Why does Yuika like winking so much? What is the meaning of this? And why does she refer to herself in the third person?
All that comes with being ultra cute territory. Also Syaro > Silver > Imouto > Fujo > Bitch
Strange that this show isn't more popular. You would have expected there to be waifu wars with this show, but it hasn't happened at all.
cuz the animation is shit
Is it? Examples?
this is easily the worst "ecchi" show, maybe ever. That's why. Having one girl being clearly superior to anyone else, like wew lads, dog > power gap > literally who, doesn't help either. In fact, the show is fucking over since the dog introduced herself. What a mess. To top it off, it's boring. Not funny. Just shit.
It has some good scenes.
But having one superior girl means that all her scenes are fantastic. It's not a good deal overall, but there is some benefit.
Would this show be better if it wasn't Geek Toys making it?
Most of the girls are shit. Yuika's shtick is godawful and will only please femdom losers. Fujo is even worse.
The whole concept was too make the girls' personality as idiosyncratic as possible, but the author clearly overdid it and they're annoying as fuck. At least the MC's constant "I'm fed up with this shit" face is relatable.
Relateable, yes. Realistic, no.
Let's face it, in any realistic condition the only face he'd be making is "my dick is deep in dog-senpai" face.
At least some of the interactions are amusing, not so much with Yuika though.
Sxaro a shit.
Doge is winning
I like dog and bunny
loli got rejected
I hope that next girl to appear is someone who secret is that she's a prostitute and she wants mc to be her pimp
This makes me sad
Not for long.
I usually like femdom but Yuika is terrible.
Femdom is pretty off-putting when the male isn't interested and the girl has to force it. More so than maledom which dog is interested in.
Unfair advantage to dog but that's how it goes.
Imouto (but I don't know her fetish/disability yet) > smell girl (bland but can probably function normally in society if you don't mind her stealing your used underwear) > dog senpai (hot as hell but not girlfriend material) > shit >>> sadist (she's nuts and probably dangerous) > fujo (pointless and annoying character)
Voyeur loli is the best but not in the bowl.
Smell girl is fine until she starts finding some other guy's scent arousing. I foresee a lot of broken relationships for that poor lass.
>[HorribleSubs] HenSuki - 07 [720p].mkv
>not even posting the next page
These subs are trash.
Just say "I'm a pedophile"
Doesn't he ditch her again later?
Who cares?
I ship the girls with other girls
but girls can't love girls, you silly billy
yuika is worst girl
Nah man, that's like removing honorifics or translating honorifics into something not japanese.
I do. She's cute and I don't like her sad.
No, you don't.
This episode was pretty fucked up, Didn't even get any tits either to make up for the loli getting rejected.
>ecchi comedy
>no ecchi
>no comedy
you're welcome
They're already dating.
Aksually you mean hebephile/ephebophile.
But point taken, he'd only have a lolicon fetish if he (2D) was attracted to an underage straight line (1D).
Dog is best.
'I want you to do things to me' is way less gross than 'I want to do things to you you don't like'. One is a declined offer the other is not understanding consent.
Both of them are not understanding consent, dog keeps trying to force it onto him.
>You will never have a legal loli gf
Also new ED.
>a lolicon and a stalker legal loli
Looks like a match made in heaven. If only it wasn't so dysfunctional.
I like the fujo, Yea Forums. She is definitely best girl and deserves to win and fulfill all her dreams.
Yes since it's likely mean the animation wouldn't be so godawful and it might have had better directing which would've allowed the jokes to land better. The manga is much funnier, for example.
>fulfill her dream to buttfuck your best friend
Call Keiki a fag all you want for not plowing Dog whenever he can, but his resolve that people should be together because they actually love each other and not just because they appeal to your fetish or not is pretty great.
Replace the names while at it all my animes fans have trouble pronouncing those weird syllable things.
Please provide an explanation.
Dog is shit, he's a fag for not getting with Femdom or Smell
dog is best
femdom is a literal shit tier fetish
A cute.
They should just double team the loli.
Yuika a shit
Dog a best
A smile worth protecting.
Would you be as much of a faggot as Shoma?
This is why everyone hates lolicons.
This shit is so biased for Dog there is no point rooting for any other girl
I have some hopes for the imouto.
NBR is basically a childhood friend and those only win if they are the main heroine
I think this is the first time the pervert reveal thing has really worked. Going as far as they did, painting him as the bad guy, and making the reveal an accident instead of something the girl willingly brings up actually made it humorous.
Come one boys, post the lewd pics and webms already.
Childhood friends only win when they are secret childhood friends.
"Lolicon" does not refer specifically to 2D girls. Only in-denial pedos insist that it does. "Lolicon" and "pedophile" shouldn't be used interchangeably, but the distinction between them is not one of dimensions.
This episode was only suffering.
Does it count if the MC forgot they were childhood friends?
I count that as secret childhood friend as usually neither the MC nor the audience know it until some point later on.
I only watch the show for Cake-kun.
>tfw heart disease
Keki was mainly against the idea of the imouto because he thought they were related but since she is NBR and her particular fetish is pretty intimate is slowly tearing down his resistance
endgame is obviously dog, anyone else is just sexual tension
Short Cake is the only true ending.
Yeah I know how Japanese LN authors work and I hate it.
I appreciate him not accepting Shoma not dating Koharu simply because Koharu is an elder loli.
Maybe so. The subs should clearly say pedophile to avoid any ambiguity though.
There was something for the armpit connoisseurs and that was it.
>it's literally nothing
why do you faggots keep watching this?
What a tremendous fucking gay faggot. If Mt. Fuji were an anus, Honshu wouldn't be as big of an ass as him. Even if Australia was the anus of earth, he's the bigger asshole.
It's the opposite. Femdom works best when the male is reluctant, but not so against it that he's crying rape. Maledom falls apart completely unless the guy is 100% into it. Dog's stuff doesn't work because she has to break her role in order to get him to do anything back, so it ends up just being femdom with a weird spin.
But he's not a pedophile, or at least not exclusively one. He's shown an attraction to Sharo, who is clearly not prepubescent, and we've never seen him show an interest in actual children. He uses the term to refer to an attraction to petite girls who are younger than him, which is not exclusive to children.
The only indications of him being attracted to children are in the OP so I'm not sure how canon that is. I guess it would be easiest if the subs said "I prefer young girls" instead.
This was a fun episode.
>suddenly lolicon doesn't mean pedophile anymore
OK, Funimation.
I upgraded your .gif for you.
Yes now they use it like they'd use "lolita complex", which is somehow worse.
That was stupid too.
Fujo is the worst. She is just a glorified "i will trash your relationships"- type of childhood friend with the twist she isnt an actually childhood friend.
Why the problem? In every other LN she would actually be dead last because usually nip authors had an anti-senpai bias.
Bait harder.
>suddenly lolicon doesn't mean pedophile anymore
Maybe they got tired of Yea Forumsutists sending them letters saying "aksually that's clearly hebephilia" and gave up.
They just chose the wrong fetishes. Should have thrown a yandere in the mix.
Imouto is pretty possessive
She's best girl by such a large margin it hurts. She better get a happy ending.
>smiles you couldn't protect
Funi did something right. I'm amazed.
Dog > Fujo > Silver >>> shit >>> Sxarp
I don't have a problem with it. Just saying that dog is endgame.
>Above anyone else.
This. Also Dog has an explicitly inferior body and design.
1. Because it's cute
2. See 1
Swap that around and it is correct
Normalising it to the audience by drawing it out for so long was also fantastic. I'd almost completely forgotten myself how horrifying the scene in that room must have been since we've been there so many times.
Top tier reveal.
Didn't expect this episode would be so fucking sweet.
Keiki cheering up loli was one of the most heartwarming things I've seen in ages.
Something trivial could make you this happy
Meme potential
>all the episodes and interactions that don't involve the harem are the best parts
What did the author mean by this?
What a fucking fag REEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Even if the meaning is similar the context and tone of usage is different. In anime or japanese media lolicon is a much softer word used semi-jokingly to describe such preferences. Conversely pedophile anything in english media is a massive super sensitive trigger word that will get even the most mellow person frothing at the mouth. If you want to argue localization, translation or definition issues then sure but I think it's best that the two aren't used synonymously given context. I think the most simple rule is whether it's meaning is being portrayed and whether there's a need to directly translate it rather than loaning it from japanese. Seeing as you could clearly figure out the meaning and personally find fault with it then the meaning is being portrayed properly and therefore there is no need to change it. Easier reading, understood by the in-crowd, used in a comedic way, doesn't upset sensitive people, etc. For the above reasons I believe lolicon is the better used term for things such as anime or other japanese media unless explicitly said otherwise. I could go into more detail but I think I've made my point.
Catch em
How gay do you need to be to hate legal loli sagiri?
Me on the left.
Like... Super gay. Like really super mega gay. Like gayer than Yea Forums tier gay. That gay.
Reminder that if the genres were inverted you wouldn't be feeling bad about Koharu.
>that fag is going to ruin senpai's pussy
It's not fair bros
What happened to Keki? What was artist-san doing?
This was very sweet.
I guess we're far too jaded by MC and girl interactions. It doesn't revolve around the girl trying to seduce the guy so that helps too.
Smelly dog farts.
>he doesn't know
She's still in the Cakebowl, user
Maybe if she acted like a senpai but she doesn't also she gets off to him fulfilling her fetish more than actually liking him but still going to win because "muh main heroine"
What other main heroine traits she has besides being the first introduced?
Sharo >>>> Dog
>She's still in the Cakebowl
Why would the author do such a horrible thing?
She's fast!!
>Enemy of lolicon
Shit taste
Theres some amount of gay in the water there.
We need more mcs like manako.
She's so perfect.
Her design alone guarantees this. It doesn't help that submission and masochism don't work when you have to force someone else to be your dom.
Syaro has Shouma's approval. She's loli enough in body, but not in age.
yuika a shit
What is this face trying to convey?
Utaha a shit
>Just as lewd as the real thing
So inexpensively cheap!
Why do people keep saying the animation is bad? Is it really?
I dunno user, watch it and report back.
>Realistic, no.
Listen, buddy. Once you start actually getting with woman you eventually realize that no matter how hot they are, it ain't worth putting up with their shit.
Utaha and Sayuki a best
I'm watching the show and it seems fine to me. I've seen far worse, like that baseball anime from last season.
Then there's your answer. Do you really care what others think?
That's literally (You).
>this will trigger he-who-must-not-be-named
Forget him. Let's keep the relatively comfy please.
Yuika is literally taller and older looking than the redhead
I teared up
Ecchi shows aren't supposed to make you tear up other than penis tears
Wow, I can see how lolicondude rejected her.
She has the hands of a 40y/o man.
he's just retarded. anyone who cherish her like the most precious thing in the world.
age is irrelevant, why do you think they make 2000 years old vampires and shit? because the age doesn't matter, only the age she looks like.
>Fujo >
stopped reading there.
I know it's been said a hundred times but I don't think it can be stressed enough. What a humongous faggot. Making lolis cry should be verboten.
I would take the kisses
so lonely
Fight me bro, 1 vs 1.
I hear that the student council president becomes relevant later on in the novels. What's her fetish then?
Will Sayuki actually avenge Utaha and other fallen senpais?
>source my ass
She looks like a petite teenager
She looks like an angel who should be protected at all cost.
>avenge Utaha and other fallen senpais
But Utaha won in her spinoff
Yes No, haven't read source material. I think scat shit would be way too hardcore a fetish for that series
And it was better than the main series
A shit
Yuika and Sakuyi are cute and all but i have mixed feeling seeing them as heroines, I mean, because of their quirks they could have asked literally anyone instead of MC.
The LN has some pee desperation scenes though.
>described as little girl in canon
>a lot shorter and small in all way compared to Dog, Imouto, Fujo who all look like their age (teens)
>Lolicon bro can get off of Syaro due to the above reasons
Stop shitposting.
Delusional and shit taste.
He's not wrong, Utahafag.
Eririfag get out
Actual unbiased opinion:
It's simply a disappointing series. The designs of the girls are great, but even its core theme is a failure: it's a harem romcom about perverted girls, but their perversions are about as basic as it gets. On top of that, the MC's only reason to not bone any of the girls who keep throwing themselves at him is "but where's the love" despite the fact that he's highly interested in getting a girlfriend. It just doesn't make sense. The manga realized the faults with it and dialed the lewdness up to eleven, but the anime made no efforts at going that route thus tricking all the people who somehow still think this is an ecchi show, and to make things worse the animation quality is pretty subpar.
All that said though, it does still have a few fun moments and the girls are cute enough to be worth spending 20-30 minutes on this show every week. Slower threads are objectively comfy too.
>the animation quality is pretty subpar
Explain how.
Really? Nice.
Like a lot of moderate degens, I like piss but can't stand scat.
Watch any episode (the most recent ones in particular) and it should be obvious.
You first, Utahashitter
Nah, keep seething
Given how fucking bad waifu wars got once Yea Forums learned about them, I'm glad this show isn't too big on their radar
You're the guy who calls Megumin and Ginko that too. Jeez, you are everywhere.
>Funi just gave in and decided to stop being retarded
Oh wow
>Seething this hard.
Can't you fags make your own thread?
>Worse, for you even your waifu Utaha is more fond of Eriri whom she is tsundere to and views as her heroine than to Megumi. Stay mad.
She only used her as inspiration for her new LN. KM remains the superior work thanks to Utaha's goodness that had to be donwplayed hard in the LN.
None of those three are lolis tho
Pls go
They don't actually care about anything they're arguing about, they only want to be annoying. Ignore them and wait until they realize they're in a thread for an unpopular show, and they'll go away.
Turn the audio off and just observe. Interestingly enough, the webm sound limitations here actually help illustrate the point. Look at for example. This is supposed to be an emotionally jarring scene, and the animation should reflect that, right? Well BNHA this isn't, and if you loop the webm a few times the cracks start showing in the animation. It's bland and you can tell that corners got cut in the process of zooming her out. You don't notice the animation coherence a lot the first time watching, but just take another look at the scene, I think it really represents the series as a whole. It's not offensive by any means, but the execution is absolutely a step down from the manga.
ignore the seething retard and post more best girl
>Saekanofags ruining HenSuki thread
Utaha a shit
Fujo is best
I blame the Utahafag. He associated Bitch to Utaha, so it's on him.
Pic unrelated
Is it me or was her mouth barely moving while crying? And is it me or did that top-down view look a bit off? The floor design seemed too vertical when, if you use that perspective, normally it should be slanted a bit.
Definitely better than Dog, at least.
Nothing wrong with associating similar best girls from different series
Getting assmad at it is another story
>shit = shit
Was there any stitches from this episode?
>yuika = eriri
Makes sense desu
Utaha is controversial because of autists like you who shit up threads to reenact Saekano's shitstorms.
>Bitch = shit
>Utaha = shit
>shit = shit
Did it work
How are they even alike?
pot calling the kettle black
Just you wait until the final arc of the novel, author will introduce the absolutely best girl with lots and lots of ship teasing just to lose horribly.
Both are a shit
These are the two I made, I think there were others but I'm a lazy faggot.
Senpai loli > Sadist loli > Smell > NBR imouto > Fujoshi > Masochistic Dog
How so?
shit taste if I have to be honest
Senpai loli > imouto >smellslut > dog > sadist > fujo
>any girl I don't like are all the same
So, you're shitposting.
>detached hscenes
>they ruin the imouto in the sequel
fuck trains
Good taste. Regardless of the order, Sharo and Silver are top 2.
This high culture taste makes the normalfag seethe.
t. Shouma
I agree.
sharo is shit
So much baiting.
They skipped the reason why Shouma became a lolicon.
This, sharo is objectively the worst girl
So we can all unequivocally agree that lolisenpai is best girl right?
t. Bitchfag
What a fucking faggot.
The animation quality is definitely off there, but it's a symptom of a larger issue. In my opinion, the kicker is that the individual frames are competent enough, but the wheels just fall off when it comes time to animate them.
Look at the scene when Koharu decides she's going to confess, for example. Nearly the whole thing's made up of close-up facial expressions, while Koharu and Kiryu stay perfectly still. Sometimes a hand moves, but other than that you might as well be looking at two painted statues. Rarely did we see any animation of total body movement.
Again, the problems don't expose themselves until you watch it without the sound. There just isn't any energy in the animation. The characters stay so static that it feels more like I'm watching an animated manga than a proper anime.
Try again, normalfag
>man I'm so glad I have a loli girlfriend! She's so cute! Oh god my heart, ah I'm in love!
>s-sorry, I'm so much of a lolicon that I can't stand the fact that you're older than me despite the fact that you look exactly like a loli. Because I'm a lolicon, you see.
I have to admit that even though this show feels like it was made by a normalfag who has the bare minimum idea of what being a pervert means for normalfags who don't know anything about perverts either, it was spot on in the depiction of a totally "true" lolicon like this. It's hilarious. And then makes it even worse.
nice argument
Fujo is worse than shit and absolute garbage. Sharo is godtier since she likes to warm her bare cunny on MC's crotch.
Spoil me on this absolutely retarded development.
>free kisses
I'll take infinity.
This post reads exactly like the "oh no bros how could we lose" kind of shit you see everywhere these days, it's amazing.
Whoa man, what a rough life. So tough, very sad.
Pleb. Lolidom is one of the best things Japan created. Up there with towako, lolibaba, and OP loli.
>doesn't have his own argument
Try harder.
>legal shota confessing to a well-developed onee-san, and getting rejected because "hurr you're too old despite looking exactly like my strike zone and tricking me for so long"
It would be retarded all the same.
good thing yuika will lose hard
>legal shota
There is no such a thing, men are always legal.
I dislike BL from a Fujo as much as the next guy, but Fujo can be pretty cute when she's not lost in BL delusions. Dog is never cute, though.
>stitchfag has god-tier tastes (i.e. matches my tastes perfectly)
Very nice.
>but Fujo can be pretty cute when she's not lost in BL delusions.
Her act is burdensome and she can't be honest with her feelings.
>absolutely retarded
It's not, she's wasted on that lolicon faggot anyways.
>but Fujo can be pretty cute when she's not lost in BL delusions
Literally the the usual tsundere's waiting game. Nope, trash.
Fair point.
A shame. Another series where best girl isn't allowed to win.
Good, shotas are shit.
>implying this bowl deserves a winner
Keiki says nice things sometimes but "WHERE'S MUH LOVE" shit ruins everything. He deserves nothing more than to spend his life alone.
>Best girl
>When she doesnt even like MC, and just wants a plaything.
best girl is winning though
Nice filename
They all like him or will like him, baka. Syaro is Dog's main rival, mind you. Each of them are mega perverts though and act accordingly.
It'll be good if Bitch won't win either, at least.
Senpai loli winning would be perfect.
Post proof. I refuse to believe this author could go THAT pants on head retarded.
>man I could never guess that the little girl I saw a year ago who has fucking shining bright white hair is the same girl with fucking shining bright white hair, I mean it's longer after all
It's missing soul, the mc has not one good thing about him.
>but muh girls
Yeah that's important but the mc is the key point in making thee harem good, 8man is us, kodaka knew what he was doing the whole time.
>implying only bunny senpai has light blue hair in the whole twon
C'mon now senpai. Surely this series isn't killing your brain cells that much?
Lolicons arent know for their intelligence.
It's anime, white hair is probably not that uncommon.
He only turned to being into younger girls (in absolute age) as a way to cope with his faggotry for being afraid of his sexy thirsty older sisters. All my lolicon-respect for him is gone despite the wise things he said in the past.
You're overthinking it. He suffered trauma when he was a shota which lead him down the road to be into small girls. AGE factor to him is really superficial for personal reasons, sourcing back to his onee-chans being perverts with bro-complex. In his mind, mentally older girls means loss of innocence = chance of turning into like his onee-chans. But he'll get over it and accept loli regardless of age.
>Side-girls looks actually better than the heroines
Remind me whys is this allowed?
Is that mean Shortcake is still a thing?
What's weird is how this happened then, either it really did belong to Keiki or it was a mistake.
He probably understands 2D (1D?) is 2D, and 3D is 3D.
It definitely did belong to Keiki.
So Keiki is a lolicon as well?
He's a closet lolicon, kinda.
Author is clever. Bait with Dog and keep closet lolicon card up his sleeve in the event he wants Syaro or Chino to win.
It just doesn't cater well to any demographic. It tries to do ecchi stuff but is really stingy with it, to the point that people who want ecchi have to sit through a whole episode of awfully written "drama" to get to it, which just kills their boner. And people who want drama and character interactions are forced to endure the world's dumbest piece of shit main character whose monumental stupidity is literally the main driving force of the plot.
This has barely any drama and there are far, far worse MCs than Keiki
>dumbest piece of shit main character whose monumental stupidity
Why? Because he doesnt want fuck girls with obviously mental issues?
Brothers belong to their imouto.
That very accurate
Because when a girl starts snuggling up to him and wants to spend time with him he sits there going "gee I wonder which one of the few girls I know could possibly have a crush on me?"
Cause he has a girl stripping to her underwear in front of him saying she wants to be his pet and doesn't think to ask her about the letter or panties left for him to find like these two incidents might be related. Again when it happens with ANOTHER girl stuffing her panties in his mouth, he doesn't think to bring up that other pair of panties that were given to him, even though that would be the most obvious thing in the world to do and literally the whole reason he was trying to confront her in the first place.
It's like watching a retard try to add up 2 and 2. I watch him try to puzzle out why his classmates are so lewd to him and the obvious reason that they like him and he should ask about the letter never enters his head.
The MC doesn't have a brain, he has a note that reads "this character cannot be allowed to progress his relationship with any girl for X chapters" where his brain should be. He is utterly devoid of anything like common sense.
Why do anime characters reject girls? Like no one in the real world would actually reject a girl, right? I am a 20 year old virgin so I wouldn't even reject a fat fucking bitch as long as she sucked my cock. But a cute little girl? How in the FUCK? I would fuck her every time I had the chance to. Like wake up? Fuck her. Eat breakfast? Fuck her. Go to work? Fuck her. Nobody is THIS gay in the real world, right?
Don't even try to defen Shoma
I have, and 3D is PD anyway.
>damn this girl is literally perfect I'm going to marry her
>sniff sniff
>fuck why is my life so difficult, why must every girl be so fucking weird? I just want a girlfriend by where's the love?
Even Kodaka's "eh nandatte" made more sense than anything Keiki does.
Except that author never bothers to explain properly why they like him. Sure, they are doing slutty shit for him but how nothing tells you is devotion and not because MC just triggered flags.
Vice prez doesn't like him for who he is though, she just wants to sniff his underwear. Hell, it probably doesn't even have to be him.
>Hell, it probably doesn't even have to be him.
I think this applies to all the girls or even to every romcom.
it's nothing about them having crushes on him. he's trying to find his cinderella in hopes she will be better than dog, chino, syaro, fujo or smellfag.
and regarding the latter, it's pretty weird to ask to girls for their panties to compare with. especially when it's more than likely to not be them.
Also 20 year old virgin reporting in. I hear the difficulty curve bottoms out in your late 20s/early 30s if you’ve spent enough time working on self-improvement.
>it's pretty weird to ask to girls for their panties to compare with
Gee if only they broke the ice first by doing something really weird and perverted so he wouldn't have to bring it up. Oh wait. You're as dumb as he is.
>dog wants to be his pet
hey give me your panties
>chino stuffs panties in his mouth
hey, so about your panties...
>fujo shows him BL about him
wow cool, now give me your panties in exchange
smellfag wants to smell his underwear
haha sure let's swap
stop being autistic thanks.
Loli-senpai's pink panties.
This show would be much better if they removed Sadist girl
>hey give me your panties
Why the fuck would he ask that you gibbering retard? All he has to do is ask if they wrote him a love letter and left him their panties earlier. Him asking about a letter he got and some underwear that was left with it is an order of magnitude less awkward and perverted than what those girls were doing to him already and would immediately clear up the mystery and establish his priorities. There's absolutely no reason it should not have been the first thing he brought up to them after they started perving out around him, yet he refuses to do it for literally no reason.
Not blood related, though.
Dog a shit
Normalfags should be gassed
Finally an user with a decent opinion
It's true. Only Utahafag likes her anyways.
Yuika a shit
As a hard S, I can say with confidence that a girl like Sayuki is as unappealing as it gets.
>Bitchfags always complain and are triggered by negative posts
>Negative posts for Syaro are mostly ignored
Really makes you think.
A fucking HAT.
Thats worse than the eraser cliche.
Dogfags are insecure. Guess it can't be helped since most people don't like old hags.
Same but I'm a S and a M. Nothing is better than having a little girl wishing to enslaved me or me bullying a little girl into submission. Either way.
I'm gonna protect Sharo's smile and nobody can stop me.
no one cares about yuikashit
Otori is my favorite but I don't mind the boob demon, she's much less of a bitch than the haters imply. Then again that seems to be the case for every girl with a hatebase these days. Where did you go so wrong, Yea Forums?
>a S and a M
You're in luck.
What is going on here?
Keiki was slapping Bitch's butt and Syaro caught sight of the act. She's a S but it seems like physical assult such as that is frightens her. One of her weakness to turn the table when she starts off dom.
>Yuika is so irrelevant that their fags need to call her like a similar character to not be forgotten.
>muh Utaha
Nothing wrong with calling a best girl who looks like another best girl from a different series.
>no fun allowed
Sounds more like you're upset you can't do the same for Sayuki in a postive manner.
But Sharo isn't even best girl in her series
I miss hering Taneda on main roles.
Sadist kohai's gap moe is stronk and adorable.
Chino >= Sharo >> every other rabbit. Japan agreed.
both sharo and yuika are shit
I bet you were too late to the meetup so you can't say "by me".
Gay x 2
>Nipland have shit taste
t. hagfag
Dog a best. A BEST!
if watching this shitshow doesn't give you at least a little headache, or even worse brain problems, you were probably fully retarded to begin with
>That pic
Opinion discarded.
Who is this supposed to be again?
Preach it
Chestlet midgets can't compete
Dear diary,
if I ever were to cross the path of the author of this, I'd punch him straight in his stupid face without hesitation, and carry on.
t. user
He's clearly a faggot but I'm sure the original designs of the girls were his ideas and not just something the LN artist thought up so he might have some value.
How can I watch this show without falling asleep?
Skip every non-dog scene
Stalker Chino > Teacher Rui > StuCo Eriri > Dog Utaha > Fujo > Definitely NBR > Sadist Sxarp > President > Mashu
What is President's fetish?
Read the LN. It's better.
Where does the green-hair fall on this list?
>rivalry between Sxarpkeks and Utahafags
Now I've seen everything
Also, switch Eriri (a yurifag) with Mashu and we've got a deal.
>perfect design
>stupid femdom
What a waste
>Utaha above anybody
>he doesn't dream of plotting how to turn the tables and successfully dominate HER instead
Femdom by the hands of a tiny girl is pure bliss for a degenerate. It's different from being femdom by a big girl who can actually hurt you.
Volume 8 translation when?
Has student council president's fetish been revealed yet?
I have a big weakness against this type.
BTW who is dog's VA? Did she voiced best girls before too?
isnt it the same bitch who voiced kirino?
It's okay as long as there's love
What was the point of that manga?
Talk about dagashi
and give Pochi something to ruin.
For once i think the doujins are better.
Local side couple much more interesting than romcom faggot MC
It's not okay. NBR imouto is just a glorified childhood friend.
>Cake caves into his degeneracy and develops a harem fetish
>fucks all of them
Would honestly kind of work for this series where everyone is a pervert.
>harem fetish
I dont thinks thats how fetishes works.
They're fucking parasites that latch onto anything remotely harem. Without them Bokuben threads would be slightly less shit.
If "female fetish" or "sex fetish" can exist literally anything can.
Which pervert will Mamako approve of the most?
What's the fetish of the prez?
My wife chino is so cute.
So I think I may have actually enjoyed this episode.
What's the quickest and most painless way to off myself?
What is wrong with that bicycle chain?
Who /fujo/ around here?
Better than Yuika at least
neck yourself
Yurifag is cute and I can get behind her fetish.
He might as well help Nanjo with her material since he's proven multiple times how much of a colossal faggot he is.
>tfw no defrosted kuudere kohai gf with a hidden sadistic side who desires you to be her slave
So far, that's still best scene in the show. As expected of best gurl.
Dog aka best girl will win