Azur Lane Anime

PV3, Airing in October. Thoughts?

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Other urls found in this thread: Tieröln

Wow, what a good PV. Can't wait!

Can't wait for Akagi to attract secondaries cause

Really informative, i'll use it for all my folders now!

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Anyways since OP put the wrong link LMAO

What's with those dick sucking lips

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Why would I want to share a folder like that?

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Please don't be bad.

holy shit that girl is ugly

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nice armored deck

I have too many youtube tabs

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This girl is so cute. What's her name? She seems like a really nice girl.

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Is she strong in the game?

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Javelin the Slag

Weakest of the top tier.

I don't believe you. She looks so innocent.
So, still a bit strong.

>how to share folder on network with password protected [hd]
Epic fail.

Where are they hiding Z23?



Ask Intern-kun who's a fellow degenerate lolicon and bro to use his dev powers.

When's Hornet though

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Vid relevant

This looks like the idol anime this season.

Well, most destroyers are just fodder so you're not wrong

No shikikan will make a lot of the characters extremely boring and attract all the cancer yurifags. Anime will be garbage

can't be worse than the Kankore anime right?
probably won't have an ep as good as the one with Kongou though

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if this is chinese whys it in japanese

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It has every opportunity to be bad
We can only hope that it doesn't repeat the exact same mistakes

I'm not watching this shit if Cleveland isn't in it.

Because the series exploded in popularity when it released in Japan

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You can literally hear her speaking in the PV

wait, what's the difference between this and kancolle


Azur Lane has way more American, English, and German ships. Even some french and chinese

How did you fuck that up user

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>it's not CG
already better than kancolle

Beach episode with Hobby and Kalk

>that sims thigh pinch

fletcher a cute! CUTE!

I can hear the sound of Kancolle sink to the bottom of ocean floor.

10/10 chink design. superior to any kancolle has to offer

Where is the cat? I need to talk to the cat.

Exhilirating and engaging combat scene. Leaves Kancolle to the dust

Who will be Demonbane wielding Shining Trapezehedron to win the war against Outer Gods? Is it Enterprise?

This is even worse than Fate shit and that animation looks like trash

Mutsuki of course.

Dont you have some Hong Kong dudes to beat the democracy out of Main Lander?

>Shit animation on PV

literal shit, Kancolle S2 animation is soo much better than this Mao Lane. Also go back to your containment trash /alg/faggots

>no jewcat
>fox girls aren't lewd enough

More lewder looking girls and it's not even counting the "optional" uniforms that is just for cosmetics. it gets better if you have the uncensor patch that shows the nips more
More popular outside of japan because japan won't share kanco to everyone properly
everyone gets stuck on the fox mines

Can't be worse then Kancolle

>Kancolle S2

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>Akagi is gonna be doing a Character Song

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It'll end up being the exact same most likely, people will go in expecting moe get a serious show instead and forget about it before it's even done airing

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still better than Mao Lane that plagiarize everything

>Azur Lane, GBF and FGO anime all airing at the same time
Yea Forums is going to be a shitshow isn't it

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will they be gender neutral like in the game I wonder

SKK will always be off screen most likely

Awwww shit, we're gonna get BASED Charles Ausburne fighting for J U S T I C E

Ahh, all these bottom tier destroyers that I keep feeding to other ships to enhance them. It's uncanny to see them in an anime screenshot. Nice, but uncanny.


While she's the weakest of the Top Tier, she's also British. Which means she's the only of the 4 starter destroyers that benefits from Queen Elizabeth's bonus to HMS ships. That already boosts her quite a lot (+15% to all stats).

Speaking of yandere's, I managed to roll Taihou today.

>Gender neutral
>Unicorn explicitly calls you Onii-chan

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>depends if a BBC doujin gets memed to death or captain is a shota/nameless faggot
>GBF is already a shitshow because of goat tits
>FGO is fate shitposting with extra layers


>Focus is going to be on the burger faction with only 2 decent girls
>Blanderprise as the mc
I'm going to wait Kancolle S2

Feeling lusty

>>Unicorn explicitly calls you Onii-chan

I'm so upset right now

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Plus all the "muh gacha game is better than yours" shitposting this is going to incite.

why do these shitters keep ruining everything I love? Why are the translators in charge people with such a complete disdain for their product? It's not even accurate, "shounen" is an explicitly gendered word (as opposed to the female "shoujo").

I wouldn't mind and English dub though, but only if it exists as an alternative rather than a replacement. You should have the option to switch back to Japanese voices if you so desire.

Also the whole "Bellette" thing... eh, I'm more worried about consistency. Now we have
>Little Bel
and that's what upsets me the most. Pick one (either Little X, X-chan or a nickname) and stick with it.

chink kancolle

>going to
Already did.
/vg/niggers can't seem to shut the fuck up ever, they don't realize this is the anime and manga board, no one gives a shit about which app that steals your personal data you get yout talking .pngs from

Because you allowed them to, you ignore and let these cartels do as they please before and they're gonna keep pushing their shit everywhere.

>why do these shitters keep ruining everything I love?
Because anime and weeb shit in general is mainstream now and they want to cater to the masses, when the translation first started going to shit there was a fuss raised about it on the AL discord that was shutdown pretty quickly by a mass of normalfags screaming that they didn't care about translation quality or that they were outright happy with the changes if they made things more socially acceptable

I dont really see that much of an issue about refering to (you) as gender neutral. It hardly means anything since they are still clearly all about (you)
>Little Bel

The thing here is I think theyre going for something that fits their nation.
-chan fits better for the loli IJN boats then it does for the HMS or USN ones. So refering to her as "little Bel" seems more fitting then Bel-chan.

>It hardly means anything since they are still clearly all about (you)
They've straight up changed scenes to imply yuri though, most notably during the bismark ball event

Who spoke last at trailer? Cleveland?

Well straight up changing stuff is gonna be a no-no from me.
Im fine if they wanna reword stuff to fit better in english but they shouldnt make it something its not.

before the al wiki team took over, the english translation for the game was literal garbage like this. 50% of the lines were ripped from the wiki and 50% of the lines were made by looking at individual words in a dictionary or some shit. google translate gave better results than whatever garbage they did.
after that, they just hired people from the al wiki to do translations.

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>dem eyes and lips
My Yandere Aircraft Carrier Can't Be This Boner-inducing.

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What the fuck is this supposed to be? My head hurts just trying to read this.

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yes it was aniki, because of the "ya" dialect

when you can't afford a localization team but has access to a machine translation language program

Like I said, I really dunno. I helped out a bit translating JP content for the AL wiki team before EN release and I'm fairly certain they translated it word by word cross referencing from a dictionary. There's no other explanation when even MTL does it better.

I think it's likely that they looked at the kanji and just took the chinese meaning and had some intern fill it in.

Where the fuck are iron blood?

>How to share folder on network with password protected
What you hiding OP.

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>[YouTube] How To Share Folder on Network With Password Protected [HD] (embed)
based /g/

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Bottom of the ocean, where they belong
>Literally only one carrier that they need to use twice

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I'm not watching if Bataan isnt in it

You're joking, right?

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Poor Germany what can they even do. If it was WW1, then it would have been different.

I hate it

My daughterbrotherwifehusband is cute

>Azur Lane script writer is an Fgochad
All that gacha franchise infighting is just a front. We're actually collaborating to take over the world with gacha adaptations, one season at a time.

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Looks like a bunch of old hags compared to the original art.


>attract all the cancer yurifags.
Buy some lube get your arse ready

this series already has so much porn and after this anime its going to double....

Yuri always win baby. Stay mad.

More non-Japanese ships, like French, Chinese, and Russian ones (No Italians so far, so KC has that going on them)
Better gameplay
Has an English version, and is supported really well compared to other games' EN servers.


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Reminds me, isn't there that one gacha that revealed that the player character is a girl, so everyone was a lesbian and they lost like a third of their players?

but they have desdiv 6?

doesn't really matter since most of the JP ships that is not Ayanami, Fubuki, and the titsluts are godfucking ugly

That's hilarious.

>they lost like a third of their players?
Are you here to play the game or to suck skk's dick

that game is going strong
Your misinformation probably from some butthurt self insert nigger

basically cancer redditors. fucking disgusting.


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Princess Connect is going to dab all over every other gacha anime anyway.

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my lovely little alcoholic wife

I may finally know what AZ is about. Because I played since EN launch until one week ago when I dropped the game because lately I lost interest, and never really knew what the game was about or what the story is.

All I did for months was roll for ships, check their "special touch" line in the archives and put them to gain EXP with comissions/room

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I'm still playing AL but I feel you. I really wish the game had an opening cutscene that actually explained what the fuck is going on, not just Hood hunting Bismarck.

Are they gonna be in it?

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>can't be worse than the Kankore anime right?
>Bibury Animation
>literal who

Chink language is not that pleasant to hear, besides devs are weebs anyway.

They are. And discord fags too.


Fuck are you talking about?

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Fucking hilarious in comparison to the Op-pic. Cons of newbie studio who done almost nothing.

>slow thread

this is why this shit doesnt belong to Yea Forums, should go back to /vg/ and stay there forever

>this series already has so much porn
Oh, my sweet summer child...

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Is Azur Lane reclining?

Chinkshit are not anime

Yeah the anime may slow down the decline but it will due sooner than canthis.

I think it's something like
>ayy give power to create shipgirls to human
>war erupts over how to use this power
>ayy sometime shows up to fuck thing up


stay seethe mao lane, no one even go to your game's live events at all just like what happened on C96 where people only make it as a passage lane to go for Chadcolle booths

>but it will due sooner than canthis

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jabberin is fucking trash
give me z23 or give me death

>yeah, but Canthis
Rent free.

Chinese cultural encroachment. Get used to it.

>/vg/fags acting high and mighty again
Go back, and stay there.

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>poorfag who cant even post his own screenies as reaction images

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Get ready for jintsuuhell, sendaihell, mayahell, jinyouhell, choukaihell and bunker hillhell.


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After a year I still only have Kaga, Yuudachi and Maya.

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>Saint Louis in the first PV
My wife Monarch might make it

>no isuzuhell
I literally finished two PRs while farming for her.

Got her on my first run.

i've been playing for 2 weeks now, not pictured are illustrious, takao and prinz eugen in the next row
i'm having "fun" though, the grind really tickles my autism the right way

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It better not be shit like the KC anime
Also is there gonna be a shitcan

Nice you got Alabama, she's great. Also level your Sandy fast, her retrofit is coming and she's top tier with it. Hopefully you'll get enough BPs for both Portland and Sandy.

since i started a little bit into ashen simulcrum, i missed out on getting cavalla but oh well who gives a shit about submarines

right now i'm grinding 6-4 with laffey + foxes for yuudachi + need like 3 more affection to wife akagi, after that i'll switch over to farming with baltimore / portland / san diego / alabama because i still need 1.9m exp for saint louis
goddamn fuck pr ships so hard, this is taking forever

bruh exp farming is the easy part, you need like 600 PR blueprints to get them to full power that's the suffering part. Also yeah subs are only useful at world 13 with full gold gear so not that good to invest for now. Sadly you don't have Nagato, with her foxes become murder machines.

It already looks like shit. At least quality of the anime would be shit.

It's 343 but yeah it's still a lot

Not enough cute and funny, lame.

yeah nagato looks really great, shame i started playing so late but oh well, i'm sure there will be a re-run eventually
if i need to go "full power" i use hood as the flagship with those 2 because of her backline reload skill

It's okay but that %15 damage increase just makes them OP.

skk of good taste

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20% reload and 20% damage sounds great for the foxes

my second wife baltimore is probably my only other "good" vanguard ship
the first being laffey

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Yeah it's awesome, wish you didn't missed the frog event too. With the French DD gun laffey becomes murderbunny.

yeah i'm about upset about missing that one but i've been making do

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Well you also have Portland, Cleveland and Birmingham. They are all very good frontliners

Change the 100mm with a 127mm gold or single 127mm if you can. Also get an extinguisher instead of gold radar and give gold radar to a battleship you use a lot.

Holy shit go back to /vg/ you chink apologists

But if you got Amagi then she can plug up that hole just fine as well, she also synergizes super hard with the Foxes and has a great barrage (although not nearly as good as Nagato's) to boot

Stop being assmad kcnigger.

Amagi is a defensive bote mostly because of her skills, if you want something dead fast you need Nagato.

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i usually have the radar on hood, but she's on commission because all of a sudden like 80% of them require 100+ ships which sucks because only have 2 of them so far
getting good gold weapons is a slow process it feels to me, with how slow research is but i'll keep at it

they're ok, but they just don't have the OOMPH that laffey and baltimore have, ya feel me? maybe i'll jam those 3 into fleet 3 for when i eventually need 3 fleets for maps

> amagi
> Available in Limited Construction during "Crimson Echoes" Event.
more great ships that i've missed due to being a noob, but oh well, such is life

I'm expecting serious or weird comedy that turns serious, given Demonbane and Dra+Koi

maolane players are the type of person to think generic isekai tier character designs look good

They're more tanky types, especially Portland retrofit.

look how much better this looks than the STINKY kancore season 2 PV

There is literally nothing wrong with that you autistic haremtards. Going with male only player is idiotic anyways. Most people prefer to play female just look at FGO or GBF.

Literally same shit happened on nip and chink servers, they stopped mentioning player as male a long time ago since they want yurifag money too.

And stuff like Unicorn's onii-chan means nothing in a game where plenty of female ships have male nicknames or titles.

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i seem to have no end of good backline ships but my frontline is lacking good damage dealers, which is why i want to get saint louis asap

If Cannon Busters isn't anime because the people in top are westerners, then this is anime because the people in top of the show are japs. Jap director, jap studio, jap writer

Doubt it. Trust Haganeya

What if I'm just a Demonbanefag (also Dra+Koi). who is here because Haganeya and would give 0 fucks if he wasn't here?

This might help a bit, don't take it too seriously though. Guy who made it made some mistakes imo because both Alabama and Washington are T0.

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>all that franchise wars fags ITT
I bet it's you fuckers who try to stir both the /vg/ and /jp/ threads. Your blatant shilling and trash-talking are the same as that false-flagging faggots.

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>being in top 10 out of a million series is bad

Why are KC fags still so butthurt about this game? All it really did was exposing how trash Kancolle "game" really is. Yes KC generally has better girls but people still defending that sad joke of a game need new brains.

And yes anime is going to double porn numbers. It always does.

i've been vaguely going off of this so far Tier

Who is the poster girl of Azur Lane? I just don't seem to find one that represents the series as a whole. KC had Shimakaze.

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>not a samefag, I swear

Let's review the Yurifag delusion:
>SKK(alt) is female
>Botes go crazy due to lack of dick
>SKK is male
>Takao and Enterprise are good girls
Manjuu CN and JP are dabbing on EN and women,and i can't blame them.

It might be Saratoga or Enterprise,depending on which part you saw that poster.

Don't use this. It's almost all wrong.

While Nagatos buff is more damage focused my Amagi usually outdamages my Nagato (both lvl 120 with 406 SKC/STAAG/double shells). Nagato only wins if there are lots of small targets for her barrage.

Ah yes, I've been looking for this but couldn't find the link.


>it's the filthy KCfags, reeee

i'm getting conflicting opinions on this site, but really i mostly use it for gear recs

>gacha adaptation
>always the focus on some low tier trash
>never on the hot babes

I hate it. I bet Akagi and Kaga only have like 2min screentime.

You are legit retarded CN and JP servers also avoid using male words for SKK. You only see that in early ships. EN server doing the same is nothing strange. They were probably directly told to do this by Manju.

>Yes KC generally has better girls

lol, are you irish?

Nagato's damage is a bit wonky due to low barrage chance.

Only on the EN, and EN is a mistake, looking at that blatant shitposting ITT.

>implying azur lane as a game is any better

proof or b&

has it ever occured to you that the game is trash and only liked by westerners because "muh murrican representation"

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Is this yuri?

I like both you retarded shit. Everybody should since plenty of AL designs are great. You KC fanatics seriously need help.

You are all acting like getting almost 400 doujins on Comiket before anime is bad while most popular series will never even hit 100.

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>game discussion
You have Yea Forums and /vg/ for that. Or you would be purged from Yea Forums like your Japanese predecessor.

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Use Usagi-sensei's tierlist. It's for CN but that only makes it better since you can plan for the future. Also kind of misleading since there's not really any such thing as a T0 destroyer when even YKK isn't that good in later worlds

Is there a gacha more generous than Azur Lane?

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>You are all acting like getting almost 400 doujins on Comiket before anime is bad
Besides anime can do shit to the overall title popularity. It made everything worse in case of KC.

>I like both you retarded shit.
As a doujinshi secondary?

Soma, SAO 2nd cour, Psycho Pass.
I hope there's a nice underdog SoL comedy show, the threads will be great because the shitposters will be busy elsewhere.

It's #33 on nip google play right now. It almost never drops under top50.Show me how much money Kancolle browser game makes.

For a super f2p friendly game like this it's doing amazing. You literally don't need to spend money on this ever unless you want to support the game. Meanwhile look at trash like FGO that lives by steaming money from gambling addicted salarymen.

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Azur Lane is actually official avaiable outside of Japan. And very aggressive advertising like that Iowa thing, even in Japan Azur Lane ads are everywhere.

But the girls are trash.

Like 2/3 of the girls are bisexual. 90% of the rest are yuri.


>But the girls are trash.

Your opinions are trash.

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The poster girl is Saratoga

>throw as many moe points on the wall
>call it a shipgirl

azur lane in a nutshell

This is Belfast's anime.

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>As a doujinshi secondary?

No you retarded shit I started playing KC back when it was getting first threads on Yea Forums and was super happy to get through the lottery after few days. But after few months it was obvious that game will always remain a shitty mess.

Today KC is in such a sorry state it's ridiculous. It had potential but Kadokawa fucked up everything.

>It almost never drops under top50
Yeah normally it's below 100 something lol, do 't act like you know shit dumbass, why not talking about it below 50 right now in apple shit store?

>But the girls are trash.

Tons of them are great. Stop pretending that all KC designs are good.

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>Meanwhile look at trash like FGO that lives by steaming money from gambling addicted salarymen
Meanwhile Twitter is full of FGO shit trending meanwhile your chink shit is never trending anything at all

Way too gimmicky.

stop trying hard maolanefag

No it's usually in top30. Like seriously, why are you fags always so angry about AL? Yes KC has better girls overall but AL is a far better game.

toshiaki please take your pills you're not making any sense anymore

>twitter trending

What next? MAL ratings?

Why do normalfags hate FGO so much?

>It's #33 on nip google play right now. It almost never drops under top50
>Daily grossing
>Mean shit
Check this shit out stupido nigger, see?

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>And very aggressive advertising like that Iowa thing, even in Japan Azur Lane ads are everywhere
>Still lose to kancuckcolle
Seem like they are running out of money after all that advertising eh?

Yeah dude, Kancolle designs are so much better.

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>You literally don't need to spend money on this ever unless you want to support the game.
just like you don't need to spend money on fgo? don't be retarded, this game makes it's money from autists buying cosmetics etc
kancolle lives rent free in your heads.

>my feelings are better than any ratings about my favorite game

How do I equipment

If your are talking about top 30 something, sorry. This shit is at 91 right now

>literally just a ship and a girl fused into one

yes, it's better. No retarded clothing patterns, out of place pets, or fur shit

This just looks like trash.
Then again it's for gacha-faggots anyway.

>No you retarded shit I started playing KC back when it was getting first threads on Yea Forums
And of course, you can prove that? Because every second false flagger "playing in KC", but go to /jp/ to shit in their threads and trash-talking it.

potatoman is an affront to all my senses.

I give you Hao, 木shiyo and some of the one shot artists like AIKO and 凪白みと.

The rest of the artists are a various degree of bad.

Yeah, you such a dongweeb you watch donghua and play dong game eh? What are you even doing on Yea Forums?

>that link
>after the fucking shitshow of an anniversary stream AL had

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Yes it's not top10 and? Neither is Kancolle you fucking retard. It's not even a fucking gacha game it's insanely f2p friendly. It's weird it's still making millions really.

>From May 2017 to August 2018, the game has earned US$170 million globally on the iOS AppStore. Chinese players spent $28 million, while Japanese players spent $139 million, accounting for approximately 82% of the game's sales.

What a failure holy shit how could they ever recover?

Not when i'm done

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They actually invest money. Can't say I'm a fan of how Kadokawa handles the KanColle IP at all.

There are tons of /alter/ shitposters in their general. Of course, they would hate that.

>FGO that lives by steaming money from gambling addicted salarymen
LMAO is this nigger for real? Unlike your literally who boat crap, Fate is fucking huge

>just like you don't need to spend money on fgo?

You need if you want anything beyond welfares. You can get anything you want in AL without spending any $. You don't even need to buy port slots since they give free gems regularly.

fgo is also f2p friendly

>after the fucking shitshow of an anniversary stream AL had
EN was a mistake.

That's a good one

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>b-b-but muh f2p

Kadokawa has no say on KC and hasn't had it in years.
Christ these threads are gonna be unbearable with /vg/ and /jp/ shitflinging ecery other minute.

Relax faggot, you keep talking about top 30, and I prove you are wrong, now it's top 10, what next?

>while Japanese players spent $139 million
>Chinese players spent $28 million
That's why all that aggressive advertising in Japan.
Besides China now has Arknights and it's fucking huge.

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yes it is because it's true
the entire game didn't change because you couldnt roll ilya on the collab lmao

The problem with Kancolle is it wasn't serious enough

Attached: fuck off.png (1604x134, 23K)

Fuck is this? Unless you are plant to max NB level for everyone you don't need to spend any fucking money at all. Is FGO forced you to spend money or Nasu will kill your mom or something?

It was too serious. The non-serious parts were the best.

Attached: [SallySubs] Kantai Collection KanColle - 06 [BD 720p AAC] [D912108C].mkv - 0002.jpg (1280x720, 197K)

>main writer is Demonbane writer
There better be Doctor West shit here.


>Neither is Kancolle
Well, it's second on their distribution platform.

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Guess how much is this account?

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Holy shit this kcnigger is assblasted.

It's making 10x more money than the garbage Kancolle browser game.

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>dumb forced drama

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>Kadokawa has no say on KC and hasn't had it in years.

Bunker Hill is real hell. Any others are just meh.

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>dude you can clear story with 1 stars and supports that means game is f2p!

Everybody plays that crap to collect waifus and only way to collect waifus is to pay. They give literally 5x less gacha currency than other games and rates are a joke.

That isn't something amazing at all, it's at 91 meaning even literally crap like micky mouse baseball, mafia city, Temple run etc earn much more than it

Why can't you boatfuckers just be friends?

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The FGO threads will attract all the shitposters when the anime airs.
You will have a few autists screeching at each other for the first few episodes then all the threads about this anime will just quietly fall off the board.

thanks for the account

>no waver
>grailed john ogre

Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong door, the /vg/ board two blocks down.

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pffffffffff top 30 my ass

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170 million from one platform. So total should be at least 350 million.

300 million a year is bad now? Prove that Kancolle ever made half of that.

>implying the game suddenly changes its payment model because you couldnt get your waifu
>and only way to collect waifus is to pay

westerners are clinically retarded and can't handle anything gacha. That's why they're asking the government to moderate their spending habits because they can't do it themselves

No idea, I like both games but some people like to start shit with others. That's imageboards for you.

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I will never understand this. Hardcore KCfags are ultra autists. I like both, play both and fap to both.

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Who give a shit about kancolle?

You want waifu you can get waifu for free, what now?
I still have 200 SQ left for another waifus, suck my dick cunt

>I hope there's a nice underdog SoL comedy show, the threads will be great because the shitposters will be busy elsewhere.

There's that cute girls rifle show done by Studio 3Hz

>So total should be at least 350 million
Fuck is that from?

will never be friends with people that flock to chinese knockoffs and value esports shit over design

ALfags has a huge inferiority complex and coping with trash talking and doomposting. And KC fags don't give a fuck about AL at all, along with that game fags, most of them also dislike Chinks.
And all that shitposting is made by fatefags and gunfuckers, which falseflag and shittalking.

>defending 1% rates

Faggot I started playing Madoka gacha game and FGO around the same time.

I have 6 max rarity girls in Madoka. In FGO I barely have enough for 100 rolls despite saving everything and the shit they handed on anniversary. That's literally one max rarity servant unless I get lucky.

You FGO retards defending this are literally human trash. Everybody knows FGO is phone pachinko for suicidal salarymen. That's where 90% of money comes from.

>Literally 90 AL killer
Goddamn, whats a gangbanging

>2 URs, 2 of the strongest CVs, a PR and still can’t beat w13
Is W13 that hard? W12 has been raping me desu

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It should be higher actually since google play is far bigger than iOS store. Probably around 500 million.

Kancolle made 7 billion yen in 2014, and Kadokawa stopped make reports about income since then.

>And KC fags don't give a fuck about AL

They start this shit every thread.

I guess that why Twitter is always full of FGO trending meanwhile none care about literally who crap like AL despite all that advertising lol

>16 5 star servants

And this is supposed to prove what? You play for 2 years and don't have 10% of them.

>They start this shit every thread.
False flaggers and trolls? Sure.
/jp/ doesn't give a shit.


Imagine pretending that a cheap phone game making 500 million $ means it's a flop because it can't match Fate or Dragon Ball.

>dude I HAVE to get my waifu and if I don't get her, i'll trash the game by lying and tell everyone to not play!!

go away already. The game is incredibly easy and free so all your arguments are thrown out the window. Mentioning that you're bitter about the rates also makes you look dumb

>And KC fags don't give a fuck about AL at all, along with that game fags,
And yet there’s several KC fags in every time a AL thread is made on Yea Forums.

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>Compared a niche obscured trash like boatshit with a huge fucking franchise like fate
Dumbass nigger

7 billion yen is 70 million $. So half of what AL made in a similar period.

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I remember when mentioning AL in /jp/ general got you banned. They were super butthurt too.

>2 years
I actually start around Raikou event, and they are all waifu servant and i thought you are talking about waifu shit, why suddenly change to all of them now?

>Prove that Kancolle ever made half of that.
>bought a fucking KC livery on a fucking plane
You right, they are poor as fuck.

Same with AL shilling in every KC thread on Yea Forums.

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A reminder that AL doesn't pander to fatfags such as FGO and doesn't pander to potatoes,like Kancolle.
Either way i fap to their respective doujinshi without giving much attention to the last two.

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probably because AL is chinese

Nice. They always make failures that I love. Good to see they're not dead yet.
Though I sure wish they'd be rewarded for their efforts.

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That is the eng server dude, stop being so mad

>Same with AL shilling in every KC thread on Yea Forums.

Assblasted maolane cumbrain faggots

>400 doujins on C96
>niche and obscure

Attached: 1469442494372.png (196x232, 72K)

Look in the archive.

it panders to brainlet gamers and ironic weebs. Just look athe their advertising on twitch

>Fate and Dragonball
No need to bring out the big guns, it can't even match kof a dead ass franchise and homo idol shit lmao

Idk anything about KC can you show me links?

Someone post that AL ad with the dude marrying a girl

No its not.
The best welfares that you still need to do a majority of content that is high level, you cannot get anymore.
The servants that have released this year have been all mediocre or shit, requiring other servants just to be worth using outside of their niche (if they have one)
The pity system is pathetic and I've never seen an example of anyone use it, probably because its so shit that there's no way anyone except whales (and even at that, extreme spenders) can use it.
Most challenge quests revolve around the use of Merlin or some sort of support.
Joining now on JP does give you some advantages, but in a few months it will be gone anyway. They've only now just added one system that allows players to bypass one full ascension of one servant and it'll go soon. They've only JUST added one extra reward from the usual 30 SQ you spend. (These are not on NA.)
If you're on either NA or JP, it is not F2P friendly. You've only had some welfares, (which range from eh to the best ST in their class, so if you missed them good luck) two free 4*s of your choice and either gimped SQ rewards or in the case of JP, almost no events with SQ or tickets as rewards.
No, FGO is not F2P friendly. It still has below 1% rates to get a 5* servant. Some of the lowest between mobages.

fair enough,they were showed in their shitty discord how they handled the ads on EN and Yostarman got pissed off.
you're not one to speak about it.

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Faggot we literally have numbers in the thread. Prime Kancolle was making 70 million $ a year.

AL makes 170 million $ from apple store alone.

Yes Kancolle is big and could easily make FGO tier money but Kadokawa is too dumb for that.

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And big shit like OP, dragon ball or the king of gacha shit monster strike doesn't has any doujins, your point?

>I can now shippost on a

Fate only makes this kind of money thanks to yakuza tier gacha. Do you really think Fate is bigger than Pokemon or Dragon Ball?

GBF will be the top seller because lol codes, FGO will be the second one, clearly, but can AL get to 3rd place?

It's not like being better than Kancolle is difficult.

Niche and obscured compare to Fate

>AL get to 3rd place?

>Ask a lying cunt that literally doesn't like his fanbase and gets his dick sucked dry by filthy secondary redditors

Nobody knows.

I can’t wait to see my wife Laffey animated.

Being in top10 is far from being niche no matter how much you hate it.

What the fuck now? Are we talking about doujins or sale? And tell that Yakuza gacha crap tier to Japan, not me you fucking weeaboo loser

Based KMR destroying all salesfags for all eternity

They also have all the fujo money

At least Azur Lane got their sticker ads put to Battleship Iowa's cannon

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Would rather have a Girls Frontline anime to be honest.

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There is one but it's low budget short chibi shit, Dolls BTFO Line

It's also getting one but it looks like comedy.

I wonder how long it will take Arknights to get anime.

the content is easy that you can clear it with just friend point servants plus you can borrow other people's servants to carry you. How is that not f2p friendly?

>mentioning gacha rates again
why not just say you're bitter about not rolling your waifu from the beginning

Dragon Ball,OP and a ton of other manga clearly bigger than fate and still didn't got a single doujin

>lower than KoF

Oh no no no hahahahaha

The ships can.

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Is this the falseflagging thread?

Reminder that the mobile version of Fortnite makes more money than all of the top gachas combined.

Why don't you guys just pretend you never saw the shitposter's posts?

Every AL thread gets attacked by rabid KCfags.

Shitposting aside, the animation genuinely looked like shit.

They can’t afford to even voice their collab characters, I doubt they can afford to get an anime

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KCniggers pretty much come to Yea Forums every time an AL thread is made

It's a newfag studio stablished by the guy who directed the Rewrite adaptation. I am not expecting great animation here or anything


Fortnite makes 2.5 billion $ a year in total. Fate makes 1.2 billion $.

It's funny considering how Fortnite has 250 million players vs 15 million for FGO. Really tells you everything you need to know about gacha.

probably because kancolle isn't chinese

What the fuck I'm reading?

Theres some mobile battle royale game on JP raping most gachashit too.

>en anniversary stream
>3 people talking to themselves
>recorded with a potato
>hire a spic because intern can't slice cake
>spic fuck it up
>intern shittalking people in chinese
>leak facebook accounts with passwords on stream
>stream goes off
>almost all important information only gets revealed while the stream was off
>give "apologems" to replenish PR, alreaady on the other servers for the update time itself, EN took almost twice as long and fucked that stream
>ribbit and trannycord sucking interns dick because they're filthy secondaries

Attached: I can't believe Rafi is fucking dead.webm (1272x676, 1.64M)

Who is producing anime, merch and arcade game you dumb shit? Tanaka only holds the browser game that sucks for years now.

Attached: [Nep_Blanc] Kantai Collection Kancolle The Movie .mkv_snapshot_00.38.57_[2017.09.14_01.20.22].png (1920x1080, 2.49M)

>Shigetaka Kurita, director of Kadokawa Dwango corporation, criticized Azur Lane for lacking the sense of "tragedy and heroism" in Kantai Collection. Kurita described the game as "merely an idol action game with a fleet motif". He found the greatest appeal of Kantai Collection to be the "sorrow of the Imperial Japanese Navy" saying that one might cry while playing Kantai Collection but not Azur Lane.
based and redpilled

The content IS easy, yes. Unless you're going up against stacked enemies with breakbars with a large amount of HP, or for example stuff like Nerofest farming and challenge quests, its not what I'd call F2P friendly. You can borrow servants to carry you, you can borrow a friend's merlin, but that won't matter when they can be focused down, specifically because in Challenge Quests, its what the AI is programmed to do or will prioritised. If you play this game as F2P, you'll have to play from the very beginning of the game and then gather all the welfares to then complete the quests without a merlin. Yes, even with a friend's merlin, you can fail these quests. Even with Cu Alter, you can fail them.
>Friend Point servants
The story is clearable with friend point servants, correct. But can you clear the challenge quests, the Nerofest farming without at least one non-friend point servant? No, you can't. The farming revolves around one 5* servant specifically (Waver) and some require more than just one 5* and many require 4*s that aren't welfares.
This also extends into events, where some have such shitty drops or convoluted systems (Summer 3 comes to mind, 3 ladders, 1 shop, need to spend some whole days of natural AP to skip ahead to higher yield nodes) that require CEs that you can only get by rolling on that event's gacha. Granted you are able to get enough with the limited SQ you get.
Its funny, no mobage should have shitty rates like FGO and have the pity system FGO has. 1% to get the 5* servant on the banner using a 3 SQ roll. 420 will only guarantee a 60ish percent chance of me getting one copy of the 5* servant from that Gacha. 420 SQ can be months of saving and depends on the server and the events. You can miss out multiple events without rolling, you can miss out special limited rolls and still get nothing at all. Even if you roll on the ones in between, you need to get lucky. It is not F2P friendly, at all.
Trust me, I've been very LUCKY with rolls.

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>But can you clear the challenge quests, the Nerofest farming without at least one non-friend point servant?
Yes. This guy clears solos most CQs with Cu. Not to mention that there are several videos of stuff like bronze teams defeating 0KP Kiara, Nerofest finals and other

I can agree with this advertising.

Fucking embarrasing. And of course gachacucks defend it, lmao.

Same, I'm in Poi hell for a week now.

Touhou still reclining after all these years.

Nice anime discussion

Ah the 2013 memes. I still remember that guy who lost Kaga.

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People don't like admitting they're wasting their money

after the fox fiasco i've started keeping track of exactly how many runs i've done in notepad
i'm up to 50 clears and no yuudachi

Actually I saw those all over the panda but can't be bother fapping to it.

That one can't be cringier than the FREAKING HOOD DUDE one.

Touhou gets 5k doujins on Reitaisai and that other con. Even Fate is nowhere near.

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>saying that one might cry while playing Kantai Collection but not Azur Lane.

Bull fucking shit.

>eceleb garbage
As expected of /vg/tards.

I can't wait for the twitter/youtube links.

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>"merely an idol action game with a fleet motif"
Well atleast AL doesn't try to be anything above that, can't compete with the "sorrow of the Imperial Japanese Navy".

you mean reddit? sure. expect a huge influx of those retards. as if Yea Forums wasnt such a shithole already.

>but Kadokawa is too dumb for that.
>actually thinking Kadokawa has anything to do with the game

Gachatards are the dumbest subhumans around

Bueno. Sadly threads will be very bad because of /vg/, discord shizos. And kancolle retards

Ajax better be in it.

This, I need plenty of mistress Ajax's feet!

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>US Navy letting chinese scum put stickers into IOWA


This is too funny. Why are all these Localizers always complete faggots?

The Museum staff were actually pretty happy a bunch of people were coming to visit since the Iowa isn't a very popular with tourist in recent years

Wow this looks fucking terrible

KC was made by small doujin circle, and KDKW only picked them and sold to DMM.

How much money do e-celebs get for making these low effort shilling videos?

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What kind of "person" plays this pozzed shit

I wanna nakadashi Bataan-chan!!!

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More than Yea Forums can imagine. Streamers especially.

I love yuri lane

Saint Louis will carry the anime alone

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>made by

>a bunch of nobodies

Tribalism is a mental illness

You answered your own question
Yui Ishikawa can sing

Are you a paranoid schizophrenic?

It looks even worse than the Kancolle anime. Impressive.
>Changed Groom to not offend trannies and yurifags

Lmao, and faggots play and shill this garbage here. How pathetic.

Reminder that the absolutely unbiased story of Kancolle goes like this:
>The japanese are minding their own business, doing NOTHING WRONG
>Suddenly, evil Abyssals (read: Americans) emerge from the waters and begin attacking everything like the non-japanese savages they are
>Now it's time for GRORIOUS NIPONESE NAVY to defeat these malevolent "Abyssals" and undo the Sorrow of the IJN

>played in that game
>now shitting on it
I bet you do the same with AL someday.

It's an absolute fucking shit show.
>try to make the commander gender-less, but don't edit older script
>try to remove all honorifics, and replace it with shit like pic related
>insert french and spanish when the lines are spoken in japanese
>try to force in historical references, but destroy the whole narrative (big sister bismarck -> lord bismarck)
>spice up the text because a direct translation would be boring
>jojo references

Attached: senpai bad elder good.jpg (2220x1080, 1.85M)


Just Hood alone blows everything KC has out of the water.

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Abyssals are the Chinese.

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It's hilarious you niggers still try to push this narrative when Tanaka has been on record since September 2013, just a little over 4 months after the game launched and before it even exploded in popularity, that foreign navies would be added. Even more hilarious when the USN is made up of some of the best ships in the game that are only marginally beat by what-if remodels which they themselves don't need. I bet you also think it takes place during WW2 and not in modern day where the JMSDF and USN are best friends.


Attached: 24c.jpg (625x626, 63K)

yikes, it's like straight out of a cringy fanfic*
*actual AL EN dialogue by the way

Where are those updates? Yeah thought so. Shut your mouth.


Lmao, boatfags are pathetic.

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>where the JMSDF and USN are best friends.
South Korea is our best friend in the Pacific. What good would a bunch of Nips do with our military? They can't even impregnate their own women and literally need to import brazillians and yuropoors to do it for them LMAO. I wish that was a joke.

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Does it have potato girls that cater to my sick and twisted plain girl fetish? No? Then I don't care.

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do these trash piles even have a story to show

>azuru rain

t. falseflagger

Can I join the falseflagging too?
huh yeah mao lane bad lmao
huh kusocolle dead lmao

Localization adds flavor and personality to the writing that Asian languages lack.

abyssals are azur lamers

Attached: jej.jpg (456x730, 105K)

>The Japanese are minding their own business, doing NOTHING WRONG
Yes, because KC setting is a modern era. Botegirl lines have a shitton of references to the present days. Musashi's Sasebo burger, which was out in the '50s, I-168 has a smartphone, etc. Besides, all of them has memories about past life, and when they were sunk.

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>"people" actually play and pay for this garbage
>And shill it for free here

Gachatrash really rots your brain.

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wtf no

>Where are those updates?
Almost every event since Operation Kon in Fall 14 has had at least one new foreign ship added. Krauts have been around since March 14, Pastas since Spring 15, Americans since Spring 16 with the first in-game hint that blew the fuck out of Axiscolle shitposters in January of that same year, Bongs in the Summer 16, Rus in the Spring 17, Frogs in the Summer 17, Swedes in Fall 18. We have now entered the era of Fletchercolle.

Yes, it does.
Want an example? Just look at one of the most iconic ships from bongland, Belfast.

Attached: 1554934910461.jpg (1028x1200, 141K)

The old Woolsey argument

And still no overseas release.


Has never been promised and there's an eng UI already. Overseas releases are always trash.

>and that glorious Colorado

Attached: ECAYusC.png (1058x1148, 239K)

I can't wait for WeeVee for line a head touch.

>GFL gets an anime
>It's a non canonical comedy series spin off meant to be a "healing chapter" after how fucked up the main story got/is going to get
>Its behind a paywall on billibilli and the only way to watch it for free is on YouTube

Attached: 048.gif (600x384, 968K)

Who gave such big guns to a DD?

And never be. Never ever planned. DMM doesn't like foreigners at all.

>All that fanart making fun of her height


Good. I don't need westerns ruining another good Japanese product with crappy localizations.

It can't be helped, Colorados were short.

This is your translator for tonight, say something nice to him/her.

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I still prefer AL Colorado.

Nothing wrong with Belfast.

Attached: Colorado.png (1795x1468, 1.48M)

You forgot to mention how the "apologems" were a thing everyone was supposed to get anyway

Is this supposed to be a bad thing?

You know, I initially entered this thread to see how much falseflagging fanbase wars there was going to be, but this is just sad. Hopefully you ALfags get lucky with the shitposters getting bored and latching onto something else after the first 2 or 3 episodes.

Stop following Chinese Communist Party backed products.

It airs in the same season as babylonia and grub.
It's only gonna get worse because salesfaggotry.

>have a gunnigger in translation staff
>he doesn't even hide that fact that he hates AL
>doesn't give a fuck about the proper translation

Attached: _Jif.png (1324x557, 89K)

When will ironic weeb normalfags find something else to ruin

>My fleet was too shit and I couldn't get her


Attached: jif 2.png (277x64, 9K)

How do you even fuck that badly when super kuso mode exists?

Gunnigger here. Please dont associate us with him.

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I was busy most of the event and couldn't play much.

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>got you banned
If you start to post battle pictures or start fake rivalry false flagging, you would be banned even nowadays. Fuckers who shitting /alg/ can't post there, because their jannies and mods are compenent, unlike our UMPfag.


KC is an excel spreadsheet, not a game.

>old hags

Not all of us are into pedoshit.

And people still play it. globalfags are subhumans on every game.

Yorktown is going to make it, right?

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Who is the artist?

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I literally waited til all friend fleets were added and still cleared on all hard despite only playing like 2 hours each remaining day. There's no excuse, you could clear super kuso in a day.

>"shounen" is an explicitly gendered word

>Why didn't this person do as well as me with my max resources and 24+ married ships? Unforgivable.

>max resources
I had 700 buckets. When I was done I had 180. Also it's 30 married ships, most of which had no bonus damage so they didn't sortie.

hit at the right time when nips were angry at kancolle and exploded pretty hard in popularity in the first few weeks with a ton of comiket porn.
Initial hype is over but the game is still pretty big and has a decent porn presence.

Man, Azur Lane has some good fucking cunny.

Only artist in Kancolle who makes art this good is Yoshinori.

This. It and GFL are pretty much the top anthro object gatcha.

Exactly brother.

Attached: 1564640048733.jpg (1080x1344, 384K)

Belfast is a boring, bland design. There's nothing in her design that relates to where she comes from, what wars she fought in, what she's known for and the achievements. Nothing, not a single unique feature to her. She's a maid with some guns on her sides.
The HMS Belfast, is currently on the River Thames, decommissioned but remains as a touring ship where people can go into the ship and see what's inside, to be on it.

The ship itself was launched on St.Patrick's Day, which compliments the city she's named after. She was part of the defense against the German forces, was struck by a mine and then out of service. She wasn't scrapped and underwent repairs and updating for 2 years. She came back into service in 1942 and began to do Arctic escorts to the Soviet Union and was an important ship in taking out a German Capital Ship. Belfast later would go onto be part of Operation Overlord, one of the most known operations in history, then moved onto the East to fight the Japanese. She also was part of fleets within the Korean war. Those parts of the war would be her last real action and and then she went in for updates/moderization, along with some small escorting and training for other crews. She was fought for to not end up scrapped like some boats from that time would end up.

Now. How does Azur Lane take into account the history of HMS Belfast in her design?
They don't.
How do they take into account the country's navy she was part of?
They don't.
How do they take into account the wars she was involved with? The Operations and work she did?
They don't.
Instead, they just make her a maid. Because britain has maids I guess? Like Japan has maids? Like China has maids? Like France has maids?

Oh, 700 buckets, woe is you. Thankfully you'll never need that many for any event unless you're literally bucketing every single bit of scratch damage.

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why are there so many lolis

Calm your autism.

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You jest but Leyte II and Europe II both took me more than 1200 buckets.

chinks have good taste

Fine then, don't read the post at all, don't even bother to try and defend shitty design. Honestly I don't even know why I fucking bother to try and reply on this shitty site anymore.

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people can't handle real boats

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I started KC 2 months before the event started.

can I post FGO

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Were you waiting until yellow to bucket and fully utilizing all 4 docks + Akashi during downtime?

AL has way more cute blondes

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I can hear the sorrow of the japansese navy all the way from here

Don't mind the faggot who wants to brag. E-3 and E-4 are understandably tough if you're brand new without anti-installation equipment, even on 丁.

Honestly I cringe at -san = Mr/Mrs, obviously there are times where -san is used like Mr/Mrs, but outside of that it's just pure shit.
Not everything has a 1:1 translation, just leave it in.

where is the starly girls anime

Only reason I'll even give this show a chance.

Stop defending this chink property and better play Kancolle you dunce

They royal navy is split between royalty and maids. Don't know why maids out of all things, but yeah, Belfast is shit design-wise and is absolutely secondary taste.

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No, get more blondes first

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E-2 raped my buckets so hard. Air Raids are hell.
Got Akizuki and Maya kai2 ready this time at least.

I love Rapefast

I do wish Belfast was more irish.


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You think chinks know anything about non-asian boats

Even though Kancolle has less blondes, the gameplay of it is much more engaging and exciting compared to your auto watchfest of a shitshow


Nah, I just want blondes

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You tried to take the shortest 1 BB 5 DD route didn't you?


>much more engaging and exciting

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>Closet homosexuals fears this

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looks like an eroge cumdump

I'm sure you're well aware by now, but that route only really works if you have the full Ten-go historical fleet, and even then I can't argue that it's 100% better than everything else despite having used it myself.


Cute girl gushing over cute girls in cute girl games needs to be more common

I wish I was her

>Purple eyes
>Long black hair

Instant boner.

A shit

seethe chink

Nimi a shit

I hope this and KC2 turn out good. At least okay.
Never sink to the depths of the first KC anime again. That's all I ask.

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Suddenly PoW

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But KC has no gameplay?

Stop your semen intake


I'm just saying I saw someone who looks like that getting raped in a⁶ game

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>KC """gameplay"""

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Show evidence.

>female shitcan

Never ever.

Good thread

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At least it's not as bad as the Madoka game. Now that's embarrasing.

This is what happens when shipgirls don't get dick.

have sex maotards

Last time I checked sad panda there where 930 doujins of AL in their original language, let's say every thing got scanned twice and had a digital release, that would still put us to 310. Now out of these 310 there are LESS THAN 3 that picture SKK as a female, still way under 1% and that's being very generous. And they still are trying to push for the gernderless mumbo jumbo bullshit.

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I hope there will be happy times

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They don't caters to dick lover and that's a good thing

>Tragedy porn
>Never ever
Kill yourself you piece of shit

Clevelad trap doujins where?

>This is what happens when my dick not destroying your boihole

Fuck off to /u/ homos.

>female """""commander"""""

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Didn't Matsuryuu kill himself went her Raildex ship became a meme?

Which one?

>begging for male shitcan dick
>calling out other homos

Oh no no !

Kamikoto. Then Kamisaki after Kamachi found pleasure in torturing her.

who are you quoting?

Owari da

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Post more of the redhead.

Lucky and pretty E!

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