Huge yuri drought for 3 seasons

>huge yuri drought for 3 seasons
Have hetfags finally won?

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Not even a yurifag, but don't you nigs have at least 3-4 CGDCT shows this season? Plus Symphogear

>Literally a JK series right now with a character that's supposed to be the embodiment of /u/ and best girl being the embodiment of /y/

not real yuri

/u/ doesn't seem to want actual Yuri but implied Yuri so they can bitch about Yea Forums ruining everything after they show interest in dicks.

The duality of /u/

>It isn't yuri unless I see the characters fugging

by that logic straight shows that don't have kissing and/or sex scenes but just blueball aren't real het so you have pretty much nothing to cry about

/u/ always has something to watch because there's always at least one CGDCT anime and /u/ will pretend that there is yuri subtext involve because the whole concept of girls just being friends is alien to the /u/ fag. They're fucking nutters.

I knew straightfags are low IQ subhumans but holy fuck
I bet you retards think Yuru Yuri is real yuri