there is nothing wrong with jewish communists
kill yourself, /pol/tard
glow harder
>Screenshot_2019-08-18 (0) pol - Anime is communist propaganda created by the Jews - Politically Incorrect - Yea Forums.png
Can you /pol/redditors go back already?
OP's a faggot as usual
Communism will make anime real.
You mean the bolsheviks?
Do people actually read OP longer than 5 lines?
wtf i love communism now
Typical commiekike behaviour, must have hit a nerve eh?
newfaggots do
poltard seething
>Moshe, shut it down. They're on to us!
The Jewish race is surpreme. We own you any everything in the world is Communist.
Anime is cool too.
Animation industry in USSR was pretty based and didn't treat its animators like dogs
have sex
What you are posting is most likely a joke.
>Jewish conspiracy
>Ever since the new era brought by our great leader Trump, anons are seeing the light...
No serious /pol/ack believes in the Jewish conspiracy and loves Trump at the same time. Either they condemn both Jews and Trump for being their puppet, or they like both Trump and Jews, because Trump supports Israel.
Anyway, no matter if you are being serious or not, these kind of shitposts have nothing to do here, so you can kindly fuck off.
>posting anti-jewish propaganda
>on a jewish-taiwanese site
/pol/tards can't into logic
unironically based and redpilled
>wants to stop anime
>uses an anime-image
either way, the whole, jewish conspiracy loses all grounds, if you consider jews hurt themselfes in the long run
and muslims are worser anyway...
if the Jews are an inferior race, then how do they control everything on earth?
Your thread was bad enough on /pol/ and you reek of that painter faggot from 8/pol/. Kill yourself glownigger.
he did nothing wrong
Who has ever said they were an inferior race?
/pol/tards say it pretty frequently, both directly and from the implication that whites are a "superior" race
Imagine being this paranoid
The irony of your post.
Explain why you are anti-jew while supporting Trump - one of the most pro-jew presidental candidates.
no, this is just not true
there are a few spergs who believe something like this, but it's not the majority opinon. Only that races evolved differently, and have different abilities.
they ARE superior than the rest of us, is why need to erdicate every single one of them before they hold more power
OP is an 8gag nigger. /pol/ still loves anime.
>/pol/ tinfoil hat consipracy theories
The world will be uninhabitable in like 50 years anyway, who cares.
this, and his schizoid opinions are as inconsistent as ever.
kill yourself shonennigger, your kind of """"people"""" is worse than jews, commies and niggers combined
If anime is Jewish trickery then hand me a circumcision knife
>tinfoil hat consipracy theories
>The world will be uninhabitable in like 50
Sorry, but this also falls into that category.
>it's the fault of anime men become miserable and turn to it for escapism, yes, he-he-he, now procreate and pay your taxes
Nice try.
Pollution and climate change is well documented, nothing about it is a conspiracy theory.
>implying taxes isn't jewish trickery to steal the wealth of the Aryan people
To kill yourself, I hope
Pollution and climate change isn't conspiracy theory. The world being uninhabitable in 50 years is about as stupid as your average conspiration theory, so it counts.
>Implying wealth isn't a jewish trick and real men live off the land without the need for money
But jews also pay taxes...
>It's a blame anime and not the overworking of people for the declining population of japan episode again
humans evolve on an individual level, but they also evolve group-behavior. Just like a school of fish, or a colony of ants. You see group-behavior manifest on the large scale level, and society will take shape around it.
So for example, the group-behavior of europeans leads to the creation of these trust-based institutions. This can work in a European society, but not in a Chinese society for example, and certainly not an African society. It's a huge part of the reason why these minority groups can be so incredibly destructive to the social fabric of a european society. Some of this behavior is indeed learned, but to a very large extent it is genetic.
Jews developed a parasite-strategy, living among the european nations. They also developed extreme ethno-centrism, since any jews who weren't got assimilated and destroyed. And since they specialized as moneylenders and tradesmen they developed super high IQ's.
So you can see how dangerous this is. You have this group of super-intelligent, super-wealthy people with a deep historical hatred for European people. Not a good situation. If you look today, almost all these socially destructive things are coming from jewish intellectuals and jewish dominated institutions.
Taxes were implemented by one group of bandits who realized that its more viable long term to defend farmers from the retard bandits who would just rape and pillage than do that themselves and one autumn find themselves in a situation where all the farmers have been raped and pillaged and there is jackshit to eat
they ARE superior than the rest of us, is why need to eradicate every single one of them before they hold more power
t. Black Nationalist
They want to exterminate us because we are superior, so we kill them first
t. White Nationalist
We shall make all other races our grateful subjects through global socialism by 2050
t. Han Supremacist
As you can see, only 1 model of cross-race interaction leads to favorable results for all, Hail Xi, Hail Victory!
Well, ever since I started watching anime I've become a commie, so maybe he has a point.
Being retarded is a relatively common occurence, so I wouldn't say this anecdote proves anything.
harmonious and Mandate of Heavenpilled
Please do, anime talk might get interesting without nutcases like you.
jews did nothing wrong
they are the master race, and this is okay
humans will be humans, and if it's not the jews who do this shit, it's someone else
cant fight nature jack
a ai aa a
Oh /pol/
Pretty rich coming from that board.
A true "master" race would care about other races and want to help them.
This doesn't describe the jews at all, they only care about themselves
Erica's butt
The one thing I like more than common ownership
>Not thinking the Han are the true master race
Boy, this guy will have a rude awakening after the next recession