 4 copies with 1/4 the power.
>Fusion combines 2 people into a being greater than the sum of their parts.
Sounds Broken
Yeah I thought it was flimsy too. Goku is always holding back.
He's right you know
Should have specified Saiyan Saga Vegeta.
>tfw 18 used to be thicc but now she’s a stick now
This is an interesting question, that will make anons ponder, of what life would be like to be one of the characters featured in the DB series.
>go through a lot of dying
>get rekt every time space aliens decide to invade earth or you are somewhere else looking for DBs
>end up being fodder because your alien friend is basically a god slaying monster
>finally paid off
Gonna solar flare destructo disk combo Frieza?
Best ending of any of the tv series except maybe original DB.
Hahaha, stupid lizard, jumping in on you while wounded and tired was a genius move by me, Bejita-sama! Don't dream of returning to life aga- NO WAIT DON'T AAAAIIIIEEEEEEEEE!
This Orochi form was dope. I was kind of bummed when he then turned into a humanoid again.
Who has the biggest win:lose ratio to another character?
Could Vegito Blue have been able to fight Jiren evenly, or would even he not have enough MUH POWER-tism?
he'd whip him, considering Fusions >>> UI
And don't try to argue me
CHADgeta Blue didn't let Broly (stronger than Beerus) even TOUCH him. That's why Fusions are based
Forgot to mention Nappa is with us on Namek
>Nappa has allied with us after Vegeta tried to kill him and we saved his life
>Brought Gohan along against Chichi's wishes so he can get stronger also so we can abuse that firecracker rage boost of his
>All the humans and Gohan can use kaiokenx4 at max
>Piccolo, Nappa, and I can use kaiokenx20 at max but Piccolo recovers better by simply ripping his limbs off and regenerating new, undamaged ones
>Piccolo can't go above x20 or his vital organs will explode, killing him
>Taught Nappa how to use kaioken in his oozaru state by doing special training specifically during the full moon
>Nappa has now truly befriended us after realizing I trust him enough to teach him how to gain all this power
>Gohan still can control his oozaru form though because he is a child nor can he use oozaru kaioken
>Keep our distance from Freeza while killing Dodoria and Zarbon
>Make Vegeta join us with the threat of violence to keep him in line
>Finally take on the ginyu force with the aid of Nail
>Made sure to hide our power levels
Just throwing out power levels based on how strong Goku was after training Dr. Brief's pod assuming I get a small zenkai from fighting Vegeta despite not getting clapped based on this fanfiction so far
>Base Goku(me)- 90,000
>Oozaru Goku(me)- 190,000
>Base Nappa- 80,000
>Oozaru Nappa-180,000
>Piccolo- 50,000
>Nail- 42,000
>Tenshinhan- 20,000
>Yamcha- 20,000
>Krillin- 15,000
>Gohan- 20,000
>Chaotzu- 10,000
.This is all of us after getting our potentials unlocked btw
>Guru trusted us immediately after seeing a namekian was with us
>Also, we already have Dende as the pocket healer so we are essentially unstoppable against everyone except Freeza
>Apply all kaioken multipliers to whatever person you want to find out how strong they are while using whatever kaioken output blah blah blah way too many numbers
>The ginyus were not expecting this much resistance
>Shit on the ginyus with our kaioken team attacks
Depends on how much stronger Goku and Vegeta are after the ToP. Considering Gogeta dominated Broly they might be close since Broly is probably stronger than Beerus.
You forgot your "d" again, Jiren """""scholar"""".
He also became a chad of sorts in GT, getting all sorts of girls.
Vegito or Gogeta would absolutely BODY Jiren. Also, Vegito is stronger than Gogeta because of the potara earring bullshit, but you wouldn't think so considering how all Vegito did in DBS was job.
Best GT girl was taken by Goku though.
He's strong enough to pull multiple buses and survive a hit from Cell, so he's definitely above peak human. The strongest men in the world can "only" pull 1 bus, and you can't tell me Brian Shaw's power level is the same as a farmer's.
>Knows he has a time limit.
>Knows powerful moves can shorten his fusion.
Can anyone contain serious Chadgito the next time he’s released from Keketa and Jobku.
Reminder that CHADtor Briefs is undefeated against KEKza
>Improved and perfected saiyans spaceship allowing Gokek to become stronger which would lead to the lizard imminent defeat
>Passed on his genius genes to his daughter who would invent time travel and send Briefs' grandson to finish the job Gokek couldnt do and annihilate cuckza for good
That’s like saying Beerus killed Nappa because he had Frieza destroy Planet Vegeta.
>annihalate chadza for good
Reminder this is a canon yardrat.
I'm just going to say no because I hate that bullshit
>I learned how to control my oozaru form by doing mental and emotional training with the humans during the full moon back on earth
Theres your explanation for that
>Kill Ginyu before he can try his body change
>Let everyone take turns blasting an angery Vegeta through the chest with ki blasts before letting Dende heal him so he can get zenkai boosted enough to take on Freeza
>He angrily shouts at us to stop before beginning to cry as he becomes mentally scarred from feeling horrible pain and almost dying so many times
>Unwittingly get the attention of a very angery Fureeza
>He read our power levels during the fight so he wasted no time reverting back into his base form so he wouldn't risk being killed by a kaioken boosted attack in his restricted form
>Everyone gets BTFO'd
>Spirit bomb attempt
>Spirit bomb fail
>He starts killing us one by one until only Nappa, Gohan, and I are left
>Think about how much I hate my dad in real life
>Go super saiyan
>"Kill" Freeza after a good fight
>Have king kai tell Kami and Popo to resurrect Dende using Shenron
>Tell Porunga to resurrect everyone who was killed by Freeza and his men
>Everybody is back yay!
>Go back to earth and drag Vegeta's bitch ass with us because I need to Trunks so I can get that fucking heart virus medicine
Ending it here because this went all over the place and I'd need hours to correct everything and make it structurally sound
Just know that Nappa is alive, Raditz gets wished back and rehabilitated from the saiyan life style which will be way easier considering Nappa, a formerly evil saiyan will show him that he can become good
Also I make Vegeta my bitch at every turn while keeping major events mostly canon
Until it comes down to our second match of course but thats a story for another day
>made by Toei
kek based
>He has said the same thing in more than one thread
Instant loss
Reminder that Beerus is 1-0 against Jobren because the warriors that represented him beat Jobren
>Wears Yardrat clothing in the manga.
Pretty canon looking to me.
Present Trunks
I doubt Toyotaro will prefer a design made for a random ass game instead of the one everyone is already used with
Frieza. Start working out from birth and the universe is your oyster, you could even be a good guy if you want and rule as benevolent god emperor (always blow up planet vegeta and pop goku's space pod though, fuck monkeys)
>Don’t have to do shit after Buu
If you can take a strict fitness dad you’re set.
How do you stop Zeno from erasing U7 later?
Work on raising U7's mortal level as much as possible so we're one of the top four to not get wiped. Spread the advanced rejuvination technology, encourage colonization of new worlds, mercilessly destroy Buu in his egg on earth before Kid Buu can wipe out a bunch of worlds in his tard rage.
Pretty Based
There are two DBS threads up, both nearing 400 posts. How the fuck is this possible?
Toppo’s mouth is cursed.
the coolest Dragon Ball character
You posted Yamacha buddy.
Yamaha is the coolest
Get off the internet, Pual
He misspelled Puar the cat who sucked Yamcha’s dick.
We already know what his third wish was user.
Holy Basil
CHADS OF Yea Forums
La evolución de Jiren
Yea Forums
>This could've been Dragon Ball Super
>But we got Toyotardo
Zamasu arc would've made people cream themselves but instead we got someone thats worse than frenchfags writing fanfiction
>no leaks
Crazy thing is Murata is a huge Dragonball fan so we could have gotten some crazy stuff if he drew Dragonball. He even said he liked Saitama due to how he was similar to Goku in that both aren't traditional type of heroes. I'd imagine we also would have actual fighting choreography than what were getting a lot from this manga.
Here's him trying close to toryiama's style. He's pretty good as he drew jotaro nearly identical to Araki's style.
SS3 was a mistake
Toyo made that design.
I fucking hate Peter and his retarded clickbait videos so fucking damn much.
More based than Super Saiyan 4.
Cry more.
i would also avoid killing grandpa but knowing what i know i would train incessantly until i achieved super saiyan and wish to retain my sanity as a great ape OR wish for the ability to turn super saiyan 4.
then i would just fuck everything up while trying to keep everything happening as it did. or maybe i'll take a harem and just wish in the lolis that wouldve been born had i not interfered. i mean, whos gonna stop me?
Honestly, I like it. It's still in the same "style" but has a greater sense of weight and the musculature seems more grounded and realistic. He can convey a substantial amount in just a simple pose, too.
Unironically YamCHAD.
Cope, furfaggot. Only degenerates think they fucked each other.
Imagine double spreads done by him. Also he has drawn a few db characters in his one style and similar to this
i think it looks really fucking cool but question his ability to keep up that level of quality on a month to month basis. how long does it take him to draw 45 pages of that quality?
It shouldn't be that much OPM is was released month to month but now he's trying biweekly chapters and art in those chapters are usually still good. Only at times does he do redraws and rerelease a chapter if he rushed it and feels its unworthy.
Are you guys dumb? Murata started on OPM in 2012, DBS wasn't even a thing until summer 2015, he was never a realistic option. The reality is nobody but a imitator (Toyo, Lee, Ooishi or Jiiji) was gonna get the job. Anyone with actual talent would have gone on to do their own successful manga and not spend their life trying to copy toriyama style
theres no background on that or any other details. is this a rushed page or a standard one, because the landscape is pretty iconic in dragon ball and it would be a shame if it was absent
It pisses me off how good he is
at least it only lasts 30 minutes at best
ok retard
No its not a rushed page these are the pens he does. The assistants add on the backgrounds, gradients, and enviroments. He moslty does just characters.
ballpark of 10
One Meme Man fags need to leave. This thread is reserved only to the chads of Yea Forums.
based Salagir
yes because only saying kakarot is way better
so make him hulk?
Not much different from him just screaming. Also the kakarot yelling didn't get really bad until the second movie when that's all he said. First Broly movie he had some links besides that.
i like old Broly for the memes where the nips made him a protag for everything
A lot of games advertised him as this final boss type guy even one trailer having him face gogeta. Which is funny considering he lost yo a juiced up super saiyan and second movie to three super saiyans that he was beating the asses of.
I fucking hate the time limit retcon
>even one trailer having him face gogeta
BT3 and Budokai 3 actually, they really love those two, it's almost fated
>Spic needs reminding
Well, if it is a whoopin' you'rea wantin'...Still, take it from GoD Bra's lowest vassal.
It happened because Buu became a Good Guy.
If Buu never became Good, there would be no retcon.
Thread isn't over yet, better go hide a few more.
>Is showing an origin story not drawn by Salagir
Nice honesty you have here.
How the fuck are these dumbass threads still more active than One Piece? Fucking spammers.
You are a fucking joke
Because we're the Chads of Yea Forums
wan piss is shit
do we have to repeat ourselves?
You're not a chad of anything, you're fucking little kids spamming the goddamn board. Fuck off.
The movie is already flopping, there is just a great difference in popularity.
The movie outsold DBS Broly.
projecting much?
Yeah those then after that they started for a limited time used Omega shenron and one game Hatchiyak
In Japan, which is worthless in the big picture.
still the Gogeta and Broly wank is just too much, how much trailer did Vegito got? 1? Budokai 2?
>bald, womanly manlet
>compares itself with an actual chad
Yeah remembered he was shown once against someone. I forgot who it was either Broly, janemba or omega.
his face wasn't even shown lol
kek, based
Gogetacucks in shambles.
Mangacucks seethe
You forgot for Vegito vs Zamasu
>Plays pretending to be dead just to stab him and then talk him to death because he can't keep his mouth shut during a fight
>listens to Zamasu antics because instead of hitting him full force, even commenting on his cries
And for Gogeta vs Broly
>Returned broly to his base form as shown with Broly regaining his pupils and sanity at Kamehameha
>Vegito starts off strong to assert dominance and then goes more lenient once the opponent appears to be weaker than him, the major Vegeta personality, with jokes for Goku
>Gogeta starts off slowly to test his opponents level but as the fight goes on, he will go more ballistic and try to end your life if you still haven't give up, the major Goku personality, killings from Vegeta
>sees me everywhere
Truly rent free.
Alright, time to have this debate: Which had the better opening, 2 or 3?
How could he not be?
3 is just pure kino
>Vegito starts off strong to assert dominance and then goes more lenient once the opponent appears to be weaker than him, the major Vegeta personality, with jokes for Goku
>Gogeta starts off slowly to test his opponents level but as the fight goes on, he will go more ballistic and try to end your life if you still haven't give up, the major Goku personality, killings from Vegeta
Headcanon. Also Broly wasn’t in base form despite regaining sanity. Vegito’s signature attack the spirit sword would have destroyed Broly’s heart.
>Spirit could destroy Broly's heart
proof for the headcanon?
If she was packing those bad boys, Gokek might have rested peacefully that night.
See Broly isn’t immortal.
Not him, but I don't see why it wouldn't. Piercing attacks tend to be pretty effective in this series when hitting the heart, and Vegito would definitely be strong enough for it to go right through Broly. The only other people he's ever fought were characters that were functionally immortal, so stabbing them through the heart wouldn't kill them. Hell, Buu probably didn't even have a heart to stab.
no, how did it destroy his heart? i'm not asking about his mortality, i want to know the real strength of spirit sword
what the fuck is this?
Multiversefags, everyone
how many times did Vegeta and Goku survived piercings? Death beam only killed a half dead vegeta and it can't kill Piccolo unless you put 10 holes on him, Gohan also survived, Vegeta survives Black's stab, Goku survives Black's ki needles and etc, piercing moves a shit
Current Vegito would be way stronger than Broly like Gogeta. It went through Zamasu even though they were near equal in power.
and sorbet too
Goku and Vegeta were incapacitated everytime they were stabbed. Right through the heart is pretty much the worst place for the target.
Yamcha is also pierced through the heart while he's being drained and he survived long enough for a senzu bean, if even a weakling could live without a heart, then it pretty clear that breaking someone's heart won't kill them in DBverse no?
Nearly killed Goku when Hit did it.
he fought with a hole
In Super alone, Goku gets killed/put on the edge of death twice by piercing attacks to the heart. One time by fucking Sorbet of all people.
well? did it kill him? face it, having holes on your body doesn't stop you from fighting, MUH SPIRIT SWORD headcanon is just pitiful
Forgot about that. Guess it was only Jobgeta.
and it didn't kill him, pierce the saiyans all you want, you can't pull a cheap move like messing up their organs on them, they'll still fight
the official release in like 11 hours.
Goku would have died if he didn’t shoot out the energy blast. The heart is a vital organ.
Meha-nothing. I prefer the canon version "Kamehame-wha". While is true, at least this was actually attacking with it (not just another case of early DB propulsion via ki attacks). Shame all that utility was lost as things went on. If something about the move (being so weak) lent it to being more versatile (for whatever reason), it might not be in such poor standing overall.
>fan mangas
That basically just leaves DBM. While it is anime-only that Tri-Beam zooms in between Tien's hands, it is not at all unreasonable to suggest stacking through the focus point like a lens. Well, up until considering the modifier (AT would just make it arbitrarily stronger). Four arms for multiple shots let alone a magnified one (what DBM does) suits me. However, why stop there?
It seems strange to me that Tien just drops multi-arm. He should have gone further to full on Asura territory (six arms) as it relates to him well (drawing from Taoist shit). Multi-body gets a bad wrap. It may not be linked vision (that isn't specified), but having all those extra people to sense with has its time and place (aside from having distractions to put all over the place). Possible ring-out? Have a clone hide itself. Want to use a life threatening trick like ECW? Let a clone do it (maybe having multiple using it would prevent a simple reversal like Junior did, too).
watch this vid goku is literally grabbing his lower heart there, missing some piece of it is no problem for them
>Also Broly wasn’t in base form despite regaining sanity
what is this headcanon? he literally regained his pupils and reverted to his base form by the time he's on Vampa
Wtf am I looking at? Did Freeza remake the Ginyu Force?
>another fat chick
i haven't address this problem but a filler? really?
i dont know whos who but it looks like that guy is correcting your false statement that broly went back to base at the kamehameha. he didnt. broly regained his pupils and thus sanity at it and then was at base in vampa. you said he went to base at the blast and that was wrong
Goku had a few different interesting ways he used Kamehameha variations back in the day. I don't know why he never used this trick again afterwards.
Not immediately. Didn’t think about after the teleportation.
VJump scans. New Ginyu girl is fat
goten is cute when hes sad
>Arguing semantics
he's definitely regaining his head then
Getting back to Tri-Beam, if DBM wants to stack arms, why can't it stack Tien's? We already know Kamehameha (from the fight with Raditz) to be x2.2*. Even the early version of Tri-Beam is stated as multiple times stronger (at least x4.4* though that is low-balling). Tien's first use of multi-body (splitting evenly) was four. Not sure why he couldn't do more splits (hard to say what the limit would be).
Even with the just the four (and no multi-arms) on a mere x4.4* version of Tri-Beam, an arbitrarily chosen PL like 250 (his canon PL before training to face the Saiyans) would become 62.5 for each of the four. With the beam rules to be able to do so, passing through each 'lens' (clones) would multiply it accordingly (x4.4) to outpace the loss from multi-body. By the end of the line it would go from a projected PL of ~277 to ~24,386. Already enough to kill Nappa.
No need to go crazy with the what-if for some six paths six arms business. This is enough to get the point across for what could be (and part of why AT steers clear of multipliers). A bit unreasonable to suggest each successive Tien could handle the strain of the incoming attack to act like a lens before passing it on (even at the cost of that clone), but plenty of absurdities have been allowed before (like 'Super Tri-Beam' letting Tien hold back Cell even if not dealing damage).
More is the pity he wasn't even allowed to keep CSATT (that some dipshit insisted was just a regular Kiai despite Roshi clearly stating this technique made Tien immune to the likes of Kamehameha with PL difference being irrelevant, which is not something that would apply to the generic he stupidly brought up). Gero was a fool to not use a superior specimen like Tien (instead, getting himself killed using Kamehameha from Goku).
Because toryiama doesn't give a fuck anymore.
then i have nothing to say than it never happened, besides he survived it, as i said before destroy their heart like Hit did then, he'll just make a new one with his ki blast
Is that red queen latifah?
>weebs wanted another cheelai
>got a fat chick instead
so what i'm seeing here is that he blow his heart to smithereens inside and he's surviving on Ki, not heart, way to break your own "heart is vital' headcanon there
>fat girl
Is Tori going full tumblr?
Could be much worst. A genderbent version.
theres a lot of "variations" people quote that arent real variations. like the instant kamehameha, which is just a normal one but you use it after using instant transmission. i mean come on thats not a fucking variation. its nothing but the standard attack. its like having a wiki page about the "car ride galick gun" which is a galick gun variation in which vegeta launches a purple ki blast at a peeper from his car during sex with his wife. thats not a variation. its not even a galick gun or launched like one or referred to as such at all yet its a galick gun variation because of a dumb unofficial bootleg trading card attack.
basically the wiki annoys me
As before , there were a few ways it was used in DB. Propulsion was the most common (be it from the hands or feet). Bending being another. Apparently the time he blasted himself on the way to Namek was an actual barrage of them (Budokai wasn't entirely full of shit with that talk, but still had it all wrong in depiction).
That, the 'torpedoes' (that were merely for distraction) and the warp (IT) were the last instances of getting 'clever' with it (though counting IT is pushing it). After that, it wouldn't be until the 'skating' thing in Super's anime that something stood out as more than a ki wave used honestly. Against his Prince, it has only one purpose.
NOTE: With ToP's (anime) ending, rather than tossing Frieza, he could have blasted him at Jiren (with the lizard maybe using 'Nova Strike' off it) as another instance of propelling in place of flight (this time for another).
I'm not gonna lie, I'd much rather have this than a red Bulma. She's not even fat really just ultra thicc
She's literally a whale.
>don't count IT
I'm inclined to agree.
Total shit. Probably where the retard calling just a kiai (or "Kiai Deflect" per some shitty game) comes from. He should have stuck to the source material. The thing is filled with non-canon garbage (not even attempting to really divorce the various mediums, really). Places like that are what enable "SSJ" among so much else wrong with the 'community'.
no manga panels yet?
Broly lost his form from the shock not the punch.
He used the same attack against Jiren when they fought.
Broly wouldn’t think to do that.
>Heart is vital
Is /a retarded?
>train Oozaru
Nobel, but why (early advantage until drinking SKW)? Also, I wonder if that body can even manage it. Perhaps with a human mind in it (worked for Gohan on the second try).
>kiss Chi-Chi
No accounting for taste.
>don't drop Raditz's tail
Was it not clearly explained he can just remove it himself (and was trying to avoid resorting to that)?
>don't job to death for access to KK
You sure about that?
>go there while alive
>with the jobbers
Losing out on a superior body and time. Leave it to a Retardkufag.
>save Nappa
The fuck is wrong with you?
>KK Oozaru
Nigger, Goku had passive Oozaru from SKW. It wasn't enough. You will lose trying to pull this shit. How are you going to transform? Off the Full Moon (as Vegeta does the same)? He won't even need the Power Ball this time (since you apparently didn't have Piccolo take it out).
You should be letting things play out like normal, then attack Vegeta viciously right as he forms Power Ball (if not finishing it there, destroying the false moon to return him to base and then easily win). Sloppy work. Did you want him to be undefeated against you, too?
>trusted with the power AT will seal away anyway
Okay. You realize that cutting it wouldn't normally prevent it from returning, right?
>train harder
You mean abuse zenkai even harder (as the gravity training was pretty whatever as a factor)?
>will continue
Probably better you rework this draft (first).
>Sublimated Zamasu with aura fist.
>Broly gets scratched from this unholy thing
Are you gonna continue, he posted more.
>All the years, all the memes, and Vegito was the more serious and fatal one.
Didn't Gogeta go for the Kamehameha right after this move? Maybe this actually just knocked the sanity back into him?
>Punches sanity back into Broly.
>Fires blue beam of death anyway.
>Nappa ally
You expect his ways to change that quickly? Not even sure what difference he'll make without zenkai abuse. I suppose you're going to imply Enma would allow Nappa to train with King Kai (who definitely would not be teaching KK to the guy at that point).
>x20 for even Nappa
Silly. Should have had Piccolo sent to Namek to fuse with all his people, too (while you're wanking to this extent).
>recovers better
KK's strain isn't just in the limbs. What you're describing would cost him more and more stamina (and drop his PL).
>taught Nappa how to do something irrelevant
He won't be able to transform on Namek without paying the toll. Mind you, Power Ball's cost for the proposed trained version of him shouldn't be too steep (and it isn't like he drank SKW). Should probably teach him to guard the 'moon' and wrap his tail while transformed, eh? That's IF he has control of himself in that state (and we're assuming he can Power Ball to begin with as Vegeta made it sound like others among the top elites could).
>Gohan can't do the thing he did in canon
You're such an idiot.
>keep distance from guy next to targets
Not going to explain how you get them away from the boss man?
>threaten Vegeta
>implying you won't get head cannnon'd
Watch your back.
>Oozaru Goku
Not an option.
>Nappa lags behind
He was equal with Goku (and is of superior stock) without evidence of training (or previous zenkai). Didn't get as many zenkai?
>Pickle's PL
Sad. Just merge the poor bastard already. Why not put Kami to work here, too? Convince him of Frieza's threat posed to Earth (and Piccolo the danger they face).
Tien? He going to pull all this business ( and )?
>the others
Why bother? Seriously. It isn't like you got Chiaotzu to tap into Jianshi powers, made him a better ESPer, etc. Deadweight.
>potential unlock Goku to end up with canon base PL
Did you want a fucking slap? That it?
>no talk of zenkai abuse prep
Thanks doc. Really though, they should have weaponized gravity, their capsule tech, made vastly improved armor, made mechs, etc. Science side got shelved hard. Poor Frieza got the most nigger rigged cybernetics ever. Look at that poor motherfucker. Gero would be rolling.
When is 1-0 over Goku? I assume, like all cats, he will be defeating the MC with ease.
people like to meme that broly jobbed at gogeta blue but the truth is that gogeta knew broly would keep growing stronger so he had to kill him before he gets too strong. broly began to catch up while gogeta was super saiyan which prompted gogeta to go blue and end it quick and even then broly began to get a hit in
Should be easy street.
Should pretty well do the trick.
At least Puar is undefeated against Goku.
Such a waste. Should have at least developed his 'Guided Bullet'. Going from needing to stop and use his hands to fighting while guiding it with his mind (for offense and defense including slapping away incoming attacks) would help his case as with controlling multiple orbs (even leaving them about to throw off ki sensing or setting way points to warp to if only for Goku as a support effort). Had he been taught SB, he could have worked some of that stuff into his technique (making up for the power he lacks if only a bit).
While a doujin from him would be nice, I wouldn't want the art to deviate from imitating AT (at least matching Buu Saga when it wasn't just him being a lazy cunt surpassed even by Toei).
>Knew Broly would get stronger.
>Didn’t go SSB right away.
Another win for “Gets the job done”gito.
>taking FF head on
Bit of a stretch. But then, Sally goes with the dub blunder of a Broly getting stronger with time (not just gathering ki) in LSS. That and him being 'invincible'. Then there is his waifu...
It was over (for Goku) the moment his Prince was introduced.
3-0, when?
Speaking of which, 2-0 soon.
Fucking terrible.
Just had to work my way down.
I suppose Cell should be among the hordes here. Hard to fit them all in with FighterZ so eager to make the roster mostly Goku. Fortunately, Goku-lite (Goten) in fusion form doesn't count. Looks like UI got included early (for this joke). Who knows? Maybe Turles will somehow get in, too.