Tick tock, Yea Forums
Tick tock, Yea Forums
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....on the clock but the party don't stop....
Who cares? Lolicon is shit
Who cares? Lolicon is shit
>doomposting again
But nice doujin either way.
This thread is obvious samefagging.
well deserved for publishing het lolis
They will only hide the loli for 2-3 months, then go back to business.
Yeah your phone and your PC.
>word from actual doujin author on the site
Come on, show my just one piece of information that shows that lolicon pandering media is doing well at all. You can't. Japan is experiencing its coming of age, this means outgrowing immature, juvenile and vile parts of its media.
i love everything from rotary engine
If you say so.
That means nothing and you know it.
How did you know?
How is it doomposting when the actual author wrote that?
Oh no pedobros...this is the end
Because he was selling Loli rape hentai in the lastest comicket?
Rotary Engine is practically a household circle in Comiket who's been there for over a decade. If it got harder for her then it probably got harder for all loli artists out there.
Web dev tools that come with every browsers make it extremely easy to edit. Screenshots prove nothing.
He said harder, not impossible.
imagine the all the stored up loli doujins releasing all at once after the Olympics are over
Haha, get fucked degenerates.
This implies that after the damn Olympics end this stupid moralistic charade will be no more. Thank God.
>If it got harder for her then it probably got harder for all loli artists out there.
That's why none of them did it this year, right? And without implying in any way why it's hard, like if officials are pressuring them or if they're getting stares or what, this is a completely meaningless thread.
Fuck you nigger.
This, same shit with the author of whatever that loli dance manga was blaming the olympics to cover up not finishing a second fucking series.
Wanted to visit Japan one day, but now it looks like the country is gonna get rekt by Olympics. I hope the worst impact will stay limited to Tokyo only.
you do not belong on Yea Forums
Not anime or manga.
Dont you remember that the majority of anime girls are underage and we have anime about them that sexualize them every season? people jump straight into loli but the majority of underage content is high school girls,and japan is not ginving up teen girls and lolis.
The "impact" goes away the second everyone goes back home. The real tragedy is the people of Tokyo paid out the ass for worthless buildings that will be kept around as tourist attractions on government subsidies.
Then in 10 years the government will have that shit demolished because it was an amazing waste of money.
>t. pedo
>manga isn't manga
Your porn isn't manga, user. Don't pretend to be stupid.
As long as it's not shotas
Yea Forums is a porn website
Are you people retard? if loli is gone all the underage contet is gone even school girls
>old dude
i ordered about 10 c96 doujins from melonbook featuring girls around 15 years old
I don't know, or care, who it is, but their choice of "plot" in this doujin disappoints me.
They have all the set-up they need right in canon, but for some goddamned reason they went with the most generic premise ever. Something like that would be expected from a hack who only glanced at character pictures and isn't even a fan of original work.
this is 4channel now, begone.
What does "hard to release" even mean?
Do people need to suck the organizers' cocks to be let in or what?
Judging from the message fat old bastards sell better.
> What does "hard to release" even mean?
> Do people need to suck the organizers' cocks to be let in or what?
For one censoring is really bad this time around. Typehatena's doujin in particular has so much black bars compared to his previous works.
Yea Forums is a blue board tho? You really are stupid.
>unironically praising the split
Get the fuck Hiro shill.
This. Idiotic doomsayers.
Censorship is self-inflicted. There's no single authority that checks every doujin before publication. These mangaka are shitting their pants over something that's yet to even happen.
Not that user, but what's wrong about it? If you miss Yea Forums so much go back there.
Both hentai game generals are still on blue boards.
And don't say you don't remember the sadpanda general.
When was this shitty ".t" thing accepted? Why stop using inb4? Is this board getting this lax with it's traditions?
Also, lolihaters should be banned and gassed for good measure.
Both are used and they are not interchangeable.
t. and inb4 have completely different meanings
>hentai game generals
??? I don't see any in Yea Forums
>sadpanda general.
You mean the ones that were banned as well?
Loli stuff rots the mind.
Maybe its for the best that it isnt getting produced as frequently.
>announcing reports
Begone newfaggot
Reminder that they tried to pull the same shit at the last Japanese olympics
Nothing will happen, loli will just move further into the backrooms, to come out again the next month.
Stop whining
I only posted a link, if you were curious enough to click on it then it's not my fault
How long do the Olympics last again? Like a week or two? Everything will go back to normal after that.
t. is an abbreviation of a Finnish word used to sign regards in letters.
>t. retard
>censorship is a meme bro don't worry about it nobody cares about cartoons haha
I too hate this thing that smells of cross boarders and spurdo.
You certainly sparked my interest with the mention of those loli backrooms.
You and him are the only ones who care.
Not really true, but it's quite accepted because of the high amount of crossboarders.
>high amount of crossboarders
I agree, lolicons should go back to their board
>He doesnt know about the cunny suites
Will go back to normal after Olympics it was always like this.
That's not how bureaucracies and laws work, citizen.
That's how it works in Japan since 60's. Loli stuff will never go away even if Comiket kicks them out (they won't) they will just make other con or release digitally.
>Judging from the message fat old bastards sell better.
I wish that was the case.
Are you fat, old and ugly?
There are no new laws you idiot people are just asking authors of really hardcore stuff to go low for a year.
something like LoliCon?
At least the police are going to have it easy to catch all the weirdos.
Loli won't die it's Japanese tradition
It isn't illegal, why do you keep thinking this?
thanks for your sacrifice
I like to imagine you guys in horrible deadly situations, that's all.
>talked about during literally every large international event held in Japan
>b-b-but THIS time though
>doesn't even know how Comiket seatings work
Fuck off retard
If you're not a lolicon of if you have problems with it you deserve to die
So you like to imagine harmless people in deadly situations? How is it like, being a psychopath?
>t. virgin
fuck off nonvirgin
Oh no no Look all these angry People almost killing the artists.
>you like to imagine harmless people in deadly situations
Yes, if you think weeaboo incels lolicon lifes matter.
>How is it like, being a psychopath
So obvious that you're a butthurt roastie. Getting jealous that you're past your prime lol.
Anti-loliconfags are the worst type of crossboarders shitting up Yea Forums right now
>Yea Forumsnons going back to Yea Forums
If you haven't noticed, you're on /a right now, not Yea Forums.
think of it as E. coli
you can't say that word or you'll be banned now, even as a joke
Nah, just a fatherfucker. And it was probably hot too
Do you deny it? Thinking that someone, whom to your knowledge has done no harm to anyone other than liking something you don't like, deserves to die and even taking enjoyment from it, that is clear cut psychopathy.
Yuyu it isn't our fault your dad molested you and he doesn't understand the difference between 2d and 3d
Can you imagine a world where lolis don't exist?
>real flesh and blood children are making H&M clothing and keeping part-time jobs as prostitutes, just to eat.
>but these lines are over the line.
We should be happy that these child defenders have fixed so many problems that only fictional children are at risk now.
I'm just being edgy, dude. I don't think you deserve more than a kick in the balls, that's all, calm down.
Please don't. Yea Forums might not be the best board but it isn't Yea Forums-tier, it doesn't need more shitposting.
Comic LO is never going to just go away.
liberalism is a satanic child sacrifice cult.
They are doing this to protect loli stuff. If it's too visible by the Olympics, westerners will freak out and push the UN to ban it. Instead, they will hide it for a few months so it can go back to normal once Japan is out of the spotlight
They really need Olympics to invite illegal nigger/islamists immigrants to their country.
As long as Kentaro Miura keeps fapping to it we're safe
Don't tell me what to do, nerd. You thinking so highly about yourself while talking about porn is cringe af.
wow, they made the artist in the stall disappear. They must be really angry
You sure like people to get rough with you, huh?
Comiket has been reducing the amount of seatings for loli artists
2021 can't come soon enough.
I would be lying if I say no.
So you're just butthurt?
No, it's just a funny thought, plus it makes YOU butthurt. How silly can you be?
That's actually kind of hot, please proceed.
I'm legitimately wondering what these doomposters are expecting to happen at the Olympics? Like are the police supposed to raid every store and artist that makes loli? You know the Olympics is for 2 weeks right? You know you'd have to go to Akiba to even find most of this stuff right?
This post reeks of newfag
It's just retarded trolls. Nothing will change.
>Lol I'm not mad you're mad