
Oh no! Princess Charlotte just said the n-word!

>4 days
Casca and Guts' reunion time.
>Confirmed? Source?
Check Young Animal cover

>What's going on in Berserk's world?
>Rickert, Erica, Silat, Dabi and friends escaping Falconia with their dinosaur pets.
>Griffith is about to get married with her majesty, becoming king of Falconia/Midland.
>Rakshas, from the Search and Assasinate squad within the White Hawk's ranks, wants to kill his leader.
>Skull Knight motives still unknown besides being "foe of the inhuman", did he sacrifice all those corpses underneath the Tower of Rebirth to become Paladin of Calcium? Is he Emperor Gaiseric?
>Guts' party is safe in Elfhelm, for now.
>Godhand members backstory still unknown.

Drop your plot theories, expectations for what's coming next.
>inb4 muh Griffith's tax policy chapter

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It's gonna be Guts and Casca chapter.
I can feel it in my bones.

>first page is casca screaming
>rest is Griffiths doing his taxes

Why does Berserk now look like it's being drawn by fanartists?

It is, but they're called assistants.

But that's from the Golden-age?

So how is the prophecy of Griffith bringing an age of darkness going to develop further? Everybody in Falconia seems pretty happy right now. Do you think Griffith is going to reveal himself to Casca in the upcoming chapter and will Guts react more calmly to him now or go all Berserk™ on him again?

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Basically Dark Souls

>Basically Dark Souls
-_- pretty much, yeah

Berserk has no real plot. Any good stories, depth, themes and meaning is entirely coincidental as Berserk is an excuse for Kentaro Miura to draw fucked up stuff, and even Kentaro Miura thinks his own story is shit and will do things like disregard entire chapters he has already published like chapter 83 where you meet God and learn God was created by man as a reason to explain the worlds suffering.

Miura also likes to make lots of open threads and then close them as edgy as he can, however halfway through the series he realized how gay being an edge lord is, but is trapted into a dark edgy story because of how he started the whole story. Berserk now schizophrenicly switches tone between comic cutesy antics and sick fuck Awwright story.

Griffith x Casca chapter
Screencap this

That doensn't make any sense, there was never a first flame in Berserk so it can't fade into darkness that way. Maybe it can become like that if the age of darkness that will befall Midland was meant as literal as Dark souls.

Berserk decides to open the story right in the fucking middle of the story with a Garbage story that even Miura admits he wrote not knowing where the hell it would go and he was just trying to be edgy and cool.

Nice pasta my dude.

Bad stuff will probably happen once the other God Hands enter the story, that or the inevitble resistance Griffith will face by stealing other nations territories.

>once the other God Hands enter the story
I really hope that's soon, I want to see Boido again.


Ok but but better question: how old is the mermaid and is Miura a loli enthusiast

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>is Miura a loli enthusiast
Do you not remember that one picture he drew?

>is Miura a loli enthusiast

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ITT post your favorite apostle.

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Casca might not even be able to look at Guts now with her trauma. Skull Knight was definitely King G and I don’t think it’s unreasonable to assume all Godhand members have had something to do with royalty or were ambitious to become royalty. SK calls Slan a whore princess and Griffith had his dream, it might be the same for the others. Him becoming the skullknight may have been caused by the armor. Ricket and pals and Griffith are unpredictable, who knows what’s going to happen with them

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Which one, there's loads

Trying to find it, he drew a compilation imagine with dozens of popular characters.
I remember Miyafuji Yoshika was in it, at least.

Why is Schierke such an underrated loli?

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why do you have this saved


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Yeah, this is the one I meant.


Lurk for a thousand more years.

>why do you have this saved

There's something about Irvine that makes me wonder what he sacrificed to become an apostle. He isn't glutonous nor a rage killer, seems pretty chill overall.

Why you don't?

plebs spotted

>Drop your plot theories
ctrl+c from another thread
So basically
>Griffith sends his troops to Elfhelm, kills the majority of people there, except for Morda and her other witch pals who then join Guts
>Casca tells Griffith to fuck off and die or still can't let go of her loyalty to him
>Rickert, Erica and Silat go through their side plot and then join Guts later on
>Resistance against Griffith from the other nations assembles, with support from the Vandimion and whatever troops Silat has command of
>War breaks out
>Both sides suffer massive casualties, war demons are killed
>Everything concludes on the anticipated final fight between Guts and Griffith
>The odds of Guts winning are none, but it is revealed before the connection between Moonlight Boy and Griffith
>Guts uses this knowledge to defeat Griffith

Locus will rape Sonia.

I'd rather see more of based Griffith.
Also Sonya > Schierke

What kinda trauma she experienced to be always happy-go-lucky? She seems crazy sometimes.

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Didn't Miura say that casca is his perfect female? I remember him saying that

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I know, I hate ber because of that, she seems so weird all the time, I'm always thinking that she's something more than just a little girl, there will definitely be a reveal of how she's some being beyond human

Isolation and being ostracized if I had to guess. We’ve only seen her as happy go lucky as far as she’s been aware of Griffith though

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Just because he's literally Ludwig from Bloodborne but cooler, based Miyazaki shamelessly ripping off Miura

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I don't think he'll surpass the: ''My guiding moonlight'' scene.

if you told him the truth you're a monster

Could guys defeat the creature from the evil dead?

Well obviously not, that shit was just on a whole nother level, but as a character I think Locus is cooler, because he has all the feats that Ludwig has but he didn't become a mad beast who's lost it all

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Griffith will appear in elfheim as the moonlight child or as himself. he vanished from his window under the full moon and casca screaming probably has to do with his appearance there. it would make more sense than anything else.

Not for my arcane built but I did for other builds

Some guys, sure

God I hope you're right and it's not Casca going schizo for looking at Guts

I buy that.

at least you put him out of misery and didn't leave him screaming externally for all of eternity, no one would do that, right?

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yes, but doesn't he get killed later by Simon if you don't?

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Hey falcons, any idea where I can read Grunbeld's novel online? I've been re-reading the manga and I always wanted to know the backstory of each high-ranking apostle.

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I hope they survive this story and live together as husband and wife.

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Heard it's very bad

Didn't happen to me, I did go back to Ludwig's area after going to Fishing Hamlet and he was still alive. Fuck now I want to replay BB, never got to fight the flaming hotdog.
See you glorious fags when the fucking chapter comes out

What am I looking at?

Their kids will even be more retarded than Farnese, sadly.
God's vision.

Wind sylphs cape is blue canonically? Looked better in green. And incest is wrong dude, Serpico wouldn't allow it and Farnese already knows he has no feelings for her (sexual).

>God's vision.
It's made by Miura?


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If it's going to be another merry go lucky chapter I'm gonna break something.

Break your neck.

Casca’s dream wasn’t happy to lucky, calm the fuck down

It'll go dark soon enough don't worry, Falconia about to get Eclipse'd.

She was adorable.

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>Drop your plot theories, expectations for what's coming next.

>Guts Happy to see Caska fine.
>He give her a beautiful goodbye.(she can now protect herself).
>Guts leaving the island to chopchop Griffith dream.

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But Guts is not aware of Falconia's existence

>chopchop Griffith dream = Chop his fucking gay head off.

>what could've been
I just wanted a good post GA anime adaptation damnit.

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If only 2016 was movie tier of quality and it didn't skip tons of the manga. And if people claim Lost Children is too grotesque to's a +18 manga.

at this point, wait for the manga to be finished

I don't think he is very happy with how farnese looks at Guts

Isn't that what we've been doing all along?

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>inb4 Farnese uses the behelit because she can't stand hearing Guts and Casca banging 24/7

Now that you mention it, if Guts has the Count's behelit...then where is Griffith's egg of the king?

>she makes Guts retarded by raping him and having Casca watch
So the cycle continues.

Griffith probably has it.

Really, really bad? I can just read summary in Berserk wiki but I wanted to check Miura's drawings. Well, thanks anyways.

Why hasn't Guts slammed Farnese yet? Just look at that ass.

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how did gaiseric become so fucking strong?

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cuz it belong s to his bro, based master and commander Roderick

I am sure he is a soul bound to that armor by flora.

We missing something to explain him having that power and being an enemy of the Godhand.

Because he's cool.

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for a soul inside an armor he is ridiculously strong, also whats up with Ms. bone horse how do you get such companion and from where?

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Here comes the contrarian to try to make us not read Berserk because he doesn't like it. An applause.

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His backstory with flora that he hinted at. It implied that him and guts were once in the same place. It was stated that he used the armor until he died. With floras power as a witch she should have been able to prevent his soul from going to the vortex and instead set it to be bound to the armor. If he is now a soul there is in theory no limit to the power he can wield.

Gaiseric is Void.

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>a man so angry that when he died he still remained in this plain of existence with his consciousness and self awreness intact and the ability to keep becoming stronger, even more than he already was

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>Im just going to torture myself to the point of getting my brains out and my face skin peeled back just for shits and giggles lmao

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Don't knock it till you've tried it brah.

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Does this big meaty guy look like he would turn into Void? Also, will Charlotte and Skull Knight meet?

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Yes my man!

wanna brawl you ugly son of a bitch?

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Gaiseric is supposed to be Skull Knight, they both have a skull shaped helmet
or I'm just reading this post wrong


Not as ugly as your wife(whom I killed and raped in that sequence of events).

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Broserks...we made it...Casca and Guts reunion...I can't fucking wait.

Made a vow to not read any more berserk until it's finished or until Miura dies

Cool cool but Rickert's eastern adventures when?

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That was a long time ago.
Now he faps to comic LO and collects little girls figures. No wonder he gave us a full view of Schierke's round loli ass.


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sup void

have sex

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>inb4 those events are explained in a novel

>Casca: Guts we have to save Griffith. He's still a good person.

youre gonna burn all right

casca will be the one who kills him tho, she is a woman but she aint that far of a stupid

No yo-
Oh wait.

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Sadly, those branded cannot hurt the Godhand...I read it somewhere, lol. I also heard in a video that allegedly, Miura said Guts will have a happy ending...wonder what's a good ending for him.

Talk about headcanon. She has no strenght or means to kill him even if she wanted to and him usurping her childs body completely throws that option out of the window. He will job to Guts or even the God Hand, or some other force but ceirtanly not Casca. fcuking Charlotte has a higher chance of killing him than Casca.

I suppose that could be true, that is only stated due to the fact that the pain of the brand is supposed to make normal humans go unconscious this so far has not happened to guts caska or the skull knight. But the skull knight is no longer branded due to him lacking a real body.

Youre wrong, guts has already managed to do damage to a physical vessel of slan and almost touch griffith in the blackswordsman arc

Void is the wiseman that pleaded to the gods to punish king gaiseric according to the story told by mozguz in the tower of conviction

Void did literally nothing wrong, all he did was create Femto who created Falconia, the ends justify the means

He was too smart.

That big brain has to be good for something

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Do you think Miura knows about those Berserk doujins?

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I saw a Serpico x Farnese but didn't dare to read it, if I read one of those it'd stain the image I have of them from the OG medium. Yeah, I'm that autistic and puritan.

>create a place to gather all humaity together
>said place happens to be located where the capital of the empire of Gaiseric used to be
>the same place where the supposed mass sacrifice to create void took place
>memeconia is also located at the base of the tree to the astral plain
what could possibly go wrong?

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>>the same place where the supposed mass sacrifice to create void took place
How? Most of the people agree to this, explain.

How can you possibly stay interested? I mean I understand when newfags and young pups get their first Berserk experience but for people who grew up with this shit, it's been literal decades. Just how can you care at this point?

remember all the branded corpes lying beneath the ruins of the capital of the empire?

Well, Void is supposedly the sage that pleaded to the Gods to punish Gaiseric, so say the Gods (godhand) answered the call, and void had with him his crimson behelit, so he sacrificed all of his followers to become a godhand and destroy Gaiseric's empire, because in the story that Charlotte tells angels (godhand) were sent from the sky to destroy the place

Yeah but how does Void fit into that sacrifice, would make more sense if Gaiseric was the one who made it.

Wouldn't care but apparently it's Casca and Guts reunion so just curious to see it happen.

Oh okay

Having other manga to read and rereading it. I've only been a fan for seven years which compared to Berserk's lifetime isn't long, but I like it a lot so why not stick with it.

This, I couldn't care less if it was another Griffith chapter, but the time has finally come, Guts and Casca are finally meeting each other again after so long, this is what has been driving me to continue reading for so long, this moment

I mean it's all speculation until Miura says so

I'm quite the newfag, I read it this summer as my first manga.

Gedfring, the Supreme Sorcerer from Elfhelm could actually enlight Guts about defeating the Godhand or some new plot twists, guys must know lotsa stuff.

>lol just hit them harder
Is what he will say.

fan-theorying here but, the "wiseman" imprisoned/tortured by gaiseric may have been someone with power withind the empire's ruling class, maybe the're were people, lots of people who really liked him and even followed him as some sort of religious figure, said people (which had to be many) were willing to give their lives for him (pretty much like the hawks) and perhaps this "wiseman" had to be some sort of a really important person within the higher ranks of the empire, like being the brother of Gaiseric himself for example, and then like a polarized country divided between two political candidates nowadays, the empire splitted between those who followed gaiseric and those who followed the "wiseman" and following this insurrection he was inprisoned (maybe this is why he was tortured in such way) and then, when the time of the eclipse came all of those who followed the "wiseman" branded themselves as sacrifice to see the empire and Gaiseric being destroyed.

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big if true

Miura already confirmed the 1st real Guts X Griffith battle will be in Elfhelm in the next chapters

What are the chances of getting more than one chapter? Has it ever happened?

is berserk 30th anniversary, lets hope user

if we don't have expectations we can't be disappointed

Looking at Muira's decline in productivity we'd be lucky to get a handful of chapters in the next years time alone.

they aren't siblings

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what if miura lives near a black (glory) hole and time flows for him in a different manner than for us, thus when we experience that many years have passed, for him just a few weeks or days have passed?

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yes they are

i've just look the wiki, you're right. There are a lot of things in berserk i don't remember.

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Can not wait man. This means the story is kicking into full gear finally. Moon boy, and caska plot points all crossing for a good climax to this story arc.

Ishido and his fishy wife!

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Just let go.

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Why couldn't we protect these smiles Yea Forums?

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He had the balls to draw the gash. Impressive.

>inb4 Farnese uses the behelit
I've been saying this for a while. It's the only thing left for her character at this point and despair over Guts and Caska is a good enough motive.

That’s not true faggot, she’s not done developing yet

imagine her smell

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cuz grif is a retard and a crybaby

I don't think Farnese will ever do something like that, she's come to love her friends as if they were her family, plus I've never understood the whole "Farnese wants Guts for herself" like yeah sure she may have a slight crush on Guts just like Schierke but that doesn't mean that she's head over heels for him, she understands that Casca is Guts' true love, when they were in Casca's memories she realized that, hell Schierke seemed way more upset and jealous at this revelation

next week cant come soon enough DAM

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I don't know why, but to see Casca punching Farnese turn me on

user the spoilers should come out Wednesday or Thursday and Friday the chapter

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>Griffith is still perfect, okay, see you all next year!

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Would Mozgus be so hated if he had looked like this?

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Miura has to fucking get his shit together already and star working hard again

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>falconia shit
>Berserk will be going on a short hiatus
mark my words

Read the thread doomsayer

Mozgus is based though

lucky quints won't bring back miura's drive

>doubting the power of gets

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every page she appeared in gave me a massive boner

That isn't a prepubescent body.
Loli doesn't mean "lolita"


The wizard guy is fucking cool, I'm so glad he didn't get killed off right away

Miura drew himself fapping to a famous lolicon comic, and he made a manga about a loli peeing in order to heal.

all of a sudden...I don't fear Casca's fate. She will be ...OK!

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