This will be the best Fate anime yet
This will be the best Fate anime yet
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Low bar.
Best animated, maybe.
Pointless remark when there's only one post at the time of your making it. Please go masturbate or something. It'll be more productive than your time spent on Yea Forums.
For some reason, the last part of Episode 0 made me tear up like a bitch.
Well, i'm glad i am not the only one
Wait to see Ushiwaka rape scene
>fujoshit pandering garbage
Would be fu if it actually was good. Just to watch the FSNfags eat their hearts out.
Nigga Im playing through FGO right now. Just finished Camelot and its gotten pretty decent. Major problem is that the MC is pretty generic. He gets lots of fun lines but if this gets animated it would be little better than the Persona adaptations.
got cut from the adaptation!
They already confirmed she would appear in Babylonia exhibition
Good she was useless anyway
I hate mash for how much of a bitch she was to roman
Ia hate her because she's a boring passive aggressive cunt who keep cockblocking (you) while also having zero personality. She's the worst thing Nasu has created by far.
I'm so glad that I'm done with Fate trash. I don't have to deal with gilfags anymore.
Episode 0 made me care about the characters more than the first 4 singularities i've done in the gacha, hopefully they keep up the quality of that ep
gonna cry?
FGO is trash up until Camelot. The only redeeming parts are the ones where Liz shows up.
Last one I did was the Francis Drake one. Can't even be bothered starting London really.
London is Septem tier boring. Just skip all dialogue until the end where Solomon appears and there are some infodumping.
i'm only worried how they will do about the previous 6 singularity
Only Camelot matters, fuck everything else.
They already showed them briefly in episode 0 of Babylonia. Camelot is getting a movie.
There's already a short recap of the previous six singularity in ep 0, no?
>septem tier boring
>not liking Andersen and Shakespeare team up in trash talk
>Mordred crushing in the apartment
shit taste
To be fair everyone was being an asshole to romani
Shakespeare and hans getting off to burning books was fun
Not Liz but he was an asshole to her. Liz is actually one of few singularity servants who never had a rude or mocking thing to say about Romani.
Be nice to books!
Ignore them as they should
Please redpill me about these Fate animue. I hear its crap, but if you want to check it out where would you start?
is FLAT!
read the VN
by not watching the anime and reading the VN
None will ever surpass Fate/zero, sry
Ell Melloi II : Ace Detective exists btw. Dont get too cocky
>only 13 episodes
It’s going to be a mess like Last Encore
Everyone but vlad is an asshole to liz and she deserve it way more than romani anyway
Mash’s bare feet!
>Blackbeard didn’t show up
>Jason did
Her crimes are pretty tame compared to what most "heroes" in Chaldea did during their lifetime.
>King Hassan is going to flex on Tiamat in this anime before his relatively tame actual first appearance in Camelot
Nobody cares about her crimes, she's just annoying.
>CG Tiamat
>CG lahmu
>animeonlies will call it bullshit despite not actually following the events
Awful taste user
Pretty sure is more about how annoying she can get
Just forced myself to finish UBW yesterday. It was probably the gayest anime I've ever seen, filled with ass-pull after ass-pull.
Biggest one though...
>haha, I know my ideal is stupid and will never work and that it's not really mine anyway!
>haha, I believe it anyway! It's the best! It's true! haha!
So unbelievably stupid.
Nasu is a hack
He really is. It's so philosophically shallow/weak that I was astounded it was able to be produced. At least Fate/Zero had some decent threads going through it.
stay night is worse. the only bearable one is zero
Zero was good because it wasn't written by Nasu. Everything written by that hack is absolute garbage and I feel sorry for the people who fall for the "read the VN" meme.
Pretty sure we have another bait thread user
there's also more character balance to offset shirou's constant idiocy
>this is the kind of person who prefers zero
waver's arc in zero is literally better than shirou in stay night
jesus christ
true, ive never seen asspulls that big in any anime or manga outside of parodies. Didn't even watch the last episode.
stop posting your idiotic opinions at me please
I have no idea what the writer was trying to accomplish. The whole story is a full-circle on realizing your dream is retarded, pointless, destructive, not genuine, and yet we're supposed to find it valiant that the MC acknowledges all this and still wants to go down this path? Huh?
>that fucking art
Oh look the seething tmgfags are here.
Takeuchi is a hack almost as bad as Nasu.
did you even read the VN?
You'll take them and seethe all the same.
>people still miss the point completely
In fate zero, several characters get good development and a lot of screen time while ubw is way too focused on shirou, rin and their boring slice of life. Plot, pacing, character development and dialogue are all much better in zero.
Im always surprised about people dont getting the point in fate specially when they pretty much tells you in the face
That's not Carnival Phantasm.
>it's 2009
>people that actually read the fucking VN praise it for excellent storytelling and analysis of what hero is
>everyone likes Shirou for preserving against the world that wants to prove him word
>everyone hates Sakura
What happened bros? Where did it all go so wrong?
A lot
Secondaries happened
HF is for character development of the masters, UBW is for servant fights and nevah givap shit. The only way to make an actual good adaptation was to combine both routes in some way, but that would trigger autists for messing with the source material too so you can't win.
Zero is pretty mediocre too though, don't get the charm. Has a few good episodes here and there, nothing special.
All right, what's the point?
FSN was always trash compared to other popular VNs that came out around the same time. It has poor art and the writing was abysmal. The only thing it had going for it was the great music.
As long as he made another person smile, it was worth it.
He might be incorrect be he is still right.
probably top shitposted because shonenshitters and /tmg/ have reached boiling point about its incredible success
If this had Gudako it might just surpass Zero
>if it was a female self insert it would be better
>but that would trigger autists for messing with the source material too so you can't win.
>implying modern TM fanbase cares about the source material
Requesting a serious answer, because I can't figure one out when I look at it.
Good taste
People die when they are killed
Helping people is not wrong, it could get him killed? yeah but that doesnt stop it of being a good act, and if he is happy following that path then it doesnt really matters.
Archer is just salty about his destiny as a counter guardian but in life he was as ok as shirou is now with the ideal
Also the ending make it clear that shirou isnt going to end making a contract with the world because rin is there to keep him in check of doing stupid things (no version of shirou in the vn ends as archer)
I hope we get an adaptation for the lostbelts too, especially LB4
But god for-fucking-bid Schez says that she wishes she could leave the throne like him.
But didn't Shirou make the contract because he had become as hard as his father? I thought that was the point of one of the bad endings?
>one of the most recognizable character designs in the industry
>story that keeps people discussing its messages to this day
Nah, seems more like you have shit taste.
I can't wait to watch Gil to berate a certain useless goddess!
The threads are sadly gonna be a huge clash between seething /tmg/fags, shitposters from /fgog/ and /fgoalter/ with Yea Forumsnime only fags stuck in the middle.
>being sad
Yorokobe shonen, this is the only time everyone will be gathered together for a 3 month experience of butthurt, shitposts and confusion. It's exciting really if you look at it from a bigger picture.
No? shirou makes the contract because he lacked the power to save people in a specific situation we dont really know much. Archer then becames salty about his destiny as a counter guardian because he just kills people and not save them for eternity.
That bad ending in the VN makes shirou more close to kerry but isnt a path that makes him archer, we already know that archer comes from a world where things happened like the fate route but with shirou and saber not becoming a couple
Superhero bad end? Not at all, Redman's life was completely different from that Shirou's and was closest to Fate route.
>failure to choose best girl
>life of eternal salt
They will probably do it after Part 2 being fully released, just like with Part 1 and Camelot + Babylonia anime. LB4 is the most favorite Lostbelt chapter so far (it ranked no.5 after Babylonia, Camelot, Solomon and Shimousa) according to the Famitsu survey and getting animated or not all depends on fanvote
Calm the fuck down, we still have 3 more LBs to go.
I really don't see it competing with anything ufotable has made
It's not about the end result. Even if the end result ends up being different to what he desired, the effort made to get the is something beautiful and worth pursuing.
That was what Shirou learnt from his saviour who failed to achieve his dream, and what he as archer forgot.
Yes, it's common knowledge that Heaven's Feel is the only good route.
I know, Prisma and LE exists to set the rock bottom.
Among secondaries who haven't even experienced it maybe.
It was Galahad influencing her. She has a breakdown at the idea of leaving behind his room in Prologue of part 2, even if there's a slaughter going on and she will die, she had to be sat down in the Border.
Nasu was trying to 'hide' Mashu's and Roman's true characterization and backstory until the end of London, I think. Though we have glimpses before. Plus they distill the singularity to messages to Mashu in her growth who in turns influences Romani (as a reversal of the past) which was what the Singularities were about. They have a really good concept but they held off the execution to keep the mystery longer. Nasu also wrote the screenplay of episode 0 and proposed this to the anime team.
Episode 5 covers Gil saving Mashu from "Enkidu" that happened in the early chapters so it seems like is a two cour show.
That would explain why they haven't showed us any art of Quetz and Gorgon yet.
LB4 ranking so high could also be because is the newest chapter played. Let some time pass and get a new survey to see if has staying power as the Trio+Shimousa did.
Yeah, that happened in chap 6 btw. So we are gonna reach chap 6 by ep 5.
They are antagonists for the first part.
>everyone hates Sakura
>people that actually read the VN
Nice oxymoron.
TAa (Emiya Gohan mangaka/creator) third Fate illustration book placeholder for next Comiket.
Secondaries who never actually read HF properly were the only ones who ever hated it and Sakura.
To be fair it finally was a good lb since russia so people probably overeacted
From the exhibition, it seems like is two cours by the content of the first episode leaks. It began in production before Promised Wonderland and got all the A-Team of the studio. Episode 0 was done much later on Nasu's proposal and script, and it mostly looks fine.
All the LBs were pretty decent to me.
Comfy Roman. TAa's Roman and Mashu acrylic stands in C92 also look very nice too.
Well personally in terms of the Crypter only, i prefer Pepe over Kadoc but i still like the overall atmosphere of LB1 more.
Salieri is also my most favorite new servant from Lostbelt story so far too btw.
Lb2 was meh, i was ok with lb3 but many people didnt cared too much (and im probably biased cous yu is cute).
At least every lb is better than agartha, i hope they never get that bad again
I have faith for a good character arc for kadoc to be honest
>Lol, Gilgamesh didn't ACTUALLY kill me! I jumped into a plot-hole and he just killed my afterimage!
That's the one that got to me the worst.
LB3 ties as my favorite with LB1. Also I didn't have problems with Ophelia or Napoleon. My criticism on LB 2 and LB4 is how lazy ideas the LB Kings were. They basically require the players to be invested in god version of Scat/Arjuna beforehand, while Ivan and Qin established their characters without needing this and had a much more original set up than "Lol they get the powers/authorities of these pantheons okay!?"
Pepe was a surprise. I like both though, for different reasons.
Depends. On the one hand it was one of the most hype stories of Grand Order, far more deserving in praise than what Camelot gets.
On the other hand there was a month of mundane chores which they'll either make great SoL sections to build up the arc or they'll gloss over it like the game and suddenly expect us to care about a city of stockholm-ridden citizens.
There's SOL in it. It's confirmed. Episode 0 should give you an understanding they do want people to be emotionally invested.
Definitely. I can't wait to see Kadoc again in LB5.
>better than agartha, i hope they never get that bad again
Was Agartha really that bad? I get Columbus' slave-market plan was kind of stupid due to him being trapped underground and having no one to sell them to, but his meme-tier reveal and betrayal came close to making up for it. The only other major gripes I've heard was kid-Fergus getting bullied way more than he deserved and Wu Zetian pulling a redman-tier "lol not actually dead they just killed a shadow-clone" comeback, which are fair criticisms but hardly make the overall story terrible.
The entire writing was out of a fetished doujin. The translation team tone it down because there were phrases like "give us your seed" and other such embarrassing and vulgar wording, specially on the descriptive part of how the amazons wanted to rape and slave men (they tone down the way they described this).
I have no idea how the game wasn't slapped with a ban after it because is rated for young teens.
Let's not forget the demon pillar suddenly hating his immortality that was also extremely stupid.
Btw here is an old survey (posted in Oct 26th 2018):
Babylonia > Camelot > Solomon > Shimousa > Shinjuku > LB2 > LB1 > Orleans = Okeanos > America = Salem > London > Septem > Prologue Singularity F = December Prologue > Agartha
Dont forget shez being retarded
i'm amazed they were able to write so much boring shit, that's like 30 hours of badly written content with only a few hours of good stuff
>specially on the descriptive part of how the amazons wanted to rape and slave men (they tone down the way they described this).
That's fairly close to the way the amazons actually acted in the mythology though. They were a gender-swapped gang of brutes who would kill the women and use the men as sex-slaves instead of the other way around. Seems like more of a personal-taste issue than an inherent structural flaw.
>LB2 > LB1
Absolute shit taste. At least Agartha it's at the bottom where it belongs.
>That's fairly close to the way the amazons actually acted in the mythology though.
It doesn't matter. There are ways to describe it and to have doujin tier lines and dialogue courtesy of the hack whose only Fate entry is the shitty Prisma anime adaptation makes it bad. You can pick any Fate fanfiction in english and I bet the prose was better than anything he's capable of.
The actual story content aside, the moment-to-moment writing was pretty bad. Characters suffered very badly from 'This is my Character Trait' writing and the villains would go off on long motive rants even when the situation for it was totally inappropriate.
>Septem > Singularity F > Agartha
There is literally nothing worse than Septem in the game. Agartha is just boring but it's not irredeemable garbage like Septem.
And Singularity F is completely fine. Certainly better than anything before America.
Highly doubtful on both counts
Literally WORST pillar. Andras in Guda Guda was interesting, Baal was interesting too, so was Zepar. Their motivations were greatly explored. Raum is also good. But Phenex was shit and the writer tried to pass this as "talks weirdly lol" to make up for the fact he didn't make sense.
Won't dispute the fight asspulls but you're a neanderthal if you missed the theme that hard. It takes like eight seconds of critical thought to realize everything Archer was saying was absolutely retarded
It's a vote to your favorite. Diehard Nerofags will vote Septem.The prologues are hardly anyone's favorites, they just exist.
>There are ways to describe it and to have doujin tier lines and dialogue courtesy of the hack whose only Fate entry is the shitty Prisma anime adaptation makes it bad
Would you expect amazons to be examples of elegance and propriety when they're trying to rape/enslave people? A doujin-tier plot element (generally consistent with the mythological source-material) having doujin-tier lines hardly comes as a surprise. It's crass sure but marauders living off of pillage and rapine tend to be crass as a rule. They just played it straight instead of going the comic-relief Blackbeard route.
>Guda as the MC
Its easy for it to be the best when it's the only one.
100% guaranteed to be censored along with the body horror in SAO.
Anyone else only here to laugh at the faggots spilling tons of salt over the fact that Ritsuka will be drowning in pussy?
It won't happen. He is for Mashu.
They already confirmed that the anime will be a little different from the game. They'll remove the harem shit definitely. Quetz was retconned by Nasu as only caring for Guda in a non romantic way. Maybe Ere stays but nobody else.
Major yikes right there. Well that means the only thing to look forward to is the blacked out LAHMU massacre.
Considering Ereshkigal was the second most whaled waifu after Jalter, the anime team would be crucified if they removed the romantic subtext.
Literally "we want the muv-luv audience"
Ishtar likes Gil even to the end, and supports Ere's feelings. Quetz' feelings are platonic now (she has a love for mankind type), Taiga isn't into Guda, neither is Ushi. So it'll be just Mashu and Ere at best.
fate is basically sentai with swords and magic. Highly appealing to 12 year olds weening off of Pokemon and thinking they're getting into a more mature anime.
Mash is trash
Because you can never have too much Mashu.
Nasu is behind the anime team, so any changes are run and approved or proposed by him. Their concern is the main concern is conveying the main story.
>Watching fanfiction
She's the main heroine and focus. This is her story and journey. She's also way more pop
*popular than Ere.
more canon than anything except SN and HA
>Mash is trash
Nah, she's just a dork.
It was written by famous Fate fanfiction writer called Nasu so maybe it's not that bad.
She's a disgusting person who cockblocks you and ruins every interlude, the only time some of the minor characters get a chance at character development.
She has to do something to remind you who best girl really is.
Reminder that this is the way of the GilChad.
If Ufotable ain't doing it then it's likely trash.
Also who did the storyline? Some random moba writer with input from Nasu?
Ufo had great source material to work with be it FSN VN from Nasu or butcher-san's F/Z LN. All they had to do was adapt the original content to a dumbed down medium while not fucking up the animation/sound.
An FGO sub-chapter isn't likely to do better unless this is something that Nasu or a real writer wrote in a non-moba medium.
>Lahmu get the Tortilla Chips treatment
Babylonia was written by Nasu.
it's official fanfiction
I really wanted Pepe to rejoin Chaldea, man.
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA MY FUCKING SIDES , also fuck off with your delusion
Canonically, Liz has a nice voice, but she is lethally tone deaf.
I fail to see a problem here.
>this ideal is beautiful
>even if I acknowledge it's impossible, I will try my best to go for it because it's beautiful
This isn't hard to understand. A different perspective on the ideal is what Shirou needs and what both of them reach after their fight.
How can people be for fucking retarded to not understand this?
>people actually read the visual novel
>everyone hates sakura
Everyone that hated or still hates sakura are missinformed animeonlies that just saw the heaven's feel spoilers and think sakura is the tentacle rape creatura, or complete retards like (you).
Will they fix the design if she appears in Babylonia?
In my experience, anime onlies are less likely to hate Sakura than VN readers.
Not a chance. It'll almost certainly be the worst, including DEEN.
He may unless he dies because he's just too good and we need a MISUNDERSTANDING with Daybit. The remaining Crypters sans Beryl are obviously setting up face flags against the "alien god".
Camelot, Babylonia and Solomon are by Nasu (with some bonus scenes with other writers). Episode 0 anime original (which also uses scenes in the game Nasu wrote) is by Nasu too.
>if she appears in Babylonia?
Why would she appear in Babylonia?
Now? Yes because the heaven's feel movies made fucking obvious that sakura wasn't controlling the shadow.
Before? animeonlies were all rinfags and saberfags and sakura literally got nothing in any medium besides the CCC game. That changed in these last three years or so. The people that hated sakura were either people that say she controlled the shadow or autistic purityfags. I will give you purityfaggotry was a thing 10 years ago while today people look at purityfags like the autists they are.
What's there to fix?
There are a bunch of servants appearing in babylonia as gudao's servants
but Gilgamesh has been in all the good Fate works
No, there aren't
Babylonia is by Nasu. All FGO are by TYPE MOON (+Urobuchi in pic related chapter) writers.
Who told you this lie? They didn't even make a single references to events in their recap.
Why is his chink boner so strong?
It just is.
haven't ever not cared about something soo much in my life as this
My tears are ready. Also my cheer for based Ben Kei.
cared enough to post
For me it was the montage of the singularities alongside Shikisai playing in the background. So many memories and so many feels re-emerging at the same time. It was a long journey to Babylonia.
Question, does this new FGO anime contain any badass moments like this?
Stay tuned for Gramps outdoing every Fate hero in history.
That being said I think the Camelot movie will have a greater number of badass moments (can't wait to see Mash losing it and jumping to the rescue against Gawain).
Yes but the first half is very much a SoL building up to the real shit.
>Arash sacrificing himself
>Cursed-arm Hassan
>King Hassan going ultra instinct
>Merlin chad
>Caster Gil going full chad
wait forget the first one, thats Camelot
And in Camelot Movie
They do. Though Time Temple has more of them.
Liz can sing well if she wants to, but she has a terribly skewed idea of how an idol sings. Plus the dragon breath skill turns her songs into an actual attack.
Nero is the one who is tone deaf despite all her training.
>no liz in the pic
Shit artist
I finished Fate Stay Night and it's sequel including Zero.
Do i necessarily need to understand the plot of FGO to understand this? Am i missing anything?
The movie better acknowledge the immense awesomeness of those two moments!
I fear it will be a Bediviere wankfest.
Kys speedwatcher
Just watch first order and you're going to be fine.
FGO is about time traveling to the past to fix "singularities", eg history gone wrong because they somehow caused humanity to die
there were six singularities before this and they found out the person behind their creation was solomon
babylonia is the seventh singularity
watch first order which is the prologue to FGO, then episode 0 of babylonia which properly introduces Roman and Mashu and recaps the singularities before Babylonia. Camelot, the singularity previous to Babylonia, will be adapted in movies in 2020.
Camelot teaser trailer.
>I fear it will be a Bediviere wankfest.
Bedi deserves it the most though, and it's based on the stage play which was Bedivere-focused
This all sounds cool, but
Is the MC at least tolerable enough to get the good shit?
Does he actually do something batshit insane worthy of hype?
>Is the MC at least tolerable enough to get the good shit?
Literally zero personality, total self insert whose dick everyone sucks for no reason
> Does he actually do something batshit insane worthy of hype?
His literally only cool moments are in Babylonia and Time Temple
the MC is basically a non entity self insert, you occasionally get choices but the choices are basically irrelevant dialogue options (that often dont even have unique responses)
FGO part 1 real protagonists are Mash Kyrielight and Romani Archaman. The "main character" is just a point of view self insert that acts as Master but has no backstory or development or even fixed gender because mobage. This changes in some adaptations (Shimousa adaptation in manga gave the female Ritsuka a lot of fleshing out) and they promise they'll give him some personality in the Babylonia anime.
Episode 0 is about Roman and Mash so takes out a problem. They reported that CAmelot movies will have Sir Bedivere as the protagonist so that takes out the problem of Guda being silent protagonist. I mean the chapter was about him anyway.
On the bright side, they might take this chance to give Guda some very needed personality. Some of the options hint a funny guy.
That's just rude.
I hope so, I don't want them to make a mistake of trying to keep him generic so he's similar to the image gacha players have in their head, and give him some real depth.
It's even less than Hakuno. Hakuno had near no personality but at least they had a backstory and journey about them. Ritsuka has absolutely nothing.
He at least always has meme answer since the beggining but thats pretty much normal in rpgs silent protagonist now. At least in part 2 content they are showing him doing more things by himself (got me hard how he was scamming doomhorse in yu interlude and nobody knew until that moment)
Camelot itself is Bedivere focused and they never said it's based on the stage play.
Hosoi Mieko, the anime character designer, drew official artwork for the Camelot stage play and released doujin illustration books with FGO art.
Hakuno have monologues at least, it was specially helpfull when his whole point was being a dude with no personality that developes into a person just for his wish to keep living. Guda has just dialogue options to be able to know about the guy
FGO is full of those hype moments. Pic related is a cg of the game latest chapter.
>self insert
Well that dashed some of my hopes.
>shirou is also a self insert
You at least get something from reading his inner monologue.
Guda had some of these too (usually indicated between brackets).
The only people who think Shirou is a self insert are people who haven't read the VN
Well you should be watching it for the servants desu, the MC barely does shit.
It's a mobage. The story of FGO isn't about the self insert. They act more like a camera man.
How is Shirou a selfinsert?, he has a personality of his own and even has quite autistic moments
I wish Camelot had gotten an animu because of the Knights and the Davinci scene.
MC is basically the only entirely normal human MC in Type-Moon. Their only super power is friendship harem powers that enables having crazy ass servants on the same team and not killing each other.
No secret family bloodline.
No openly known family bloodline.
No tragic backstory that gave him special powers.
Doesn't come from a family of mages.
I think MC's family is actually perfectly well and normal, but nobody ever mentions them because they're just regular humans and nobody cares.
Doesn't practice any secret killing arts.
Doesn't even practice any regular martial arts.
Just a regular living human being.
Babylonia trailer:
Babylonia episode 0 trailer (unsubbed):
It's geting movies instead so it'll probably be better anyway.
Uh user:
It'll get two movies.
Autism makes them very relateable.
But that's what I said in my post, at least with shirou you notice his quirks and understand that he is a character.
Sorry, should have phrased it better.
Oh, thank you. Sorry. I don't understand giving it two movies. It feels like it could be summed up with one.
You probably could, but you would have to have a lot of rushed pacing.
Didn't he also get jealous when Mash got hit on by the pirate dude?
And Fionn.
By that do you mean DEEN Stay Night and UBW or actual Fate and HA, because if it's the former you're further behind in the loop than you think
What did Arash do exactly?
>Gil literally jobs to paperwork here
can't wait for that
Not saying that games are a bad medium for storytelling, but I don't feel a moba like FGO is as great a medium. Also haven't read Babylonia, but I'm not sure Nasu didn't put as much effort/time/work into that as he did in stuff like KnK books or Tsukihime. The amount of text lines likely much lower due to it being a game and fights/events occuring visually on screen as opposed to written in text.
I guess one advantage is that since it's getting dumbed-down from mobagame to anime then the amount of lines lost will also be lower. With that said, I'll give it a shot with my expectations set low for reasons mentioned above. I'll leave my judgement til after seeing it.
FGO has a shitload of text though. It's pretty much a VN with gameplay segments.
I only made it past the part where Davinci plows into the Knights.
This. This is why I just now got to the Camelot Singularity. I had stopped playing for months.
Nasu says he dedicated most of his time to FGO (when he's not playing videogames).
>The amount of text lines likely much lower due to it being a game and fights/events occuring visually on screen as opposed to written in text.
Babylonia is easily longer than any Tsukihime route, what are you talking about?
how are they going to shove saber here?
she surprisingly isn't present at all
Nasu writes a lot in every work he does. FGO is heavier in text than other mobages, it's part of why it's popular. Camelot and Babylonia in particular are long. The game is 3 years old, at this point it has more text than KnK or Tsukihime.
Early singularities had word limits, imposed by the devs, but they did them away around Murrica. The chapters are REALLY long and have a VN feel (it's only lacking the "mc" being a real character). See for example a segment of LB1:
amount of text means fucking nothing when the text is presented like garbage.
FGO has very, very little internal monologues for example. probably above 95% of it's text is straight dialogue between various characters. If you compare this to mahoyo where almost everything is wrapped up in a third person narration, it just reads like absolute shit.
the worst thing is that there's no reason at all the text has to be this way. There's no technical limitation.
She'll be in the Camelot movies, don't worry.
Saber is in Camelot movies as the main villain there.
I know but you bet your ass they won't miss a single opportunity to somehow dump seibah here
literal cuck there
???? It's 6 mins of text, how's that supposed to prove your point?
They won't, Rin and Taiga have the nostalgia pandering covered for this one.
Isn't she the Lion King? Gowain looks like a male Saber to me.
It's a sample of a fragment of a chapter.
>literal cuck there
You're mistaking Kadoc for Beryl.
Yes, she's the Lion King, in Camelot, not Babylonia.
Wow, was there an actual love relationship servant/master that doesn't involve the MC? Amazing.
Nasu has done more work in FGO than KnK or Tsukihima. He has written every scenes with Romani, Goetia, Merlin and anything that's important for the main plot, oversees and comes up with ideas for the events, supervises every servant and design along with Takeuchi, ends up writing long ass chapters despite saying he wasn't going to write. He wrote hundreds of pages for Last Encore that had to be trimmed down because the text was too big, wrote Extella and all the FGO OVAs are written by him too.
There are other Masters in FGO than Guda you know.
Kadoc and Anastasia are so popular they get thematic paired food in FGO anniversaries (two in a row), and are getting a pair scale. Lostbelts so far lacks any random female Servant/Guda in the story, the romantic focus when it had it was on the other Masters love life.
You should see Ophelia and her harem in LB2 then.
Camelot is around the length of a route in Tsukihime. Babylonia is longer.
There's servant/servant relationships, NPCs from singularities like the boy from Camelot, a staff from Chaldea that regularly appears who's a trapfag, Gordolf the son of Gordes from Apocrypha who's the director since Part 2 and the 7 Crypters
>Nasu says he dedicated most of his time to FGO
Nasu/Take also said they didn't think mobas were great mediums for storytelling.
Also Nasu ain't putting all that much work into FGO. He mostly does supervision. Most of his time is spent on JK hookers and cocaine from all the otakubux FGO brings in. That's why mofo won't finish mahoyo or start tsuki2
Nah he spends his time playing videogames like Sekiro, Dark Souls or FF.
>Nasu/Take also said they didn't think mobas were great mediums for storytelling.
They said that before they knew FGO was a cashcow and before Camelot started, which was 3+ years ago.
I'm not even going to expect any of you read Knk.
But how many of you cunts have actually read the VNs?
Friendly reminder that if it doesn't fit into the same continuity as Stay Night, and it doesn't have another writer (who can actually handle prose and small details) acting as a filter for Nasu's inane rambling, it isn't worth your time.
Ana is also for the mc
Not every relationship is about Guda.
>inb4 da vinci's a cuck
>non romantic valentines
>nasu making sure players know everything non main story is just "if" and not canon
Keep dreaming, cuck.
>I'm not even going to expect any of you read Knk.
Well, I did
>But how many of you cunts have actually read the VNs?
I did too. Not sure why you need to get so aggressive currently when all I did was compared the length of a route in Tsukihime to Camelot and Babylonia, but okay.
Napoleon and Surtr-> Ophelia-> Kirsch.
Laling->Hinako/Doom Horse.
Pepe fancies Daybit.
You can't convince me Marisbury and Solomon didn't fuck when he would do everything his Master asked and Marisbury only cares about him as person.
Doesn't Solomon has a wife?
Also brynhildr and Sigurd, Cesar and Cleopatra, jason and Medea, Kintoki and Shuten
Solomon had many, MANY wives user. None of which he particularly cared about
He had 600 wives and 300 concubines but Solomon was never free alive, and only functioned with a superficial personality that was acknowledged as benevolent by his subjects, but he only followed (insert God's commands/voice) and the will of the people. So it's not like he actually was allowed to love or be free about that, or even realized he wasn't. Marisbury Animusphere was the first person who gave him agency.
Yeah, I meant in Camelot, which is why I said the movies.
Maybe so, but it's automatically neutered thanks to those gameplay segments existing. Any and all narrative significance and nuance usually present in VN action is entirely absent from FGO because fights are won with your personal cadre of minions most of the time instead of by comparing strategies, skills, Macguffins, etc. You just beat legendary beings like Goddess Rhongomyniad and Gorgon as a matter of course, no one questions specifically how you do it. They'll have to be clever and include original sections in the adaptations lest those scenes come across as soulless and mundane
Just now I realize Proto Arthur story is a yaoi disguised as a harem. Nasu you madman
I mean that's not really true. Canonically the story servants are the ones fighting. For example the LK is only defeated thanks to Bedivere bringing back Excalibur to her and defeating Tiamat in Babylon is thanks to the combined force of all the servants and gods you meet there. It's not like it's just a fight and that's it.
Ramma and Cita
If you take that as the truth, you're woefully underprepared in most cases. There's no fucking way Mash and Bedivere could beat a Divine Spirit. The same applies in many other cases, Megalos immediately comes to mind
>There's no fucking way Mash and Bedivere could beat a Divine Spirit
They did indeed. Keep in mind that LK is half stunned because her old memories are coming back thanks to Bedivere but still.
why are so many people that haven't read the story shiting on it? i understand it on Yea Forums no one play games there, but here doesn't make sense shiting on something you don't know about
The story literally asks how's possible for a human like bedivere to fight a divine being. They are fully aware user. I don't remember how you end up winning tho
I think you're forgetting that Galahad totally trashed every servant in a 7 on 1 gangbang without breaking a sweat. Anybody who could use even 50% of that bullshit could totally take on the Lion King
is part 1 Mash broken AF?
Yea Forums has been worse than Yea Forums about that for a long time.
We /alter/ now.
>Galahad is around solomon tier
>Mash able to take on LK
>Shitty knockoff np can block Excalibur Morgan
>Actual NP blocks Rhongobongo
>Blocked Ars Almond Salmonella that was supposed to have the power of 1000000 Excaliblasts or something like that
yeah I'm thinking she's broken
She has no real offensive power, though.
I can't wait to know Galahad alter (didn't read requiem)
Gameplay wise, she's arguably one of the best supports in the game. Lore wise, Galahad is overpowered as fuck. He has immunity to all forms of curses and poisons, has a shield that can defend against anything so long as his resolve doesn't break, has an incorruptible mind, and has martial arts skills strong enough to win against 6 servants barehanded in the Lostroom OVA.
i like the part where Gilgamesh listen the gossip about the wife
He has a flirty and smug personality. He fuses with his Master to fight.
>Does he actually do something batshit insane worthy of hype?
He punches the demon king after using Command spell-induced steroids
Estoy mamadisimo memes
I can't wait for Jets to put him in his place.
Part 1 Mash is broken after Camelot and Babylonia, then gets the nerfed button once she dies and is returned as a normal girl, then gets artificial powers via Ortheanus mystic Code which makes her MUCH weaker than before.
They launch flyng gigant axe and theres a big ass army of gigant creatures in war with humanity. Almost every servant is a badass in this part
I was kind of disappointed when I got to Gramps's big scene in-game after hearing how epic it was for months from the JP players. He's almost entirely uninvolved in the story until the last nanosecond, then just pops up out of nowhere with a never-before-mentioned ability and participates in two story nodes before fucking off again with almost zero dialogue. Is it because he got a CG?
I hope that the Enuma Elish scene is as cool as the one on Zero. Gil's speech always get me
What speech?
Probably he means his speech to Tiamat about how he doesn't hate her, but the break from her is inevitable.
The MC goes solo vs Goetia after Mashu "dies"
Post that Takeuchi gif.
Why does Gil dress like a huge slut? Would he think he could complain if someone like Iskander were tempted to pin him down and ravage his boipussy?
*The MC goes solo against agonizing Goetia after Roman dies and mats imply that Goetia end up just immolating himself
Guda is truly useless.
Why wouldn't he? It's hot in Uruk.
Anyone got any of the actual spoilers of the Gil fights against Richard and Alcides in Strange/Fake? Some user said that he summoned some bullshit lightning dragon to defeat Alcides, but what happened with Richard? I couldn't find anything specific in BL.
What fucking sense does it make for Galahad to be stronger than literally every other KoTR by such fucking miles?
The source material isn't that good so I doubt it
Can't wait to see Medusa (Petite) and Medusa (MAX)
Speaking of Roman's death how was he able to just turn back into a heroic spirit just like that?
Remember also the knights are blessed with extra power in Camelot
fags get out
Well, i'm not buying. Sounds like a retcon since Lancelot was supposedly the strongest. His getting beaten by his kid makes no sense. And being stronger than LK? That's just BS.
Galahad being better than Lancelot isn't even a Nasu thing. He's called Galahad the Pure for a reason. And also the guy who actually got The Grail. Galahad has been bullshit even before Type Moon exist.
>never-before-mentioned ability
You mean except in a bunch of profiles and mats.
Lancelot is the strongest swordsman and even then Numeral Gawain can match him. Galahad has always been bullshit, he's also the one who found the actual Holy Grail.
It's said that Galahad was the greatest knight, not because of his martial prowess or skill for combat, but rather his mentality. Saber Alter keeps losing to him because she keeps using Excalibur on him despite knowing what Galahad's Noble Phantasm is and what it does.
According to Gareth, while Galahad was indeed the only one who actually found the Holy Grail, she believes that Percival would probably be the only other Round Table Knight who would be able to do the same.
He was also a playable support servant out of nowhere, the actual gameplay part of the game made it a lot cooler.
His banner wasn't until after that point in the singularity. Even if is were, that's pretty weak and tangential storytelling. Reminds me of the extended Evangelion lore that makes a lot of sense when you read it compiled in one spot, but is treated with the delicacy of an autistic orangutan in the original anime. I wish his "old man" scenes had continued past the SOL part of the story and involved more of his personality instead of him feeling like a walking plot device
Galahad got his genes and Solomon's (Elaine, his mother, is a descendant of his). It's confirmed Galahad has the blood of ancient Israel kings in Requiem, and David recognizes Mashu has his sword in Okeanus manga. In the real life lore, Solomon acted like his Merlin, (the father of his legend) so makes the connection between Mashu and Roman pretty symbolic.
I just finished Camelot.
Holyshit, this is one of 3 games that actually made me tear up
I feel like knowing what will happen takes away from the experience. KH showing up out of nowhere and being actually playable was what made it special. Of course if you know what will happen may seem just boring.
user, is this your 1st day of Fate shit? That's how it's always been. A shit ton of stuff regarding Fate has been in off comments in Nasu interviews and random notes in a bunch of side materials for a long time before Nasu finally gets his ass off and start to write stories incorporating them.
what a gary stu
This is why I can't get into NA honestly. Even if I can barely read japanese going through every new chapter is always hype, while NA is just boring since I already know pretty much everything.
>That's how it's always been
Uh, what? Virtually no content from the 4th or 5th Grail Wars relied on preexisting knowledge of heroic spirit lore or even internal Nasuverse mage lore. It's only nu-TM that's filled with hundreds of fuckoff servants given zero-dimensional personalities and narrative relevancies. FGO is responsible for this
These days it's actually taxing to count on both hands the number of servants stronger than the king of jobbers. anyone up for making the list?
>Well, I did
Either you speak japanese or what you have read was Cokesakto's fanfiction
But does that actually make him stronger than Lancelot and LK?
You mean after everyone else did all the work and weakened him to a point where Guda got the final blow and all the credit. FGOfags are precious in how they try and justify their self-insert being the best.
Well he died, so.
To be fair that part never made sense to me so indeed I just assume Goetia was near dead by then.
He went to Heaven.
He undid his wish with the ring he had left (that ring was his catalyst so wasn't part of his summon).
Clearly not considering he's in the Throne of Heroes.
Goetia was falling apart and Mashu's shield still protected Guda.
You can be recorded without dying DYING see Prelatti.
You are not even half way thru all the main story yet. Many more tears are coming user.
Camelot climax was really great. Bedi's and Agravain's send offs were touching.
I still wish we got all the singularities animated, especially America. I want to see Medb and Cu alter animated.
For what purpose? Earlier chapters are bare boned as hell. Even London barely has anything worth animating even though it had a little bit of important scene at the end.
Prelati's method probably just isn't good enough to be considered an extension of the soul. Their original soul died long ago and whatever they're currently doing to "survive" isn't really survival of the self, maybe it's just the basic personality and memories.
As much as I like literally all the characters in America, the story of it was fucking awful
If they could rewrite, it would be great
It's probably an even shittier version of what Roa had in Tsukihime, and Roa's version wasn't even that great since his soul deteriorated heavily with each incarnation. By his eighteenth incarnation, he doesn't resemble the original in the slightest anymore.
The story had way too many "servant comes out of nowhere and helps you". Also was the Liz in America the same Liz from Orelans? I forgot
Was F/GO anime a faithful adaptation of the game?
For some reason that rule of "is not the same Servant as other Singularities" doesn't apply to Liz. She just appears whenever someone mentions her.
I dunno, I didn't like Babylonia that much. MC honestly made it pretty insufferable, especially since so much of the plot resolves around every Servant going "oh man, I really want to fuck the MC, I better join him" or "MC is the best fucking dude ever, what a masterful tactician and the best Master ever, I better side with him".
Just use Gudako bro
Isn't that like every singularity? Only in Epic of Remnant they started to subvert it.
Sadly no martian.
i thought the same when i finished it but everyone called me a faggot because they were in shinjuku at that point, it's better when you realize Bedi was a human all the time.
Babylonia gets better
if you imagine female MC it makes more sense.
"oh man, I really want to fuck the MC, I better join her" or "MC is the best fucking girl ever, what a masterful tactician and the best Master ever, I better side with her".
When you see the shit other (you)'s do challenge quests with shity servants,yeah i can see why they would think that.
someone said Liz?
But my bride like to be ravaged
Pretty sure you're mixing up the Guda benefits for the immunities. Shielder gives poison and other resistance to their master but Mashu certainly isn't immune to that stuff.
May you be kept up at night by her head lights.
It's not an ability really user. He's converting part of himself into power like what Ozy did with his pyramid ramming. Except he did it with his Grand juice so he's still around and is just a normal servant in power now.
the music in camelot is top tier
Good, she's a shit character.
It really was
How's gil boypussy feels like
Agravain fucking when?
Are you talking shit about the brown giantess nurse with tribal markings and a desire to destroy the world?
>Quetz isn't on there.
She fucking better be, she's one of the best parts of Babylonia. Especially her NP battle against Taimat.
Romani was shitty fujobait. Da Vinci was always the better bro(female). I'm glad that faggot is dead.
How does FGO compare to Knk, Tsuki VN, and FSN VN?
Unlimited Cringe Works is the worst part of Fate. Just watch Prisma and join us lolichads.
Holy shit. Prison Warden Quetz is really cute.
Never ever, yuri nigger.
Pretty shit to be honest. There are some good tracks but for the most part you will be hearing the same stuff for hundreds of hours
What a shit character design
She's here user
I wish he would just have a personality honestly. If he doesnt then it would be Persona levels of boring
Literally nothing even happened besides that big fight with Gorgon.
I hope you're only aboard this show for the shitposts shonen.
Hes one of the worst artist in FGO.
Its amazing how the worst artist Takahashi Keitarō went from this
Not trying to defend Fate but Shirou is literally the personification of asspulls, as he pulls weapons and power out of his ass.
to being decent
>everyone likes Shirou for preserving against the world that wants to prove him word
This is hilarious. Back then literally no one liked Shirou at all! He would be Ikari Shinji levels of hated if it wasnt for him having action scenes in the anime series so underage retards end up liking because "muh cool shounen hero".
Oh shit, based. Thanks user.
Ushi looks so damn pretty. I can't wait to hear her voice.
Maybe people grew up. It's been years after all.
VA's signatures from Babylonia exhibition. From left to right
>1st row: Shimazaki Nobunaga (Fujimaru Ritsuka) / Takahashi Rie (Mashu) / Kawasumi Ayako (Fou) / Suzumura Kenichi (Romani) / Sakamoto Maaya (Da Vinci)
>2nd row: Seki Tomokazu (Gilgamesh) / Kobayashi Yuu (Enkidu) / Takahiro Sakurai (Merlin) / Asakawa Yuu (Ana) / Ueda Kana (Ishtar)
>3rd row: Yumi Uchiyama (Siduri) / Hayami Saori (Ushi) / Inada Tetsu (Benkei) / Shinichiro Miki (Leonidas)
So fucking ready to see Gil defend Uruk and go all out against Tiamat
Ueda twitter about the lines recorded.
Yes, I'm talking about the bland piece of shit waifubait aaylien that has nothing to do with Attila the Hun.
Da Vinci is dead too.
I am glad she got BTFO by Nero.
I don't know shit about Fate outside of it's anime adaptations, but I keep hearing that Caster Gilgamesh is actually pretty based and wise. Can anyone confirm this? Promo art makes him look like the smug asshole jobber Archer Girugamesh always was.
And then he somehow got more annoying
Cringe loli is gonna die soon. She's shitting death flags.
He's still an arrogant stubborn idiot sometimes, but he recognizes when he's out of depth and is surrounded by people who he can rely on.
And then they're gonna bring based Romani back and fgo will finally be kino
It'll be Goetia or a version of Solomon with a different personality/body for drama.
You guys do know homosexuality is a sin right?
He can be prideful and a fuck up, but he works hard and dies from overwork because he refuses to rest. He's surrounded by people that makes him tamer, like his two Clarivoyant buddies and Siduri.
> based Romani
the dumb fuck was the one who created the stupid demon pillars in the first place
Lion King is not defeated. You escape by rayshifting since the singularity is collapsing. You stop her plan but you do not stop her.
Bullshit. The lightning dragon is just Enkidu (the NP not the person) with mana from GoB and Gilgamesh used it to beat Richard, not Alcides. Gilgamesh fights Alcides after Richard. Alcides who had been pumped up from Avenger juice and other buffs but also slowly going crazy from hydra poison. They match each other evenly with GoB and Nine Lives. Ishtar shows up with Humbaba to blindside Gilgamesh by closing the gate, getting him hit by Alcides' poisonous arrow and Humbaba just ganks him afterwards.
It's ok if female Master fucks your son though.
>Lion King is not defeated.
She is. She just wants to keep on fighting because she's a sore loser, but Roman BTFOs her because he anticipated her actions and is rayshifting everybody.
>sex before marriage
Which were the basis for the entire summoning system according to Da Vinci which ended up pretty useful for humanity.
Wasn't him anyway, but God.
No she's not. You inflict no damage upon her. Instead you gave her fucking Excalibur while your party is completely wasted.
You're giving your blessing?
Lord Camelot reflects Rhon, you fuck her up. You'll eat your words in the movie. She's just a sore loser.
>Y-You BTFO her
>By running away
This is coming from the king of womanizers?
>Lord Camelot reflects Rhon,
No it doesn't you speedreader. Mashu does not possess that skill. Only Galahad, the true owner of the NP does. All Lord Camelot did was block the beam as seen in the story. Don't make shit up.
Hey David, how was Solomon's older brother conceived? The stillborn.
Mashu can't and has never been shown to do this in FGO game. Play the story. it's translated.
>Mashu does not possess that skill.
she literally does it with Lord Chaldeas, and First Order pretty much shows you this and this was written by Nasu. Just stop.
>more Taiga
thank you Jesus
Explain his romance with Jonathan in the famous lgbt novel called "The Bible"
Here idiot You should play the story.
Anyway, soon the Camelot movie will show you how it was done.
>No matter what storm rages or what future awaits, our task is to break through it! Bon Voyage! Let us meet again, ladies and gentlemen!
>Galloping into the untrodden; O unfinished steed, leave brilliant tracks in your wake! Aah, life is truly delightful...
>How regrettable. Will I go down like the previous me...
>Gordolf-kun is also starting to relax little by little. I knew that he was a good person from the start, but I hope to see him acting brazenly until the end.
>The old me might have thought of Mashu as a pupil, but for the current me, she's closer to something like a blood relative. Is she like an adorable younger sister or a lovely elder sister, I wonder. Either way, I will do my best to serve as her guide.
>I love everyone from Chaldea. We'll be making many memories from now on, after all.
>Even after this journey ends, your adventure will continue.
Hell Loli Vinci's lines and CE Bond are full of death flags. Not to mention one of her skill can only be possessed by those with a transient lifespan.
Her Overhaul skill is interesting too. I wonder if we would get to know other characters who have this skill but in higher rank.
>Scattering nanomachines made out of pseudo-spiritrons, the whole party's status is returned to its origin.
>At its highest rank, not only damaged weapons and Saint Graphs, but even the condition of the Noble Phantasms at the beginning of combat are restored to their starting condition. However, such performance can not be manifested by Da Vinci who's stuck in the form of a young girl.
>Johnathan whom David loved more than any woman
>Sleeping with a married woman and impregnating her before sending her husband to the frontlines to kill him off so he can marry her
David has no higher ground.
>she literally does it with Lord Chaldeas,
Based secondary. This does not happen in the game. All Lord Chaldeas does is block Excalibur. Which is actually more impressive because Mashu needed a fucking command seal to do this and reflect the beam in First Order. If you want me to stop, point out in the Camelot singularity where Lord Camelot reflected Rhongmyniad. It's translated, it shouldn't be hard to find if it exists (it doesn't)
wait what if it's the bases for the entire summoning system why can you still summon?
Secondly since you can still summon seems like he could of got rid of them when he was done with them or limited the power or anything to keep them from running wild.
I mean Solomon is supposed to be a wise king yet his actions nearly made humanity extinct.
>This does not happen in the game.
Yes it does. The description of the game DOESN'T say it didn't happen and anyway, Nasu wrote First Order, trashed Benkei and Hassan for Lancer Medusa. You can't ignore the changes he made because he too was setting up part 2, what with adding Animusphere chant which wasn't in the game.
>You should play the story.
I have. No reflecting going on here at all. Are you sure YOU played the game?
I meant more in terms of the writing/plot/characters/etc. The shit Nasu/Take work on. Not so much the sound/gameplay aspects
>wait what if it's the bases for the entire summoning system why can you still summon?
Why wouldn't you? Da Vinci said it in Okeanus beginning. Did modern magecraft disappeared when he's the foundation for that too?
>I mean Solomon is supposed to be a wise king yet his actions nearly made humanity extinct.
Why are you pinning Goetia's actions on Solomon's? Goetia's his own man.
>Yes it does.
No it doesn't. A command seal is used in First Order. It is not used in Grand Order. That's literally one major difference so we have zero reason to believe Excalibur was reflected. Fuck out of here with your headcanon.
>user is forgetting that solomon was the only one able to save humanity in the end
>taking gameplay as canon in early fgo
But a description of Lord Camelot vs Rhongomyniad IS given. So please, show where us Lord Camelot threw the beam back at Lion King. This is all you have to do.
It's a scripted scene you goddamn pleb. You have no control over Alter tossing Excalibur at you and blocking at the start of the fight. No CS. Concession accepted.
>But a description of Lord Camelot vs Rhongomyniad IS given
A vague description sure, but nothing too detailed.
So is SHEBA in Chaldea named after queen of Sheba? That's kinda sweet from a harem king like Solomon
It's a scripted scene that only shows Mashu and Saber because of the early poor effects, "pleb". Are you going to ignore the script NASU made to set down the visualization of the events of the prologue because it doesn't match your headcanon?
Jesus Fuck you are incorrigible. There's nothing vague about it. Mahsu blocks. Galahad takes the opportunity and returns Excalibur. Rhongomyniad is never said to be reflected anywhere. It exists only in your mind.
Yeah, though since Lev is the creator of Sheba i think he named it though. If you're NA player then you can wait for Salem chapter to know the connection with SHEBA and the Queen of Sheba.
Yes, but it was Lev who named it Sheba. Some of the pillars were fond of her and trusted her.
I was talking about the fucking demon pillars you seemed to be saying their existence was necessary for the summoning system.
Yes I can pin Goetia's actions on Solomon since Solomon gave him that fucking power Also since he's supposed to be such a wise king he should of noticed Goetia was going to be a problem
Why did giving back Excalibur to Simba stop the Rhongobongo from sealing everything and collapse the Holy City? It's not like the lance actually went anywhere, is it?
>Galahad takes the opportunity and returns Excalibur
You realize that Nasu was on FGO from the start right? Goetia vs Solomon was something he wrote down back in 2015 and what happened in Fuyuki is a relevant point even in Part 2. You literally have no argument.
Nasu also oversaw UBW anime. Doesn't mean fucking shit when a ton of it contradicts the VN and makes no sense in of itself. Cope.
from a mess he created
>Taking the game as canon feat for Mash
>Taking anime canon feat for Galahad
If you consider the anime non-canon for mash then Galahad's abilities are non-canon and technically "still unknown"
Excalibur is Rhongobongo's kryptonite that can even negate the effects of her gifts. By returning the sword to Lion King, it awoke Artoria and her memories so the lance was no longer controlling her.
Salem spoiler
there are a lot of things going on, but first off Salem was a looped world where Raum wanted to perfect the ritual to summon the elder gods (though his intentions slowly changed due to Abby). you're an unintentional but deliberate guest to the seventh cycle. chaldea... or specifically the Sheba system that no-one actually understands had found and identified Raum by the second cycle, and had summoned Sheba as it's servant into Salem to try to deal with Raum during the second cycle. however, Raum and his Salem, as well as Sheba's own status as the child of a human and a majin, all lead to an undermining of servants (hence the status nerf through most of the chapter) and a reallocation of Sheba's role to that of a slave to Abby instead of a servant of chaldea. due to that failure, the Sheba system summoned another servant (circe), and raum mentions that by the seventh cycle (aka after six failures) he was ready to allow a guest from chaldea again, wanting inspiration from an unpredictable element again. circe effectively helps Sheba out of her forced role allocation by Salem, allowing her to break free and influence the "rules" via that mixed majin blood. this causes the "city" that raum constructed to begin faltering, hence the twisting of that final trial.
With the help of God too. The whole mess would have been beyond saved if god hadnt told Solomon to throw one of his ring into the future
>>Taking anime canon feat for Galahad
Not either of those two but I don't believe this for a second. Moon light lostroom was literally a dream. Why should this have any impact on the strength of the actual servants?
>I was talking about the fucking demon pillars you seemed to be saying their existence was necessary for the summoning system
Do you have brain problems? The creation of the pillars as the ultimate summons was the basis of the entire familiar summoning which set up the Heroic Spirits. That's why Goetia also says he's their senpai. This is a system made to benefit humanity which was copied. The pillar demons were an observation and preservation system set up by God.
>Yes I can pin Goetia's actions on Solomon since Solomon gave him that fucking power
Solomon was nothing but a pawn without agency. Did you even read the story? The entire problem was that Solomon was a system without will who only obtained freedom from the first time when he was given the agency to wish as a Heroic Spirit, once he's dead. Before that "I wasn't free to be angry about my lack of freedom."
wait, Lion King doesn't have any memories of being Artoria? How did she know her knights so she could summon them, then?
You can't pin Goetia's action on Solomon, because Goetia acted on his own and he had freedom of choice Solomon never had. Solomon didn't choose to make him either. He was just God's puppet/agent. His choice was to oppose him though, once he won freedom in his second life.
They were summoned WAY before the events of camelot user. remember that Bedi was roaming around for like 200 years
The problem is if it was just their creation that was needed they should of been destroyed when were done with them.
Yes I know the whole no agency shit I never liked that shit either its part of the whole he's supposed to be a wise king problem not he's an idiot who only appeared wise cause everything he did was what god told him to do.
Also if their and observation and preservation system set up God then it sounds like god's just being a douche.
Mashu's shield in grand order game doesn't work the same way in the anime. In the game, there is no reflective capability, not against Saber, not against Fafnir, not against Lion King, Goetia and hell, even in LB1, she blocks but can't reflect Ivan's lightning despite being way stronger than Lord Chaldeas.
It's a weird disparity that hasn't been properly acknowledged. But I'd never take a cashgrab anime over the games. Maybe the movie might change things
But I read Camelot Zero and it says that they were only summoned recently to beat up the Crusaders, conquer Jerusalem and start prepping it for the selection.
1) The creation of the summoning system has their basis of the pillar demons who are the ultimate form of summons. It doesn't matter they are gone, but they were necessary just like Tiamat was for the sake of the Order.
2) Solomon wasn't a wise king (even if this was his title), he was a terminal for God in the world who carried out his actions and had no freedom at all from the moment he was born. The subjects of his kingdom celebrated him as wise and benevolent, Goetia and the pillar demons thought of him lazy and heartless for not hearing their pleas to "help humans" but both misunderstood his fundamental nature. He exhibits wisdom when he finally is allowed to become a person as Roman. He passes his compassionate wisdom to Mash which is pivotal when clashing with Goetia's brand or pitiful pride. If Solomon had been allowed to have freedom before (to be human as Roman), Goetia probably wouldn't have been a problem. Episode 0 written by Nasu brings up how Mash could resent and lose faith in humanity if she sees their dark history, but Roman does such a great job in showing her and focusing on the good sides that this never happens. That's why one of the major FGO themes is Roman's way of life or philosophy. Goetia realized this too late and agrees with it, at last, becoming human himself.
Werent the leaks about lb5 talking about nanomachines too?
She doesn't have all her memories, the important ones being at the time of her death. For example, she does not remember Bedivere at all, and the knights go "wtf???" when she asks who he is.
Yes the worst one so for. Fate Gacha Only
>The problem is if it was just their creation that was needed they should of been destroyed when were done with them.
Like Tiamat, so? Their existence was necessary for humanity regardless. They are born from wishes, regrets, desires, Solomon named them, gave them form and made them his familiars. They became a Beast when they forsook their function and role.
>Yes I know the whole no agency shit I never liked that shit either its part of the whole he's supposed to be a wise king problem not he's an idiot who only appeared wise cause everything he did was what god told him to do.
He's not an idiot, he's simply neutral and uncaring without motivation unless he's ordered. What he told Goetia in answer to his whining, is actually correct. He told him that wasn't their place (or his) to act like God and that there's a time for everything which is one of the big things of Ecclesiastes. But his limitations in emotional agency made Goetia pissed off and he misunderstood him, but that's not Solomon's fault. Goetia even behaved fine until he died.
>Also if their and observation and preservation system set up God then it sounds like god's just being a douche.
The absence of it is a huge hole in the world, but Roman says that the observation is up to humans now. Whether this will be good or bad, we don't know. He has faith in humanity though.
>it was just their creation that was needed they should of been destroyed when were done with them.
Their role was to protect and preserve the human order too, as an observation system. They were actually functional and didn't go awry until after Solomon died.
look I am saying I don't like fates portrayal of Solomon. Also he did have some agency it was his decision to return the rings. The whole Mash shit would be more compelling if we really ever say mash start to resent humanity or really by affected by what she saw she never seemed to be very affected by it. I mean like in her in her flashbacks she was totally apathetic and emotionless towards the whole being a test tube baby with a short lifespan. Also where the fuck did episode 0 show anything about how mash could come to hate humanity?
yeah so they were awry for thousands of years.
> a huge whole in the world
oh no what will they do without morons trying to genocide humanity for the stupidest fucking reasons.
>Doesn't even practice any regular martial arts.
Well, he does train under Leonidas supervision
>yeah so they were awry for thousands of years.
Solomon was kind of dead. What did you want him to do?
>Also where the fuck did episode 0 show anything about how mash could come to hate humanity?
Lev mentions it to his speech with Roman. And Goetia tried to get her on his side because he thought she'll side with him but she actually sees things as Roman does who, you know, raised her (or raised each other together to be accurate).
>Also he did have some agency it was his decision to return the rings.
The legend was written was on his will, but in reality God ordered him to send a ring to the future before he died and Solomon obeyed as usual. NPs are crystallisation of legends as how humans perceive them, you know. His actions as Roman is on his own free will though.
>Also where the fuck did episode 0 show anything about how mash could come to hate humanity?
Roman was worried about the possibility and discussed it with Leiv in a corridor. That's where it was revealed that Mash's purpose is to be a pure being capable of housing a Heroic Spirit. Roman is afraid Mash can get to resent other humans because of her life style (constant tests and treatment that are painful, her short lifespan, etc) but Leiv tells him Mash despite being aware of all of that doesn't compare herself to other and thus no resentment takes place in her heart. She look at humans with curiosity and admiration and knowing her limited life she absolutely adores to discover new things and savor every experience as part of her growing. Hence why she calls the MC "senpai". She has way more knowledge and magical powers but MS has more experience at being alive.
I don't really care about Lev's stupid fucking opinions or Goeita he's dumb as fuck too I meant it showing us that not telling us.
Also I thought I remember Solomon talking about how sending the rings back was his human action as Solomon before he used his third noble phantasm.
I didn't say I wanted him to do anything I was commenting on how they weren't functional for very long and had been awry for way longer than they were functional.
Without an observation system to keep on human order stable, the world is vulnerable because reality becomes more mutable. That's why Roman says that humanity and their laws will decide things from now on (the complete collapse of Age of Gods for the Age of Man). The absence of the "King of Magecraft" (be Solomon system or Goetia) affected the world and Da Vinci brought it up in Agartha afaik.
Roman reproached them for turning away from their purpose, so I don't get your point. I do think Flauros was doing mostly his job but he saw that timeline leading to a bad end that could impact negatively everything so he accepted the Control Office Will.
First of no one of that is a real explanation for her calling the MC she just meant senpai. Second of all show don't tell Mash never seems to resent humans you just said so yourself.
>I don't really care about Lev's stupid fucking opinions or Goeita he's dumb as fuck too I meant it showing us that not telling us.
They showed Mash as the in between Roman's and Goetia's ideology though.
>Also I thought I remember Solomon talking about how sending the rings back was his human action as Solomon before he used his third noble phantasm.
As "humanity assigned it." He explained what really happened, God just told him to send a ring to the future and he did. It doesn't matter because what is important is how this action was perceived.
and the collapse of the age of gods is problem why it just means less magic and more science. Also how many fucking ends to Age of Gods is their in fate it so stupid how the keep throwing the phrase around either it ended or didn't.
Second of all killing everybody is a bad end for the timeline genius.
Lev said she might if she's confronted with the dark side of history and when she grows up. Goetia was probably similar to her, really. Solomon too.
I don't care if Mash was the in between for Roman's and Goeita's ideologies that's not what we were talking about.
who cares about Lev's opinion he was dead wrong their never seemed to be any real danger of that.
>Second of all killing everybody is a bad end for the timeline genius.
It might have been the lesser of the two evils from his perspective. Flauros himself commits suicide to put an end to this because he's not fully sold in the hive decision. But he doesn't here.
He also set up Sheba system to summon the Queen of Sheba to disable any pillar demon wh would expressly act against either Solomon's or Goetia's directions because she's good as counter. Which is super important in Salem.
He is also the one who seems to investigate the cause of Fuyuki Singularity, the reason why the future disappeared according to Chaldeas prediction in 2015. That wasn't Goetia's doing.
He wasn't wrong though. He was simply rightfully stating nobody knew how she'll mature as, which Roman takes it to heart.
It's what I am talking about.
Yes I have heard Lev thought it was the lesser of two evils but whatever this bad end may be simply killing humanity and making a new world is really stupid that's not saving shit and not what they are supposed to be doing.
Also it doesn't really work as an explanation when that they did it cause the saw something worse when this never comes up in part one and this shit I keep hearing must be from part 2 which is really dumb for this not to have come up in part one.
God was behind him all time, he ordered their creation and ordered about the ring. Solomon is just following orders (without a choice about it). He was a victim in all this.
>Flauros himself commits suicide to put an end to this because he's not fully sold in the hive decision
I thought it was Lev's other two personalities breaking the programming and killing themselves to save the world. That was the point of the no-suicide impulse programmed into magic crests, right? And Flauros only wins in Grand Order.
The problem is this conversation started as how it was supposedly Roman's compassion towards mash that kept her from losing faith in humanity not that nobody knew how she would turn out stop moving the damn goalpost
Goetia didn't do it because of whatever threat now the world is having, his plan exists in all timelines, and is because he fed on suffering of people only and wanted this changed. Flauros has a bit of individuality to act against it before the full hive'ed treatment. If he decided to follow Goetia, then what he saw must have been that bad.
That may be put I still think it's a stupid portrayal of king Solomon plus I thought the ring thing was choice not the sending on to the future but the giving them up in the first place but oh well. Also him just being a victim makes the confrontation between him and Goeita lose some weight.
>I thought it was Lev's other two personalities breaking the programming
No, the one that kills himself in Clocktower 2015 is "Mr. Flauros" bro. The personality that glimpses into the future is Flauros. Nasu hinted a pillar wasn't into the plan in his blog too.
Because she embraced his way of thinking? She did what Goetia failed to do: Understand him and his points of humanity because he presented his points in a different way and she experienced a journey while Goetia just watched from afar.
are you sure your not confusing Flarous with Lev and either way this should have come up in part 1.
>but the giving them up in the first place but oh well.
But he literally sent his ring unto the future and he could use it after he got reunited with it. That's how he undoes the Grail wish, user. The NP formed by that feat involves giving up your gifts and complete the journey but that was a NP which is a crystallization of a legend.
Are you not listening the never seemed to be any danger of her resenting humanity even in her flashbacks to when she barely knew Roman
Flauros is one of Lev's three personalities in Clocktower 2015. It's the one that commits suicide too.
I was just saying I had earlier thought the sending the rings back was his Idea I know that god told him to send one into the future.
except Flauros is Demon Pillar not just some personality also why the fuck would you let some with multiple personalities work in an organization like Chaldea
>the never seemed to be any danger of her resenting humanity even in her flashbacks to when she barely knew Roman
Did you miss the entire exchange about how she might have her views challenged when she sees the dark side of human history as she gets older?
Did you think the pillars and Goetia wanted to burn everyone down from the beginning? They lost faith.
You seem to be missing a plot point my dude. The 72 demon pillars ride magus bloodlines throughout history. Lev Lainur is the host to Flauros. As an irrelevant aside, Matou Zouken is host to Barbatos.
>also why the fuck would you let some with multiple personalities work in an organization like Chaldea
Chaldea is literally a "we take everyone we can get" group. Lev, Lainur, and Flauros are just three dudes in one as far as Marisbilly is concerned. The fact that Flauros is actually Flauros the Demon God Pillar is.. probably something Marisbilly knew but could not help.
it's in one ear and out the other with you I am not talking about the stupid fucking pillars I am talking about Mash. Also Goetia said himself that he never hated humanity. Also we've been over this that's just their conversation we never actually see mash ever start to lose faith in humanity.
The three personalities of Lev are named after three different demons when Clocktower 2015 explores him, user. By the year 2015, the awareness they are a demon god raises, but Flauros killed himself because he believed humanity had a future.
>also why the fuck would you let some with multiple personalities work in an organization like Chaldea
The Sheba lenses were a must for Chaldeas to function. And you need to know that before he pulled his bomber antics, Flauros programmed Sheba to summon the Queen in case of a pillar demon acts against the king (Solomon or Goetia) commands and endangers humanity. Presumably after his awakening. That wasn't him as a human, but specifically as a pillar demon. His comically evil design throws people off but there's something weird there. If he had decided fully to make humanity crispy why bother to do this?
Goetia didn't hate humanity but he did resent to be a tool or system that serves beings that die and he is disgusted by their history. Lev was expressing his concern to Mash's reaction to human history specifically.
> we take everyone we can get
That's so dumb some people are going to be more hindrance than help and some are just way more risk than reward I think Marisbilly is supposed to be smarter than that or what is Lev part of his plan.
what is this Queen and why didn't it appear. Yes I know the Sheba lenses are a must be one did they actually know for certain that he could build such a thing. Was he really the only one they could of ask and if he was three different demons that makes it even dumber to hire him. Also after he built did they really need to keep him around
The guy has three personalities: Lev Uvall, Lainur Gusion, and "Mr. Flauros" which matches the Chaldea personality.
Uvall and Gusion are other demons.
Also Matou Zoukken being host to Barbatos sounds really dumb their supposed to be against human suffering I thought so why didn't Barbatos do anything to try and help Sakura
>what is this Queen and why didn't it appear.
The Queen of Sheba appears in Salem to help to stop Raum who is trying to recreate/summon (depending on your interpretation if the superstition is real or not) the evil gods (Lovecraftian inspired abominations) to help humanity in his own retarded way with things who aren't from Human Domain system. Both Solomon and Goetia agree on this, and in order to unfuck Salem you need to disable Raum bullshit. Sheba's nature as a half djinn/majin is able to undo his influence. But without Flauros' programming Sheba to do this, it wouldn't have happened.
Barbatos probably didn't awake in that timeline.
It fits his original M.O. Makiri Zolgen originally sought the Third Magic to eliminate all suffering from the world.
>what is this Queen and why didn't it appear.
Have you ever read Salem ? Even if you didn't, an user just posted it here
but you said Flarous had set to act against pillar demons if they endanger humanity why does it not show up until after part 1.
There's a loophole in endanger humanity, as in, going against the instruction of their king (both personalities of "solomon") and break a taboo, then that kicks in. My point is that if Flauros, after he awoke fully, was 100% in the incineration, why bother to program Sheba for this at all? There's no need.
In my opinion, Flauros tried to fix the future but he didn't get results and ended up just bitting the bullet and go for it but only after he couldn't fix Fuyuki.
I get what your saying but I thought Lev was the to program Sheba not Flarous.
>No bulge on mari