If you don't watch at least 10 seasonal anime you shouldn't be able to post on Yea Forums. We really need some sort of gatekeeping, the community has gone to shit.
If you don't watch at least 10 seasonal anime you shouldn't be able to post on Yea Forums...
>if you don't have abysmal standards like myself and watch most of the seasonal garbage you aren't Yea Forums
nice try redditor
There aren't 10 anime a season that I want to watch.
Do you also post about mobile games on Yea Forums?
Take it one step at a time and ban normalfag shounenshit first.
I read manga more than I watch anime.
Try five-six at best, especially in a season like this where the majority of series airing are shonenshit
More like you should be kicked out if you watch at least 10 per season, since that almost always means you've got at least 3 garbage shows on your list.
>make Yea Forums moe again
Or you could just go to 8ch when it comes back.
Odds are you fags probably came from there.
A season is great if it has 3 shows worth watching.
It's actually incredibly dumb to me that there isn't a separate manga board when there's shit like origami.
>when it comes back
It's already back on Zeronet
A manga board would be great, it would make a bunch more room for less-well-known manga that don't really show up on Yea Forums right now.
>There should be a designated anime board separate from the manga board
I didn't say all shounen, just normalfag shounenshit that crossboarders like you watch.
I can't think of a season that had 10 shows worth watching. One with 5 would be fucking legendary.
>One with 5 would be fucking legendary.
Fall 2017 wasn't so long ago
I enjoy eating shit too, marry me!
Jog my memory. I'm terrible with dates.
ITT: I like posting about anime despite not watching it.
One day you'll grow up and realize, that you don't have the time anymore to waste it on abysmal seasonal garbage.
It seems you yourself aren't old enough to realize you don't have time anymore to waste on getting angry and shit posting on Yea Forums.
ShounenCHADs run this board. Can't wait for next season with My Hero Academia, SAO, Shokugeki no Souma, and Nanatsu no Taizai.
>implying shitposting on Yea Forums is wasted time.
Fuck off
I hope you have seen at least 750 pre-2000s anime when making a claim as bold as this one. I watched excessive amounts of seasonal anime for a single year, and I'll never do it again. Most seasonal garbage doesn't even deserve to be give it the benefit of the doubt for 3 episodes or 60 minutes. That's how bad it is.
>muh you don't enjoy anime!!!
I do, but movies, shorts and a select amount of television shows simply are superior to currently airing shovelware shows.
>muh you don't enjoy anime!!!
This sentiment pisses me off the most.
I do enjoy anime. Which is why i don't want to shove multiple episodes of pure shit into my mouth each season.
I want a manga board. Even just as a test run for a week would show the great difference in quality the two boards will have
Sure, shounenshitters will still be in the manga board regardless, but Yea Forums secondary shounenshitters would probably stay out
Imagine being a seasonal moe/u/nigger, kek.
I'm sure a manga board would work out just as well as /film/ did
Oh wait
I'm watching 18 new seasonals, plus 3 that are on hold plus a few leftovers. Gatekeeping may be too late, there's over 20+ battle shounen threads at any given fucking time on this board from people who only watch Jump adaptations, so it's gonna take a herculean effort to change things
Why the fuck would I watch 10 garbage shows a season?
I'm watching 25 currently airing but total completed is much more important, plus some people watch shows a season or two later. Also
5 is enough.
>Houseki no KINO
>Girls Last Tour
I only count two, user.
>watching seasonal stuff is having standards.
>the two you mentioned
>Imouto sae Ireba Ii
>Yuuki Yuuna
>Net-juu no Susume
>Kekkai Sensen
>Love Live
>Konohana Kitan
It was a pretty good season, user
The only issue is people weighing in on AOTS or AOTY when they've barely watched anything.
For some people their WAOTY will still be in their top 10.
Yes this is the reason. The board is filled with people who only watch 1 or 2 shows per season and giving their completely ignorant opinion on anime in general.
Which season?
The current season?
No thank you.
What does one's ability to argue animation and the development of anime have to do with watching seasonal shit?
Literally everything is seasonal except One Piece and movies. How can you comment on the "development of anime" without watching anime?
I think being knowledgeable about anime history, production process, technique, details about specific creators etc. has a MUCH greater affect on one's ability to give insightful opinions than watching many seasonal anime does.
You're not asking people to watch seasonal shit, you're asking them to watch currently airing seasonal shit. That's a major difference.
>except [...] and movies
So the most important format, woah.
>seasonal garbage that is instantly forgotten in 1 month is necessary to form an opinion on anime in general
unironically low IQ post
Literally yes.
There hasnt been that many good shows per season since like 2011. Also
>implying Yea Forums watches anime
This, kick all the Mexicans out spamming their shounenshit
>shounenshit and moeshit are the only things that exist
Step 1: Post your powerlevel
Step 2: Do you watch airing shows
Step 3: How much do you drop
1) pic rel
2) no
3) ~35% television anime started
Why the fuck should you be the one to decide that? Who the fuck are you even?
I'm Anonymous, nice to meet you. And you are?
Manga is not to anime what film is tovTV
Sup, I'm Anonymous too.
I am Anonymous
>This, kick all the Mexicans out spamming their shounenshit
I only watch 1 seasonal anime, what are you going to do about it?
Pretty sure flags would reveal for the shounen and especially the HxH shitters to all be Americans.
Range-ban America south of the US and all of SEA, that should at least work as a temporary solution.
No OP. All you need to post on Yea Forums is.
Madoka Magica
At least one shounen
At least one Esekai
That should be bare minimum of understanding of the genre to at least post here and make basic conversation. I’m not saying by any means that it’s ideal but that’s the minimum.
Not even close. The amount of low quality ESL posts already gives it away. Hispanics like to do this thing on the internet called "hype" where they believe if they just spam their shit over and over it accomplishes something and other people like it. When in fact it's just those stupid monkeys screeching at each other
I’d recommend Eva and Madoka right away because then you can start participating in fanbase wars and jump right into the thick of it. That’s probably the best way to learn.
DB and Hunter Hunter as well.
>If you don't watch at least 10 seasonal anime you shouldn't be able to post on Yea Forums.
>We really need some sort of gatekeeping
Make the gatekeeping about the number of worthy anime/manga you watched/read, as it's more logical.
1) You're retarded. People who use the term "ESL" unironicallly (like you) tend to accuse every post with a typo of having been written by a foreigner
2) Check out Yea Forums during the Superbowl or the Olympics. You'd be shocked by the amount of US flags attached to ALLCAPSHYPE posts.
>I recommend watching 2 shows so you can pick a sports team and start yelling ignorantly without thinking for yourself
Arguing on Yea Forums is simply the best way to learn how to post here.
Agreed. You'll quickly realize that the board's posters can't be taken seriously and that serious debate if impossible to be had.
It's not arguing, it's just religiously defending something, and I mean religiously in the literal way of tribalism.
I do want a manga board but the idea of the anime board being brutally murdered by the Yea Forums crossboarders makes me have some second thoughts.
Go back
I've been watching anime off and on for a while and I've noticed now it's the youtubers that think they know shit about shit that are making fools of themselves these days. I prefer talking to people who are passionate about hobbies, not those who are elitist about 'em.
Those two things are considered synomous.
Gonna be honest I haven't watched any anime coming out for 2 seasons now. I've been hitting up my backlog of good anime and in a few years if any if the anime from this season is remembered I'll add it to the list. Its the most efficient way so avoid dogshit anime.
god i hate seasonal shiteaters
Well if I ever need a recommendation on a shit anime I'll know who to ask.
There's that faggot fucking word again. Everywhere
>Check out Yea Forums during the Superbowl or the Olympics. You'd be shocked by the amount of US flags attached to ALLCAPSHYPE posts
There are tons of spics in the US, nearly all of them are huge sports fans.
Well excuse me.
You have no idea what I watch, bud.
Honestly, at least 2000 of those weren't worth the time. And I am probably lowballing here.
This. There's rarely 10 anime in a season worth watching.
This also.
You might not have realized it, but "seasonal anime" and people who prefer them to the classics are the reason "the community has gone to shit". When anons speak of the problem that plagues this boards, they are talking about you.
By the way, if you want a "community", go to reddit or MAL. Those are also very much about the seasonal shit you love so much.
>if the anime from this season is remembered I'll add it to the list
It's not a particularly reliable system when you're relying on other peoples taste. Some great shows barely get noticed at the time and some shit shows get posted about for years.
I probably wouldn't end up seeing a lot of the anime I've liked if I worked like that. Some of my AOTS in recent years barely even got talked about while they were airing.
Chirico of truth.
2) about one every 2 or 3 seasons
3) I've never dropped an anime
>I've never dropped an anime
Get an appointment at your local shrink.
t. animeonlyfag
Boring things are good to relax to, infuriating things are potent and everything else is fun, so I always have a reason to continue something.
Never understood why everyone else seems to have such high standards when there's no metric for what good art is.
If you watch more than 3 anime in a given season then you shouldn't be able to post on Yea Forums because there aren't more than 3 anime in a given season that aren't complete dreck
>Step 1: Post your powerlevel
That's stupid. I don't use MAL and I'm not autistic enough to have an idea how many things I've seen. I wouldn't even know what to count: Certainly not shorts or things I've dropped early on, right? And do different sesasons and feature films of the same franchise count seperately? Any way you count, it's retarded.
>Step 2: Do you watch airing shows
Sure. But not many. I tend to sort out most of them early on and drop those I really don't like quickly. My pre-judging is not perfect though: Sometimes I do pick up things mid-season, and sometimes I only watch things long after they've aired.
>Step 3: How much do you drop
About half of the seasonal stuff.
I’ve probably watched 10 seasonal anime in the last 3 years. Most modern shit is trash
Nobody takes people like you seriously anymore.
Minimum requirement to post here is to watch episode 1 for at least 25 shows per season. Is that a better criteria?
Well, the MAL collective thinks that FMA Brotherhood is good. So take your memes there.
>mspaint comic to prove me right
No one should take you seriously either.
>to watch episode 1 for at least 25 shows per season.
Are you implying that there are 25 series each season that are good enough to sit through a full episode of them?
You think an Yea Forums poll would look any different than a MAL or r/anime poll? user, please. And actual non proxy poll would not be won by Yuru Yuri or K-On. It'd probably be won by BnHA.
Here, retard, have a little hint:
I have seen the original Sailor Moon anime, and I assume you have as well, right? So, I'd say that's one anime I've seen. MAL however, lists it as:
>Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
>Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R
>Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S
>Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS
>Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars
>Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Memorial
>Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R: The Movie
>Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S: Kaguya-hime no Koibito
>Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS Specials
So, my one anime counts as 9 different anime on your inflated list. Funny how that works, right?
FMA:B is good, just not good enough to be #1 all-time. There's a difference between overrated and bad.
>FMA:B is good
It's average at best. But, hey, maybe my standards are just too high?
Nobody cares about the number of anime watched though, they care about the days of anime watched.
False. Days watched is the biggest meme there is. Just but Dragonball on 5 times rewatched and you got a lot of days. It also creates a bias towards television anime, when movies and short are more important and of significnatly higher quality.
>they care about the days of anime watched.
And how do you count that, exactly? Take, again, Sailor Moon, for example: I've seen countless reruns back in the day on TV alone, plus some more. How many hundreds of hours am I supposed to add for that? Or for all the Maya the Bee and Heidi episodes I've seen in my early childhood without even knowing that they're anime? The countless things I've had running more or less as background noise while doing other things? Do they count?
Sorry, but all of that just strikes me as meaningless boasting and, with how people show those numbers around, probably untruthful as hell.
>The countless things I've had running
Refer to Chances are pretty high you've seen less than 200 anime but pretend to have seen thousands online. Since you don't track, you don't know, so you act like a scholar when, in fact, you're a newfag. It's very common, especially on Yea Forums.
>Chances are pretty high you've seen less than 200 anime but pretend to have seen thousands online.
Wait, what? I've never claimed to have seen thousands. In fact, the only one who has was the guy who "tracks".
Is this high level trolling or just paranoia, if you accuse others of what you're doing yourself?
Countless implies an undefinable quantity. A thousand anime aren't a lot, so you very much implied more than that. Now fuck off back to your 3x3 thread where you post grids consisting of nothing but low resolution covers.
>Countless implies an undefinable quantity.
No, it just means so many (and so far back) that I couldn't possibly apply a count to them (or to how much of them I've seen). A dozen, maybe. Attack No. 1 and Tsubasa are others that come to mind.
Stop taking every word literally and forcing your own interpretation of those words just so you can shitpost and dismiss actual arguments made.
Instead, tell me how I'm supposed to count those things, MALtard.
There aren't really 10 anime I want to watch this seasons. There's like 6 or 7 at best.
>Using MAL at all
>Being taken seriously
This is the kind of person who watches anime Youtubers
>Nobody cares about the number of anime watched though, they care about the days of anime watched.
That's retarded. You could watch all of Conan and like 3 or 4 long-running shounen and have more days than people who watch a few anime a season
Are you trying to turn Yea Forums into a containment board for newfags shonenshitters like (You)?
I bet you're one of those colossal faggots that wont watch anything pre-2010 because it's too old.
>there are 10+ seasonal shounen shows
Not what he's said.
Stop strawmanning, MALtard.
The shounen shitters are ones who watch the 1-2 most popular shows of the season.
No, "shounenshitters" watch shounen. But not necessarily exclusively. "Shounenshitters" also have a large intersection set with MAL users, which you can easily deduce from the kind of things that get high ratings on there.
Or you could just stop giving a fuck; Yea Forums is just a way to kill time, nothing more.
>he actually watch anime
I switched to only manga, thats the superior medium
Placing emphasis on quantity and what is current promotes disposable and mediocre entertainment. You're trying to present yourself as an elitist but your standards for the elite is mindless consumption. It's like trying to set the standard of fine dining as devouring as much fast food as you can.
>watching seasonal anime
>watching anime at all instead of reading manga
I agree, we do need some sort of gatekeeping against these kinds of people.
never watch seasonal anime in my life in fact
the only anime im wtaching know is lucky star for the first time
Reading scanlations is worse than subtitlefags.
Wrong topic, user.
I can't watch too many shitty shows at a time, i still have some standards, sorry.
>retarded dubfags thinking they know shit
Do you want people to watch anime muted or something?
>apples and oranges
Even better, make a manga/comics boad hybrid. Cartoons is it's own board to contain the autistic fags. Anime board the same.
Then what is your fucking problem with the original retard? Can't read subs? Too fast for you?
I watch the original too, just without subtitles. I'm not some English only retard like you. I can't even imagine reading a scanlation though, holy shit that must be a headache. I've gone through and looked at some of the translations and they are horrid, with inconsistent releases and actually modifying the original art to fit the dumbass English in it. At least subtitled anime (for the most part) doesn't alter the original image.
>the virgin adaptation vs THE CHAD SOURCE MATERIAL
The only reason to watch seasonal aspect is for the social aspect. Otherwise you might as well just wait for the BDs.
How about we just stop arguing and watch anime?
do u like meito anizawa?
>stop arguing
>on the internet